Reading my bible before bed....
By laken02
@laken02 (3065)
United States
April 26, 2012 8:36pm CST
I am getting ready to read my bible before bed, i thought it may help me to go to sleep earlier... so i wont be so tired all the time.. and i have to be up at 445 am to get ready for work..
as i opened my bible , i found a nice book mark that belonged to my Dad..
i began to read it and it was the ten commandments .. so i read them all and got to the bottom and last one and it says thou shalt not covet...
so i admit i need to know more about the bible but can someone tell me what that verse means.. thou shalt not covet ? what does the word covet mean.. in bible terms
7 responses
@laken02 (3065)
• United States
2 May 12
that mkaes perfect sense thank you for responding and answering my question, i dont really have a hard time as far as wantong what otehr have, i use to in the past but i have overcome that years ago. and i can be happy for otehrs whom have more then me. i leanred to work hard for what you get and be pround of waht you have , and how you got it and know that it means something to you as well .. i use to not work and now i have a job so im proud of myself for thaat as well.. thake care and thanks again..
@JohnRok1 (2051)
2 May 12
In some cultures, if you admire something somebody else has, they feel obliged to give it you, and if you refuse it, they will make sure you get it. Someone I knew was a missionary in Africa where this was the culture, and if anyone from "the West" came to visit her, she would warn them not to admire anything. One couple didn't really believe her and admired someone's dress. When offered it, she refused it, but it was surreptitiously left rolled up at the door of the house that night. It was only the dress in which the lady had got married in. It was very difficult later when the visitors had gone and the lady and her husband came round admiring her 'fridge - she didn't tell us the exact end of the story.
Moral: Make sure you know where you are before you admire someone else's possessions.
@sherlysinguran (82)
9 May 12
How i wish i can consistently read my bible once a day. I really feel guilty having and seldom reading it. Hope i can make it as a habit with fingers cross...
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@laken02 (3065)
• United States
12 May 12
try to just start out slow and maybe do like me i do i chapter a day.. and that helps me i started with the new teastment and i read i chapter daily and then the next day pick up where i left off i think this is a good way to get it read and not to over whelming and i can understand what i read more clearly doing it like this good luck..
@cloud31 (5808)
27 Apr 12
Hello laken,
I used to read my bible before bed too. I learnt a lot from it but of course I may not applying through to myself but at least I have some knowledge wheres the boundary to take.
Its nice to know your taking time to read your bible.It can even calm you when times gets rough especially if you read something(verse) to ease your mind in an unexpected situation and time.
In your question what does covet means.I can say not to desire possession of others. Indulge inordinate desire which is forbidden.Unlawful desire of something belonged to others.
Hope it helps.. Have a nice day ahead of you..

@laken02 (3065)
• United States
2 May 12
thanks for the info, that really helped alot, i guess i dont have that problen as to covet, as i now dont want what otehr have or have achieved and i find myself being continet with what i have and what God has gave me.. he truly is a great God and he will give us our needs and sometimes even our wants as well.. but w emust learn how to accept these things and be happy all the time and stop wasting time with being jealus of others and do the best we can with what we alreadty have and be thankful as well.. thanks again
@JohnRok1 (2051)
28 Apr 12
If you want something that's not yours and you have no right to, you can steal it, and the eighth commandment takes care of that. But there are other ways of getting hold of it and only some are really legitimate in the sight of God, like offering the owner a fair price for it and buying it when he really is willing to sell. Others come under the heading of coveting, and if these are the only ways open, then to continue to direct your desires to the object in question is covetousness.
One of the objects mentioned in the 10th Commandment is "thy neighbour's manservant or maidservant". This kind of coveting was almost a national sport in Central Europe between the two world wars - moneyed families were always poaching other slightly less moneyed families' cooks.
When people take out stupid loans to buy things they shouldn't really be affording to buy and don't really need, that is a form of covetousness, especially if there are dependents they should be spending their money on. Also, keeping things back for ourselves that we should be sparing for others is a form of covetousness, and I doubt if any of us can be sure we're not guilty of this.
Examples of coveting in the Bible include Achan (Joshua 6, particularly 6:21), Ahab (2 Kings 21), and Gehazi (2 Kings 5). Before closing I'm reminded that it was pointed out to me that in Luke 18:18-23 Jesus didn't mention "Thou shalt not covet" and, therefore, the rich young ruler didn't claim to have kept that particular commandment. And Christ's instructions to him were his only way of breaking free from that sin.
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@laken02 (3065)
• United States
2 May 12
wow thanks for all the great info, sorry im just now getting back to you as well i have been busy with my work and all and trying to catch up on my sleep, i dont know alot about the bible and i hope that one day i too will be able to study the bible enough to answer others questions and do as goood of job as you have and be proud that i know alot about the bible.. i shall keep reading it and slowly i will get there but mainly its more about my relationship with God as well i alsways want to put hm first in my life and make that my number one goal.. before and after bed when a awake i want to say thank you lord for my good sleep and thank you lord for giving me another day of wonderful life to live and forgive me of all my sins and bless me today to be able to help other in need.. that is waht i feel God made us for the love one another and love him.. thanks again
@jinky2012 (438)
• Philippines
27 Apr 12
yes that is really good for you.But me , i really not read my bible.Sorry to say but it is hard for me to understand i just want bible study. What i did is that i am just listening spiritual song before going to bed and after i woke up.It seems really not good because i am not reading y bible.
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@laken02 (3065)
• United States
2 May 12
i dont just read the bible, i just read a chapter a day in the ible, then i try to read alot of religious books or stuff on religion on line like there is an online prayer group site that i joined where i can pray for other people or ask prayer for myself i do that now.. becasue i have not been back in church in awhile but i do plan to go back just not until the time is right..take care
@zaskasahagun (346)
• Philippines
27 Apr 12
covet means not taking what other people have. what other has is theirs and what is yours is yours too. that's how i understand it. God bless!
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@laken02 (3065)
• United States
2 May 12
im still learning about the bible.. i have been trying to read it all thru starting with the new testiment, i try to read one chapter a day and one at night before bed so one when i first get up start my day off with a chapter from the bible and a prayer and thanks giving to God.. and end my night with a chapter of the bible and a prayer to God for good sleep and to bless all that i know with good health and happy days ahead.. i try not to want the things that others have and be happy with the things i already have and gifts God gives me.. :) thanks
@dzzziei (39)
• United States
27 Apr 12
I believe it says "Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife" or goods, something along those lines. It means don't want what's not yours to take. At least that's how I took it as. I believe it's about jealousy and how you should avoid it. I'm not a very religious person, but hopefully this helps.
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