It's empty!

By Toni
@toniganzon (72281)
April 17, 2012 9:20pm CST
Every morning, the first thing i do when i wake up is to check my phone for messages. I always have messages in the morning, like emails, IMs, and text messages. But to my surprise, i've got nothing today. So i thought there must be something wrong with my phone, so i checked my other phone and still there's nothing! I'm used to getting messages on my two phones every single day but today there's nothing. It makes me a bit sad but I'm sure there's a good reason for friends not sending me any today.
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17 responses
@chuyins123 (2112)
• Philippines
18 Apr 12
Well, I do the same thing. And I feel guilty sometimes, when I first check and think of my phone and people's messages than God. My day starts with checking messages (Emails and SMS) then run through my organizer for urgent things. I don't know, maybe it's just how we are. And it feels weird when you got no messages at the start of your day when you are used to having it every time. And hey, though I haven't sent you messages. You know I'd be here. And you can always send me a message if you feel a bit sad or alone.
@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
18 Apr 12
It's just a routine that we got used to I guess. But then again, that doesn't upset me but got me a little worried there if my phone was working or not. But i'm sure now that it's working pretty well. It's just that they're all busy lol!
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@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
20 Apr 12
They did mond! And yeah you are right i'm busy too. Wish i had more time to talk to you. Let's do some catching up one of these days.
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• Philippines
18 Apr 12
Yeah, and you too is busy aight? Soon as they've got time for catching up, they'll buzz you up, ring you up or at least send you a message. So no worries. :)
@allen0187 (58582)
• Philippines
20 Apr 12
what? your usual gang of fans, hanger-ons, clingers, and groupies didn't leave you 'praise toni' texts the other night? i say ban them from your congregation... the great supreme goddess toni g. deserves better than this!!!! lol!!!
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@allen0187 (58582)
• Philippines
21 Apr 12
lol toni. sweetie, the first time i laid eyes on you, i already knew i was in the presence of a goddess. me a god?!! never really thought of myself that way but i'd defer and leave it to my female slaves if they want to call me that.
@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
17 Oct 12
Lord Allen, I have just spotted this response of yours and this was months ago! As of the moment, I am living a mortal life in a foreign land. I don't want to be recognized as a goddess, or not just yet. It's difficult to be in a foreign land where you have no slaves.
@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
20 Apr 12
Oh no! My secret identity has been revealed! How'd you know i'm a Goddess? You just made my day Allen, like always! The truth is my female friends and I have been calling ourselves goddesses because we have men swooning at our feet! But you know you are a god as well and i'd be willing to be your slave!
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
18 Apr 12
Hi toni This can be a scary thing to happen to one who has so many of friends and well wishers. Personally, I dont get too many SMS's from anyone. Even I have applied and got activated the Do Not Disturb feature which prevents at least many of those spam messages. Though my emails do keep coming in, I am quite a lazy guy even to respond. Only friends and family are the ones which get responded to and some of the client's when I am working. Maybe I dont have too many friends around. As for your issue, I think you should feel happy about your friends giving your cell phone some rest... though I know, you are unhappy and a little upset or might be even a little scared about this no message thing.
@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
18 Apr 12
Not upset at all. I just got used to reading loads of messages in the morning that i felt quite odd when there was nothing this morning. Other than that, i'm quite fine!
19 Apr 12
i wouldn't find it scary lol..
@Cherish14 (2693)
• Philippines
18 Apr 12
awwww that happens to me too sometimes but i understand because i a not really in to texting LOL i hardly even check on my cell phone.
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@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
18 Apr 12
Actually i don't use sms or texting. I use messenger applications to communicate to friends all over the world. I got friends from Europe, UK and America and we all have different time zones. That's why i keep receiving messages so early in the morning but i don't bother to open them until i wake up.
@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
19 Apr 12
Yes they have. They were just busy. And this morning my inbox has messages again!
@Cherish14 (2693)
• Philippines
18 Apr 12
oh okay. but have they messaged you already at this time? or not yet since this morning? i hope everything's okay, your phone and your friends, maybe they have just been busy lately.
19 Apr 12
are you sure there isn't something wrong with your phone? i woke up one morning a few weeks ago with no emails, and i usually have about 15 emails. and i had none. then about an hour later, all my emails came through at once lol!
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@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
19 Apr 12
Nope there's nothing. But today i got the usual messages i got from friends when i woke up this morning. One of them telling me about another break up.
