Something strange happens to me when I'm sleeping.

United States
April 30, 2012 4:03pm CST
I have told many people about this thing that happens to me and no one has ever been able to relate to it. I was wondering if any of you have experienced this or have had similar experiences. I go to bed and later I wake up, or I think I am awake, cause I can hear everything going on in the house, and I can see everything in my room, but I cannot move, and I try to speak and I can't. Then it scares me and I try and try to move or scream and I can't. I finally come out of it kicking and yelling. It freaks me out.
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19 responses
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
30 Apr 12
Wow that sounds scary to experience. I have not experienced this before, but I hope I never do. It would freak me out to, have you ever spoken to a dream analyst or a doctor about it? Maybe they can help you more on it. I have had some dreams where I feel like I've woken up and started doing something else but have been asleep that whole time. It does feel bizarre when you actually do wake up.
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@GardenGerty (162381)
• United States
1 May 12
Okay Chrystal, I have done that. I have even "talked to myself" about needing to go to the bathroom.
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• United States
1 May 12
Isn't that crazy. I think I'm on the seat and everything, but something just doesn't feel right, and then I realize I was dreaming I went and then have to jump up and go.
• United States
1 May 12
I have told my general practitioner and a psychiatrist about it but neither had anything meaningful to reply. Yeah, I have dreamed I have gotten out of bed, sat on the toilet and starting peaing, only to find out I'm about to pea in my pants in the bed. Ha!
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• United States
30 Apr 12
When you are in REM sleep (the dream stage) your body naturally goes into a paralyzed mode, to keep you from acting out your dreams. When you wake up and can't move, you've probably been woken up out of REM sleep. It happens to me to, and it is scary.
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• United States
1 May 12
Oh, it happens to you too. You are the first person I have ever told this to who has experienced it. So your body is like in paralysis during relm? It's like my wind is awake but nothing else has woken up yet.
• United States
1 May 12
Excuse me, I meant my 'mind is awake'.duh!
• United States
1 May 12
Not only has this happened to me, but I've also worked diagnosing sleep disorders.
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@GardenGerty (162381)
• United States
1 May 12
I have not had this experience, but I have heard of other people having it happen. I see by reading the responses that you have been reassured that you are not the only one. I do sometimes have very vivid dreams and it takes some effort for me to be fully awake and moving, but I have never actually felt as if I was paralyzed. I also will wake from a dream and go to the bathroom and fall immediately back into the same dream. It feels very strange. I am glad people here have let you know that you are not the only one.
@GardenGerty (162381)
• United States
1 May 12
Being afraid also may make it more likely to happen.
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• United States
3 May 12
That's possible Gardengerty, but how would I not be afraid. I don't know how to keep from being afraid of it. Do you have advice on how I might do that?
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• United States
1 May 12
Yeah. It is good to know that many others experience the same, but oh it is so scary. And I do panic like someone up there said. No, it was the site I went to and read that is posted above. It said that many panic because they cannot move. I hate it.! I need to find out if there is some treatment to prevent it. That site also said that if you go to bed earlier than you normally do, it could happen. And it could have to do with diet and all sorts of things. I just don't know. Only know I'm not looking forward to it happening again!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
1 May 12
hi chrystaltears a lot of p eople have this and its called sleep paralysis.'web md says it's not life threatening and a lot of people have this coming out of sleep when still in the rem state.there your body muscles are stopped so you do not actually run or jump or fly as you do in your dreams. it terrifies people because they cannot move or even call out but it only last for seconds or just a few minutes and is over.scary but not life threatening at relax and know many people have this and its not going to kill you or harm you.its just weird What has alarmed me is that lately I wake up and find myself standing in front of the door to the hall and not knowing how I got there so I had to h ave walked in my sleep. rem sleep is su pposed to stop us from acting out stuff in our dreams yet I got out of bed and instead of going to the bathroom I was by the droor to our room. that scared me as I wondered if I had not woke then would I have walked out in the hall?thank goodness it has not happened again. lol
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• United States
3 May 12
Hatley, thanks for all this helpful information, and you certainly don't need to be walking in your sleep. Can the doctors do something to prevent you from doing that? Was your door to the hall open or were you about to open it. That's not good at all. You may have to get your roommate to handcuff you to the bed or something.
@lampar (7584)
• United States
2 May 12
That is spooky, i wish your experience never happen to me. Your experience may well is the result of extra-dimension force pressing on you, may be the ghost (unless you believe they exist) is playing with you that can't explain by psychologist/ psychiatrist from scientific perspective.
