One logical reason why sins are increasing

@vandana7 (101558)
April 26, 2012 10:46pm CST
I am a Hindu so I will explain it in terms of our religion but your comments are welcome. When heavens are shown in our religion, they show King of gods enjoying dance of apsaras. We now have LED televisions, music shows, water sports, car races, Air conditioners, movies, cosmetics, Internet, games applications, gambling dens, picturesque locations, pizzas, cakes, ice creams, pickles, loving pets, and cute kids - apart from the few grapes, plantains, mangoes and oranges that we enjoy, right? But when heavens are shown only the fruits are around. Who would want to go to a place like that we have so much to enjoy out here. They dont even show abundance of gold, diamonds, or whatever is supposedly desirable. May be our portrayal of heaven needs to be updated.
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13 responses
@AjazKhan (21)
• Saudi Arabia
27 Apr 12
I am a Muslim, In our religion it is not like that, the basic teaching is self control and follow the Principals of Islam. Answer to your question is what ever ones religion may be, we all are attracted to the worldly things and gone far away from the teachings of our religions.
• United States
27 Apr 12
Very well said!
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
27 Apr 12
Self control is a big concept Ajazkhan. For example, I work hard, and earn some monies so that I can buy me a comfortable retirement. Anything wrong with that? Nope. Now - here comes a woman who does not work. Who loves shopping. I avoid buying excessive clothes and she has more than me. She also has more children - bhagwan ki den hai, allah ki den hai, whatever (god's gifts - which we know are anything but that). There comes a time when I have enough for a foreign trip, while this woamn needs monies to feed herself. Should I be sacrificing to save her life, or should I be asking her to exercise self control retrospectively which nobody can do anyway?
@himzey (1321)
• India
28 Apr 12
Who needs an Apsara. IPL cheerleaders rockkkk.. !! who-hoooo.. !!
@himzey (1321)
• India
28 Apr 12
When its me.. awards are always comin'.. Won one for 'the most jolly performance of the day' t'day in the farewell I received from my juniors.
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
28 Apr 12
I bet they are suffering with belly ache..
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
28 Apr 12
You deserve the naughtiness award...I am sure Indra got whiter the white he is supposed to be.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
28 Apr 12
Are Sins really increasing in this world??? Hmmm?? Perhaps, this has something to do with what one chooses to view and the judgment calls that follow. The reality is that the world is getting better. The greater acquired knowledge will, in time, solve so many problems. Your quote:May be our portrayal of heaven needs to be updated. my answer: Well, if they are going to draw in those followers, they will have to paint a prettier picture than anyone else. I think you are right. Of course, religion doesn't like to change. They think they already have all those answers, still if they loose enough followers, they'll start painting again. OK,Vandy.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
29 Apr 12
Hold it! Hold it!! Don't worry about Hell. Let's think. Could it really be Heaven without you, Vandy??? I think not! Let's don't go off the deep end. Everything you do in life returns. Make good choices. Don't unlearn all those lessons you have learned along life's path. Don't worry. The internet always works in Heaven. Yes, everyone gets an ipad. They have 100 inch TVs. Yes, the list goes on and on. The only thing is: There will be much better things to do. The future is always brighter!! Oh, don't forget the donation for the collection plate at the door. All those gadgets cost money. OK! OK! Only kidding. God isn't a religion. Everything is Free. That will get everyone to show up. Just yell, IT'S ALL FREE!!!! Hmmm??? Looks like I'm going out on a limb here. Never mind.
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
28 Apr 12
Honestly, as things stand, does heaven really look all that enticing. Those white portrayals, our interior decorators are able to come up with those. Then there are snowcapped mountains and lovely trees all over. Just about everything out here is more tempting for us to want to stay here. So something in heaven should be attractive for us to be willing to forego all these, right? Another problem is with the way religions are preached. I mean, once you fall from grace..the end. Since anyway, I am going to hell, so why should I try to be good?
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
27 Apr 12
Dint I tell you Haven is a Non-Happening place? See it is ancient and something fit only for extinct species like the Dinos... but even the Havens dont have them anywhere...(I wonder what they did to the dinos who went up there...)... maybe they are facing the inflation too and hence unable to get food for the poor dinos these days... ps: Havens are unfortunately not going to get any updates. Apsaras today lack the "ooomph" and we have more "Apsaras" down here who are more easy to access... So the basics of Havens fail to work today. I would prefer a re-design or a revamp thing instead of any update.
