why microwave cooking is bad for you health.

microwave cooking - Do you think it's safe?
Craig, Alaska
April 14, 2012 9:07pm CST
After reading this article on website http://www.halexandria.org/dward078.htm I won't eat microwave or heat up food or drinks in them ever again. I am getting rid of mine. baking is easier to heat up food then waiting for it to heat up on stove top, and healthier then microwaving it. i love my air popcorn maker. Microwaves aren't just about the radiation there is more to it. please read article if you care about yours and your families health.
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6 responses
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
17 Apr 12
That article is something that everyone should read. I haven't got, and never have had, a microwave. Years ago I remember reading somwhere something to the effect that pregnant women should not stand in front of a microwave as it could cause harm to their unborn baby - and that rang alarm bells for me. My son and some of my friends have one but all they ever seem to use them for is to heat up food. Surely we managed that before they were invented? They are so bulky too and take up so much space in the kitchen and compared to the amount of time that they are in use, they seem a waste, just from that point of view. Reading through that article and of all the harm that eating food that has been in a microwave can cause, it makes me wonder, in a century or so from now, what the state of human health will be On another not which coud be used as a comparison: not many decades ago everyone was promoting smoking. It was the "in" thing to be doing. Now look at how things have changed and the damage smoking has caused to so many people whether they chose to smoke or not. Now many goverments and health associations everywhere are trying to put a stop to it. Will that be the same with microwaves in a few decades when more studies have taken place and the real long-term damage that they can cause has become evident?
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• Craig, Alaska
17 Apr 12
I posted on facebook this article about microwaves. I truly feel that we all should spread the word. Another note is that microwaves, and other things we have today won't be on this earth forever. God won't allow the earth to be ruined.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
17 Apr 12
Regardless of whether that artcile, or those simiar to it, are founded on real research and are ture or not, has little to do with myown personal feelings concerning a microwave. I have something (a sixth sense?) telling me to steer clear of them and that is what I have done so far and will do in future. Maybe I'm just old and against progress?
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
17 Apr 12
I saw a discussion about that here but that is all I know about it. I do know from my sister who lives in US that there are many colourings to make, for example to make cakes or candies pink, that are no longer aloowed in Uk for years. It seems that lawas vary from one place to another and in the end it is up tot the individual to make their own decisions. I prefer to buy and eat those things which are as natural as possible. I am allergic to a component of the lining of cartons that contain fruit juice and I only found that our by mistake. It was the carton not the juice itself that was making me ill. After that experience years ago I steer clear of anything that I am not sure of.
@marguicha (225137)
• Chile
19 Apr 12
I have a microwave oven since borever but I only use it once in a while to heat rice in emergency. I have found out that many ingredients change in texture and it´s not for the better. So I use a normal range and a small electric oven for all my cooking. It takes more time to make a diner but it tastes a lot better. Now, with what I just read, I think there´s not a single reason to use the contraption. Thanks for adding yet other reasons for the many I had.
• Craig, Alaska
4 May 12
no problem. I like to share about health when ever I can. I am trying to make sure I and my family eat healthy. we do eat some sugar, but no soda, microwaves and less snacks. I am one of those people that reads ingredients, so I know which foods not to buy or eat.
@marguicha (225137)
• Chile
5 May 12
Idon´t have the snack culture. When I was a kid, the most we took to school was an apple or a quince. My parent bought cookies maybe once a year, for a special occation.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
15 Apr 12
I didn't read the whole thing but numbers one and I think six are reasons enough. I want to try to eat healthier, and if that means doing everything on the stove then so be it. I knew microwaves were bad I just didn't know how bad.
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• Craig, Alaska
17 Apr 12
I knew they were bad too. I didn't know how much and it didn't bother me until I read this that my family emailed me the article. I was like I ain't poisoning my family any more. Goodbye microwave.
• Malaysia
16 Apr 12
I just plan to get microwave because I never had it.I think it can make our life more easier sometimes..I love cooking and i never cook using microwave..But now I must think about it again.But not everything is bad right?Feel blur now..
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• Craig, Alaska
17 Apr 12
your right microwaves do make life easier, but so do crock pots and they are healthier than microwaves. Do you really want to risk your health just for fast cooking? because of the fast cooking that is where the food changes your "dna" just like it said in the article, if you read the website I posted.
• Malaysia
27 Apr 12
Yes...I've read the website... Like my parent said not everything new stuff give you a good result.Now my plan was changed..go to find a crock pots.. Thanks for sharing that info.:)
• Ireland
15 Apr 12
These days almost everything you eat is bad for you. Unless you're home-growing without any additives, everything from breakfast, lunch and dinner to snacks, then there's something there that's doing you harm. Some of the natural foods are even said to be bad for you. I don't have a microwave, simply because my last one broke down years ago and we never bothered to get another. When I get a microwave again, I will use it just as little as I did before. Everything in moderation.
@jureathome (5361)
• Philippines
17 Apr 12
This is very disappointing and alarming for me. We have been using microwave at home for most of the heating, thawing, and sometimes even light cooking our food. I never thought that using microwave is unhealthy. I hope there was some sort of tips on how to reduce the bad effects of microwave ovens, on this article.
• Craig, Alaska
17 Apr 12
you can still thaw foods and re-heat foods without a microwave. I reheat my food on the stove and the oven. of course I thaw out my food in pan of water. Sorry no tips on reducing bad effects of microwave ovens. they are just plain evil for your body. Their are other ways of cooking. crock pot, toaster ovens, stove. what others can you list on here to educate others?