strawberry picking season is here and in full swing.....
@crazzydolphin (3632)
United States
April 22, 2012 12:35pm CST
i always look forward to when the strawberry picking season is here. i love the freshly picked strawberries and i would rather pick them than buy the already picked even if it is the ones they picked from their field that morning i guess it all goes in a package haha plus they are cheaper if you pick them your self and if i pick them for me and my grandma she will pay for the ones going to my house :)
what is your favorite thing about strawberry picking season? would you rather pick them or buy them already picked?
9 responses
@laken02 (3065)
• United States
24 Apr 12
oh mu gosh i would much rather pick them, but im not sure we have anyone growing them here local that i know of, im refering to when i was growing up at home we me and my mom had a nice size strawberry patch we grew ourselves and they had so many nice big juicy strawberries on them and tasted so good right off the vine i would eat a bunch and pick a bunch lol i eat quite a few.. could not help it they looked so good.. i miss those days .. we actaly sold them and made good money..

@laken02 (3065)
• United States
24 Apr 12
im not sure i was very young and that was years ago, but we had them in a garden type feild by our house, i did help set them out but i dont remember the basic i just remember they were good and all did well and mom had the green thumb we never did any in pots like flowers we had long rows.. and they were plentyful.. i wish i could tell you more sorry good luck.. i want to raise tommy toes tomatoes in a flower pot .. but not sure if i will.. :)
@crazzydolphin (3632)
• United States
29 Apr 12
thats ok that you cant tell me more i am sure i can look it up online and find out exactly waht i need to do but my husband told me i needed to atleast wait until next year because i waited to long to decide i wanted to. then again we may wait until we are able to move because all the kids in our area will pick them off before we could ever get to them and use them but we havent decided yet we have a whole year to think about it lol.
my aunt use to grow tomatoes (not sure waht kind) and she said those were the best tomatoes that she had ever had and they did it for years after that. she said it was way cheaper that way :) i do not htink she does any more tho.
if you decide to good luck :) and i hope that it works out ok for you :)
@crazzydolphin (3632)
• United States
24 Apr 12
i have wanted to grow them but parents around here do not watch their kids all that well and i have caught them playing in the box where we grow our flowers but i wanted to fill it with strawberry plants. just afraid they will pull them up or something and i would be very upset.
is there anything diffrent you have to do when growing them than a regular flower? i am thinking of trying it anyways lol :)

@cotruelove (1016)
• Denver, Colorado
22 Apr 12
When I was young in Ohio, my mom, brother and I picked strawberries. I was very young and probably ate more straight off the plants than went home from my efforts. Where I live now, they don't grow well in the soil so I seem to have to purchase the boxes of them from the grocery store. The one year I tried to grow them here, the squirrels ate them before I could pick them and it is almost impossible to protect them against our squirrel population. I'd much rather be able to pick mine, but under the circumstances, I cannot do that anymore. Thanks for the discussion!
@crazzydolphin (3632)
• United States
23 Apr 12
my grandma me and my sister use to pick them all the time to. my dad would go with us and i think my grandpa did a few times. it was either my dad or my grandpa that taught me about eating them off the plant lol and ever since then the strawberry picking seemed to take a little longer hahaha. we did the same we were eating them off the plant and 1 time i remember i was eating them off the plant looked in my bucket and realized i was eating them faster than i could get them in the bucket haha so i had to stop that lol. now i just eat a few and pick the rest i have more time to eat them with sugar when i get home :)
to bad the squirrels ate them that is sad i am sure strawberries growm by your self would make them taste that much better :)
im sorry to hear you that you can not pick them any more because that are the best when fresh. can you buy them from the farm already picked? or do they not even grow them because of the soil there?

