Extreme Couponing--Not a possibility here in the Philippines
By anne25penn
@anne25penn (3305)
April 15, 2012 10:27pm CST
I was watching this show on TLC last night about people in the US who spend almost nothing when they buy their groceries. They use discount coupons that they clip or cut from magazines or even box tops. Some would even order these coupons online because it is a tedious task to cut all the coupons, then sort it.
I was amazed when they would have four full cart loads of groceries, then pay around $50 or less. But the downside of it was they have to buy in bulk. But I don't see that as a problem, especially with pasta. I can consume a box or two in a month and I know that the expiry dates of these items are around three to four years.
Which has made me search online if such deals were available here in the Philippines. We do have websites that provide discount coupons on travel, leisure and restaurants. But never on groceries. Which has made me feel a bit sad because I was hoping to do the same thing these extreme couponers were doing and save money
. The most deals that I have with groceries are the buy-one-take-one items, but you would can't store these for more than a month because they are nearing their expiry dates. I guess I'll just have to face the reality that here in our country, nothing is really for free or discounted.

6 responses
@MJAdalim (1)
• Vietnam
8 Nov 12
Couponing in our country for groceries can be also done but only in few items. Well I want to try it when I comeback to Philippines. Mostly you can find it hidden in some magazines and newspaper all you have to do is to have a very keen eyesight in order to find them and be patient because mostly you can find it only one in each magazine or newspaper and it is very small area only. Try to read magazines or newspaper maybe you'll be lucky...! GOOD LUCK
@kardashianjenner (13)
30 Oct 12
It just so happened that i accidentally tuned in to TLC and learned that there is a show like that.
I am so amaze and extremely jealous to those extreme couponers.
Well, tonight's ep is about a couple who is obviously saving, saving for a house.
The couponer with her hubby and mom, bought a hundred plus cans of coffee for free, almost a year supply of dog food, 20 packs of brown rice, a hundred plus packs of milkchocolate and more. The total retail price is $800+, but they only paid $5. Which means they saved 99%.
Isn't that amazing? How i wish we have that here.
I've read somewhere that P&G and Unilever do have coupons in other countries, but why not here? :(
coupons will be very beneficial for everyone esp sari sari store owners since coupons required buying in bulk :p
i'll def be a couponer and do the exact same thing if (by miracle) we'll have these coupon stuffs in the future.
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
17 Apr 12
I haven't so far encountered discount coupons for groceries lately. But I think, big supermarkets like SM and robinson's have this. It's normally 5 to 10 percent discount for a certain number of product purchase which in the end you tend to spend more but is good for those who own a store since the discount means additional income. And then there's the fast food chains. In some case, coupon also applies to motorcycles.
@CTHanum (8233)
• Malaysia
16 Apr 12
Hi sis!!
The same thing too in m country.. I just collect coupons from fast-food restaurants and dress shops only. If I am not mistaken there is no such thing as groceries coupons in here. Maybe it is because the supermarket do provide us with customer cards that have a few advantages which give us points and we can change the points collected to money vouchers or discounts. I think the concept is just the same but they just don't print it out and give them publicly just their registered customers~(^^)
@jeanneyvonne (5501)
• Philippines
17 Apr 12
I encountered grocery sales, but not grocery coupons. And I don't think it will effective in the Philippines anyway. In our country, we have the sari-sari store to compensate what we cannot have in a given moment. Since these stores are always around and sometimes, goods are in available prices and in the nearest vicinity, we opt for that.
I don;t think couponing is gonna suit in our country, simply because these coupons come from the grocery stores themselves. I think in the US these stores are big and they can do this in a grand scale. Our grocery stores are very good but it is often that they are operated independently. Some supermarket companies can give grocery discounts on times but they don't sell bulk. I believe they can profit much more easier in retail.
Also, Filipino families don't buy bulk - they buy weekly,bi-weekly, monthly or in the event of a special occasions. we often buy what we need for a week and then resume teh grocery shopping for another week. at least, that's how our family operates.
Although the idea is good, just don't know if it will be effective.
@polilablowe (21)
• Singapore
16 Apr 12
Yes, you are right. It is a bit sad when you think about it. It all depends on the environment that you live in. In the States, they can use coupons as they do get their groceries on supermarkets and groceries. Unlike in the Philippines, where we more often than not shop in the wet marker for our groceries.