I'm teary:(

South Africa
April 14, 2012 2:44am CST
Hi fellows, I'd like to tell you guys that I'm such a tearfull soul that I hate all the time. If I want to address a serious issue with anyone at all, I spend a lot of time "preparing" my mind that I'm not gonna cry, but I tell you two sentences is enough, my eyes starts to well up, and by the sixth sentences I'm in tears. OMG!! They will flow like that without my voice shivering but if the discussion is gonna continue for a long time, I will end up shivering and quivering like crazy. I hate it!!! And all this started 9 years ago when I was pregnant but I honestly can't get rid of it, I can't stop crying. Well sometimes I cry while watching a touching a movie which I don't have a problem with, but I hate crying when I speak to a boyfriend maybe or my manger, i hate it so much. Please help with suggestions.
5 responses
@ryanong (9664)
• Vietnam
15 Apr 12
Nikhabele, I am teary too, I often cry when watching touch movies. But i hate to cry in front of the other people, but sometime, i can prevent my tears falling down. Well, i don't think teariness is bad, even i don't want but it still exist with me, so that i try to live with it. When watching touch movies, if i cry, i let it is, don't force myself don't cry. In the others cases, i try to force myself don't cry at that time, i may cry later. It sound crazy but i don't want to be teasy in front of the others people. Nikhabele, just be as who you are, don't be strict to yourself. Wish you a happy day!
@ryanong (9664)
• Vietnam
17 Apr 12
I can understand your feeling...Then when you feel that your tear will falling down soon, you can say sorry for debating later and then you go to another area to make yourself calm down and don't cry in front of the others. When you are ok back, you can continue the discussion... Hope it works to you. My best wish for you...:)
• South Africa
15 Apr 12
Yeah I hear you when you say I should just be who I am Ryanong, but I wish I could be able to control them like you do. You know with me, even if I intend not to,,,,,the will just flow. Not immediately but after a while into the discussion:( Thanks for your response though:)
@Sindrum91 (254)
• United States
14 Apr 12
Im sorry you are having this problem and for so long. Maybe there is something that is bothering you deep down inside. And you haven't faced it yet? Or you are unaware that it has effected you so much. I think if there is something deep within causing you a lot of sadness and emotion. The best thing for you to do is discover what it is and face it. And examine why it is making you so upset. And take everything 1 step at a time. Try to relax and think about what makes you so sad. Or why you get so upset when you do. Maybe something is triggering you at the moment. Surely there are things that tend to set your emotions off more than others. If you have someone close to you. discuss your feelings with them. Maybe they will help you figure this out. And also don't feel so bad for crying. It just shows you care. Emotions are a beautiful thing. Maybe you are just a very passionate person :). You mentioned that it started when you were pregnant 9 years ago. So i assume you are not on any birth control. Sometimes that stuff can make a woman really emotional and cry a lot. due to the hormonal changes it brings. Or even other medications in general. If your taking any medications, I would look into that as possibly being a cause. Side effects can be crazy! I hope you feel better. And lastly I'd say try not to prepare yourself before a situation. Sometimes the fact that your thinking about it all ready, can cause you to cry. Just try to live freely without any thoughts of crying or not crying. Let the moment happen. Good luck to you I hope you figure out why this is happening to you. Or hopefully manage with it. :)
• South Africa
14 Apr 12
Thank you sundrum, I appreciate your light heartedness:) having listened to what you say I think there are some underlying problems that might be causing these emotions but I never thought they'll affect every discussion and every encounter in my life, and in fact I thought I've dealt with them. I was in an obsessive relationship with baby daddy and until I walked of that relationship I thought I've walked out of the pain and drama of having someone helicoptering over my head all the time. I've been to the psychologist after the relationship and I thought I've dealt with it accordingly but it's clear that maybe the echo is still there. Thanks for the good advice:)
• United States
15 Apr 12
No problem :). And your not alone in feeling the way you feel. I have had some big life changing things take place. Where i thought for sure I was over sadness and anything bothering me. But I still catch myself tied in knots over something. Sometimes. And I don't always know why or what it is. I am still looking to find out what may do that. But life is a journey and you live and you learn. Just remember take 1 step at a time. :)
@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
15 Apr 12
When I was married to my first husband and my daughter's father I would get very tensed whenever I needed to have a talk with him. I would get emotional and cry and then he would slap me. Once my face was so swallen I was scared. I ended up leaving him when he slapped me one too many times and I had my bady in my arms.
@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
15 Apr 12
Sorry. I forgot to answer your question. If you know you are going to have a conversation with someone that intimidates you enough to make you cry I would try to be as sure as possible of what you are going to say. I would run over it as much as you can before hand. THis way you are more sure of yourself and may be less apt to cry. And I grew out of the emotions and hopefully you will too.
@yanzalong (18987)
• Indonesia
14 Apr 12
I think you should consulta doctor about this. I am also easily moved but not all the time. Sad movies can't always set me in tears. How long have you had such a feeling?
• South Africa
15 Apr 12
It's been there since I was pregnant some 9 years ago, but honestly it never bothered me because I was crying when I'm sad or when what I'm talking about is touching, but I think I'm realizing that even when I talk about any serious matter( not a sad thing) my eyes well up. I will consult and follow it up really.
@jugsjugs (12967)
15 Apr 12
You must understand why you are crying first, to sort the issues of breaking down in tears.I think that there are lots of people out there that also get all upset at the slightest thing, for no reason at all.Perhaps you should think in your mind, that after you have said what you want, you will feel a lot better.I cry when I am in pain, or a family member is upset or in pain.
@ryanong (9664)
• Vietnam
17 Apr 12
Well, jugsjugs, sometime we cry but don't need to understand why we are crying, it is emotion we can stop crying at that time. I used to be like that, when my sis talk makes me hurt, i didn't want to cry but that time my tear falling down...I can't explain why also.