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• United States
4 May 12
Hi lampar, I am sorry I couldn't answer you last night. I have been fghting my laptop for a couple of days. I can work on all the other sights, but last night everytime I would respond, I had to do it 3 or 4 times, cause I kept getting errors, but I didn't get them on any other site. I got so tired of trying to get something done, that I finally had to give it up, cause it wouldn't get better. I hope it doesn't start up again tonight. And thanks, you could be right about it. I just hope it doesn't happen again.
@syramoon (654)
• United States
1 May 12
I've has these experiences off and on since I was young. I'll go through many different sets of it in one go. And each time until I 'wake up' in my dream, I really believe I am awake. It's terrifying. Any time I wake up afterward, it takes me a few minutes to realize I am truly awake, and it's usually because a light comes on that wouldn't come on in my dreams or something like that.
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• United States
3 May 12
Well, I'm glad I posted it too. Thanks. Cause it looks like there have been several who have gone through this and never understood what caused it. Yes, I have talked to several in my life and no one has ever said it happened to them, so I was a bit surprised at the number here who have had it happen to them. I hope it doesn't happen to you again.
@syramoon (654)
• United States
3 May 12
Thanks for the welcome, Chrystaltears! I'm thankful you posted this, because while I've research sleep paralysis before I've never actually talked to another person (online or in person) who has experienced, it makes it a little better to know I'm not the only one! :D
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@ruperto (1552)
• Philippines
1 May 12
Interesting... I wonder if it is related to a condition when a person eats a heavy meal and falls asleep. There is a digesting sequence that seems to get overloaded and results in a "nightmare-like" attack. I have been through similar episodes three times before, I could not open my eyes and feel like my bed is spinning around ... for two times I try to pray and I just snap out of it like nothing happened. The third time I try to explore "a new place" in my imagination ... after a few steps, I snap out of it... What do you think?
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@mervyn07 (437)
• Singapore
1 May 12
in asian countries, we called this as "Ghost press" but in scientific version, it is just that you are too tired in mental and physical that causes all this to happen.
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• United States
1 May 12
Well 'ghost press' sounds about right. Cause it's eery. I don't know how to keep from being mental and physically too tired. I have so many things that I have to do, like keeping my 86 year old mom who fell down yesterday morning and had to have emergency room care. Got my hands full. But I haven't always had those responsibilities.
@nonersays (3336)
• United States
1 May 12
I can think of about 3 times in my life that this has happened to me. It doesn't happen often but it is very frightening when it does happen. If it happens to you a lot, I have sympathy because I know how scary it is.
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• United States
3 May 12
I am very glad for you that it has only happened about three times and I also hope that it doesn't happen to you again. I certainly wish it would never happen to me again, but it has been going on for many years. Sometimes it's weeks before, but it always happens again sometimes. Thank you for your thoughts.
@averygirl72 (38492)
• Philippines
1 May 12
I can somehow relate to this experience. However, I don't know also what is that and have not figure it out until now what is that all about. I had several experience of that before when I am a kid but now I no longer experience them. I feel I am divided between 2 states, I feel I am conscious but I can't seem to control myself. I am half conscious I guess. I want to stand up but I can't. I want to move my body but I cannot. It is a freaking experience. I will research more about that one of these days.
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• United States
1 May 12
Yes averygirl, it is very mysterious to me. It is a very bad experience. One person above had a link to read some on it. I read all of it, and it was very interesting. Lots of different countries look at the experience in different ways and explain it in different ways. Some of them are very spooky the way they are looking at it from a religious demon like point of view. I don't like those points of view. I rather think it is something to do with to much or too little sleep or diet. Makes it less scary to me.
• Philippines
1 May 12
It's nightmare my friend. I think you should pray before you sleep to avoid those kind of incidents.It's kinda creepy and alarming if it happen continuously.
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• United States
1 May 12
You know, you are so right. When I was really going to church regularly and reading the bible all the time, I did pray for myself each night before sleeping, as demons supposedly come out at 2:00 a.m. to do their dirty works on our minds. We studied that in church. Thanks. I will start doing that again. I believe nothing could help better than that. Thanks again.
