Why Are Some People So LAZY?
By KrauseHome
@KrauseHome (36445)
United States
April 17, 2012 5:34am CST
Seriously now, have you even noticed the classification of some people? It seems like for some reason the people who are now entering their early 30s I am noticing are often some of the laziest people. For some reason I am noticing more and more of them who do not want to really work, or they are being selective of what they will take, but then if they have to live off of someone else, even if it means renting a room and never being able to keep up with the rent, etc. acting like it is no Big deal.
Personally these are also the same ones who are finding ways to Scam the system asking for help claiming they are Disabled, when in reality they should be given nothing unless they really need the help, or have kids. I know for me Medically wise I have a lot of Health problems but the help is not there. So why do they continue to waste our Tax given dollars to someone unless they really can prove they need it?
I often wish that more parents would have taught their kids the meaning of Work and importance of a job, and being able to support themselves, and a Future family. If more would have done this, maybe we would not see some of the problems the world is really facing today. What are some of your thoughts? Do you agree? How can we ever change this?
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41 responses
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
17 Apr 12
Hello Krause, though I admit I don't have work for a while but that's because of my mom and our family business but i do try to make myself busy here. i think when a person looses their path in looking for their destiny, they end up being lazy in their 30's. unfortunately, I was discourage because of the Family business and matters. but some how, i wish my mom would have been more encouraging to work instead of whining for me to stop working when ever she gets to be alone or sick

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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
19 May 12
I agree with Jaiho ... I would never consider you lazy, and I know you do come in here and post when you can, and you are involved Big time helping keep the Family business going. So your situation is a lot more different than the people here I was trying to refer too.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
17 Apr 12
dear brother,
I believed your case is not about being lazy.
You are forced to stay with your mom to look after her and the business- and that is not considered laziness 

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@else22 (4317)
• India
20 Apr 12
Your post reminds me of some of my neighbors who are from one and the same family that once was very rich and influential.They have a big fortune inherited from their forefathers.If you were here,you would see them emerging out of their house one by one and then sitting on chairs till noon.They do nothing.Sitting there they keep watching here and there and then again enter home when it is lunch time.I have never seen such lazy people.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
4 Apr 13
Well, at least in their case they have money. Many times I think we often see the people out there who just expect everything handed to them, and never want to help themselves. I often wonder where they even think that this is Good and helpful?
@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
19 Apr 12
I do think the way people live is because of their upbringing. Some people are just per lazy in my eyes. I have seen a lady who would sit in her chair and demand a drink or other thing. Would throw a fit and scream til she got what she wanted. Than complain she was fat and cry. This person is no longer a friend, as I couldn't take watching her sit on her bum, than complain about being fat but not willing to do anything about it.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
1 Apr 13
Personally, it is unreal how people have to make excuses for themselves and keep on expecting everything handed to them. I honestly think if every person had to be more responsible from the time they are even like 10 yrs old then they might have more self respect and there would be less people taking advantage of the welfare and social security system. I really think it is going to get worse before it gets better.
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
17 Apr 12
There were some in every generation. Where I live, the people on welfare can have a child every 3 years and not work. So they have had 8, 10. 15 kids, whatever they can pop out that also see this and believe this way. So we've had more and more every generation because most of the responsible people are on birth control or get fixed after they have a couple of children.
I would not blame an entire generation as there are still farmers' kids and they work the hardest of any children where I live. They mik cows, go to school, and then ride tractor or weed and pick things. There are fewer and fewer farms because milk prices are lower than it costs to have a cow. So some go out of business each year. The ones who want to continue change. Like Tuckers are now a potato farm and then became a vegetable farm. More transitional farms, natural farms, and organic farms are happening. Many young people whose parents worked in factories are still working in factories.
#1, Revamp the welfare system. No state, including mine, should allow people to have children every three yearts and never do a stitch of income gaining work.
#2. Provide farmers with a living wage. Don't make it so farms have to go huge or go broke.
#3. Train families with factory experience to make eco-recycled products.