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
27 Apr 12
Perhaps you would like to give the specifications ...because if I dont like it, I might just hire another builder for it. :)
@topffer (42155)
• France
27 Apr 12
Revamping Heaven and Hell ? Do you think I will make my choice with a demo version?
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
27 Apr 12
why sins are increasing ? because the people are increasing , ?hey are moving away from morals and values , oving away from their religion and its teachings .. Prior to that man is not infallible, right?
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
28 Apr 12
Man is not infallible? It means man is dare you say that.
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
28 Apr 12
"It means man is dare you say that. " that is the truth , every Adam sons mis , the human is fallible of sins , is this dare in your eyes when I tell that?
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
28 Apr 12
You are not supposed to admit that is so anti human!
• India
27 Apr 12
My grandmother says like this: "whatever good you do, you could get the same in heaven" It's like she told me an example for this too: Karna was one of those helpers and he never refused when someone asked him for help.Once on an occasion he showed his pointing finger towards the place where food is being served and it is believed that after reaching the heaven-he was able to satisfy his hunger if he licked that finger. So conclusion: We would get every thing in the same way that we did it here in earth.Alright, but now, though i could not touch the point of fruit filled heaven- to get all those LED Televisions and air conditioners,pizzas, ice creams-maybe we should give them like Karna (LOL) But then, you could better enjoy your life here rather than giving it all like Karna and having it in the Heaven! I have questions in it: We all have 7 births,again according to the Hindu mythology, so even if we are going to give all the above that we would need in heaven-to all those who come and ask-like Karna-or even better than him, then when we are going to take our second (or next) birth, who will enjoy all those? Second- If in the first birth i did all those good deeds and in the second i do all bad and evil ones, all those things would be snatched from me right? DECLARING: So i can never do all good in all these 7 births-it's better we enjoy all our life and then go to hell-anyway we are going to suffer? I and you are after all not of the 'Karna descent'!
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
27 Apr 12
Well, we should be thankful for that, shouldnt we? I wouldn't want a mother like his for sure. :)
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
27 Apr 12
But to be fair, Mahabharat has only three characters worth remembering. Bhishma pitamaha, Karna, and Eklavya.
• India
27 Apr 12
Indeed thankful.. Hearty thanks :)
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
27 Apr 12
So you're saying that the materialistic world is causing people to become sinners, because heaven is more about frugal living and that nobody really desires a meek path? I think there might be something to that. But on the whole, as a planet, I don't know that sins are increasing. I just think that because of the TV and the Internet, we're now hearing about them much, much more. They might even be glorified, depending on one's definition of sin, but I'm not sure if it's more. My father was cursing at the TV the other day, because the news was going on all day about this guy getting shot, that guy getting stabbed, this woman getting her home robbed, and on and on. He yelled out that it happens whether or not they show it, so why don't they try to find a good story every once in a while. And I believe that to be true. Using my country for example, long, long before we had Internet and TV, we had slavery, what some may call genocide, the Wild West outlaws, early mobsters wreaking havoc, etc. Today, while there's still and abundance of crime and undoubtedly an abundance of sin, I'm not sure if there's actually more of it. I just think we hear about it instantly if there is any of it.
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
27 Apr 12
In a way I feel glad about Internet and television. Genocide like the one in Hitler's regime is more difficult in these days, isn't it? While I admit media has helped many private individuals against those in power, continuous exposure may make people immune to the pain of others just like we dont think much about violent games our children play on videos and mobiles. .
• India
2 Jun 12
Sins are not increasing in fact tehy are decreasing.
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
1 Aug 12
I'd like to believe u.. :)
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 May 12
I think that the portrayal of heaven as a place where all our needs are met. No famines, no droughts, no cold or excessive heat. Food that is actually good for us and pleasant too. Music to delight our ears, colors to delight our eyes, the presence of those who are like minded and on the same spiritual path. You're on to something, I don't know if I can explain it right; perhaps our desires and lusts for more (tv's, cd's, fancy food and clothes, fast fancy cars) is not so much diminishing heaven as it is keeping us from seeing the worth of heaven? Hope I got what I was trying to say, across.
