God isn't Real

May 1, 2012 4:01pm CST
In this, I'm talking about an omnipotent, all powerful God, that is watching over us, and can do what they wish. If this actually existed, then we would see it working constantly, and science would discover how it is the only possibility.. but instead, science shows us over and over again, how everything works, without any need for a God, of any kind. Even the formation of Nothing into Something through the Big Bang, now has possible directions that do not require any kind of omnipotent force, shown through brilliant minds like Stephen Hawkings and Lawerence Krauss. We do not see any possible need for a god, so it shows that there is a far greater chance, that no god exists, at all.
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29 responses
@Devilova (5392)
• Indonesia
1 May 12
Maybe, science explain everything happen with a theory and that so complicated. Like how earth created, ape become human, bla bla bla. I'm an ordinary one with an ordinary life, I don't need such a complicated explanation. That make me dizzy and want to puke. I prefer to believe that all thing created by something.That something called God, that simple.
2 people like this
• United States
2 May 12
I agree that science can be complicated and I still have many questions on theories that when I ask people, nobody seems to answer it but go around the question being asked. Now I will say that even though I believe in God I won't deny that some parts of evolution may be true but there are parts such as where humans came from that I have a hard time believing. And well most I know who don't believe in God think that after we die, that's just it but I just don't see how that could be. To me that sounds like we are living for nothing at the end of the day.
1 person likes this
• Singapore
2 May 12
"To me that sounds like we are living for nothing at the end of the day." I agree. How do we live if we do not know what is to become of us? Then again Christoph will say thats why humans invent God, that why we invent religion. I say some of us just havent found the right religion, thats all.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
2 May 12
Then why is it that all sorts of Christian Religions are never united? Ever since before and up to now, all different Christian Religions are subdivided in every sects and groups, why? Is there no presence of a great leader (God) that can re-united all of the Christian Religions? some say: "My God and Christian Religion is True while your God and your Christian Religion is False." All of us believe that our particular present Christian Religion (whatever it was) is true, while their different Christian Religion is false and they are in the wrong path or guidance.... My suggestion: Is to re-united all of the Christian Religions into a oneness, never separated, never subdivided in different groups or sects, and make it the Pope of the Vatican in Rome as our most Highest Leader, do you all agree?
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
1 May 12
Hold on! Weren't there prophets or something that said that 'We (Humans) are gods'? If I am a god, then I decide that I want to have been created by something greater than myself! The only thing greater than a god is a greater god. Find the greatest god you know, and let him tell you about the greatest god---Our Father, Maker of All Things (Seen & Unseen) Or he'll tell you about the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Noodley Be His Appendage & Spicy Be His Meat-a-ball ... either way, a greater creator than me.
@himzey (1321)
• India
4 May 12
@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
2 May 12
So you have faith in science, and I have faith in God. The Big Bang Theory is just that, a theory. Everyone puts their faith and confidence in something. Science, God, themselves, etc. Everyone must decide what to do with that God-given quality, faith. That is where being a free moral agent and having a choice comes in. You have faith? What will you do with it?
• Canada
2 May 12
You are really getting the idea of a theory, wrong. Gravity, is a theory. Atomic structure, is a theory. Energy, is a theory. When something comes into science, it starts as a hypothesis, then they do testing on it, and come out with a result for a conclusion. The result shows more possibilities, so they do more testing, and come to more conclusion. Every conclusion gets peer reviewed, so that a whole other group does the same testing, to come to the same conclusion. A Theory comes around, when so much testing and conclusions have been formed, that an obvious answer shows itself. The Big Bang was not a theory at first, it was a hypothesis, and now, there has been so much evidence, just huge loads of evidence, even showing the universe as a tiny bubble expanding when it first formed, that it is no longer a hypothesis, it's a theory. Everything shown through testing about it, has shown it to be true. Now, show me anything, anything at all, that points to God being a theory.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
2 May 12
Are we aware that everything that we do right now is a product of Science Theory applied into action as per guided by God? This Laptop, Tablet, Smart Phone, or Desktop that we are using is not a product of Holy Bible.
