busy day....14 more to go

United States
April 29, 2012 9:49pm CST
after work, i went to the grocery store to get food to do a brunch at the house. when i got home, hubby decided that he would rather go to IHOP. so we did. we put his bags in the car and took him to the unit, as his captain took him to the airport. i took my daughter to work. my son and i did some shopping. i thought i had the right size curtain rods, but they were too short. so i'll take those back tomorrow. i started cleaning his side of the bed, got the nightstand all cleaned off. cleaned off his desk, got rid of broken stuff. redid two of the filing cabinets. got rid of all kinds of paper. only a third of the room is done, but i have 14 days to kill before he gets to come home. i look at it this way, when he gets home, he won't recognize the room. :D i'm glad i work 10 hour days. that's going to help kill a lot of the time.
2 responses
@keasling (723)
• United States
30 Apr 12
Yea we know coming out to spend time with your sister isn't as fun as cleaning a house =P
• United States
30 Apr 12
not when i would have to turn right around and come back to get daughter from work. that wouldn't be fun at all. maybe we can come out sat?
@keasling (723)
• United States
30 Apr 12
Saturday should be good
• United States
1 May 12
we'll be out as soon as i take daughter to work.
@TheIzers (680)
30 Apr 12
good for you, I used to do the same thing some years ago everytime my husband had to go to other state for business. He is very clean person, he likes cleaning a lot but the day before he left I always told him not to clean up the house for I have something to do when he was away. It did help me killed the time till he got home. But then I started to work and I change the routine I let him cleaning the house before he left.