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
1 Aug 12
I read it 3 months ago, and honestly, I was confused because I am not as good in English as you are Debra. :) But today, for a fleeting second, I captured what you said. I feel the really hungry and thirsty dont think of god, as do the very rich. It is only the middle class that thinks of heaven ...and fantasizes about what it must have and what it should not, based on what is missing in their lives. Today, food, clothing, and shelter are not beyond reach of this class. Therefore, their focus has moved from those basics which heaven seemed to have ample of. So worth of heaven needs to be revisited may be. :)
@inedible (768)
• Singapore
27 Apr 12
Sins or sins per person? Since the world population is increasing, even if the number of sins committed by each person stays the same, the total number of sins would still go up, yes? Maybe that's part of why we hear more bad news: it's simply that higher total population also means higher criminal population. (FYI, the fruits in heaven are hallucinogenic. They're better entertainment that TV.)
@veganbliss (3895)
• Adelaide, Australia
27 Apr 12
Only fruit & dancing in your heaven, eh? That's good enough for me! Can I do you a deal? I'll swap my heaven for yours! Then when you're feeling hungry after looking at all those diamonds & jewelry, I can trade you some fruit! I think I get it... you reckon our sins are increasing because heaven lacks sufficient incentive for people to want to join them up there? Call me old-fashioned, but I would really love the old style of heaven - plenty of peace & quiet... and a rapidly diminishing quality that Australians particularly value... plenty of personal s-p-a-c-e up there!
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
27 Apr 12
Hey our hell has enough fruits and diamonds. So we dont need the ones from your heaven, ok? Yeah incentives it is. If only they'd portray heaven with ample desirable things (peace is only a concept most of time and only understood by those who are falling short of it for some reason). But the main problem comes from our priests - they say this is good and this is bad. Once you fall from grace, you have no chance to change your score. Since anyway we are going to hell, why dont we make hay while the sun shines seems to become the motive of people. Effectively, people have accepted that they are bad and they cant be redeemed. Alternately, some may think that when they are dying their last rites will send them to heaven.
• Adelaide, Australia
27 Apr 12
Oh, I never knew! Hell has fruit as well as heaven, eh? Is the fruit any better in heaven? Maybe it's certified organic, whereas the stuff in hell is GMO! I suppose it gets pretty hot down there & they need fruit to cool themselves down a bit! It's a pity peace has such little value these days. Wouldn't it be better to be religious, then, without priests? I like the positive attitude of your people!
• Philippines
27 Apr 12
The world is not getting better, it's getting worse because of sin. Sins are increasing because human keep on getting away from God. When your life is not in tune in God's will, then you committed sins. We will not be amaze why the world is getting worse because people lose conviction that sin is sin. They thought that sin is just part of their daily conversation or living. It's their way of life. Also people believe that there are mortal sins and biennial sins. They considered lying as a biennial sin but not mortal sin. But guys remember that in God's eyes, SIN is SIN. Either it is lying or murder, it has the same weight in God's eyes. Also people are perverting the world of God. Satan is the master of perversions. Satan makes people sin for them to go away from God.Do not be deceive by the devil. We have sinner nature because we inherit it from our forefather, from Adam and Eve. Even a child knows how to make sin even though no one is teaching him. Sin is all around us. Inside us. Anywhere. Why not admit that you cannot save yourself and trust Jesus that he alone can save you. Repent from your sins and accept Jesus as your Lord and personal Saviour.
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
27 Apr 12
I disagree about mortal and benign sins. The reason? If everything were perfect out here, heaven would not be pefect place, would it? I do better than believe in Jesus. I believe in Jesus' father, who incidentally is also my father and yours. :)
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
27 Apr 12
The prayer is... "our father in heaven ..."
@iswinar1 (21)
• Indonesia
28 Apr 12
May be heaven must be rebuild with great design....
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
28 Apr 12
I agree..this time we will use CAD and get the plans approved by all architects on earth, right?
• Indonesia
29 Apr 12
Great idea.. wk..wk..wk.. :)