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
3 May 12
Everything shown through testing about it, has shown it to be true. Who tested the big bang ?
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
5 May 12
After reading all of the discussion here, I'm left wondering not if god is real or if god isn't real, but rather if people actually understand science. I mean, for everything we're to believe about god, one can find that in one book. Right? The rest is just interpretation through priests and through other believers and through religious philosophers and through supposed personal experience. I wonder if people understand the actual depth of science -- just how much there is to comprehend, from how the age of the universe is gauged to how what people might think is "nothing" is still a "something" with mass and activity. I am certainly no brilliant mind. I couldn't lie about that even if I wanted to. It'd be laughable. But I see few people who can follow the science who are also willing to pooh-pooh it and offer up a nonsensical explanation of it. That's not to say that one couldn't be a brilliant mind and understand it and still believe in a creator. That's not to say that the only brilliant minds are in science. It's not true. Many people are quite intelligent without being intelligent in one particular field. And many people believe in the science; they just believe their god created the universe and life that way. It's all good. But I will say that there's just a huge difference in seeing the theoretical conclusion and ultimately following the steps there to reach it.
• United States
7 May 12
Again, maybe stuff like that makes sense to you. And it's great if it does. But to me it's just nonsensical. I don't follow you. I understand naturalism as it pertains to philosophy. And I understand what science understands about universal "laws," as in the context of how things operate per their limitations, or at least how we perceive their limitations and orders to date. How you meld the two and contort them just goes over my head. What does "outside" of anything have to do with anything? What does the second sentence in your third paragraph even mean in English? I guess you're too brilliant for the lot of us. Better that than the alternative.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
7 May 12
And you once again, said that very well. And I am amazed, knowing as I do, that you are not a believer. A truer scientist than us all. Bravo! Seek and you shall find. In my mind, science (which I am VERY interested in) and my faith go hand in hand. I don't have to give up MY mind, to learn scientific facts. That is how all scientific progress is made, to ask, to question, to seek the answer.
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
7 May 12
And I am amazed, knowing as I do, that you are not a believer. A truer scientist than us all. Bravo! Unfortunately that is not the case. The "scientist " is asking for a naturalistic explanation of the creator.Or let`s put it this way : You claim the laws of nature and the laws of physics have a creator.Show me the proof that the creator is a slave of his own laws. Or let`s put it this way : There is nothing out there outside of laws of nature and the laws of physics. Show me the proof that what is above the laws of nature and the laws of physics can be understood under laws of nature and laws of physics. There are no steps one can follow to reach any conclusion because it is already established that there is nothing outside naturalism.
@momof3kids (1894)
• Singapore
1 May 12
The very thing that moves without any force does not appear logical. If you havent moved an object, would it move? There is happening everywhere around you, everything is moving. Things will not move without a force. That force do not come from nothing.
• Canada
1 May 12
Yes. Gravity is a force that needs nothing, to make something. This is put forward by Stephen Hawkings, how even the formation of the big bang, only needed gravity to begin. By that, you could see God being nothing but the force of gravity, but that is not a sentient force, not an omnipotent force controlling everything, unless all it's trying to do, is pull mass together... is that the god you believe in?
• Singapore
2 May 12
How do you explain the universe then? The meteors that move, from gravity? Space has no gravity.
• Canada
2 May 12
A - Everything with mass, is effected by gravity B - An object in motion will remain in motion. If a meteor is formed by two larger chunks of matter hitting eachother, or an energetic explosion setting it all off, then either puts the meteor in motion... every time it gets pulled to other matter by gravity, it speeds up, and only colliding with something else, would slow it down. Even at the big bang, when the reaction of gravity was forming matter, it was happening extremely quickly, pushing everything out into space, which is what began the constant expansion of the universe. This is why everything out there is moving. Nothing has no motion, because when you have motion, you also have time. If nothing moved, time would not exist.
