What kinds of things affect your sleeping patterns?

@GemmaR (8517)
April 30, 2012 1:28pm CST
I have been thinking about this for a long time, because a lot of my friends seem to struggle with sleeping. When I am at home, I don't have any problems with sleep because I have changed my bedroom to be adapted to exactly what I like when I am going to sleep. However, whenever I try to sleep anywhere else, I will find that being too hot or cold means that I can't sleep, and also if there is a lot of noise around and about I find that I cannot sleep either. Do you manage to sleep through anything, or are there things that you just cannot deal with when you're trying to get to sleep at night?
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18 responses
@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
1 May 12
I have problems with my neighbors laughing outside in the middle of the night. Some vehicle specially motorcycle that pass by in the street. My window is near the street that's why i can easily woke up when I heard them in the middle of the night. Some dogs barking and even cats running over the roof.
@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
16 May 12
I don't have a small child my youngest is almost 15. I have a grandson but in the big city. This house is only few blocks away from school so I don't have a choice on finding another house.
@GemmaR (8517)
1 May 12
I am lucky in the place that I live at the moment, as the neighbours are lovely and this means that they never make a lot of noise during the night. However, I lived in an apartment a year ago, and people were very noisy there so I would often not be able to get to sleep during the night. In fact, that was one of the major reasons that I chose to leave that place because I was finding that I was not able to have enough sleep to get up early in the morning, so I moved somewhere that I wouldn't have any problems sleeping anymore.
@jndlponti (2402)
• Philippines
15 May 12
Is that so? Then it would be much harder for a child to sleep on your room lynboobsy11? Good thing I am much lucky with the place where I live now. My husband complains at first that it was just too quite and specially during the night it was a deafening quietness he felt. Because the neighborhood were much farther from one another. And this type of subdivision I always dream of living that after a days work I could go home to a solemn place were I could rest, and we choose that also since it is really fitted for our new born that time that she will not be disturb by the sound of the busy streets while she is sleeping.
• Philippines
5 May 12
The thing that affects my sleeping pattern the most is my mind because sometimes I really wanted to sleep and I'm already lying on bed, my mind wouldn't stop reeling of thoughts. Most of the time when I'm about to fall asleep and my mind came up with something or a plan, I wouldn't be able to rest my mind because I'm feeling really excited for the next day to come so I could already execute what I my mind came up with. There are just too many thoughts and ideas and I feel really restless at night that even if I really want to sleep badly, my mind won't just let me. (hmm..do I make sense to you at all?)
@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
29 May 12
Lols. Your mind? I guess that's is very dangerous. Just imagine when you can't sleep and something nasty just come in your mind. then you are not only endanger yourself but others as well. I have a cousin who was been killed by my uncle because when they are sleeping my uncles suddenly run amok and killed my cousin.
• Philippines
29 May 12
@bulastika Oh gosh! My mind doesn't go that far, I'm pretty sure I'm sane! I'm not with any mental disorder or anything like that. hmf. What I meant is that my imagination strikes me hard at midnight, my mind comes up with best ideas and it's my momentum so I usually couldn't sleep because my hand and body is itching to draw or paint whatever I have thought of or planned. That usually troubles my sleeping habit because I would sometimes get up just to satisfy myself or sometimes when I decided not to act on it and planned to just do it in the next day I wouldn't feel comfortable and I'll find it hard to catch sleep at all.
@CarlHalling (3617)
• United Kingdom
30 Apr 12
Rest... - Yes, I look as if I am, or was, this was about 10 years ago, but I often try and rest during the day, because of not sleeping well at night.
