Suggestions On The Best Ways To Get Referrals

United States
April 24, 2012 10:54pm CST
Its so hard to get referrals for online job programs. I work for a lot of Short Tasks sites, some paid to click sites, a paid to blog site, and a paid to promote site. I've tried a few different ways to get referrals, without much luck. Any suggestions on ways to get referrals?
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4 responses
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
25 Apr 12
I'm with you guys in that my family and friends just aren't into this kind of thing so finding referrals is almost impossible for me. Oh well, guess I'll just continue to enjoy the sites on my own.
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@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
25 Apr 12
Yes, eventually. In the meantime I'm just enjoying this site reading and joining in on the discussions.
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• Davao, Philippines
28 Apr 12
I'm with Suebee...hey, isn't this username the name of a brand of honey I had outside by my counter? My family and relatives aren't into online earning aside for my mother. It was thanks to my mom's debt issues and my father's over-thriftiness that got me here making myself crazy earning money.
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@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
28 Apr 12
I never made the connection but now that you mention it, yes I think it is a brand name for honey! lol
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@DoctorDidi (7018)
• India
29 Apr 12
To get referrals is no doubt a very hard job. The best way in my opinion is exchange of sites and I am always ready to do it. If you are agreed, you may contact with me.
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• United States
29 Apr 12
Okay, All my sites are on my mylot profile. :)
• United States
30 Apr 12
Okay, send me a message anytime!
• India
29 Apr 12
I must visit your profile soon. Meanwhile I am sending you a friend request, please accept it so that we can communicate with other in the coming days. Thank you.
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@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
12 May 12
It's really hard to get referrals, my friend but if you consistently promote the site that you want to have referrals. You can do it...promote the link everywhere to get notice and the best thing might be having friends online. Those who are eager to earn money online too so they are interested in what you are offer to them. There are social networking website that most of the member are earnings online. Join with those site or in forum
1 person likes this
• United States
13 May 12
Thank You very much aerous those are some great ideas!
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
19 May 12
Hello Doctordidi, I think you have learn the right track on getting referrals. Will you please share with it to our friend, JessyBlue. Hello JessyBlue, Try other social networking site and also forum site...but if you know about safelist it's much better. Used all the tools that internet marketers do... If you don't mind, friend. I will invite you to other site to find referrals... Note: The best way to get referrals in forums, social networking site are being friendly. Have a nice day and hope you grant my request
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• India
12 May 12
Yes, you are right. I am trying to promote the site for which I want to have referrals in this way. And fortunately, I claim to be successful to some extent.
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@Devilova (5392)
• Indonesia
28 Apr 12
Did you have an account on Facebook or Twitter? If yes, then you have the greatest tools on this planet. They free to use, give so much features, have millions or even billions account members. Use them!!
• United States
29 Apr 12
I haven't tried twitter yet, but I have tried Facebook. Twitter sounds like a good idea. Thank you for the response! :)
@Devilova (5392)
• Indonesia
29 Apr 12
In Twitter try to always post a positive thing and sometime post your ref link. Always use #ff #followback to get follower. Having a lot number of friends in facebook give us benefit to promote ref link. Also make a group or fanpages about any interesting topic. The more members or fans mean the more chances to promote your ref link.
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• India
29 Apr 12
Hi Devilova, can you explain how I can use Facebook or Twitter for getting referrals? I have accounts with both of these great sites.
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