@coldnpale (555)
• Greece
2 May 12
This is the eternal quarrel between religion and science. I try to keep a diplomatic position on the matter. I cant understand how the existence of nothingness is possible, and even the big bang theory doesn't begin from the complete nothingness, it just explains how our universe was transformed into what it is today, from its previous state. But how did that previous state come to exist? And how are we going to feel once we die? Feeling nothing is too scary and difficult to understand. Or the scientists have still a lot more to discover, or god exists. I go with the second option. :)
• Canada
2 May 12
It's impossible to have a scientific claim saying that God doesn't exist... every scientific claim ever, has shown that there doesn't need to be a God for it, but that's not the direction that they were going for. That's like saying that doing a study on bacteria shows that the tooth fairy doesn't exist. And, when a human gets into a calamity, I think it's much more possible for them to say, "What am I going to do?", then to ask God for help.
• Singapore
2 May 12
That is not the kind of calamity I am talking about, I am talking about the kind that is deadly. Sorry I left out the specifics. I cant produce proofs of course, I think this kind of thing to admit depends on how much pride you have and its very personal, especially when one has subtracted God in ones life.
• Singapore
2 May 12
I think scientists who do not accept God are too proud for their own good. When their claim in the non existence of God becomes famous, they are either too proud to admit that God exists or they have personal issues with God. I am very sure for every human being when they are faced with calamity, the first thing that comes to their mind is God. No matter if they have been a hermit all their lives, there is an innate feeling to call out for help from the Almighty.
• United States
2 May 12
First of all, how do we know if all our theories are correct in the first place? There was a time that people thought the universe, sun, planets revolved around the Earth, but that has been proven wrong. How do you know that the the Big bang was a formation of nothing into something? What caused the big bang in the first place? Look at nature and the Earth and how perfectly everything meshes together. And, do your think it's just co-incidence that a being has evolved to the point where they can contemplate whether or not there is a God? Isn't it interesting that we evolved on a planet far out near the edge of the galaxy away from most other planets that might have beings that can harm us? And, our planet is blocked from the view of many other planets by a large cloud of gas and dust, too. Humans do not know everything and future generations will look back at us and wonder how we could be so stupid.
@himzey (1321)
• India
2 May 12
There was a time that people thought the universe, sun, planets revolved around the Earth, but that has been proven wrong. Eergh.. wasn't it the same time people came up with the idea of an all powerful, all-seeing, omnipotent God..?? Isn't it interesting that we evolved on a planet far out near the edge of the galaxy away from most other planets that might have beings that can harm us? And, our planet is blocked from the view of many other planets by a large cloud of gas and dust, too. Wow ! How do you know God might have created other beings too. And why does he needs to protect us..? Are those other beings possibly harmful? And who told you we are protected by the cloid of gas..? But when he already had other beings, why did he create us..? Are just another experiment..?
@himzey (1321)
• India
2 May 12
I have put my argument as an evolutionist point of view, if you don't mind.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
2 May 12
the causes of the big bang? actually, we are living right now into the current, latest big bang after a repetitions of past big bangs... and other neighboring universes out there suffers a repetitions of big bangs too... it is like a pimples found in our face, once burst, another one attempts to grow and found on the similar spot to where it starts, and for the other pimples too... it is like volcano that a traces of past eruptions, then it is now presently erupted, and it will surely erupt again in a later years to come... Both Bible and Science were all just a theory, a theory that we can rely on and exist.... Example: Gravity is a theory, but we use that theory to solve just to bring Apollo to set a foot on Moon and brings back to Earth as safe as possible.....
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
2 May 12
I agree. The funny thing is that according to Christian teachings, God is always testing us and bad things are in the world so we can learn. Why would an all-powerful, all-knowing being have to test people and why wouldn't he have known and gone with a world where we could learn without suffering? If he is all-loving, then wouldn't he go with the painless way? Also, it seems very arrogant to think that the creator of the universe would care what a young species on a tiny speck of a planet is doing. I can't recall who said it, but I read the comparison that that would be like a person having an ant farm and caring if one of them had a dirty thought. Science is so much more beautiful than religion. I love the natural world and don't think that I have to spruce things up with superstition.