Most of all, take away tv and computers until kids have hobbies, interests, and a work ethic. I had a high school teacher who couldn't get his kids to get away from the tv set when I was in my 20s, his kids were teens. He took the tv and smashed it in the driveway. They didn't have another one again. His son became the youngest reporter in our area and his daughter, a much-sot-after, horse trainer.
A Native American Woman told how she took her two sons back to the non-electric cabin for a year and had them do everything because they wouldn't turn off the tv and listen to her. Before that year, all failing report card and they didn't know how to do anything. After that year, all passing report card and they knew how to do everything including how to find out how to do things at the library.
All this soda is making kids weak. Teachers are having to educate parents and so are doctors and nurses. Parents are giving their kids soda instead of milk and rickets are back. The soft bone disease that happened when people couldn't get enough calcium. Also kids aren't going outdoors to play so they're not getting vitamin D.
So people need to go back to serving milk with meals and having their kids play outdoors.
There, you have the problems, the solutions, and I rest my case.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
4 May 12
These are some Great ideas, and Yes, the Welfare system does need revamped for sure. It only encourages people to find reasons to get help, and when people can have children and stay single and get help and just sit at home and continue to have more kids while married parents with kids struggle, this is wrong. Also handing out help while taking away from Disabled who really need it, something is wrong as well.
But if more kids could be made to work more instead of just watching TV and playing on their video games and Internet all day we would have more successful people out there. We need to use Taxpayer money for things better than this.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
8 May 12
I agree whole heartily. I have heard that they are developing a lot of programs here in WA state for people who loose their jobs, and even for building their own business. Just feel they need to have more programs for the younger age so that they are taught to want to work instead of be Happy with Welfare and so that when they do get a job more people will be wanting to keep them. Overall it would save more money that it costs in the long run compared to Welfare.
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
4 May 12
My husband was always into sports. He always helped out around the house and with the garden. His Father had his intestine burst one year and couldn't work. He did get some disability. But not enough to feed his kids (3) and his brother's kids (3) plus a wife and his brother while the brother was looking for work.
So my husband, a teen at the time, applied for a work program subsidized by the state. He mowed lawn and cleaned up grave stones at a graveyard. When that was done, they sent him to help a farmer get his potatoes in.
It was a win-win situation. The caretaker at the graveyard only worked part-time and there was no money in the budget for all the work to be done. The farmer had lost money on a bad crop, couldn't afford to pay another employee the previous year and he still needed help. So the government asked who needed help and couldn't afford to pay anyone.
My husband learned how to drive a tractor and since his parents had to sell the car to pay some bills, got a chance to learn how to drive something. He loved it. It gave him two references that were work references for going into the military.
His family would have NEVER taken a hand out. But work for money, yes. They figured they paid taxes for those programs and it was just temporary. His Dad did not get well enought to go back to work, but had not taken any sick time in 10 years so he had one year of time off built up and then he was old enough to retire. By that time, my husband was old enough to go into the military and send money home to help the rest.
Sorry to go on and on, but that's the type of thing we need and you can see how it helps. If someone is going to have 9 children, then once they become old enough to work, put them to work and if they don't, cut the amount the family gets. Workfare, yes, welfare when people can work, no.
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@roberten (3128)
• United States
19 Apr 12
KrauseHome, you are not imagining things, our kids can be very lazy today. I believe this is due to an extremely unrealistic sense of entitlement possessed by the kids growing up in today's society. Kids seem to feel the whole world owes them something, and that they are above working (they don't work hard, they hardly work). The fault lies beyond their parents.
We, as a society, have created these monsters and are now suffering the consequences of our decisions. Children have protections under the law that encourage their sense of entitlement. I feel these laws need to be reevaluated and changed to protect children from themselves (as if that will ever happen).
I also feel that the medical profession has contributed to the problem by over medicating and over labeling behaviorial problems in kids. Let me give an example:
A child behaves very badly, that child cannot be spanked, restrained, yelled at, given "the eye", etc., etc. The child learns that there are no negative consequences for their actions, so the bad behavior intensifies. The child is taken in to be medically evaluated and may be medicated and/or labeled with extreme oppositional defiant disorder (ODD); meanwhile the bad behavior increases. The parents suffer through until the child turns 18; after turning 18, the law holds the child immediately responsible for their bad behavior.
