How would you balance myLot and your work

April 24, 2012 11:01pm CST
If your addicted with myLot perhaps or earning decently then you have the permanent work. How would you balance your time, in making discussion in myLot and the urgency at work?
10 responses
@Devilova (5392)
• Indonesia
28 Apr 12
If you see the number of my post, I think I couldn't manage it well. Since I have been in here for 2-3 Its not about the earning, its all about my mood. For the earning, my mobile site give me more.While I didn't need work with it everyday. Mylot was the place to wiped my bad mood. T.T
• Philippines
28 Apr 12
I see, How it goes with your mobile site?
@jinky2012 (438)
• Philippines
28 Apr 12
i want to say i am giving my full time in my lot.i don't know why i am addicted already.I feel i want to comments all the thing that interested me. It is really hard to find a job a=outside so i decided to try this as my earning site. I hope so i can make it.
• Philippines
28 Apr 12
I'm hoping too, but how many hours you stayed here in mylot per day, does it work for you? Well, if you are lazy over here this method will surely work.
@erjnsimon (1191)
• Makati, Philippines
25 Apr 12
I am not addicted to mylot at all so i can easily managed when to visit mylot and when to do my work. However, why would people with permanent jobs will be addicted to mylot? Does mylot pays higher than their job? Haha. Well, there are really times that i am busy but i want to do some mylotting as well, in result, i can't concentrate with my work so what i got to do is to do some mylotting first even just less than 1 hour before i will go back to work to finish it by then.
• Philippines
25 Apr 12
Well planned but love your job..
@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
25 Apr 12
As much as I love MyLotting, I have priorities before it, and for example my permanent work is one of this (besides my studies, culture and friend time)... mostly because I earn more money from it and I have an online job, where in the shift I have to do constant work, I can't just dooze off and stuff... and we get paid according to how effectively we work.
• Philippines
26 Apr 12
@thechans (79)
• United States
26 Apr 12
Hello Friend, I would spend most of my time one which ever was making the most money. You don't want to neglect what's paying your bills. I wish I could make enough money to just do MyLot. Are you or anyone else making enough money to just do this? I would love to just come in here everyday and chat and make enough money to get by on. If anyone is doing it please give me some advice because I would love it!!
• China
8 Jul 12
Actually I'm just a new member that just log in for two days, I have to work for my company and can't log in myLot at daytime from Monday to Friday (my boss will kill me surly if I do that), but I think I use some time in myLot at night and weekend.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
8 Jul 12
i work weekdays for about eighto nine hoirs everyday. I do not have time to come to mylot if you ask me after i come home from work. But i alays to o log in everyday at mylot and that is through work inernet. I would go to work earlier and log in to mylot when i am not expecting to do something more important than mylot. I also take a shorter lunch break s i can put in about half an hir worth of mylotting. I think with this habit of mine i am able to reach minimum pa put each month... And of i still feel i have more to post in between work when i need to just relax and not think of work... I come to mylot and respond to a topic or two and thats it.
@ifa225 (14464)
• Indonesia
25 Apr 12
I just drop into my lot on my spare time like when i get lunch or in the weekend my lot doesnt push us to come everyday but my work does
@tedifa (1232)
• Indonesia
15 May 12
I usually divide my times for worked. Work with mylot and work for others. I used to work for mylot morning 1 hour,afternoon 1 hour, and night 1 hour. And I still can do other works beside mylot.But if there is an urgent worked that I have to do, i leave mylot for that day and replace to another day.
@jureathome (5361)
• Philippines
25 Apr 12
I was never able to balance myLot and work, before. I started an account last year, but was only able to stay for a few days, and then I forgot about it because I got too busy at work. Now, I have the chance to spend more time online.