Dreaming that your teeth are falling out.

United States
April 23, 2012 10:43am CST
I read in one of my books on dreams that one of the most common dreams (right up there with being naked in public) is one where your teeth are falling out. At the time I thought, "Well, I've never had a dream like that!" and then I put it out of mind. But last night I dreamed that I was chewing on some food and four or five of my teeth started wiggling like they used to when I had a loose tooth as a kid. Eventually, all those teeth fell out of my mouth. In the dream, I was freaking out and thinking that my smile was going to be ruined for the rest of my life (and after all the pain I'd gone through with braces to make my smile straight!). When I woke up, my teeth were all intact and I remembered reading about this being a common dream. So has anyone else dreamed that their teeth were falling out? What are some other dreams you think are common?
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19 responses
@BigMoney25 (1286)
• Philippines
24 Apr 12
I think there is a significant meaning when you dream of your teeth falling one by one. Some people say it means you are going to have a relative that will die soon but for me I don't believe this since it is not yet proven for me it's just a product of people's crazy way of thinking it's just pure imagination for me.
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• Canada
24 Apr 12
I've never had a dream about my teeth falling out. My dreams are usually more 'adventurous' than that, but I didn't know it was one of the most common dreams.
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• United States
25 Apr 12
Well now you know in case you have one. My dreams are typically much more adventurous than that too, but I get bland or strange dreams at times.
• Pamplona, Spain
17 May 12
Hiya ally, Best dream I have is that I am a really great Swimmer don´t what that is supposed to mean. I have dreamt about loose teeth but not many times. Most times when people in our Family have passed over I have dreamt about it clearly beforehand. Also most nights I dream I am on a wonderful flight to I don´t know where but the plane never seems to land in any particular place. Teeth falling out where I come from is usually associated with loss of money and possible poverty but seeing as it is never very clear for me I don´t really believe any of that. More likely I think it could mean sadness and other possible losses and being unhappy which I am not either. Also could be being under a lot of stress and tension.xxx
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• United States
18 May 12
It has been 4 weeks since I had the dream and I have not lost any family members, or been stricken with poverty. I think I'm safe. I actually don't believe dreams have any symbolic, subconscious, or prophetic meaning. I take them at face value. I have dreams that I'm a good swimmer from time to time too. I even dream that I'm a mermaid!
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• United States
20 May 12
I went through a bit of a mermaid craze phase for awhile, I just couldn't get enough of mermaids and suddenly I started dreaming about them and being one. I still love mermaids, but the mermaid craze of mine is kinda over. But I still dream about them from time to time. That's one of the weird things about dreams, I don't think your brain ever forgets your past crazes, stresses, and fears. Happy dreams to you too!
• Pamplona, Spain
18 May 12
Hiya ally, Great thing to hear then. I think sometimes that dreams are just us acting out our daily stress really and sometimes you can have the most weirdest dreams. No I don´t believe in those prophetic things either although I have to say that the ones about family members and other people that I knew did happen unfortunately but at the time I never take any notice of them its after I realize when its all happened. Oh yes I am still a great swimmer lol although I like mermaids I don´t dream about being one ever but I would not mind at all. Happy dreams to all may they all be happy ones and not to do with teeth or doom and gloom.xxx
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• Philippines
24 Apr 12
I totally understand you. I had the same dream as yours too. I dreamed that I had two large front teeth and they were starting to fall off! It was scary since my smile is one of my best assets and without my teeth, I can't do it anymore. It was almost real that when I woke up, I had to check immediately if my teeth are still intact. Good thing that it was just a dream. I wouldn't know what to do if it actually happened.
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• United States
25 Apr 12
I don't know either! Probably ask for porcelain replacements or something. It's one of those body-horror dreams I think, at least that's the way I see it because it's a horrible thing happening to your physical appearance that you can't necessarily do anything about if it were to really happen.
• Philippines
24 Apr 12
Yes i dreamed about falling teeth maybe twice or thrice when i was still a kid. The funny thing that i remember vividly about this dream was that my aunt told me that it has a bad implication. She say that one member of the family may die,,, but she also told me that there is some kind of an antidote to that. The moment i wake up after that kind of dream i must bite a stem or branch of a plant so the curse will be transferred to that plant. It was funny,,, i know that it is just a superstitious belief but,,, anyway,,i did it..lol. Nothing will be lost if i do. I just made sure nobody's watching. ;-) Well... i just shared.
• United States
25 Apr 12
Did the plant taste bad? lol Someone else mentioned that superstitious belief earlier in the discussion, the whole biting the stem thing. Almost everyone's brought up someone in the family dying. I really had never heard that belief before, but now it seems to be the only one people are supplying.
@lmw814 (124)
• United States
24 Apr 12
OMG...Yes! I have had this type of dream several times. In my dreams, they are loose, coming out, and I'm spitting them into the palm of my hand. What does this mean? I've always wondered what this dream was trying to tell me.