I'm a bit of a problem sleeper. There are times I can sleep through just about anything, strange, mysterious soporific periods they are, but they are rare. Usually, I'm not the best sleeper, and I often don't feel relaxed when I get into bed. Consequently, I'll often only sleep a few hours, and then I'll get up and have a hot drink, and get on the computer. I'll try and catch up later in the day, but I hate doing that, as it's so hard to relax. I struggle with daytime tiredness and low energy levels a lot. Among the things that upset my sleeping patterns are deeply vivid dreams or nightmares; they'll often wake me up. And any noise during the early part of my sleep, including "quiet" noises. But often I'll simply wake spontaneously. Yes, I have a troubled relationship with sleep, me.
@GemmaR (8517)
1 May 12
Not feeling relaxed is awful when you're trying to sleep, because the more you think about not being able to get to sleep, the worse things get, and that means that you get into a vicious circle with everything. One of the things that I try to do is not use anything electrical after a certain time at night, because this means that my brain knows that it is time to go to bed, and is more likely to allow me to sleep. I don't even have my mobile phone on after 10pm because I just know that I need to spend that time relaxing instead of engaging my brain with other things.
• United Kingdom
12 May 12
That may partly be my problem, in that I like to watch movies just prior to going to bed, and doing so may not be conducive to relaxing.
@jndlponti (2402)
• Philippines
1 May 12
Hi there Gemmar. For me I could easily get sleep when I am just in the comfort of my own home especially when I am really tired from work. But when I am not sleeping home I find it really hard to sleep though how cozy the room is. No matter how tired I am I couldn't sleep right away to a new place on my first night there. That is what I've always experience specially when I am attending seminars I found my first night on the place sleepless. But then the following night would not as much hard to sleep the of the first one,maybe I just feel uncomfortable with the place or getting to know the place yet that is why I couldn't sleep right away.
@GemmaR (8517)
1 May 12
I agree about the first night in a new place, and this is something that I said to somebody who posted a few posts above you. Something that has been recommended to me is that you should take something that reminds you of your own bedroom as it then wouldn't be as bad as it would if the room was completely unknown. This could be something like the pillowcases that you have in your house, unwashed so that they still smell of your own home, or a dressing down that you normally wear in bed. I don't know whether it would work, but it is certainly something that I would consider checking out.
@jndlponti (2402)
• Philippines
15 May 12
Is that so? Well I will sure to try it out. Two weeks from now I will be having an out of town seminar again and would be staying there for a week. I will sure to try out your suggested idea so I would not find it hard so much to sleep the first night there that I could be refresh by the next morning to be ready for the whole day lecture. Thanks a lot.
@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
30 Apr 12
Loads of things. Supposed that this is not a perios when I haven't slept for 2-3 days in a row (could happen), these circumstances make me hard to sleep or have no sleep at all: -I usually can't sleep anywhere else than a bed or a floor... so not on vehicles, which is bad, as sometimes I'm really dizzy but just can't sleep on the underground -if the pillow or the bed is too soft (I like it hard) -if the weather is freezing or way too hot... actually, I can adapt to cold more. -any kind of noise -little, point-like lights, like the standby on the TV (I mean, if it comes from the streets fadedly. it's okay). -if something really hurts me (not in a physical way), I can't sleep well -if I'm ill, I can't sleep well -if I'm really excited about something for which I have to get up on time in the meorning, I can't sleep well (then I kind of wake up every hour or so to check a clock)
@GemmaR (8517)
30 Apr 12
I can't sleep when I'm excited either. I remember when I was a child and I never used to be able to sleep on Christmas Eve because I was so excited about what was going to happen the next day. I was always the same about birthdays as well, but now that I am a little bit older I don't get all that excited about things like that anymore because I know what to expect. I do get excited about some things though, like if I am seeing a friend that I haven't been in touch with for a long time, as that is always something to look forward to.
@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
29 May 12
2-3 days in a row? I can't even stay awake when its already 10pm. This is a dangerous sign that you have some health issue in here. Because sleeping 8 hours a day is very important. If you can't sleep eight hours a day then you will going to have a problem in here.
