Grand national, horse races

@joystick (1675)
April 14, 2012 11:29am CST
Well I will say that I hate the Grand national here in the UK.Each time the Grand National is running, there are always horses that end up getting put down due to all the falls that they have while trying to jump all the fences.I so wish they would stop this sport, as really there is no need to the deaths of these animals.If people want to bet, go to a betting place, rather than see a horse get killed.
3 responses
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
14 Apr 12
I'm not against horse-racing in general as the horses are bred to run and jump, etc. However, the Grand National (to me) has to be greatly modified or banned completely as the main problem with the race is that there are too many horses entered into it and this makes the course more dangerous than - perhaps, it should be. Organisers keep modifying the course but it clearly hasn't worked as the same number of horses appear each time. Every year there are at least 40 horses in this race and the noise and false starts and everything else spooks some of them, one of whom was Synchronized. I always have a bad feeling about the Grand National every year so I don't actually watch (or bet) on it so I'm not entirely surprised that Synchronized was one of the horses that had to be destroyed. I only hope the Channel 4 coverage from next year will be more sympathetic towards the horses as the BBC has always "glossed over" equine deaths.
@joystick (1675)
14 Apr 12
I just think that it is so sad that the fact is too many horses run, like you say and that is one of the causes of falls.I can not see why there are not two lots of races and then see what horse done the race in the fastest time, perhaps less falls that way.I feel sorry for all the horses are killed, so that we can have a sport, I know its a sad fact, but still it is not necessary.
15 Apr 12
I couldn't agree with you more. There's only one other thing similar that angers me just as much and that's greyhound racing. The thought of dogs being put down for being too old or too slow really makes me wonder how mankind believe it's perfectly normal and acceptable to use animals for money. Let's face it - it's hardly entertainment, just money.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
15 Apr 12
As long as there is horse racing ,people will gamble on the sport. Even if the Grand National is banded,horse racing on a flat track will continue. It doesn't matter what type of horse racing,there will be some horses whoi are injured and some will be put down. Horse racing is a lucitive business and will be around forever.