Who wins here? The kid has been reinforced with a false sense of entitlement by our society and then the same society expects the child to suddenly behave as a productive, law abiding citizen upon reaching the age of maturity. What the...? What have we done, what have we done in the name of protecting our children; we've set that child up for a very high probability of failure. What have we done; how can we put the genie back into the bottle? I fear we must find alternative ways to turn this thing around; but until then, we will have to suffer the consequences of our decisions: a bunch of lazy people custom made by our society.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
4 Apr 13
Yes, when you look at it this way, it is so True, and Sad. I have recently ran into someone who made life so miserable for his Mom that they emancipated him, and he did not talk to his Mom for yrs. Problem is this person has no respect for anyone but himself, and would rather sleep or play games on his Computer all day instead of do things he needs to do for himself.
@fran429 (502)
• United States
19 Apr 12
I could easily take offense to this because I am 30 right now (31 in 10 days!) but I know what you mean. However, I see it more & more with people who have yet to reach 30... They're still in their 20's... Problem is, I think, is that they are just poorly raised. Too many babies having babies. And, I guess that makes me a hypocrite because I was 18 when I had my first baby. She is 12 now and she is lazy, but my 8 year old isn't. And, when I say lazy, I mean that she has to be told over & over again to do something, she needs that fire lit under her fanny. It takes her FOREVER to get ready because she just doesn't want to focus on doing what she needs to do. BUT, she's one smart cookie! (with the exception of science - that's a C)... I agree that too many people are allowed to scam the system but the ones who really need the help get snided. It's sad. I became a mother at 18. I will be a mother first & me last until my babies are grown. Luckily for me, I'll turn 40 about 6-7 weeks before my youngest turns 18 & graduates high school! Until then, my #1 priority is to raise my children into loving, caring, responsible adults! And, I'm afraid that that's the ONLY way that we can change this... the lazy adults of today are a cause of the lazy parenting of the recent past & it's only going to continue to get worse until enough of us are able to make it better!
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
1 Apr 13
Well, the ones I was referring too, are people who are never satisfied with their life, and always scamming the system, and asking for Medical and Food Stamps, etc. just because their big toe hurts, or give excuses for not working when their are jobs out there that they could do. People like you I give kuddos too, and think in the long run people respect you more because you are doing things with your life. Being a mother especially these days is important so I commend you for choosing to be one no matter what the world is trying to dish to you.
And people can be lazy at any age. I have experienced them in their early 20s, mid 20s, 30s and even in their 40s. Many times I feel a lot of it is they seem to lack the self esteem to care.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
17 Apr 12
Something I don't see addressed often is the loss to the nation when these people refuse to work for a living. Not only do they live off our taxes, they don't create goods or services. They're like a black hole that sucks everything into itself and gives nothing.
Children are not taught responsibility and they're spoiled by material goods, so they don't understand cause and effect. They don't know that if you want a toy, you're supposed to work for the money to buy it. No... they only know that if they ask mom and dad for it, they'll get it. They might have to beg or cry, but they'll get it.
When they "grow up" they know that those tactics work, so they beg or cry (ask for help and whine about their situations) and then, guess what? They get what they want. A place to live, food, medical care - they don't know that they have the ability to get those things on their own.
It's not a head knowledge, it's a self knowledge. When we give kids chores and expect them to be responsible for things and about things, we're teaching them to become productive members of an adult society. When we don't do those things, we've failed as parents.
There are things that we intuitively know are good: Fresh air, sunshine, good food, quality sleep, satisfying work. When we don't provide our children with those things, we are abusing them.
What else can we expect from them?