@GemmaR (8517)
28 May 12
I used to go picking strawberries all the time when I was younger, and my parents and I would go with my younger brother. We would always take a basket each and then take as much time as we needed in order to fill the baskets to the brim. Afterwards, we would go out for lunch and then have the fruit that we had picked for dessert. I loved those times, but they stopped as we got older. I hope that I will be able to do something like that this summer with my parents, but I don't think that my brother is going to want to come with us.
@crazzydolphin (3632)
• United States
28 May 12
that is usually how we did it. we would take a bucket a peice and then usually dump them into a bigger bucket. then depending on how ripe they are we may fill up 1 more bucket before we leave :) it is a great way to spend time with the family that was my favorite things to do :) we missed our chance and had to buy them already picked because they had to close doen the picking for a while due to cold weather and rain. they had to let the strawberries get back up they were getting picked out to quickly. it is open again now but but i havent had the time or the money to get any yet. i hope that you get the chance to go out and pick them :)
@Shellyann36 (11383)
• United States
23 Apr 12
I think it all depends on how hot it is outside and how much free time I have. If it is sweltering hot and I don't have alot of time I would rather pay for them already picked. I really need to go and pick some because we are out of strawberry jam. I really love to pick the berries and make strawberry jam and I also dehydrate them too. Of course there is frequent strawberry shortcake and strawberry trifle as well. Oh now you have me thinking on those beautiful, red, delicious strawberries! Shame on you! LOL
@crazzydolphin (3632)
• United States
24 Apr 12
yes i have just bought them already picked a few times because the season was ending and i had no time to pick them myself or it was to hot to get out there and try to do that because when i pick them i pick them for about 3-4 seperate families and my grandma payes for them.
my aunt said that is what she wants to make this year (strawberyy jam). i am excited to try it because i am not sure i have ever had homemade strawberry jam but it sounds very tastey :)
strawberry trifle??
what is that? i have never heard of it lol
yea dont worry i am making myself think about them to and now i really want to go get some of them hahaha LOL
@Torunn (8607)
• Norway
8 Jul 12
I do both, I go to a place where you can pick strawberries and pay per kilo and I buy them at the super market or at the market square down-town. We're not getting the local strawberries for another week though, maybe two weeks if the weather we had today continues. The strawberries in southern Norway are ripe so we get Norwegian ones, but local ones are better. The further north you go in Norway, the better the strawberries are :-) It's because the nights are so light the berries don't start splitting the glucose (I think), and so they get very tasty and sweet. I've eaten strawberries all over Europe, in the US, Australia and New Zealand and I've never tasted ones like the ones we get here :-)
@crazzydolphin (3632)
• United States
14 Jul 12
i do not normally buy them from the market unless i need the to make some dessert or something. i just can not seem to enjoy them as much as when i pick them myself or buy them fresh already picked from the farm.
i havent really tasted them all over from diffrent places but that would be very interesting for me to do some day :)
our strawberries are all gone now the patches have been pulled up and waiting to have something else to be planted there. i was very sad when i was thinking of goung back to get some more and i saw that they were gone and i had a whole nother year to wait for more fresh ones. i will just have to get more next year :)
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
23 Apr 12
I am growing a few different types of strawberries here and they have alot of flowers on them already. I am guessing I'll be having some strawberries to pick organicly in a month or so. They are so good when picked local, and I don;t use any pesticides like the farmers do when you buy them in the supermarket. Strawberries are one of the fruits where the pesticides are highly used on, unfortunately. I love strawberries in desserts,in smoothie and even in cereal at times. They are healthy if grown locally and they are yummy. Enjoy your berries. I'd rather grow them and pick them anyday, and as for the critters here they like them too. I have to fight them for them sometimes. 

@crazzydolphin (3632)
• United States
24 Apr 12
i have thought about growing them on my own but i am afraid that all the kids running around would just mess them up and then i would be really upset haha the bugs here are bad about eating plants to and sometimes the spray doesnt work but i am afraid to use a spray if you we are going to eat them lol.
do you have to do anything special to them when growing them? or are they the same as you would take care of flowers in a flower box?
@crazzydolphin (3632)
• United States
23 Apr 12
i sure hope that you get one around you because yes freshly picked strawberries are the best. it makes it so much better when you pick them your self because i guess you have to kind of work for it :)
how do you make your strawberry shortcake??
my grandma use to put them in a bowl with sugar so that it would make some juice. then she would put some of the juice on the circle cake thing that way it was softer. then she would put some strawberries on top of the cake and then put plenty of whip cream on top. i loved it so much :)
@petersum (4522)
• United States
22 Apr 12
Seasons vary a lot! We have had strawberries for the last two months at least.
I remember planting them out once. That is really hard work! Such small plants SO close to the ground - talk about back breaking. I wouldn't want to pick them now, fresh or not.
@crazzydolphin (3632)
• United States
23 Apr 12
yes the seasons do vary a lot. i guess it all depends on the weather you are having. our strawberries are actually ready earlier than usual because of the warm winter.
wow i guess that could make you not want to pick them lol. you can always buy the ones at the farms that they have already picked. that way you can still have them fresh :)
@crazzydolphin (3632)
• United States
23 Apr 12
yes they really are better freshly picked.
OMG i would love to have a job picking strawberries. even with the heat i would love that but i always seem to ask them for a job to late. by the time i ask them they already have all their strawberry pickers. this year i was late asking because they were ready earlier than they usually are because we didnt really have a winter is had been warm for a long time now :)
that would be my favorite part to money is always good lol