" winning or achievement does matter"?

April 22, 2012 11:32am CST
i had made up my mind to do very very good in my exams .. it was all set. i was studying for it almost 11 hours a day.. and i continued doing it for almost 20 days i was well confident.. and after giving my exams i had made it.. i stood second in my class i made a nice reputation among all my friends...and as well as my parents.. but it was short lived it was the first time i had made such a successful start.. then came my turn for demand and i demanded only a sports bycycle but i only got a laughing reply from my parents " what for" ... they may not have understood my feelings but i had meant it seriously... it had haunted me the whole night, i mean several nights.. THEY SHOULD NOT HAVE DONE IT..."
1 response
@SissyRose (235)
• United States
23 Apr 12
Congrats on all your accomplishments, but I am sorry to say that I feel like just because you are doing good doesn't mean that you should feel "entitled" to things. I have 3 kids and they are small, but my 4 year just today came up to me and said " mommy I'm being good can I have a sticker?" of course I said "no, you should be good all the time not only when I give you a sticker". Don't get me wrong I do feel like we should all be rewarded sometimes for our hard work, but at the same time the accomplishment in it's self should be good enough, and a reward should just be a thankful happy to have icing on the cake....Look at it like this " you are doing great, life is good, and if you can't have a sports bike throw on some running shoes and take a jog." feeling entitled will only leave you miserable