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
12 May 12
Personally by the time those of us who are entering even our late 40s like I am, will be lucky to have Social Security, etc. be there when I retire. Even now they are taking away so much from the Seniors who have worked all their life and the disabled just because they want to help the Moms who continue to have kids our of wedlock, and the foreigners coming in instead of making them be accountable and helping those who really need it.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
12 May 12
Yes, if things could go back to when I was growing up to where kids had to work for something to get it, instead of "Johnny, here's your Xbox. Be good and play a game so you are out of mommy's hair." Or they see their mom and dad refusing to work even back in the day when their were jobs, getting wasted and living off of Welfare and food stamps and having kid after kid so that is all they know and expect as they get older. No wonder there is no Money in the US anymore when you take it from the people who are retired, and need it after working all their lives, and give it to the ones continuing to have kids and living off the system generation after generation and if they ever do get a job lasting maybe 6 months and then being let go, or quitting.

@Madona1 (2096)
• Gibraltar
12 May 12
I am afraid some people were born with a lazy bone. No matter how hard they were taught/trained, they would find the east way out as this runs in their gene. I don't mean I am on their side, but the fact is we cannot change a person. :-(
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
27 Apr 13
That is true. Especially when they were raised this way. Until they see it for themselves their is more to life than this, and feel a need to move on, things may never improve.
@autumndreamer (3185)
• Philippines
18 Apr 12
Those people who are entering their 30's may be experiencing depression or something that they call "midlife crisis". I also think that one of the factors of laziness is that today we already live in a fast-paced and easy life full of technology that's why people nowadays expect results fast and easy. They don't want to work much anymore, they rely on machines now.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
27 Mar 13
Well yes, too many times they just expect everything to come to them, and never have to really work for anything. And since if you say you are jobless, etc you can often get free help from somewhere why work? The problem is too many times, people have no self respect for themselves and never taught the value of work as well.
@Tamosree1993 (1525)
• India
18 Apr 12
Hello friend,
You are right my friend. I also agree with you about this matter. I hate the lazy peoples.
Have a nice day.
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@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
8 May 12
There have always been some of these lazy types around. I think they believe that the world owes them aliving and they shouldn't have to work. Where they have gotten this weird idea I don't know. Alot of the reason that people who are in need of health care either can't get or can't afford it is because of these people who feel this way. THey have scammed the system and so now things cost so much honest people can't afford good health care.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
18 Apr 13
That is part of the reason I feel that the new health care system they are trying to implement next year is a little crazy. Hurts those who really need the medical more than just the average Joe, especially those who are disabled due to various reasons. Personally I am hoping it effects more of the lazy no good people who expect everything handed to them. It would be nice if anyone trying to get help had to prove they really need it, or people with disabilities and children could get more instead of just give me help because I don't need to wok or do anything with myself.
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@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
19 Apr 13
Yes, and it is rather scary too because it seems to be a 'generational lazy'. The kids grow up living in the mess and so what else do they know? I always thought that people should sign a contract when they go to get help(Taffy and such) and that when they get work a certain percentage of their pay for a period of time goes to pay back a portion of their contracted alottment. Then we could use that instead of SS for every little thing the president comes up with.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
22 Apr 13
That would be good. Because most of the people on SSI are able to work if more jobs were out there. The type of job I do almost anyone could do, and working even part time, gives you more money that you get from disability. Personally, I think that if they then made you have to pay back unless you are getting money you first earned, a lot of money would be saved for other hying out there for sure.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
17 Apr 12

@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
25 May 12
Well, many times it is often a result of the parents that helps create a person to be lazy and dependant on others and the system later in life. Some have come from good homes, but many do not. I am sure that your son is learning the wrong influences from your daughters boyfriend, and hoping somehow something will happen to make him want to change.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
15 Apr 13
That is always good. Many times for some it just takes a push and word of encouragement to help change things.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
25 May 12

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@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
17 Apr 12
yes there are ones now who are really lazy.. even with their schooling / education most graduates now do not even know the proper grammar... and i do not know what kind of work they would get when they do not see importance of school.. and yes i have seen so many lazy
especially those ones who would abuse the system and claim and claim... i have seen those too but sad to say this is the reality. That is why we, as parents are teaching our kids to appreciate what they have yet at the same time knows that everything we gave them are from hard work..the money we shed for them are from hard work, days of endless work in order to provide for them, as young as they are now, we teach them the value of working and at the same time appreciating what is around them.