• Philippines
1 May 12
i don't have trouble with sleeping. but sometimes, there are problems and worries that you can't just stop thinking about. and these are common to most people. another thing is drinking coffee 2 hours before your bedtime. it will definitely keep you awake the whole night.
@GemmaR (8517)
27 May 12
I always used to have a drink of coffee before I went to sleep as I thought that it would be relaxing, but I never realised that actually that was what was giving me the troubles sleeping, so it was great for me when I finally realised that I had a reason that I couldn't sleep, and that there was something that I was able to do to be able to control that. So I stopped drinking everything that had caffeine in it before I went to bed, and if I want something to drink now I will usually just have a glass of water or something like that.
@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
29 May 12
When I drink coffee my high blood pressure shoots up!. lols. That's why I don't drink coffee. But sometimes when I'm busy with my online business I just feel that I want to earn money more by going online whole night. But when 10pm comes I really can't open my eyes anymore.
@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
2 May 12
There are some nights that I can fall asleep very easily and stay asleep until my alarm goes off in the morning. But there are other nights that, no matter what I try, my eyes don't want to close and my mind doesn't want to shut off. If I have something like a fan going though, the constant sound somehow keeps me snoozing all night. My boyfriend wants me to try Melatonin. He swears by it because he is an insomniac, and it actually works for him. But I'm on enough meds that I don't want to end up not being able to wake up until 4 in the afternoon.
@GemmaR (8517)
27 May 12
I have thought about getting some melatonin for a long time now, and I believe that there is a type of milk that contains it that they sometimes to give to people when they're in hospital and having trouble sleeping. One of the bad things about not being able to sleep is the fact that the longer you're trying to sleep, the worse it seems to get, and you will often end up not actually being able to get to sleep at all. My boyfriend is an insomniac too and I might recommend this to him if it has worked for your boyfriend, so thank you for the suggestion.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
2 May 12
i suffer from fibromyalgia and breathing problems so either one or the other bothers me at night most of the time and cuts into my sleeping, plus i work 3 mornings a week which doesn't help any. i also don't get a restful sleep either and don't wake up refreshed in the morning. those are the things that bother me when i am trying to sleep.
@GemmaR (8517)
27 May 12
I am sorry to hear that you suffer from health problems, it must be horrible if they interfere with your sleep to the extent that you're not feeling as though you've managed to get a good rest by the time you get up again in the morning. Have you thought about asking your Doctor whether they would be able to give you something which would help you to sleep? They should be able to help you with this, as they will surely understand that you can't be expected just to not get a good night's sleep for the rest of your life!
@Madona1 (2096)
• Gibraltar
31 May 12
There are a couple of things will affect my sleeping patterns. 1) No routine. Since I work shift, sometimes I work from 08:00 to 16:00, sometimes from 16:00-24:00 and sometimes from 11:00-19:00, therefore, my body cannot adjust well resulting in sleeping disorder. 2) Watch TV before sleeping. If there is a touching, sad or action film will affect me and cause me not get into sleep easily. 3) Unhappiness and worried. If one day I wasn't happy or had a bad time at work or an argument with my partner, I will not get into sleep well that night.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
30 Apr 12
I am like you...I sometimes have a difficult time when I am away from home.....also if I have caffiene in the afternoon sometimes that effects my sleeping....but most of the time I sleep like a log!
@GemmaR (8517)
30 Apr 12
I used to go away from home a lot when I was younger, as I was in a band who toured a lot. I always found that I could never sleep well on the first night in a new bed, and this included the first night back in my old bed as I had to them get used to what it felt like all over again. This was bad when I was only away for one night, and not back at home for very long between trips as it just meant that I was hardly ever sleeping properly. Now I don't travel as much so I can enjoy a lot more decent sleep than I was ever able to do in the past!
@cloud31 (5808)
1 May 12
Comfortable Bed - Sleeping!
I can't hardly sleep if sheets wasn't not changed according to my preference.I would surely notice when I can't fall asleep and fell uneasy for sure the sheet was not change on time. I may have used to it already so it can affect me badly. Its nice to sleep in comfortable bed with tidy sheets. Have a great day!