• United States
25 Apr 12
I don't believe in dream interpretation personally, I think it's a rather shady science. So I don't think that it really means anything, though lots of people have said it's supposed to be a warning that someone in your family is about to die. I don't really believe that, but it's a scary thought, isn't it?
• Philippines
23 Apr 12
Based on Filipino superstitious belief, which somewhat proven a couple of time, dreaming about falling out teeth means a member of your family will going to die. This can be reverse if you are going tell your dreams to your family so it won't happen.
• Philippines
24 Apr 12
yeah, quite true,dreams occurs subconsciously,we have no control over it unlike the reality .It's actually a prerogative of anyone whether to believe anything about the dream interpretations but it doesn't necessarily means that whatever is the meaning of it,you have to follow or believe in it.
• Philippines
23 Apr 12
Does dreams really have an impact to our lives? If we believe on these interpretations will it spare us from further trouble? or, will it keep us from falling prey into these unlikely predictions? What happens to our individual efforts? How about our human free will to drive us into our self-driven human destinations? To what extent does dreams rule our lives? Lastly, which one is powerful? Is it our unsolicited dreams or our human capacity? Think about these!
• United States
25 Apr 12
Shenlynn, I've largely chosen to ignore dream interpretation. I don't take it seriously as a science or a true psychological/spiritual way of looking into your subconscious. Even if I did believe dreams could be interpreted, I doubt I would take any to be truly prophetic in nature.
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
24 Apr 12
I have had that dream and I didn't like it. I have had it more than once and it always freaks me out. It always seems like when ever I have that kind of dream that I can't get a hold of the dentist or I can't seem to get to the dentists office. I always wake up very stressed out. I have also had dreams where I have flown briefly. I like those dreams though, that is really cool.
• United States
25 Apr 12
I much prefer flying dreams too! And in your dream you have the added stress of not being able to find the dentist! That's almost like the dream where you're trying to find your classroom and no matter where you turn you can't find it. Why are dreams always so against you? lol
• United States
24 Apr 12
Yes, I have had such dreams, Ally, but normally it has me losing one tooth. I don't think it such a mystery for me though. I have been getting some work done on my teeth and so that could be my anxiety appearing in my dreams.
• United States
25 Apr 12
That's a pretty good explanation, though I don't have any personal explanations that I can come up with. I think dreams are memory-sorters, so I wonder if it's bringing out the old memory of my teeth falling out as a kid. I don't read too much into the "meanings" behind dreams thing. It's a really common dream apparently. I'd never thought about it before because I'd never had one before, but now that I've asked around I've found loads of people who've had the dream.
@GemmaR (8517)
23 Apr 12
I am a Psychology student, and we have spent a large amount of time during our course looking at things like this, and whether dreams actually mean something. It would seem that people who have dreams like that tend to have problems with their overall self esteem; as it makes sense that our teeth are one of the first things that people are going to see when they view us for the first time. I think that all of our dreams mean something, and it makes sense that we should keep a note of our dreams as and when they happen as we should be able to make a little bit more sense of it that way.
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• United States
23 Apr 12
I don't believe dreams have meaning, personally. I've written down my dreams since I was twelve, and I find them fascinating, probably because so many people have them and yet we know so little about them for sure! If my subconscious is trying to tell me that I have a problem with self-esteem, then I have a rather blunt subconscious. I didn't really need a dream to tell me that. That's how I feel about most dream interpretation... either I can't see the connection at all or it's so darn obvious to me and I didn't need a dream to tell me.
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
23 Apr 12
Interesting take on the teeth dreams GemmaR. Never thought of it as a self esteem issue but you could be right. It would be interesting to track exactly when one has these dreams and what is happening in their life at the time.
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@megamatt (14291)
• United States
25 Apr 12
I have heard that is a rather common dream that people have as well. Right out there with being chased by some kind of monster of some sort. Which is a dream that I have had from time to time. However, I never have had the dream where I have rather had all of my teeth fall out. I've known people who have and that as freaked it out. And for good reason. I think that if that dream would have happened, I would be checking to see if my teeth was in tact for days to come. The closest thing that happened was when I dreamed that I was punched right in the mouth which would likely loosen a few teeth. Funnily enough if you get punched in the real world, you may get knocked out but if you get punched in your dream, you wake up. That was something that I found intriguing.
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• United States
26 Apr 12
Well I haven't been checking on my teeth for days, but I certainly checked them when I first woke up. It was a very unpleasant dream, I think I would almost prefer being chased by a monster. I've always found "body horror" dreams much scarier than any other nightmares. I've never been punched in the face in a dream, but I think it's interesting that you woke up afterwards. I got kicked in the back in a dream once and I woke up. It was my birthday too... rudest birthday awakening ever!