19 Apr 12
goodness me! everyone you know is breaking up lol!
@Rick1950 (1575)
• Lima, Peru
18 Apr 12
Maybe all your friends were busy or they had a lot of work to do, but surely tomorrow you will get new messages again, and you will get so a large amount that almost you won't have time to read them. You'll need to hire a secretary to help you to respond all your messages.
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@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
19 Apr 12
Would you like to be my secretary?
@Rick1950 (1575)
• Lima, Peru
19 Apr 12
We've a deal!
@cuttyrish (2667)
• United States
18 Apr 12
Check the settings of your phone. Maybe the phone was set to flight mode or something. Also check if your phone has signal, maybe that's one reason why you do not receive any messages. The other day, i've got a problem with my phone, because the phone displays that it has signal but i do not receive any messsages, and i can't call. So i reset the phone. Now it's working. Try using your sim on other phones.
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@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
18 Apr 12
They're all working fine. In fact i got messages in the afternoon. It's just that my friends were all sleeping and busy at that time.
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
18 Apr 12
I do that too, check messages even though i know no one would send me any as my friends are all now busy with their own lives.. you are lucky then to have friends who can still send you messages everyday, they might just be busy this day toni.
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@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
18 Apr 12
Yeah, busy and some are still sleeping because of the time zone.
@yanzalong (18988)
• Indonesia
18 Apr 12
I like checking messages in my laptop. I mean emails not short messages. Most of my emails are from mylot and from other sites that I have joined. After checking all your messages, what do you usually do, toni?
@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
19 Apr 12
I reply to all of them.
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
19 Apr 12
Yeah, it happens to me all the time. It is sad to see emptiness in one's message box. To me, it could mean business or good news. So I always want to see messages everyday but oftentimes it's just the network reminding me that I need to buy load or that the unlimited service has ended.
@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
19 Apr 12
I'm on a postpaid plan on both phones with unlimited data package for browsing and bbm plan. So the messages i'm expecting are all international ones.
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
6 Oct 12
hi, yes,its my daily routine also but there were times that my inbox at phone and my email is empty,but most of the time i received messages from my mother and from my sister through phone.i dont question why my phone is empty even my mail because its an early in the morning.
@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
17 Oct 12
Because my friends have different time zones with me, night time here is morning time for them and morning time here is night time there. So I do expect messages in the morning and when I don't, i kind of go into a panic mode.
@alberello (4752)
• Italy
18 Apr 12
Well, my dear friend, I think that anything can happen in life. We maybe got a little routine, which we expect good or bad every day the same thing. Since in our lives we are faced with situations slightly different, maybe we care. I think in your case, for a possible coincidence, your friends have not written to you, but only for a day. In my opinion, there is no reason to worry.
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@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
18 Apr 12
Hello! Yeah there just busy or sleeping. I'm not worried much about that. It's just that i got used to receiving loads of them.
• United States
18 Apr 12
It definately sounds like you are attached to your phone! I can't imagine being so hooked up to my cellphones that I actually feel 'down' when there were no messages to be found. In fact, I often feel the opposite, and am quite happy when there are no messages to respond to! It gives a bit of freedom! Maybe you should try to analyze why you are so connected to it, and figure out how you can manage your emotions when technology doesn't show you the love you seek.
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@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
18 Apr 12
I'm not seeking for love ! I'm married! It's just automatic for me to check messages on my smartphones the moment i wake up.
• Philippines
19 Apr 12
it's really disappointing not to get any messages on your phone when you wake up in the morning. i used to receive messages each time when i was still in a relationship. right now, i'm just receiving messages in the morning either it's an important message or a forwarded one.
@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
19 Apr 12
Don't like forwarded ones. Never did and never will.
• Indonesia
18 Apr 12
opposite on me, my phone always empty on except any important news or emergency, my phone always empty every morning
• China
18 Apr 12
Take it easy.You powered off your phone at night?
@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
18 Apr 12
My other phone is set to automatically turn off at night and turns on at 6am in the morning.
@jbf111967 (137)
• Philippines
18 Apr 12
Before i was attached to my cellphone and in every morning that i wake the very first thing that i do before brushing my teeth and washing my face is to look at my cellphone and find out if someone send me a message in my cellphone or in my other social networks and email. But now i don`t do that anymore cause i am very busy with my busines.