• Philippines
1 May 12
my sister experienced that kind of i-dont-know-what-is-it,but exactly the same. she told me that when she was sleeping after a sudden she woke up because she knew she heard something. i was beside her that afternoon. she told me that something was on top of her because she felt heavy but there was nothing on it but her hands she tried to scream but she didnt because there were no voice came up to her mouth. she tried to move to get my attention but she couldnt. i dont what had happened to her but that was for real. then afterwards she fell asleep and when she woke up she was fine but sweat was all over her body when that time was so cold (NOTE;SHE DIDNT HAD A COLD OR BAD FEELINGS THAT TIME,JUST THAT) and she swore that she was really awake when that thing happened coz she knew what was i doing that time.
• United States
3 May 12
See, when I hear you talk about seeing it happen to her, it still feels spooky to me. I mean gosh it is spooky and scary. You just feel so helpless. Can you imagine her lying beside you trying to call out to you and she couldn't. I think it's pretty freaky myself. I hope it stops. Amen! I hope it doesn't keep talking to your sister. You guys should go to the link on the response above. I learned alot from it. It's really interesting.
@superbadx (484)
• Malaysia
1 May 12
Just like some of the top post mentioned about REM and all. This happens to a lot of people and my friends sometimes tell me these stories when we hang out. But the thing is, my friends think it is the supernatural activities because not like what you have experience, my friends actually get the same experience that you do but they said that there are something that is sitting above them and they have this hard to breath and all. I can't say for sure what it is, but my theory is that they we're in sleeping mode and had a nightmare, but their eyes are actually working live in the normal world like half asleep. Well, we can't know for sure what natures is up to right ?
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• United States
3 May 12
superbadx, I don't have the feeling that many have where something is above me or on my chest. I only wake up, but my voice and body won't work. It's like my eyes see and my mind is awake or soul or spirit, but nothing else will work. I would think it was an out of body experience, except, I'm not looking at myself. I'm looking outside of myself. I think you would enjoy reading the website to the link above in one of my responses. It is super interesting. Your friends might find it very helpful.
• Philippines
1 May 12
its nightmare it is, but science would tell that there is something wrong with your pancreas. better not to eat heavy meal before you go to bed.
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• United States
3 May 12
My pancreas? I don't know much about that. Actually I know nothing about it except that it is in my body and maybe helps the liver filter. Is that right? I have changed my eating habits alot in the past very few months, because so many people I love have passed away early. And my mom is limited to some diets so when I cook I cook for us what she needs to be eating. Maybe that will help out. Hope so. Thanks.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
24 Jun 12
Have you ever discussed this with your doctor or a counselor and see what they suggest or think about this. To me this does not sound natural and almost like some sort of dream state. Hope somehow something can help.
@davido (1623)
• Canada
1 May 12
This has happened to me sometimes back and it usually happens when I am having what I will call a lazy sleep- like when I am so free for couple of days and I take a much longer nap after eating breakfast, I know I should get up but just decide to drift in and out of sleep then it happens to me, but I soon try to try to start to move my fingers or toes then my arm and then kick out waking up. Its not a very good experience but i just try to know why it happens to me and what to do when it happens, now I guide against 'lazy sleep' or even during normal sleep I get up the moment I sense am drifting into the situation again.
• United States
1 May 12
I can't tell when I'm drifting into it. I just find myself in that situation and can't move. I know one time it happened a long time ago when I was still at home with my parents (long time ago), that's the first time I remember it happening to me. I woke up, or thought I did, and I could see everything in my room and could hear the television in the livingroom and hear what Daddy was watching and could hear him cough, but I tried to call out to him and couldn't make a sound. Now it happens to me and has since then every now and then. I wish I wouldn't do it anymore. But I will find out now if there is a cure since I see that so many others have experienced it.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
2 May 12
I think that is sleep paralysis. It happens to me, and the only way that I can know that I really am dreaming is that I see if there is anything different in my immediate setting. And if the sounds are different. For instant, you may hear the sounds in the house, but it could be what was years ago and not now. Or you can see that the curtains are different. Best to wait it out or maybe face the other way.
@pahak627 (4974)
• Philippines
7 Nov 12
I have experienced that sometimes now that I am old. We call that in our dialect as "urom". During my teens was the peak of this in my life. I always experienced it every night that it made me feel afraid to sleep. I remember when it was already getting dark, I was so afraid because I knew that a few minutes after I fell asleep, it would come to me. What I did was to try to make a sign of the cross. If you're not a catholic, just move any part of your body that can be easily moved, a finger or your hands and feet. The best way is to have someone with you in bed so that when she touches you, you can move easily.
@zeus01 (29)
• Philippines
30 Apr 12
you're pretty much experiencing a nightmare... some people actually die that way.... if it happens again try concentrating and move any one of youir fingers.. not exactly sure thou of the cause of it..
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