• Philippines
23 Apr 12
hi ally, I also dreamed of weird things.But in our country & culture, our old folks usually tells us the dreaming about falling teeth are bad luck well not in the sense that you get bad luck but they said members of the family will pass away thus they told us that when we had this dream,to turn our pillow and we have to bite a live tree or a plant so that the bad luck goes there...now in our generation we don't usually believe this but we grow up with this belief thus we end up following what they told us whenever we had the same dream like yours.
• United States
23 Apr 12
Reading over all the comments here, a family member dying seems to be a theme here. I actually don't believe dreams have any symbolic, subconscious, or prophetic meaning, and I'm not afraid of someone in my family dying because of this dream. I doubt biting a plant could help with that anyhow. lol
• Philippines
25 Apr 12
yeah even I thought it was just a mere coincidence but then if it did happen,can't help to think hahaha.Glad you never had to bite a plan
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• United States
26 Apr 12
I glad I didn't either. Ew. The only plants I want to eat are fruits and veggies. The thought of biting into a live stem is just disgusting, I haven't done that since I was a kid!
@lil_toni (206)
23 Apr 12
Well good thing no dreaming of falling teeth for me and hope not to dream in the next months or even years to come.They said dreaming of a falling teeth would mean a bad sign,like losing a love one and I don't want it to happen.
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• United States
24 Apr 12
So I've heard! (A number of times during this discussion actually) I'm not superstitious, so I'm not the least bit afraid. I can't imagine not dreaming though... I don't feel rested unless I remember dreaming!
@ryanong (9664)
• Vietnam
24 Apr 12
I also heard that dreaming of teeth is a bad sign also. However you are not superstitious so that it is really good when you don't mind about it.
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• China
2 May 12
Believe or not, I often have a dream in night and I believe it means something. As Chinese dream interpretation, if you dream your teeth falling out, it means something will happen to your parents.
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• United States
3 May 12
Something bad like one of them dying? That seems to be a trend here in this discussion. Well I had the dream roughly a week ago, and nothing bad has happened to either of them. I think I'm safe.
@youless (112838)
• Guangzhou, China
24 Apr 12
Yes, sometimes I will have such a nightmare and I dreamed that my teeth were falling out one by one. This is quite horrible. I heard that it predicts something bad happens to you in the future. But I don't believe it as there is nothing wrong happened to me finally. It is just a dream. I love China
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• United States
24 Apr 12
I've also heard it means something bad is going to happen... in fact most people in this discussion have told me it means a member of your family is going to die! But I actually don't believe dreams have meaning. Like, at all. Nothing symbolic, subconscious, or prophetic. So I'm not the least bit worried. I do think it's very interesting that so many people have had this type of dream before.
@ryanong (9664)
• Vietnam
24 Apr 12
In my country, people said that if dreaming of loosing teeth, it is not nice at all. I still believe that there is a meaning behind our dreaming. But i don't know exactly what it is. However, you should not worry about it. The truth is you didn't loose any teeth...Thinking of many nice things today then you will have a nice dream tonight...^^
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• United States
25 Apr 12
Hopefully I will. I posted this discussion yesterday and last night I dreamed about a sort of inverse Avatar with an alien invasion force coming here and a Biologist kidnapping one of the female aliens who fell in love with him and betrayed her kind... it was a crazy dream. Not "nice" but preferable to having my teeth falling out! I'm so glad my teeth are still here.
• Philippines
23 Apr 12
Yes i do. When i was a kid i used to dreamt about a tooth was falling down. TAke note after i am chased by a snake at the end of it all my teeth are gone. It was a scary kind of dream. I heard somebody interpreting that kind of dream is a bad luck. and someone of your friend or family wll be gone. so i prayed that hope i will not dream that kind of dream. the interpretation maybe true or not still scary to think about it.
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• United States
23 Apr 12
That is a pretty scary dream. Did anyone die? I really don't believe dreams are prophetic, and I highly doubt anyone's going to die in my family because I dreamed my teeth were falling out. It's interesting to see that many other people have this dream though...
• Philippines
23 Apr 12
HI there, Yeah, I think it really is common. Iv'e dream about it several times and men, I can actually fee the pain in my dream. I don't know why. The old folks say, when you dream of loosing your teeth, one of your loved ones will die.
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@thechans (79)
• United States
23 Apr 12
I have had that dream many times over my lifetime. Sometimes I am eating something and other times I'm talking to someone and suddenly one of my teeth fall out and then another and another. When I wake up I'm so freaked out that I have to look in the mirror to make sure it was a dream. The only other dream I have on a regular basis is that I'm falling. When I wake up from those dreams I usually find myself about to roll off the bed. I have never had my dreams analized, but it would be interesting to find out what the teeth falling out dream means. It's nice to know that other people have the same crazy dreams that I do. Happy dreaming to you :)
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• United States
23 Apr 12
I think common dreams are really interesting, a certain head-scratcher. I think it's funny the way most of us dream and yet we know so little about dreams for certain. Personally, I'm not a real believer in dream interpretation, so I don't really believe it means anything... still it's nice to know other people have the same crazy dreams. I've also had a number of falling dreams.