Idol Worship, are even prophets made into Idols?
By EvanHunter
@EvanHunter (4026)
United States
April 28, 2012 5:32am CST
Recently I ran across a video of Dr. Rashad Khalifa Vs. Dr. Abdel Rahman in which he says that Muslims have turned Muhammad into a Idol by saying "I be witness there is no God but one God (Allah) and Muhammad is the messenger of God". He asks "Can a dead man be a messenger of God?" and if the Qur'an forbids any distinction between the prophets why do they not say this about the other prophets, IE: Moses, Abraham or even Jesus who is still alive?
You can deny the very existence of the creator but insult Muhammad and you will invoke the wrath of legions of Muslims. How can this be that the prophet is higher than the creator?
Now this is a common thing that Muslims accuse the catholic church of doing is making Jesus, Mary and the saints all Idols worshiped over God. Personally I have to agree and I think its wrong. Jesus said that anyone who hears his words and obeys is more blessed than his own mother so why do people pray to Mary who is dead?
I know if you are Christian you will be quick to point out Jesus said "I and my father are one, but he also said to the disciples "I pray that you are all one as I and my father are one" so obviously he wasn't talking about them being the same person but being one in spirit, direction and truth.
Idols are everywhere around us today, all you have to do is turn on the television and look at any entertainment and you can get an eye full of idol worship. In fact some of them even dress up as ancient deities in their performances.
But if you seek a religion how can you be sure that you are not following into the trap of worshiping a prophet as an idol also? Many church leaders have claimed to be the second coming of Christ and led many people to their very deaths.
In Jude it says: When Moses died the Devil tried to collect his body and the archangel Michael did not himself dare to condemn him for slander but said, “The Lord rebuke you!”. What would of happened if the devil had gotten a hold of Moses body? Would people be worshiping it today still?
It seems there are the obvious idols like singers who dress up like ancient deities but it also seems there are not so obvious idols like prophets and religious leaders. It seems the only safe thing to do is to take it directly to God.
6 responses
@Gordano (795)
• United States
1 May 12
Hello EvanHunter,
One can Idolize anything, In chapter 33 in the Gospel of Barnabas Jesus Christ PBUH made the perfect definition of Idolatry and said:
Then said Jesus: 'Verily all that which a man loveth, which he leaveth everything else but that, is his god. And so the fornicator hath for his image the harlot, the glutton; drunkard hath for image his own flesh, and the covetous hath for his image silver and gold, and so likewise every other sinner.'
as for Rashad Khalifa he is not trusted in field of Islamic Theology since he deny All the Sunnah because some of the Hdiths (sayings) of Muhammad are interlined so Rashad Khalifa decided to depend on the Qura'n alone and deny All the Sunnah while the Sunnah is very important, it Explains the Holy Qura'n.
another thing is that Rashad Khalifa plays the game of words using the difference between the word Prophet and the word Messenger, it is mentioned in the Holy Qura'n that Muhammad is the seal of Prophets (the final Prophet) and Rashad Khalifa admit this but he says that there is difference between a Prophet and a Messenger so he claim the messengers will continue to come and he himself (Rashad Khalifa) is a messenger!!
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@Gordano (795)
• United States
4 May 12
I can easily believe that Rashad Khalifa was indeed a Baha'i since the argument that messengers will continue to come is usually used by them, they twist the meaning of the verse 33:40 of the Holy Qura'n which clearly says that Muhammad PBUH is the seal of Prophets, considering that you are Egyptian this link contains the disgusting life story of Rashad Khalifa in Arabic (I'm also a native Arabic) the link is:
according to the teachings of the Qura'n there is only one religion sent by God to the Humanity and All Prophets including Jesus peace be upon them All followed and preached the same teachings of this religion which is now perfected in Islam.
the one and the true religion (the religion of Abraham,Isaac,and Jacob) is targeted by the deceivers and Satanic people, the so-called Baha'ism is nothing but an attempt to defame Islam, they claim to believe also in Islam but with another teachings and another belief a step by step to make the teachings of Islam equal to nothing, Rashad Khalifa played Exactly the same rule Paul played in Christianity, He claimed to be an apostle of Jesus but cursed the Law of Moses while Jesus Christ preached complete adherence to the Law making it the only way to inherit the Eternal life, but Paul (apostle of Jesus!!!!) preached that the Law is a curse!!! both Paul and Rashad Khalifa were employed by the same people.
it should be noted that both Paul and Rashad Khalifa were killed Exactly like what written in the right parts of the Bible.

@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
28 Apr 12
Muslims do not worship except Allah alone . If they worshiped Muhammad (PBUH)or any other with God they will not be Muslims , God will not forgive them that .. God Almighty can forgive of man anything but shirk it, either on the certificate: I be witness that there is no God but one God (Allah)and Muhammad is the messenger of God"(the unification of God divinity) and that Muhammad is the messenger of God ,this fact Muhammad is The Messenger of Allah to us,does it mean to say that we worship him? Of course not . As for the all of the Prophets we believe that God has sent them to their people .
the prophet is not higher than the creator , for the Muslim ,Christians had raised Christ to God , but we cant do that , we believe in one God only that Who is worthy of worship ,we prostrate to God only.
I didn't know the person you said about him .
I hope that you understand what I want to tell you , God bless you ,
and guide you to His way
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
6 May 12
I agree to disagree. You need to know that Muhammad was not the last messenger and that even now there are real messengers being martyred daily for speaking the truth.

@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
28 May 12
I don't know how to answer this. Of course I'm not Muslim so I couldn't even begin to answer this based on the teachings of Islam, but what this Dr. says makes perfect sense to me. I would really have to think about this for a long time. Very interesting.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
28 Apr 12
When it comes to all this stuff, I'm just a simple guy at heart.
If someone or something wants to me to worship this or not worship that, that someone or something needs to come tell me directly.
Because if all I have to guide me are the words from books that were written thousands of years ago, my natural inclination is to call BS on the entire genre and worship myself or whatever else I feel inclined to worship.
If that's upsetting to some ultimate presence, well, I can't exactly hide from it.
Drop in and holla at ya boy.
'Til then, I just wish individuals would make the choice not to care who worships what if it doesn't involve them directly.
Being inquisitive about the "why" behind it is okay, and most definitely natural. But some folks, even in 2012, take this religion thing beyond extremes, when all that should matter is where they stand with the god they choose, not where anyone else stands.
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
29 Apr 12
"If someone or something wants to me to worship this or not worship that, that someone or something needs to come tell me directly."
This happened to me. Maybe it was a stressful time in my life, maybe I was looking and seen what I wanted but the fact remains too many things happened for it all to be just a coincidence. In the end I learned a lot of things that were going on that I was torturing myself over I couldn't change and it wasn't all my fault so I am glad I stayed when I was told to. Sometimes the best thing you can do in life is to sit still and let things unfold even though its hard as hell to do.
@Bhurishrava (680)
• India
2 Jun 12
Actually each person is worshipping an idol, whether they admit it or not.
@befrindwithme26 (5805)
• Philippines
28 Apr 12
Worshiping idols is something image that made of man or God.Like example you worship the kings ,suns,moon,image,animals.
Just people are too blinded,and are behind in the truth of God,blind etc.
So it is better go to God directly.