In that way, they would grow as hard working adults who knows how to appreciate, respect and knows their responsibilities. 

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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
27 Apr 12
Yes, it is interesting often times how the ones that are in their early 20s now a days at least some I work around are more of a worker than the ones in their 30s. Makes me wonder what type of issues their parents had that brought them up to be this way. I do know I was not brought up the Best but to me working and being Self sufficient and able to make a living is where it is really at.
@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
27 Apr 12
But i do admit too that i was raised practically with everything i ask for, but my parents especially my father didn't lack teachings, he would often tell me to wake up in the morning early, taught me to cook, taught me to clean even the laundry. I am may have everything but i still know how to work hard and i have skills too.. and i am finding my way to putting all of those to use.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
4 May 12
Yes, it amazes me how many people do not know how to take care of themselves and cook and clean, etc. They want everyone else to do everything for them, and expect the State to hand them a check, Food stamps, etc. and who cares if they are unable to provide for themselves, and smooch off of others. Makes the meaning of hard work hard for people to want to grasp for those who have lost homes and end up homeless who are wanting to work.
@alottodo (3056)
• Australia
12 May 12
TINA I have read some responses...but I don't think we can change any thing right now! this is the new generation...the generation that grew up with every thing at their finger tip[ not the third world countries][ they are still poor as ever]but the young in our countries who think the world owes something to them! in the generations to come these people will face a big problem....thank goodness it won't be ours to solve!
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
22 Apr 13
The biggest problem I think is when you take from the ones who deserve help like families with children or retired elderly, and people with serious health problems. When you continue to cut back the help Medicare gives and SS offers just to help someone too lazy to work begging for help, it makes you wonder. Personally, I feel this is going to be a quite interesting rest of Obama's turn.
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
17 Apr 12
I think a lot of the problem is with the parents. They were given everything as a child and still expect someone to give them things. Most children nowdays don't realize what their parents had to go through to get them all the things they wanted. Of course there are some exceptions, but it seems less and less all the time. I am disabled and have applied for all kinds of help. I have been denied for some of it, but see others in better shape than I am gettng it. It makes me mad, but I don't know how to stop it. I am honest and if I lied I know I would get caught, and some people don't seem to feel that way.

@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
17 May 12
It is so true... There are many out there getting help, or trying to get help that often are faking their Medical problems and have just never been caught. Personally if they would make more people have to work, etc. in order to get some help, they would not have to worry about pulling from the elderly who worked all their lives to help someone who does not really need it. It is true that Karma will eventually come back to them, and many people I would Love to watch when it hits them.
@MoonGypsy (4605)
• United States
17 Apr 12
don't worry i believe that they will get their karma. people like that are not only taking from the system, they are taking from the mouths of people who have contributed and really need the help. i believe if you are really not sick, it will show it what you do and you will eventually get reported and caught.
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@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
22 Apr 12
I am on disability, and so is my husband. We have come to accept our low income (accepted it from the beginning, and learned to live within it). We save up for te things that we want to do, and we plan ahead. As for "work," we both have books published, and we work hard to promote and sell them. We do what we can on line, and pikc up money here and there where we can, doing what we can. No scams, just us doing our best to do what we need to do, and to live within or means. We get a litte behind on the bills now and then, but we always have our plans made on how we will catch up. We do what we can.
I know what you are saying, though. I have noticed this too.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
4 Apr 13
The problem is these people that are lazy and expect Welfare or SSI etc to support them to where they never need to work, is beyond me. You are doing what you can to help yourself and a little extra income is always nice. I could be on disability myself as my Health issues are worse than a lot of others out there, but for me I would rather work, and eventually be self sufficient with my own Business as well.
@annierose (21570)
• Philippines
28 Apr 12
Nowadays there are many cases of early pregnancy and teens getting married early. Sad to say, many of those teenagers don't understand what is it being parents. I also observed that it happens to teenagers who doesn't have good family background. Their parents neglect them too and that is what they are doing to their kids.
