Blanked out

@ecaron (678)
April 21, 2012 12:55pm CST
I missed being on My Lot all day yesterday because my computer kept blanking out and I couldn't boot it up and when I did it would blank out again. It was so frustrating but I think I found the problem it was a corrupted file from a downloaded game from Yahoo and so I will not use their games anymore because I don't want to take a chance that it will screw things up on my computer again. I uninstalled and deleted all yahoo games and so on. It seems to be alright now and I'm trying to catch up with e mails and My Lot discussions and responses. I hope to have a better day today. Have a good day to you too My Lot,friends!!
7 responses
@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
23 Apr 12
Since I bought my laptop 4 years ago I never downloaded games to any site. That was the caused of my broken computer that's why I decided to invest in a new laptop. When I want to play I just borrow some good cd's to my friends and downloaded it manually so that I will not caused some trouble. I was just afraid that I might loosed my laptop again because of downloading games online.
@Zer0Stats (1147)
• India
22 Apr 12
Checked your CPU temp?
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
22 Apr 12
You, too? It may not have been our computers. It may have been mylot or the internet.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
21 Apr 12
Oh I hate computer problems. I just had to get myself another one because my old on kicked the bucket. It was a hardware thing though and not a virus thing. Everyone said I was due a new one because I have had it for 4 years but that just doesn't seem long enough to me. I guess if I take it and get the keyboard fixed on it, it will be good as new. Maybe I'll do that later on. I really needed something fast with the class I am taking now though. Take care and I hope you got the bugs worked out of your computer.
@maezee (41988)
• United States
21 Apr 12
That's weird that Yahoo would cause such a slow down. But it always helps my computer when I go and delete things like toolbars, games, and other programs that I don't use, especially ones that are bigger in size. It clears up a lot of memory doing so.
@stanley777 (9402)
• Philippines
22 Apr 12
It's good to hear that all is back to normal again in your computer. Yes, it's really annoying if we experienced such things causing us too much trouble and loss of time. I have encountered the same thing, downloaded a corrupted file too and it took me almost two days to make my pc work with the help of my nephew who knows a thing about computer.
@GemmaR (8517)
21 Apr 12
One of the bad things about being so reliant on modern technology is that we always feel lost when we don't have it anymore. I have had several days where our internet connection was not working, and that means that I can't do any of the work that I should be doing during the day because everything that I need to do work wise involves connecting to the internet. It just shows that we should always have a back up plan just incase something happens to go wrong which means we can't do what we had originally planned to.