What achievements do you think we will live to see ?

@vertu007 (683)
April 27, 2012 4:18pm CST
I like SF movies and I was thinking I would be nice if I could live long enough to see flying cars on a daily bases, maybe just maybe even time travel. I really want to be around when a lot of scientific breakthroughs occur. How about you ? Do you want to see science evolve a lot during your life ?
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5 responses
• Pamplona, Spain
22 May 12
Hiya vertu, Now that would be grand to see that come about Cars that fly instead of being on the Road. That is why I love James Bond Films the Cars go underwater and they have every Gadget you can think of they can almost fly even. It is coming so close to that way of reality. Of course its all a dream at the moment but dreams can come true canĀ“t they? So in the meantime its back to watching James Bond and similar I like James Bond and Star Trek and Deep Space Nine and also there used to a very funny puppet Series when I was small called "Stingray" that was about a Car that could practically fly Gerry Andersen was the creator of this kind of Series before I thought he was quite brilliant too.xxx
• United States
28 Apr 12
Seeing as how my university is trying real hard to work on a flying car, then that means that we all better live long enough to see one.
@mensab (4200)
• Philippines
27 Apr 12
there are many things that i would not imagine happening in my life when i was a kid. touchscreen was only seen on movies, but now we see them everyday. free calls are unimaginable years ago, but now, they are available online. people keep on innovating and creating things that make our lives easy in this world. and i am blessed to have seen them in my lifetime.
@toniganzon (72277)
• Philippines
28 Apr 12
If i live long enough to witness that why not?
@snrm007 (224)
• United States
27 Apr 12
I'm really hoping to see some crazy virtual reality simulator and automatic driving cars. I enjoy video games but I would love to actual be put in the game, not some cheesy crap like Kinect. Then the automatic driving cars is kind of obvious. I just wish cars drove themselves and you reclined the seat back and watched a movie or something.