Whoa! I Received My First Reward in MyLot!

@plekenut (365)
April 30, 2012 12:52am CST
Assalamu'alaikum... Greetings Friends! I really lazy to read any clue or complete guidelines in here, but I already read them in several words. hehe. Today, my heart just 'dag-dig-dug' beating after I received my first reward that worth 17 cents! It comes while I using MyLot's default search engine. Wow, incredible. You know, a few days ago I really got boring in writing some words here. The point is, I expecting, mmm...with this reward, I can increase my spirit to writing in here. And one thing, do you know why MyLot Give me the reward? I feel I am not doing any thing except response, doing task, start new discussion, or searching, or upload photo...
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17 responses
@sjvg1976 (41239)
• Delhi, India
30 Apr 12
Assalamu'alaikum plekenut but i doubt if this discussion remains here as i think it is violation of the guidelines to discuss milestone.
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@plekenut (365)
• Indonesia
30 Apr 12
Oopss... I guess it too before, but the point is just wanna know The reward come from. I think somebody can tell me how it come. You know that I am a little lazy, but I really busy with my time. Hmm, this mean this discussion will be deleted. Perhaps :(
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@sishy7 (27167)
• Australia
30 Apr 12
Wa alaikum salam... (I was told that's how to return the greeting) I think the reward is for doing myLot search. It is random, and consider yourself lucky for getting such amount in relatively short time you've been here. Just be careful not to abuse the reward system by using the search excessively. Read the guidelines again completely, it will help you make the most of your time here. And do pay attention if you get any myLot notifications in your email.
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@plekenut (365)
• Indonesia
10 May 12
hehe.. You're right! I wish God bless us.. Yupz, do it as normally..as usuall we searching on the web..
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
30 Apr 12
Salam my friend :) well you see, you need to be a lot active than that..do more discussions and the likes and yes it pays to read the guidelines as well so you will know what to post
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@anangf (1146)
• Indonesia
30 Apr 12
sometime do tasks and completing well into it, is more promising for earning but we have to do as the the job maker said and ask for not being rejected or returned. this will be good earn
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@plekenut (365)
• Indonesia
10 May 12
yupz..i do any task, simple task of course. Because i just wanna do simple thing..
@Devilova (5392)
• Indonesia
30 Apr 12
Wa'alaikum salam Wr. Wb Congratulation on getting those reward. A reward mean a present for you to be active on searching. If you lucky, you will got that reward.
@anangf (1146)
• Indonesia
30 Apr 12
i never get those reward from searching. it will be great if i have too any tips for me?
@anangf (1146)
• Indonesia
30 Apr 12
thank you for believe in me 5 minutes ago, i just have my first reward which is $0.06
@plekenut (365)
• Indonesia
30 Apr 12
you're welcome... and now I know how those reward come from. After reading all responses. I use mylot as default search engine in my browser, therefore it will be always or often, hehe ;)
• India
30 Apr 12
Assalamu'alaikum.Congrats for this reward.Its not easy task for mylotter because mylot has a no confirm way to give reward for use its search bar.I wish your going in the future very well in the right way......
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@MandaLee (3759)
• United States
8 May 12
Congratulations! I am so happy for you. That is terrific!
@plekenut (365)
• Indonesia
8 May 12
thank you so much! I rewarded again two days ago, hehe.. ;)
@vaishnavc (556)
• India
30 Apr 12
Good for you man.But how long do you have to browse using mylot to get a reward?
@plekenut (365)
• Indonesia
30 Apr 12
Perhaps, good enough ;D I just spend my time, yeah about two hours that is a longest I get, I am not always writing in MyLot, but I always visit here even just for looking any discussion.
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• India
30 Apr 12
Hmm..I never received any reward from mylot so far.If browsing using it is what it takes,then from now on i am browsing through mylot. ;-)
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@jndlponti (2402)
• Philippines
1 May 12
Wait what is that reward by browsing means? You mean to say using mylot as your default browser? I haven't tried that yet. Like I have not receive any rewards like that before. Will they notify you that you received a reward from browsing? I would like to learn about that too.
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@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
30 Apr 12
That is quite a big reward, congrats.My highest reward was just around 3 cents.Just enjoy your stay here and share anything you wanted. Keep it up.
@plekenut (365)
• Indonesia
10 May 12
thank you.. However, any reward its worth, i appreciate it..because i get it free...
• Philippines
30 Apr 12
Wow, that's nice! Congratulations! I've been here in myLot for a long time but I haven't received any reward from myLot. Anyway, keep it up!
@plekenut (365)
• Indonesia
30 Apr 12
Yupz, you're welcome ;) Do you active in writing in here or not? I just wondering, too... I wish you will receive the reward soon...
• United States
1 May 12
WOW! good to hear that! congratulations.. I wish I will also get my reward soon, I am just a newbie, so I am just getting started with all the things that has to do with regard to earning money..
@riempie9 (1021)
• South Africa
9 May 12
Maybe it is an activity bonus. 17 cents is good, eh? It's for nothing. I am making not much more a day but write for other sites too. I am aiming for $5 a day and then I will up my writing with more serious articles and go for $30 a day. See, if I plan for $30 a day I might reach $20. Anyway, enjoy your reward. Look how grateful we are for the cents we earn along the way. Happy MyLotting.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
9 May 12
Here is what myLot tell us about receiving rewards: http://www.mylot.com/o/faq/faq24.aspx
@riempie9 (1021)
• South Africa
9 May 12
You read me wrong. I said I was aiming for $5 a day. I am making a dollar a day now. I am aiming for higher. I did not know one got paid for research. That is great. Way to go MyLot. This is indeed a place to feed both your wallet and your mind. I was at $1.23 yesterday, and now just went up to $1.45. This is besides my other sites. And when my ban ends at Knoji I will give them some quality articles. Happy writing... and chin up, we're getting there.
@plekenut (365)
• Indonesia
9 May 12
yupz rimpie..you aiming that points.. ;) nice to hear that. And mysD..ohh..how a kind person you are, thanks very a lot much, hehe (can i use those sentence?) happy myLotting everyone!
@riempie9 (1021)
• South Africa
9 May 12
It's a great feeling to be rewarded; it feeds your self esteem, you feel good about what you do, you learn so many things. Information really is something one should always want to know about,and we are able to provide it and still have fun at it with a few cents. How humbling it is. At last a site that puts its money where its mouth is. Viva My Lot!
@riempie9 (1021)
• South Africa
9 May 12
That is exactly what MyLot wants you to do; to read comments, answer questions, start a discussion, all of which brings money to you. Don't worry about the earnings. Just respond wherever you can. Keep the information coming and write articles of quality. Don't make up statistics. Don't have errors. Read your work over before you post the article, and try to be as interesting with information as you can.
@wongchoiyee (7413)
• Malaysia
30 Apr 12
Congratulations to you plekenut! I have never receive any mylot rewards, so I don't know what is the reward offering to you. Anyway, happy mylotting!
@jndlponti (2402)
• Philippines
30 Apr 12
Hi there...yes those activity you did are also rewarded by mylot. I also has the motivation to write more on mylot for the same as you I am looking after those rewards. By now I always try to make my rewards daily if possible make it to a dollar but sometimes I couldn't do so so I ended up into 30 cents or less most of the days. I hope we could both reach the payouts next following month. Hope to see you more here. Enjoy mylotting.
@nezavisima (7408)
• Bulgaria
30 Apr 12
good for you it is very nice. I hope popishesh and some still do not always have prizes but it is nice that you won. future success and do your best to always win and never lose. nice day!