I should have kept my first baby's clothes...

April 13, 2012 11:54pm CST
I regret that I sold and gave away my first child's baby clothes and stuff. Now, we're having another baby girl, and we'd need to buy her a new set. We planned to have our second baby after she turns 5, so, I packed all her outgrown clothes and gave it away when she was still 2 years old. But I got pregnant again, earlier than planned. Those clothes were really cute and I think she only got to wear them less than 5 times. We also sold her stroller, bath tub, shoes, and more. Too bad, we could have had better use of those stuff and save thousands from buying new ones.
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8 responses
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
14 Apr 12
Oh, You sent your first baby's clothes too early, then now you have to spend money again to buy baby clothes. From what i know, baby clothes is not cheap at all. However, you already did send your first baby's clothes, then it is a good lesson for you...if you have a plan to have the third baby. If i was you, i wont give baby's clothes away if i have a plan to have the second, third baby...:) Wish you a nice day!!!
1 person likes this
• Philippines
17 Apr 12
Yeah, I surely have learned my lesson this time. Im only going to put away those that are worn out, but Im keeping the good ones.
@much2say (55118)
• Los Angeles, California
14 Apr 12
I was on the flip side. I saved everything - EVERYTHING!! My first one was a girl and I just assumed for some reason that we would be having another girl. Well, the second one turned out to be a boy - hee hee. Well, we could use all the equipment, but not really the clothes and certain other items. In the meantime, and still, I have bags and bags and bags of my daughter's baby stuff (and more) I really need to get rid of - and my husband wants them out out out!! And then my son's stuff is building up too. I don't blame him, but I feel that I can sell them and at least get some money out of it - I just don't have the time at the moment (oh brother, I must sound like a hoarder - ha ha). We don't have any intentions of having anymore . . . so really this stuff needs to go now - it's taking up room. Have you tried freecycle.org in your area? People are always giving away their old baby stuff . . . I've gotten a lot of stuff - and I've given a lot of stuff away too (just not the baby stuff - ha ha!)
• Philippines
15 Apr 12
That's exactly the reason why I gave the clothes away too soon -- we didn't have enough room to keep them all. But, i did hold on to it for more than a year before disposing, until we just couldn't have any place for them.
@much2say (55118)
• Los Angeles, California
17 Apr 12
Well, then maybe that was just the right decision for you guys at the time. You lived in peace with the living space, instead of dealing with unnecessary bags and equipment that makes your place look cluttered (like ours!). An hey, maybe this time you will save it in case you have a third!!!
@r0ck_r0ck (1952)
• India
14 Apr 12
Aw, that's too bad, but hey, look at the bright side your new baby gets to wear new cloths which will probably be more hygiene, clean and safe. You have to buy new stroller, bath tub though lol. Having a baby is a huge thing, don't let these little things bother you, Stay outta stress! Good luck.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
14 Apr 12
That's too bad. We are just now packing up our son's things as he is turning two and we don't anticipate having a second child for a few years. We actually have passed quite a few baby things on to my cousins but if we had another child we would probably get baby things from other cousins - everything just circles around. Can you buy things used at a consignment store or off craigslist?
• Philippines
15 Apr 12
You should have kept those my dear but it was all late..that why find new things again for you new baby and with the cute little one you cam say after that he or she is worth having new sets...Smile as always..
@ErinCW (37)
• Canada
18 Apr 12
I am soooo that Mom who can't part with her baby's clothes and toys! It's really not a good situation lol. I have been boxing it all up and saving it. For what reason I'm not sure. I suppose on the chance that we have another baby, but also as memories. I think I might be a bit of a hoarder when it comes to my baby. My Mom saved all of my baby clothes and I thought it was really neat that when I was pregnant with my baby, I was able to go through all of my old baby stuff! Some of it was even usable and my baby wore outfits that I wore because she had kept them so well!!!
@phoenix8606 (4942)
14 Apr 12
Yes,you should not sell and give your first child's baby clothes and stuff,because now you bay it again,now i have baby-boy,he is four month,i want at least one more child but after one or two years,and i think to keep everything from my first baby,if i have second baby-boy i can use it,if not,if i have girl i bay another suit and cute baby clothes.
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
14 Apr 12
My mother used to keep baby clothes before especially when our family gets bigger.We are 6 siblings, 2 girls and 4 boys.I'm the eldest in the boys so my baby clothes and other stuffs was used by my two other brothers.Sometimes my mother gave it to my cousins and vice versa.