What animal would you like to live as?
By Shannonymous
@Shannonymous (108)
United States
April 29, 2012 2:28pm CST
Assume you keep your human brain but must live in the body of an animal for the rest of your life. Don't worry about life expectancy, but solely based on the way the animal lives, what would you like to be?
A lot of people say things like eagle, wolf or dolphin, but...I dunno, I'm not sure I'd want to be a carnivore and have to kill animals every time I want to eat. And sea creatures are out for me, because I find the idea of being stuck in the deep, dark ocean terrifying.
I like the idea of being a raven. Then in addition to the flying thing, which would be amazing, I'd be an intelligent animal that likes socializing and playing. They eat just about anything, so I'd have the choice to hunt, scavenge or just find some fresh fruit. They have interesting calls and end to get along fine with humans (of course I'd stay away from areas where I'd get shot at).
So put some thought into it. What animals life do you envy?
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16 responses
@lmw814 (124)
• United States
30 Apr 12
I'd like to be a great white shark. Would be at the top of the food chain and could swim anywhere I wanted to go.

@vaishnavc (556)
• India
30 Apr 12
The shark doesn't die when it is put in an upside down position.When sharks are put in an upside down position,They go to a state similar to that of a trance or subconscious or something.What actually kills a shark is suffocation.The sharks have a unique kind of gills.They can't breathe when they are remaining still they have to keep moving forward inorder to push water into their mouths and then out through the gills.So when kept still a shark cant breathe.
There is some kind of a small reef shark.That is the only kind of shark that can breathe while remaining still.
@coldnpale (555)
• Greece
30 Apr 12
I've seen a documentary about orca whales killing great white sharks. So beware of them:P Orcas are considered really clever animals, and are able to kill different kind of animals in different ways. In the documentary I was watching, an orca whale turned a great white shark upside down, and hold it to that position. This creates a particular effect (i don't recall the english word for it) that kills the shark.
@coldnpale (555)
• Greece
30 Apr 12
That was interesting. Thanks for pointing out my mistake. In any way, you'll still have to be careful if you are a shark and you see a killer whale coming towards your direction.:P
@Eucalyptus (151)
29 Apr 12
I can't really say I 'envy' an animal, not because I find my life any more interesting or fulfilling but because I'm not in a mindset right about now which would lead me to envy one. After all, we are animals! If I was to envy an animal, it would probably be a gecko - not sure what species, but it'd have to be a wall climber - possibly a sticky foot, or just have claws for climbing rocks. I'd like to stay high, like a fly on a wall but a gecko on a wall! Just to see what happens around me in that respect would be pretty cool. Many gecko species have incredible eyesight, it is said that they have a similar sight to cats or possibly greater. They're also immensely intelligent, like us. I'd prefer to be a species which lived on rocky terrain, or sandy terrain, much like a Leopard Gecko but more like a sand gecko, because then I'd have awesome feet - I have webbed toes on one foot anyway, so I'd be pretty good at it I reckon! I'd probably also get some spectacular views, and wouldn't be as crowded as in a jungle or rainforest. I'd like to be able to jump far and high, just because that's two things I can't do very well - simply because humans nowadays need not to be able to do such things. I don't mind what colour gecko I'd be, but preferably striking yet subtle at the same time - if possible. Having regenerative teeth would be awesome though...as geckos shed their teeth throughout their life, whenever they damage or injure teeth they just grow them straight back - awesome! No need for a dentist :) I could seriously go on forever about this...I'm just fantasising now! Maybe I truly do envy geckos!!! Thanks for posting this cool question :)

@Eucalyptus (151)
1 May 12
Haha they are pretty relaxed!! Would do wonders for my stress levels. Bugs would be a cheap meal too as there's plenty of them and I know that cricket wings taste like popcorn shells...not so bad!!
@Shannonymous (108)
• United States
30 Apr 12
Interesting response, never would have thought of that! But it's true, whenever I see a gecko, they seem to be taking it pretty easy. Usually just chilling on my hotel room ceiling, eatin' bugs.

