For Crying Out Loud, Again???!!!

April 12, 2012 10:47pm CST
WTF? The cops in Guelph think I'm Shannon. I am not Shannon. My first name starts with an L and has four letters in it. Two syllables, but it does not rhyme with Shannon. Anyway, on Mar 18 of last year, I was sitting at Second Cup on the corner of College and Gordon, where I always sit. I practically live there. A couple of cops walked in, and asked if I was Shannon. I told them I was not, and they asked to see my ID. I showed them, and they went on their way. Half hour later, they came back and said I really looked like her, and was I SURE I wasn't Shannon? Again I told them I was not Shannon. Didn't I already show them my ID? Well today (Apr 12 2012) I'm sitting in the same coffee shop, in the back room and cops practically SWARM THE PLACE!! They come running in, and ask if I'm Shannon, because I look so much like her. I wasn't Shannon last year, and I'm not Shannon now!! If you were in my shoes, what would you do next?
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19 responses
@idowrite72 (2213)
• United States
13 Apr 12
Not sure there is much you can do. Find the REAL Shannon and tell them where she is? LOL Enjoy the annual excitement? Find a new place to sit? Change your name.......but NOT to Shannon? Wear a name tag? Have them ask the shop owner, since I'm sure THEY know you are NOT Shannon? Ask the cops IF you were, what do they want you for? Wear a mask? Move out of town? Not sure there is anything you can do but maybe complain to the police department?? Hope it doesn't happen again.
3 people like this
• Canada
13 Apr 12
Already changed my name once. :) I know what you're saing. However, with some of the weird stuff going on, I'd like to be sure that someone in town isn't giving the cops false informationl I know, sounds paranoied as hell, but who can tell? I'd just like to get to the bottom of this. Just hope they don't grab me on something Shannon did. LOL
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@makingpots (11915)
• United States
13 Apr 12
This Shannon must be attractive, hey? Seems to me you need to make sure you never go for coffee without your id. I think I'd offer to buy the cops a coffee if they would share stories with me about Shannon's shenanigans.
2 people like this
• Canada
13 Apr 12
That's a great idea!!! :) Kitcheneer-Waterloo where these cops come from, is known for a wonderful Serbian community. I take vacations there a lot. LOL Hopefully next time they send cops this way, they send me some with nice SERBIAN ACCENTS! :)
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@BarBaraPrz (49034)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
13 Apr 12
They're not the OPP on Edinburgh? (I think that's where it is, I'm having a senior moment right now.)
1 person likes this
• Canada
13 Apr 12
We have an Edinburgh road in our city, but that's it.
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@GardenGerty (162762)
• United States
13 Apr 12
I might lodge a formal complaint of harassment? It needs to stop. However, since we buy used cars we have been targeted a time or two. I hope you can get this done. Hubby suggests if you know a last name you do a search and find out why they want her so badly. It is ridiculous that they have to keep bugging you this way.
• Canada
13 Apr 12
Good thinking! Why on earth do people target you for buying used cars?
1 person likes this
• United States
13 Apr 12
The b!tch n me would get their names and badge numbers and report them to their boss. The nice me would just wear my ID like a necklace! I'm so sorry your cops are This dumb.
2 people like this
• Canada
13 Apr 12
I wish I could have seen them well enough to have read it. I should have asked. As for wearing my ID like a necklace, not bad, but then every jackazz in town would be able to address me by name, and that would only pizz me off.
1 person likes this
• United States
13 Apr 12
I think a well written letter to the chief of police With a copy going to your local news station may do the trick too!
@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
13 Apr 12
Maybe you should try to investigate on that and why they always assuming your Shannon. Did you ever tried to ask them who is that and why are they looking for? Or even ask for a picture of her if she is really look like you.
• Canada
13 Apr 12
Good thinking. I'm going to walk over to the police station tomorrow. They are right behind me, so it's only not that long a walk. As for pictures, I asked if they had one, and they said they did not, that they only have a description, and that it fits mine. They also said hat Shannon sits at Second Cup a lot. I am in there more than the owner, and if there was anyone in there who even remotely looked like me, I'd know it!
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
13 Apr 12
Good luck in your investigation my friend and hope you will solve that case soon. looking forward to your updates.
• United States
13 Apr 12
That would be rather annoying. It does make one wonder about how competent the police are in your area. I do agree that you should check into what is going on. Obviously, there is something off there.
2 people like this
• Canada
13 Apr 12
Thanks. A great point.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
16 Apr 12
Have you seen a picture of this Shannon that they are looking for, and do you really look like her? What did she do so bad that they have to come swarming the place like this asking if you are Shannon? Personally I would be a little miffed myself and wanting to get to the bottom of this so that you are never asked again. Change your hair style if you have too, etc.
@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
27 Apr 12
I would find out who this Shannon is and why the cops are after her.
@AmbiePam (96739)
• United States
13 Apr 12
The way you tell it is simultaneously scary and funny. I would be like how in the world are you making this mistake again?! I'd go to the police station and probably file a complaint. That's just too much.
