Quran alone group
By wonderbook
@wonderbook (24)
April 28, 2012 12:56am CST
Salam to all,
Many people believe the holy Quran is enough for being a Muslim. Those people dont think hadith or sunna is integral part of Islam as Quran is complete, perfect and fully detailed book. I have found the website, www.progressive-muslim.org is discussing details about this topic. I am not sure, could you please make your opinion on it? Many thanks.
5 responses
@Harley009 (1416)
• India
18 May 12
This is the most basic belief a Muslim must have. Obey Allah and Obey Messenger. There were revelations given to prophet Mohammad SA, other than Quran as wise knowledge, Prophet is our role model and illustrator, We should follow that.
O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result. (Quran 4:59)
And whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger - those will be with the ones upon whom Allah has bestowed favor of the prophets, the steadfast affirmers of truth, the martyrs and the righteous. And excellent are those as companions.(Quran 4:69)
And obey Allah and obey the Messenger and beware. And if you turn away - then know that upon Our Messenger is only [the responsibility for] clear notification.(Quran 5:92)
They ask you, [O Muhammad], about the bounties. Say, "The [decision concerning] bounties is for Allah and the Messenger." So fear Allah and amend that which is between you and obey Allah and His Messenger, if you should be believers. (Quran 8:1)
O you who have believed, obey Allah and His Messenger and do not turn from him while you hear [his order]. (Quran 8:20)
And obey Allah and His Messenger, and do not dispute and [thus] lose courage and [then] your strength would depart; and be patient. Indeed, Allah is with the patient. (Quran 8:46)
The believing men and believing women are allies of one another. They enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and establish prayer and give zakah and obey Allah and His Messenger. Those - Allah will have mercy upon them. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise. (Quran 9:71)
The only statement of the [true] believers when they are called to Allah and His Messenger to judge between them is that they say, "We hear and we obey." And those are the successful. (Quran 24:51)
He will [then] amend for you your deeds and forgive you your sins. And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger has certainly attained a great attainment. Quran 33:71
O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and do not invalidate your deeds. (Quran 47:33)
And there are lot more...
@wonderbook (24)
• Bangladesh
21 May 12
But Allah says which hadith other than God and His revelations do they believe? [Quran 45:6]. So how a Muslim can follow hadith? Did prophet Muhammad follow anything other than the Quran? Many hadiths are fake right?
@ashrafonline (115)
• India
30 May 12
@Wonderbook , All the islamic rules are based on Quran and Strong hadiths, there is no fake hadiths .
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
20 Jun 12
wonderbook ,
we believe as Muslims in God Almighty only , and that the Holy Quran is his word , the Hadith is the words which Muhammad PBUH said to us ,to show Islam to us , there are many thing in Quran Muhammad explaine it like : how we pray and other things , there are words God said to him but it is not Quran , it is Hadith Qudsi , so we must believe in Sunnah ,
God said in many verses to obey Muhammad , He said about Muhamed in Quran :
" nor does he speak out of desire.Indeed it is not except a Revelation which is revealed, taught by One who is Stern in power. " Al-Najm : 3-5
We use only the Strong Hadith .
@NEWSNERD32 (16)
• United States
31 May 12
I find this whole argument ludicrous because how can you only follow Holy Quran but not hadith when Allah clearly says to follow Him and his Messsenger. So how are you gonna follow his messenger if you dnt read the hadiths. THe HOly Quran touches on every subject pertaining to Islam but it dosnt give a whole lot of details on all the subjects. This is where the Hadiths comes in to fill in the gaps and bring clarity on all matter of subjects. Allah states in the Holy Quran that He has made it easy for the Muslims, this is why we have millions of people who are able to memorize it word for word. This miracle of memorizing the HOly Quran Majeed would probable not be possible if Allah went into evry minute detail on all the subjects it covers. So we have the Hadiths to do this for us, and what better way to know what Allah wants from us as his servants than by following the example of His Beloved Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (SAW). Islam is a very logical religion it appeals to the heart and the mind, so people need to think about this before they start adding their own innovations to this beautiful religion.
@Rashadh (1)
• South Africa
6 Aug 12
My comment is to all the people who believe hat the Quran does not have all the details, Clearly they have not read or made an attempt to study the Quran,Everything we need in our lives Allah gives us the answer in the Quran, I just don't like debating with fellow believers because it will cause them to say things like the Quran does not have all the details, a statement
which is blatantly and completely against the words directly from the Creator, There are way to many Ayats that tell us, the Quran is detailed, no contradictions, nothing left out etc,So Please brothers and Sisters just read the Quran not just recite it if you are not arabic speaking. Less we say things we have no knowledge about,
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
30 Dec 12
The Quran makes it clear that Abraham (Ibrahim, PBUH) was the PERFECT Muslim. He had neither the Hadith nor the Sunnah nor the Quran. Islam is simply 'total submission to G*d' and nothing else.
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
9 May 12
No Muslim can deny the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him , because the Sunnah separated us things not , detailed in the Quran, for example: how to pray, how we knew? Of Mohammed is not it? God also told us in the Qur'an:
"and whatever the Messenger gives you, accept it, and from whatever he forbids you," Al-Hashr-7
" I swear by the star when it goes down Your companion does not err, nor does he go astray;Nor does he speak out of desire.It is naught but revelation that is revealed," An-Najm-1:4
In the Hadith , Muhammed(PBUH) predicted who will come after him and deny his Sunnah (such as those now Quranists) said :" I can find one of you, leaning on leaning up to him talk about me and says we do not find this provision in the Quran,and I have been given the Qur'an with it such it" , as you know there are Hadith Qudsi of the prophet told by God and not from the ?Quran is not it ?
My brother : don't let any person make you doubt in the Sunnah or make you leave it ,as we all know there is a fierce war against Islam from who do not want good to people ,
God guide us all to his way.