Active Listening

April 17, 2012 12:53am CST
Active listening is a skill wherein you don't only hear what the other person says, but you understand what the other is trying to say. This is one of the many ways to build our social relationships and hone us towards our success. This is one basic skill that we all should have. It's such a good thing that it can be learned and practiced over time.
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7 responses
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
17 Apr 12
Active listening mean in customer care is- you have to focus on the concern matter or problem. You don't need to digest everything the customer is saying, but try to catch the main concern to resolve the issue easily.
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
17 Apr 12
you must be very good at it Ms. Jai as you are in a call center!
@natliegleb (5175)
• India
9 Mar 13
You must never ever get disturbed and always listen with high attitude and to the speech around making you look so elegant and good listener
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
17 Apr 12
Listening is an art, a skill even. In order for you to be able to communicate well you also have to be good at listening. For you to understand other people, you need to learn how to listen well. It shows what kind of person you are, it shows respect as well.
@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
17 Apr 12
In addition to that, you must be a good conversationalist. It is a bless that you this skill (active listener) but it would be of no use if you are not a good conversationalist. You must have a proper way of delivering what you had listened to whom are you talking with and a good listener from someone whom you are also talking with - to complete the requirements of being a good conversationalist. Nice day my friend.. Mobhomeir here 041812
@ricebird (34)
• Philippines
18 Apr 12
Are there concrete steps to learn to become better at it? I would be interested to learn. I often get distracted when someone talks to me. I have a short attention span.
• India
3 Mar 13
Yes, active listening is a skill we all must cultivate. No communication can be complete until the receiver gets the message. We always focus so much on our speaking skills, that we forget that listening is also an integral part of the entire process.
• United States
17 Apr 12
yes it should be so easy for everyone but sadly not everyone has this skill