What things do you do to keep yourself from spending your extra money?

United States
April 27, 2012 4:52am CST
Self discipline is a really good thing. When it comes to having extra money what do you do keep yourself from spending it? For me I love to shop, especially online. So I've decided lately since I'm trying to save instead of spend that I need to give my husband our debt card until I need to use it for something important. It has been said that you spend more money when you use some type of card rather than when you carry cash with you. I have found this to be true in my case. When I'm out and about I'm more likely to just swipe our card. But if I have cash on me I'm less likely to spend it. What has helped you to stop spending extra money you may have? Thanks for sharing your experience.
16 responses
@FrugalMommy (1438)
• United States
27 Apr 12
Oh, that's simple. I just don't have any extra money! When my husband or I get paid, we set aside the money we need to pay our bills and other expenses like gas and groceries. Then each of us takes out a certain amount (usually $20) for our own purchases. He uses his to buy little things like snacks and drinks while he's at work, but I tend to put most of mine aside. I'm saving up so we'll be able to do various fun things like take our daughter to the big zoo in the state capital. That's really what has helped me curb my spending. We took our daughter to that zoo for her birthday last month. I took some pictures and had them printed at Walmart. My daughter has been talking about the trip pretty much non-stop since we went. She loves looking at the pictures and telling me how she fed one of the giraffes (scary!) or sat on a wall and watched the oryxes with her daddy. She's taught me that the memories we create are a lot more important than the things we collect.
• United States
27 Apr 12
Whoops, I hit the post button a little sooner than I should have! I meant to add that everything my husband and I have left over after we take out our spending allowances for the pay period goes into our savings account as part of our emergency fund. Once we get that built back up, we'll start moving some of our earnings into our retirement accounts.
• United States
5 May 12
Lol, I understand what your saying about not having any extra money. I'm glad that you are saving for your family to take a trip to the zoo. I can imagine how much fun your daughter had doing something like that. Yeah I agree that saving for something special really does help us. I agree that memories are so much more important than collecting things. I want our family to have memories of us doing things together as a family. I'm hoping to save for a surprise weekend trip this summer for my husband and I. Creating great memories for our family. I'm also planning to save for us to take two trips a year-one anniversary, and one family. If I keep up with my savings we will be able to do things like this. I'm also working on keeping our emergency fund up as well.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
29 Apr 12
Any money that I save, it technically doesn't exist, unless there is an emergency. Once I put my money in an account, it is either for the purposes of paying for purchases or to save it for an emergency. If you imagine that the money is not there, then obviously you cannot be spending money that technically "doesn't exist." I also tend to limit my trips outside of the house as opposed to what is absolutely necessary. And by absolutely necessary, I do mean what is absolutely necessary, as I make no trips that do not have a purpose. Also, there are just times where I just take a small amount of cash, perhaps a little extra, but not too much beyond that. Making a list and micro-managing my purchases might seem like a lot of work but it can pay off well in time.
• United States
5 May 12
That is a good thing that you have your money wisely set up for savings. We never know when an emergency will come up. It is so much better to be prepared. When we are unprepared for these situations it leads to a lot of stress and anxiety. That is also a good thing that you don't take unnecessary trips outside of the house. Perhaps I can limit myself in that regard as well. This would save gas and my exploring different stores and then I end up purchasing something.
@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
28 Apr 12
i don't go to the mall, or else i would end up shopping whatever i see.
• United States
5 May 12
That is a good thing that you don't go to the mall then :). I usually can't stand going to the mall because everything cost so much. My favorite store in the mall is the dollar store. Other than that I was get frustrated because everything is so expensive.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
28 Apr 12
Hi Dominique, you can use the money to buy investment products instead of consumer products. For example, when you use a hundred dollars or more to buy shares in the stock market, you will not have spent the money on luxuries. Even though many people have lost money in the stock market, that does not mean you will not earn. Those who lost in the stock market never do their homework. They just want to rely on hot tips, and buy when everyone else is buying, and the rich people are selling. As long as you buy into good and stable companies, you will get good returns for your hard earned money. The best companies are those that make money and give out dividend every year. These are the utilities, railway and big companies with diversified businesses.
• United States
5 May 12
I agree it is a good thing to research the stock market before investing it. The more information we know the better decision we will make about which company to invest in.
@ralphs (209)
• Philippines
28 Apr 12
When i have extra money, i kept it to save more money so if one day if i want the expensive thing i have the money to use, and for emergency use if someone in my family need it .