@GemmaR (8517)
1 May 12
A lot of people say that it is easier for them to sleep if they are in a nice bedroom, and I agree that this could be the case completely. I know that whenever my bedroom is messy, I have problems dropping off to sleep whereas I can sleep a lot better when I am in a tidy room. I have to change my sheets every week as well otherwise I just think that everything is too dirty and I can't sleep because I'm thinking about it. It is much better to be clean and tidy, and life is a lot more enjoyable when you're living in this kind of atmosphere.
• United States
30 Apr 12
I have trouble sleeping as well. There are many things that affect my sleep. It is mostly worries with bills, etc. I worry about my son too.
@GemmaR (8517)
30 Apr 12
I think that having children is one of the most worrying things that you can choose to do with your life. You will never stop worrying about your son even when he is grown up and no longer lives with you, so I can see why you would have sleepless nights while you're worrying about. I worry a lot about money and bills too, as this financial climate means that more people than ever are having to struggle with the money coming into their household, and more people are in poverty now than any other time in recent years.
1 May 12
There are lots of things. First would be the amount of sleep I got the day before. If I had too much sleep, I won't be able to sleep easily. Another thing would be the food I have taken. Whenever I drink softdrinks, I always had a hard time sleeping. This is due to the caffeine content of it. Also, if the environment is noisy, it would be really hard to sleep.
@GemmaR (8517)
27 May 12
I agree that the amount of sleep the day before can make a huge difference. For a lot of this year, I have had to be able to get up at 6am to be able to catch my train to college on time. If I have had a lie in the day before, I am always unable to sleep which means that I am very tired when I wake up and therefore unable to function for the rest of the day. But I learned soon enough to set my alarm a little bit earlier the day before as this meant that I was able to tire myself out during the course of the day so that I would have no energy left over at the end of it.
• United States
30 Apr 12
I have a hard time sleeping any night. Caffeine definately affects your sleeping patterns, as well caffeine or eating right before bed. I have acclamated my room as well to how I sleep best which helps, but doesn't cure the sleepless nights. I just think ultimately, some people relax and sleep better than others.
@GemmaR (8517)
30 Apr 12
I used to drink a lot of things with caffeine in them, and would always have a cup of tea before I went to bed, but then I realised that I was unable to sleep if I did this less than an hour before I chose to go to bed. Since I discovered what was causing my sleep problems, I drink nothing for an hour before I go to bed, and will never drink anything other than water after 6pm as I find that caffeine can stay in my system for much longer than I like. It has helped a lot, and I would recommend cutting down on caffeine to anyone who drinks a lot of it.
@marguicha (225701)
• Chile
6 May 12
I need a good bed because I have back problems. But I don´t mind noise or the lack of it. I don´t mind heat, but if it´s too cold I will get a hot water bottle. Lately I have changed my sleeping patters because I take naps and then my night´s sleep is shorter.
@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
29 May 12
Today I wake up drowsy. I almost wake up five times last night and I feel worse than before I go to sleep. The reason is that I'm just feel uncomfortable sleeping. I don't know why. Maybe its because its already end of the month and theirs a lot of bills to day that I don't know where to get the money.
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
30 May 12
I can't deal with vehicle noises, especially loud motorcycles when i am abut to sleep. I also find it hard to sleep in a new environment and if i have no blanket.. when i was a baby i can sleep though a fire siren.
• United States
27 May 12
i think the only thing that i have a problem with when it comes to sleeping..is that i HATE to be hot..i has to be cold in order for me to get any sleep..i have noticed my daughter is that way also. and some really good sleep, is when it is cold, dark, and raining..now i prolly will never wake up when i have that combination..wait that sounds creepy..but thats how i like it. Noise doesnt really bother me..especially if im tired..the Presidents Own could be playing and i would still go to sleep!