are all people now into computers?

@hotsummer (13837)
April 27, 2012 12:33am CST
when i was younger not many people have their own computer at home. but now having your own computer at home is common already. and we can see people besides owning a computer have their tablets and cellphones with internet. So it is like who else does not own or does not use a computer in this age. even the old people try to learn computers to communicate with their families.
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24 responses
• India
7 May 12
Computers and cellphones are quite common with every one. Even the small children have it. This is becuase they are affordable at low price and even a common man afford it.
@millertime (1394)
• United States
6 May 12
About the only people that aren't into computers nowadays are a small percentage of older folks who just didn't want to learn about them. They are so popular and useful though, that even a lot of the older generations are into them. They're almost indispensable in this day and age. Kids learn how to use them at a very young age and they're used in all the schools, so it's almost impossible for anyone to grow up today without knowing about them.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
28 Apr 12
Hi hotsummer! I am an "older person" and spent most of my life without computers. And now I can't go a day without them! I am getting ready to go to see my 82 year old mom in Florida (I'm in NY) and she doesn't have a computer, doesn't want one and has no internet connection and I am freaking out! I am taking my Kindle Fire which is supposed to be enough of a tablet so that I can use the Internet, check my email, watch my tv shows that I miss, but I first have to get a signal! My "computer guy" is going to give me another "lesson" on it (he bought it for me) and hopefully it will work when I get there. If it doesn't I will go crazy without the Internet for two weeks! If I can't go swimming and tanning I'm going home sooner!
• Philippines
1 May 12
We are now on a computer age is people are trying to learn what our newest technology offers us. Wherever we are, from work, to school or even at home, computer set is present. Data were already saved in softcopy and not the usual hardcopy and it saves space. Plus when we have the internet connection, information is everywhere, we just filter out which is true.
@laken02 (3065)
• United States
2 May 12
yes , i remember when the computers and cell phones first came out, i was in high school and lived at home with my mom and dad... and back then the only ones who got eitehr computer or cell phone had to have money to spare, luckly my dad had a great job and we was able to afford both computer and cell phone but then you had to also have good credit to qualify for a cell phone.. and the first cell phones were called bag phones and they stayed in your car... my how times have cahnged im really glad that almost anyone can now afford a computer or cell phone, even though i dont choose to spend my money on a cell phone now, they are great to have. and maybe in the future i will invest in another phone but for now im all about paying my bills off.. :) happy mylotting..
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
30 Apr 12
My parents still do not know how to use the computers and they don't even bother it and still can live happily~ I think they don't even need it. For those who don't need computers and all those gadgets they will find that it is not necessary for them to have it. I just have my laptop, I don't tablets or smartphone as I don't need it. For the young generations they must learn how to use the technologies and it seems everything get faster till we can't cope with the latest products.(^^)
@alberello (4752)
• Italy
27 Apr 12
now practically every home at least does not lack a computer. Even people of a certain age (I know of 3, over sixty) want more and more come into this world, and I understand them, are very good, until reaching even to say: "if only I'd done before." , In addition to home PCs, many people "working" the streets, on buses, in short, in fact almost everywhere with their smartphone or tablet. So is the technology!
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
28 Apr 12
You are right, 10 years ago it is really difficult to buy a PC because it is expensive. However, right now everyone can buy a PC or laptop easily, it speed is high,many features integrated. I am sure very house, there is a least 1 PC or laptop for connecting to the internet. Thank for PC technology, i can keep contact with boyfriend when he lives far away from my place by through webcam.
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
28 Apr 12
You are right, 10 years ago it is really difficult to buy a PC because it is expensive. However, right now everyone can buy a PC or laptop easily, it speed is high, many features integrated. I am sure very house, there is a least 1 PC or laptop for connecting to the internet. Thank for PC technology, i can keep contact with boyfriend when he lives far away from my place by through webcam.
• United States
28 Apr 12
The majority certainly seem to be but I get fed up at times myself with it. I do know people who don't have them though and I can see why. Anyone who does not have one of these gadgets is a very social and outgoing person preferring to actually GO OUT. lol
• Philippines
28 Apr 12
Obviously I certainly agree, with the advent of modern technology things are getting high tech most of the people has their own computers already even the least members of the community are owning one because some of it are of lesser price that is why everybody can afford to buy it and one reason also is to adapt to the modernization of ones' community and society to be in most likely somehow right.It is true that even communication to a member of the family who lives far away are no longer impossible because of it wherein before it would take a long time what a great deviance isn't it.But perhaps no matter what changes does modernization brings to us what is important is how we are valuing it, the options of acquiring it,its adverse effect to mankind and its advantages because such changes has abruptly brought a massive impact to ones action,values and to the environment per see but what can we do such change is already there perhaps all we can do is to adapt to it still and to go and to be in with the flow.
• United States
27 Apr 12
I know quite a few elderly people who do not (and will not) have a computer in their home. They're not interested, I suppose. I also know quite a few kids my age who still don't have computers in their homes and still have to go to school on their own time to finish projects and things. Some also just don't have a computer because they already have internet access on their cell phones, and why have a computer in your home when you have the internet on your cell phone?
• United States
28 Apr 12
It is true, in this digital age, many people do have computers. When I was a teenager, computers and the internet were starting to get really big, the advent of myspace, facebook, all those social networking sites. I became very interested in computers in my early teenage days and began to learn many things about them. Though there are some who do not wish to have a computer.
• United States
28 Apr 12
people are very sociable things and this is the modern era, so it only makes sense for the most affordable means of communication to be used by everyone even the elderly. its also a way for instant communication all over the world, before it took days for a letter to get to someone now it just takes seconds for a facebook message to get though.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
27 Apr 12
Nope, not all people are into computers. I know of a few that don't have it. My mom's one such person. She's just not interested. Lord knows I've tried to persuade her, but she just won't budge. As far as I know none of her sisters have it either (her brother does though). Same goes for my neighbor. Okay, so she does have a computer, she just doesn't have Internet access! Which I find just a little bit odd. But to each their own, I guess! Happy mylotting!
• Bulgaria
27 Apr 12
I think that computers use almost all people.Now is the time of computers and internet.As nowadays everyone has a car,and everyone uses the internet.Every new technology has hit its time.When they began to produce home phone,gradually every family has purchased.The same is repeated with each new technology.When everyday life is linked to a computer,wonder what will you do without it?Maybe people who are used to constantly ,use the computer will be without him.
@Bluedoll (16774)
• Canada
27 Apr 12
I don't think all people are into computers though the people you find online using them are. It depends on if they have one and not everyone does and if they do have some don't use it as a computer enthusiast would so not everyone.
@vertu007 (683)
• Romania
27 Apr 12
Most of them at least. My grandparents don't want to hear about them. They live at the countryside and they prefer to work in the garden, watch some tv. They don't want something like a computer in their home. I think it's because they didn't come in contact with one at an earlier age. For my generation at least computers are a big part of life.
• Philippines
27 Apr 12
computers are very helpful and very useful nowadays as a means of communication to your family members most especially those working abroad.
@zeljko46 (17)
27 Apr 12
Computers are now much affordable and usable. We use them for social services, we can find out a lot on them... Yes, older people are learning to use computers too. My grandma plays online games. This is all logical, because computers are getting more useful and more attractive.