• United States
5 May 12
Yeah it's good to be able to save to buy ourselves something that is more expensive.It gives us incentive to save and then in the end we are able to get what we want. Having an emergency fund is necessary as well. You never know what may come up.
28 Apr 12
Nice Discussion Friend. As you are telling self discipline is a really good thing i agree you discipline is the most important for our life. If you have money you have to save them for your future, if you like shopping then you have to spend very low amount of money on it. Save money is the best thing.
• United States
5 May 12
Yeah it is a key factor for us to be able to accomplish the things we want. It's important for us to have self discipline. It gives us a lot of edge to what we want to do. I agree saving money is a great thing for us to do it really helps us to feel more secure about the future.
@Porcospino (31365)
• Denmark
27 Apr 12
At the moment my husband and I are saving up money for our first trip to Asia. I have taken an extra job, but we also have to spend less money in our daily lives if we want to achieve our goal. I have to spend part of my salary on bills and food, and when I get paid I transfer the money for the bills to another account and withdraw the cash that I need for food and other things for one month. The rest of the money stays in my account, and when I have spent the money that I have withdrawn I don't spend more money that month unless something totally unexpected happens and I have to repair something in the house, have to repair the car etc. When I feel like spending money on new clothes and things like that I read in my travel guidebook about Asia and I then I lose the urge to spend the money on shopping and I am able to focus on my goal
• United States
5 May 12
That is awesome that you and your husband will get to go to Asia. That would be a great motivator for me to save money :). I agree that in order to save for trips it's important to spend less throughout our daily living. I'm working on that. It is so much easier to order take out and less dishes. But it starts to add up over time. So I'm planning to get a lot of paper plates, and cups and get extra groceries to help save in money and time in the long run. Yeah that is a good idea to remind yourself of your goal by looking into your book. I'm trying to save for a surprise weekend trip so I will have to start reminding myself of everything we are going to be doing.
@much2say (57346)
• Los Angeles, California
27 Apr 12
I don't have extra money - hee hee!! I'm a stay at home mome - and my hubby is the one who brings in the real income . . . I just make sure we budget and not get so many of the extras. So I never have extra money for myself (which is fine - I really don't need that much - I spend more on the kids though!!). The money I do make online I guess is the "extra" . . . but those are in accounts - like PayPal or on Amazon as gift cards . . . and as I can't make up my mind how to make use of those little funds, I just keep saving them up and not touch them! Also, I have an account in a credit union my parents use . . . and that CU is about 45 minutes away. I never go there, so I never get any money out of that account (too far to touch - ha ha).
• United States
5 May 12
I understand your situation. I only work less than ten hours a week outside the home. So that isn't very much money at all. So when I do have that little extra I want to buy something small for myself usually. My husband as well is the one who makes all the money. The credit union being that far might be a good thing uh. But as it is that far it would also be hard to put money into. I too like getting things for my daughter. I want her to have different items that help her develop certain skills. So I'm working on getting her a collection of small items. I get her books at the library and whenever they have children's books for donation I grab some of those to add to her own collection. Outright buying books are really expensive. So I search carefully for them. There will be a lot of garage sales this summers so I'm hoping to find a lot in good condition.
@shylade (3132)
• Philippines
28 Apr 12
it is really hard to manage money and make a budget. so basically, i'll buy all our basic needs and that includes foods. i would rather have many foods that buy things i really don't need. then pay all the bills so i am assured i will not have penalty for that. we have credit cards too and most of the times we are using them. i just think first of all the necessities before buying our wants.
• United States
5 May 12
Yeah I agree. It's nice to have a lot of food. It is a good thing that we think of the necessities before our wants. I think that writing these things down will help me. To really see what things we need and what are really wants that I can do without. I think that if we have plenty of groceries in the house to eat(and paper plates and cups as I'm getting tired of doing dishes :)this will prevent us from eating out which really does add up in the long run.
@naija4real (1291)
28 Apr 12
I cut down on the number of visits I make to places that I spend more such as fastfood joint, hotel, drinking bar, and supermarket. I rather save the money on education and health issues.
• United States
5 May 12
Yeah I agree. That is a great place to start. As it's always easier to spend a ton of money on fast food,and the like. It is definitely better to use our money for more important things. I need to start saving for gas for college. As I will have to drive over an hour once a week in order to take my clinicals and other classes like that. So it's going to cost a lot of gas.