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@BarBaraPrz (49034)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
13 Apr 12
I'd go down to the cop shop and find out who this Shannon is, show them my ID and make them give me some kind of note stating that indeed I am who I say I am and not Shannon. I'd also find out if this Shannon is blind, too, or just the cops. What'd she do, anyway? Do you know?
1 person likes this
• Canada
13 Apr 12
No idea what she did, and the note is a great idea!! Thanks. Good question about her vision, although both times I had my cane etc. out of sight, but you might have ap oint about her description.
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• United States
27 Apr 12
i'd tell them i'm contacting a lawyer.that's harrassment,especially if they did it before.
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
13 Apr 12
I would wonder what in the world Shannon did to get so much attention. I would be getting annoyed though and asked not to be bothered when going into that coffee shop, you've already told them now THRICE that you are not Shannon, let's hope you don't have to again.
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• Canada
13 Apr 12
Well said. I also have some very distinctive identifying features. For one, I have two very unique hats that I wear; a big furry Russian one in the wintetime (the only other person in town who has one is my husbad!!), and a black and white one that my Aunt gave me, in the summer. I've never seen a hat like that anywhere. And then there are my hands. Six very distinct rings (two of them antiques), a gold bracelet that's a half inch wide (the thing's worth a fortune!), and a bigass watch with a face that's twice the size of a Canadian two-dollar coin!!! Atleast two inches in diameter!! I need a watch that big in order to see it. Who cares what my face looks like? I bet Shannon's hands aren't adorned the way mine are. LOL Not to mention some of the jewelry has my name engraved in it, and I only take it off, when go in the swimming pool. LOL
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
13 Apr 12
I think I'd be tempted to write "I'm NOT Shannon!" on all my clothes from now on. Just kidding. That's got to be irritating! I've been mistaken for other people before but never by the police! I'm very glad to hear that they don't say you're lying and really ARE Shannon because that could get very ugly, depending on what they want her for in the first place. I think it's funny that they actualy asked, "Are you Sure you aren't Shannon?" I'd be extremely tempted to say something like, "Uh, well, wait a minute, I'm confused now. Maybe I AM Shannon! Let me call some people to verify." Of course, I know that would get me into a boatload of trouble so I wouldn't really do it. From my experience, the police don't have much of a sense of humor. After all this, I'd want to meet this Shannon myself or at least see a photo of her to see just how much I resembled her. I'd also want to know what it is that the police want with her. Geez! It's nice to be wanted but not by the police!
• Canada
13 Apr 12
"Geez! It's nice to be wanted but not by the police!" I defintiely need to get that put on a t-shirt! :) Fortunately, where I am, is a place where all kids of people can vouch for my identity. And now I really want to know what they want with her!!
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@ecaron (678)
• Canada
13 Apr 12
Shannon Who? Shannon Dorety or whatever that actress's name is. I'm just curious as to who you mean. If you look like someone else there is not much you can do about it, I'm afraid, sorry for your trouble. by the way, I'm in Alberta and the weather is frightful, how's it in your neck of the woods!!
1 person likes this
• Canada
13 Apr 12
Weather's fine here. As for who I look like, I wondre how identical twins handle it. It would just be nice to get them off of my back. I don't feel like being surrounded by cops, when I'm innocently having a cup of coffee in a place that I have visited more often than Norm Peterson has visited "Cheers."
@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
16 Apr 12
find out who Shannon is and cut her hair off or something...
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
13 Apr 12
Wear a name tag? I know what you mean. There is another woman in our town that looks like me. Or I like her....she is a drunk etc....and we get mistaken all the time. Even though I tell people who I am invaritably about once a month someone mistakes us....I get so sick of it!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
14 Apr 12
hi danishcanadian well some p eope think we all have a look alike so maybe somewhere this Shannonwoman is your look alike. I wonder shy the police are so interested in her and what did she do?trying to think what I wo uld do next. maybe show them more ID or have a familymember meet you there and have him or her identify you 'as you and not this bad actress Shannon. makes one wonder who she is and what she did to garner so much police action. wow.
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
15 Apr 12
Wow I wonder what this Shannon did. They have obviously been looking for her for quite some time, she must have done something very serious. It stinks though that you keep getting harassed because you look like her. I would go to the police station myself full of proof of who I am and tell who ever is in charge that you are tired of being harassed just because you happen to look like someone else. I wonder if there is an award for this Shannon and her picture is on the wall at the police office and people are seeing you and calling the police because you look like her. I do hope they get this sorted out and stop bothering you.
@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
14 Apr 12
It starts with an L and has four letters in it. Ummm.....LOAN? Your name is LOAN? Okay, now if I were in your place, I would not stick a cardboard on my forehead, or have it tattooed with words: I'm not Shannon. LOL I would like to know who Shannon is. Is she an actress? A criminal? I would need to know. So I'll know why I would have to avoid hanging out in that same place. For one, Shannon could be someone hunted down by terrorists. Oh, no!