Occupy planning an mayday General Strike
By dark_joev
@dark_joev (3034)
United States
April 26, 2012 4:00am CST
The Occupy movement across the country is shaking off the winter cold and are warming back up for what some have said is going to be the most active spring. They are planning to hit the streets hard this spring and summer. Occupy Oakland is by far the leader for the West Coast Occupies, while Occupy Wall Street is the East Coast leader in actions. Both occupies are moving in different directions but in many cases they are working in tandome. The Occupy Movement has mastered the use of social media with them being able to master 1000s of people to come out for an action with very close to no real notice.
The Occupy Movement has had its ups and downs through out the winter months with the arrest of nearly 400 people in Oakland. The movement though seems that it is coming to an choice to either keep the anarchist "black block" or purge them from the movement. This is a choice that in many ways could break or make the Occupy Movement and well this Mayday will be the first major test for the movement can they keep it going strong for a complete year can they make any head way in this election year? Is that even something that is on their radar. It is hard to tell with occupy what they are going to do next. The only thing I can tell you for sure they aren't done yet.
So what are your thoughts?
Will Occupy fizzle out?
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4 responses
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
26 Apr 12
I think it is appropriate that they plan a big event for May Day. Communists always have used that day for big propaganda events.
Someone with a lot of money (billions?) is behind this, using the fear and the discontent of many to whip up a reason for police action. Their message is flawed and the messengers unable to even articulate what it is they are for or against because they are stoned or so radical and using big words they don't even know the meaning of.
It may not fizzle out, but it needs to.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
26 Apr 12
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
27 Apr 12
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
26 Apr 12
I don't see the mob of occupiers doing anything beneficial for this country and I expect their crowds to keep dwindling until they are gone. The Oakland mob will just try and ban together for another destructive rampage through the city. The mayor of Oakland, who bent over backwards to placate those thugs, has already called on the national occupy movement to disown them. The fact that nobody has done so tells me that they don't care if their members are criminals. The left wing mayors who tried to support them early on won't be as open as they were last year now that they've had to deal with the damage done by these groups. They're going to start treating them like other groups that are required to obtain permits and follows proper regulations.
Once the occupy crowd sees that its entitlements are over, they'll riot. I don't think any city will be hit as hard as Oakland, but it's still going to get ugly.

@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
26 Apr 12
Well simply put, they'll never accomplish anything if they, as a group, don't have anything to accomplish. Early on I looked at the forums that members had set up and all anyone did was argue. One guy posted a picture of someone at an occupy rally with an anti-religion sign saying that they shouldn't be doing that because it's not part of the message. It started a 12 page argument with some people saying "The message is whatever we want it to be" others saying "It's not about religion" some saying "Jews are the reason we are in this mess" and yet more saying "Religion is the reason our political system is screwed up".
The tea parties have had success because they had a message and have stuck to it. Sure, a few groups have changed, or embellished on what was intended, but they've been consistent on smaller government, and lower taxes.
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
26 Apr 12
The Occupy Movement is afraid of getting rid of any part of the early on Occupy Group even the more destructive sides of the Occupy Movement aren't easily going to be cast out because the people who came to lead the Occupy Movement in its seperate cells all believe people should be allowed to do what they want to do at marches and their is little right to control the actions of others.
I have been to a few of the meetings where people have talked about the direction of the Occupy Movement in the local area and when the talk of non-violence being the mainstay their are those in the crowd who are quite loud in objecting to that idea saying that sometimes violence is needed.
The issue is will it help them. I have always gone their as an independent media person (The only kind of media they will allow in their meetings) I have always given my thoughts that when they do something violent like destroy property that they are hurting themselves by doing this because most people trust the police at least to a certain level.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
26 Apr 12

@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
26 Apr 12
When political dissidents in oppressive countries risk their lives to speak out, a movement that announces they'll go back to living in the park once the weather warms up appears to lack a certain raison d'etre.
The Occupy Movement has not just been able to draw thousands with social media, in some cases they've paid people to stand around holding signs. Again, a lack of a real driving political agenda seems to be lacking.
Occupy cannot change anything. If these people really wanted to change the system, they'd be part of the system. Get jobs, run for office, vote - get into the system to change it from within. They don't want to do that, they want to collapse the system.
Occupy is not good for the country, it doesn't heal the economy, it doesn't put better people into elective office, it doesn't change laws or enhance freedom. It's just a haven for rowdy, collegiate rebels without a cause. And as much as they truly seek to change the world and make it a fair and just society, they are simply being used by radical forces that seek the destruction of the nation.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
26 Apr 12
@BalthasarTheRat (656)
• United States
26 Apr 12
The nature of the movement as a quick deployment, social media group will eventually be their downfall. Part of their power has been the ability to get crowds to gather quickly but we should not view this as political power anymore than we would with flash mobs. Just because some people will turn up to do anything should not be seen as politically relevant.
This social media base also encourages mini-groups and individualism which dilutes the major message, sometimes even spawning groups for both sides of a sub-issue that cancel one another out.
Lack of strong central leadership is a killer of organizations, states and even the human mind.
The Rat is back.

@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
27 Apr 12
The lack of Central leadership comes from an almost fear of the "leaders" then being corrupted by an outside group generally the Occupy Movement realizes what the founders realized that Power corrupts an person so they are trying to run on a system almost similar to an Confederacy of sorts where they have a central Governing body which they call the General Assembly (GA) but the binding power of the GA is very weak with some saying that it doesn't really have any power at all to do anything. This is basically the same problem that the Confederacy ran into here in the United States.
The Occupy Movement is being forced to take more positions on things like tactics which is making them splinter off.
Also the lack of central leadership comes from an online community that has had quite good luck with this sort of organization this of course being Anonymous. Anonymous functions quite well on the Internet the Occupy Movement is almost an attempt in some ways to have that same sort of Governance in the Real world obviously their are some problems with this but they are giving it an shot any way.
The Reason Anonymous has the system that it does is because then none of them can be proven to be the leader of a certain action and because many of their actions involve things like DDOSing sites which is flooding an site with 10,000+ hits at the same time and doing a massive hit on a site like this causes the site to not be able to serve out its content to users trying to get to the site. This effectively takes the site offline for a while until either more servers are brought online or the DDOS ends.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
26 Apr 12