• Philippines
28 Apr 12
Having a financial goal or plan can help you minimize spending. Trying mapping out a long term spending plan. With that goal in place, there will be added motivation not to spend and wait until the plan materializes in the long term. Just be sure that your financial plan outweighs any spending that you might do, or the spending goal is more desirable than short term ones. That's what keeps me motivated to save and not spend my extra money. Thinking about that great trip or buying a pricey stuff in the future, or even getting a house or a financial target by a couple of years will surely help. I myself is targeting to become a millionaire in a couple of years time. That is why I am so motivated and focused on reaching that goal as of the moment. It is a self fulfillment thing in the end.
• United States
5 May 12
That is a great idea. I will have to do that. Have a long term spending plan. Yeah you may a good point. I hope that you reach your goal of becoming a millionaire. That would be a great accomplishment. I will keep trying to envision those big goals that I want so that this will keep me from spending.
@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
27 Apr 12
I make a shopping list, before I go I check it, if not needed/necessary anymore at that moment I remove it from the list. I only pay cash and take the money I need with me, no more. I only buy if it's for the price or the article I want. If not I don't buy the (more expensive) substitute. If it comes to clothes/shoes etc I never buy it at once. Try to get it via friends (kids clothes etc) or wait as long as possible (sale at shop or) I don't go shopping for fun. I do my groceries mostly once a month so I only need some fresh food once a week or less.
• United States
5 May 12
Yeah those are good suggestions. A shopping list is definitely a big help it keeps us from impulse buying. Yeah it's a good idea to get clothes and such from family and friends. It's really crazy how expensive clothes can be. I don't like spending twenty or thirty dollars for a shirt. So I don't. I go to a second hand store or get clothes on sale at walmart. This helps me save as well.
@erjnsimon (1191)
• Makati, Philippines
27 Apr 12
Self discipline! Abstinence! Haha. It is really hard to avoid spending extra money. However, if i really want to earn and save my money, i just keep it. Try to sacrifice a little bit even though i really want to buy something. Well, i am still a student and i only earn money though my allowance but not i will try to earn more even just few here in mylot. However, i think, if will have a job, i think i can't force myself to avoid by the things i really want to have, but i will still make sure that i have something to left for myself. :) . Earning and saving money is really hard but one more thing is harder, it is to find where can we get money.
• United States
5 May 12
I completely agree with you. It is so difficult to avoid spending my extra money. It really is a struggle for me. Yeah that is a good point you bring out it is harder to earn money so that in itself should motivate me to save it and use it wisely.
@chelogirl (121)
• Philippines
27 Apr 12
I'm saving money right now coz I really want to buy DSLR camera. I refrain from shopping online and buying branded shoes. I really want to have SLR camera that's why I cut my spending.
• United States
5 May 12
I hope that soon you will reach your goal of saving to buy your DSLR camera. It is so exciting when we have been able to save and get the things we want. I want to save for a surprise weekend trip for my husband and I in July. I also want to get a GPS and the car worked on before we go out of town. So I have a lot of saving to do and I hope that we will have a good time. Because then all of it will have been well worth it.
@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
27 Apr 12
In the past you months, I've really become conscious about what I spend on. I'm not keeping myself from buying anything fun, just when I see something I like, I'm waiting for a week or two to see if I'm still thgat enthusiastic about it. So, after a while, I truly see what I'm really longing for, and what's just something that caught my eye in a certain moment, but isn't that important for me. Also, I've become more frugal. Using coupons, knowing cheap places. I also keep a list about stuff I'd like, because in my family, especially in my mom's case, it's kind of ordinary that they ask what I'd like for occasions (birthday, Christmas etc.), so that it's not like I don't know, but I have a list of items I've been eying/I need. And I'm entering a lot of giveaways. Sometimes I'm lucky, and I kind of milden my thrist for shopping, when I receive my prizes :).
• United States
5 May 12
That is a good idea. To give ourselves to think about if we really want that item and for more importantly if we really need that item. I agree with you going to cheap places as saved me a ton of money. I'm always looking for great deals and searching for store brand items. Doing things like this when we save dollars, or even a few cents here and there it adds up over time.
• India
17 Oct 12
You see, we are a consumer society. It"s is embedded in our mind to achieve goal by spending more and more. If you take into consideration the breaktrough of technology in the last 20 years, you"ll notice it"s even easier to spend more money nowdays such as the use of credit cards. Only one thing hasn"t changed - self control. Once you learn how to control your expenses, surely the next morning will be easier to handle.