making money online playing games?

April 18, 2012 8:25am CST
ok I used to play anno1777, but now they wont let me use my account as I cannot verify it as I do not have a mobile number. As a result I have started to play My Lands today, I am new to this game and would like some help with it, they advertise that they pay you to play the game if you find black gems. What I would like to know is how to find ruins, and take control of a salt lake in order to get more black gems? Also I would be grateful if anyone could tell me if the have been paid by this game and the best way to start the game and some basics about it.
5 responses
19 Apr 12
to start playing the game, you should first know the opinion from some people about it a game, what is actually or just a SCAM.
@superbadx (484)
• Malaysia
19 Apr 12
Actually, those games where you can make money is some kind a slow earners and they them self know it. If you are a gamer and want to make serious cash, you could always play a real online games where you can leveling your character and have fun with them for like a month or so and sell the account, like my friend recently sold a Myrosso account for $250, but that's because he's been playing like crazy for like a more than 1 year and never invested to level up faster by purchasing their credits and stuff. But usually, they just trade in game gold for cash (50mil = $30 or so). The only hard thing about it is that you have to find the people who are interested in buying it. But there shouldn't be any problem if you already playing the game for more than 1 month because you should know some of the players and how the business work.
@SinfulRose (3527)
• Davao, Philippines
18 Apr 12
You would have to upgrade your keep and buildings until you are able to send of an adventurer or something like that to study certain lands and find a ruin. So far, that's what I know of the game before I quit due to time constraint as well as health problems last 3 months ago.
@vexxus (712)
• Philippines
18 Apr 12
well I guess Anno1777 is a bit strict in your country, I use to have an account there too, but became inactive, so I rejoin them and become active because I met some friends there who helped and taught me how to play it, you should verify your account there if they really require you, you will surely won't regret it.
@pelobux (51)
18 Apr 12
Well i would say you should use a family phone number then, because anno1777 is the best get payed to play site you will find.