When I walk in the street, in the church and also in market areas, I also see people asking for money. They are of different ages. Some are just kids, some in the middle age and some are old. Those kids must be with their parents but they have no parents around. It seems they are like mushrooms who just sprouted in the land. When it comes to those people in their middle ages and some old people who are still capable of working, it seems that they consider asking money to other people as their job. They just depend to other people mercies for their every day living. That is the reason, I don't like giving money to them because it just seems like I am allowing them to be lazy. I just hope that one day, they will realize that it is not good depending on other people. They still have energy and they can find work which is better and will improve their life.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
9 Apr 13
Some great thoughts here. It is truly a shame now where there are some who have ,ids and then always too busy to teach them responsibility and teach them the value of work, and wanting to make sure they can always support themselves as well. Parents who take the time to do this, often have good educated wanting to always work and succeed as well.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
30 Apr 12
I have seen a huge difference in people and work ethics too. It seems that people are more about what they want than what they need and to be honest, I think there are far too many people that think they are owed. I know that in my position at work I have heard new employees there that have talked about what they want the company to give them and nothing about what they will give the company. Our culture has certainly taken a shift.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
12 Apr 13
Personally, it really makes you wonder. What ever happened to wanting to work hard and prove yourself instead of not caring about anything and want everything handed to you. What ever happened to wanting a good job, or supporting yourself and your family. If more people could be more independent there would be a lot more bill gates type people out there.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
23 Apr 12
I think you're on to something there KH!
I think that the generation more than 30's (even 40's) are the hardworking ones. I think they've reared children who have been the object of all the parent's hardwork. Maybe that's why they've become so lazy. And maybe that's why they're all about the same age.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
9 Apr 13
Well, it is interesting how many times you see certain types of people out there that I often wonder if they were welfare children or something by always acting like everyone always owes them something so why should they have to work? They are often the first to go claim they need welfare or ssi when in reality no one really tried to give them a challenge of finding s job that they really might be able to do.
@toniganzon (72548)
• Philippines
23 Apr 12
Hello Tina! I'm in my early 30s, well i will be in my mid 30s next year. And you are right, i'm lazy. I lost my job more than two years ago and that didn't worry me. My boss ran away and didn't even give me my salary. There's no way i could reach him as he was from another country and he ran to his motherland when the company went bankrupt. I went to look for another job but i stayed there only for two months as i wasn't feeling comfortable there. Yes i was choosy! So i worked at home, earned more than what i earned before and was satisfied with that.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
4 Apr 13
Well, there is nothing wrong with working from home and making a living doing that. What I was refering too, is people who expect Welfare, and SSI and never want to do anything for themselves even. They find more pleasure in playing Video games or computer games instead of going out and ever doing something, and think people who spend time online earning a living online is Great but takes too much time and not for them.
@aghiuta (525)
• Canada
18 Apr 12
I think,that because most of them were given a lot of things ,while growing up,they got used to it,and now they feel entitled! They think that they are owed,and they deserve it just by being alive! I was watching these students in Quebec,protesting for two months against the measly 345$/year hike in their tuition.Never mind that is the cheapest in Canada! I hope that they will be kicked out of school.Nobody is forcing them to get a higher education.May be if they give up their smart phones,or their cars(yes,some do have cars),their Starbuck coffees,or heavens forbid!work part time,they would not have any problems!
I agree that it is partly the parents fault, easier to give them things than to teach them how to get them by honest means.Then the parents are surprised when the kids want more,and tell them let the school and the government give it to you!!These young people do not want to wait,for things.they want everything NOW!!!Never mind working and building up for something!
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
29 Mar 13
Yes, a lot of times, the reason a person is lazy when they get older is because everything has always been handed to them, and that is the way they always expect everything to be. They never want to have to worry about real things and then always blame everyone else. But then there are also those who have learned to play the system and instead of going and getting a job, want disability or food stamps while still expecting everyone to feel sorry for them and just hand them everything instead.