@spazz435 (322)
• United States
29 Apr 12
I think that if I were to live as an animal, I'd like to be a butterfly. Butterflies signify many things to me. Butterflies are beautiful, they are "free", and they can fly. Butterflies seem like everything I would like in life. I've always had dreams since I was a little girl wishing I could fly. Flying means freedom and serenity to me. Butterflies are perfect creatures.
@Shannonymous (108)
• United States
29 Apr 12
I agree they're beautiful, and the flight pattern seems very relaxing, but I don't know if I want to live as one. I see too many get eaten by birds. =)
@coldnpale (555)
• Greece
29 Apr 12
A grizzly or polar bear all the way.:) Powerful, fast, capable to hunt, climb, swim great distances, go fishing etc. To continue with, there are a relatively smart animal (not as much as your raven though..) and their senses are super enhanced (I think I read somewhere that bears can smell canned meat from about 2 miles away!) Also worth mentioning is that bears are omnivores, so they can eat what pleases them, or in the worst case what they can find easier. They are on the top of the food chain and there aren't any animals stupid enough to attack a bear, and on the top of it all, I believe bears are relatively safe from the worst animal on the planet, man. I believe that the only way that humans can harm bears is by harming the environment in which they live in, other than that in most areas bears are being protected. So...those are the reasons I'd choose the bear:).
@Shannonymous (108)
• United States
29 Apr 12
Honestly, I did also consider grizzlies because of their omnivorousness and general awesomeness. Their life must be pretty sweet, comparatively.
@tigershark (202)
• United States
30 Apr 12
This discussion reminds me of animagi from the Harry Potter series. To add more explanation, there are certain wizards who can transform into animals as they please. Their animal seems to represent their personality, and I think that this discussion is something similar; it shows other peoples' personalities.
I'm puzzled about what I should be. I've "changed" animals through different phases of my life. I enjoy flying, so I would probably be some sort of bird.
@Shannonymous (108)
• United States
30 Apr 12
I agree. I loved the idea of Patronuses, and was definitely envious of Hermione's otter. That would be a second choice for me, probably.
@Tamosree1993 (1525)
• India
30 Apr 12
Hello friend,
It is a good choice. But I think it is not possible my friend.
Have a nice day.
@Soniasony (1827)
• India
30 Apr 12
You just tempted me by saying that , i always fantasised as being an eagle in the sky..not for its instinct but for its capabilities of flying high , just high above clouds ...just staying cool and also seeing whats happening below with that eagle view ...hmmmmm ... i would love to fly high...
@umabharti (3972)
• India
30 Apr 12

@vaishnavc (556)
• India
30 Apr 12
I don't really fancy living as animal.But if i had to,i would prefer to be a hawk.It can soar higher than anything else out there.And it so free.As free as you can be.
@factorial (977)
• Philippines
30 Apr 12
Me? I want to be a "tamsi" a very small bird... no one wants to hunt this cute bird... it sings with high pitch... it feeds on worms and small fruits...
@Tamosree1993 (1525)
• India
30 Apr 12
Hello friend,
I love cats very much. I have two cats in my house. They are very sweet, cute and inocent. I am very happy with them.
Have a nice day.
@ShadowWolf1996 (147)
• Taiwan
4 May 12
As you said at the beginning, I would like to be a wolf, the wolf king.
A wolf is smart, strong, proud and aloof.
Wolves live in a pack together, hunt and share together. Every members are friends, few argument between others.
The wolf king lead the whole pride to hunt, to move, to howl at full moon.
Everything in a wolf's life looks wide. No one will restrain you.
Wolf can also be alone, a lonely wolf won't fear at all.
Wolf is always the proudest and the most honorable beast in my heart.
If I could be an animal, I would be a wolf.
@gazinglady30 (75)
• United States
30 Apr 12
I'd prefer to be an earthworm. I wish to live in solitary, dark, quiet world of the dirt. I can go in hiding and just bore on the earth for a living. People can even benefit from me in their garden through my tilling of the soil and my excrements which in turn fertilizes the earth. My chances of survival under the soil is greater than those that fly and swim in the ocean. And think of it, Me and my other half can survive if ever my body is cut in two. And lastly, I can reproduce with just me, as I am hermaphrodite. Meaning I have two sexes, male and female.
@hildian712 (8)
30 Apr 12
wow, i would have loved to be a lion, but the hunting bit and killing other animals then eating raw meat!!uuugh...that's abit too much. So, i think a dog it is, not just any dog, but a poodle puppy. They are beautiful and elegant and do not need lots of exercise - they are quite content lazing indoors or being cuddled. I know they are high maintenance dogs, so i hope to get a good owner to look after me.
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
30 Apr 12
I was tempted to say I'd like to be a bird, but now that I am seeing a bird working hard to build her nest on the tree outside my window, I thought otherwise. Yes, it would be cool to fly and go to places, however, there are many things out to get me. I am a prey to everything, a prey to those who are bigger than me, animals that walk through the forests, same goes for humans. I think my anxiety would surely be at its peak if I became a bird.
After pondering much, I decided to be a pet cat. The cat would just lean over and just have her fill without the need to hunt, nor to be useful around the house. Yes, they're expected to catch a mouse, but we all know that cats are more of bosses' being pets. Therefore, since I would like to have the good life, I'd go for the plain house cat. A good breeding would do perfectly well.
Have a great MyLot experience ahead!