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
2 May 12
Exactly, yet in the Bible, God often tests people's faith, such as the story with Abraham who he first told to kill his own son as a sign of faith, and the guy was really going to do it. They never tell you what happens after God changed his mind, but if I were the kid, I would get as far away from my father as possible and never speak to him again. When the voice in your head tells you to kill people, it's a real problem.
@himzey (1321)
• India
2 May 12
If he's so intelligent shouldn't he be creating guys of the same IQ level as his. Cause this might ease his office work a bit. Yet he chose to make us low IQ people. Isn't he toying with us. Makes me feel like an experiment.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
2 May 12
But why God need to test us if what levels of faith does we have? For what i know, a thing that we don't do it yet, God already knows, therefore, there is no need to test if He already knows the result...
• United States
2 May 12
How do you know the scientist are telling you the truth? For me it wouldn't matter what they said, I could neither deny nor confirm it. If I accepted their theories it would be on faith alone. Is there anything in creation that has absolutely no purpose? Why would anything come into being if there isn't a reason for it? Aren't the scientist now saying that sound created the universe? Doesn't the Bible say all creation was spoken into existence? Maybe the Bible and what it claims is worth checking out. God does exist and if you're ever separated from Him you'll discover how much you need Him.
• United States
3 May 12
No, I don't know scientists are telling the truth, particularly when they don't agree 100% of the time. Without God there's no reason for any part of creation. If the only thing that happens is life starts and eventually life ends, what's the point in creation at all? With God there's at least a point to life - our relationship with Him. No, all this came into being by the Word of God, and science is proving that the Bible has been correct all along.
• Canada
3 May 12
What's the point to life? The point is for us to make things better, for the rest of our species, to make an impact to help out the people around us. That's how we've gotten to this point, where our intelligence beats out everything else on the planet. That's a real, physical point to life, right there in front of you! Not god saying nothing to you, while you're hanging on gods every word. For every bit of science that's shown in the bible and correct, there is science shown in the bible that is incorrect. There's actually far more incorrect, then correct. Besides, even when the bible was written, there was science, so they just took the ideas from somewhere else. It's like how muslims say the the Qur'an invented the atom, when the atom was named 2000 years earlier, by greek philosophers. If you think the bible is correct, then you should start owning slaves, killing for god, hating homosexuals, not eating shrimp, spilling the blood of animals on an altar, locking up women on their period, and many, many other terrible things. The bible says you should be doing those things, so why don't you?
• Canada
2 May 12
You know scientists are telling the truth, because of peer reviewed study. No study is taken as true, unless it can be recreated and examined by other scientists, the majority wanting to prove the original wrong. Oh yeah, there are tons of things that aren't needed. Why are there carnivores? Why do weneed to kill to live? Why do we get cancer? Why do we have tails and appendixes? Why do whales have legs? Why do we need to breathe? Why are there mosquitoes? Why do viruses and bacteria kill? Why is there far mpre bacteria then any other kind of life? There are billions of things that could have been done better, if they were created by a god. All of this came into being, because of mutation, and natural selection of life. With that, it makes perfect sense, and its been completly proven by science.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
4 May 12
"...the formation of Nothing into Something through the Big Bang, now has possible directions that do not require any kind of omnipotent force, shown through brilliant minds like Stephen Hawking and Lawerence Krauss." Nothing - No thing; not anything; naught. Dictionary.com The brilliant minds of Stephen Hawking and Lawrence Krauss, in their suggestion that something can come from nothing mentioned space, gravity, and energy. Space - Space is the boundless, three-dimensional extent in which objects and events occur and have relative position and direction. Wikipedia Gravity - The force of attraction by which terrestrial bodies tend to fall toward the center of the earth. Heaviness or weight. Dictionary.com Energy - In physics, energy (Greek: ?????e?a energeia "activity, operation" is an indirectly observed quantity. It is often understood as the ability a physical system has to do work on other physical systems. Since work is defined as a force acting through a distance (a length of space), energy is always equivalent to the ability to exert pulls or pushes against the basic forces of nature, along a path of a certain length. Wikipedia Do Hawking and Krauss have a different definition for nothing from what the rest of us have? Nothing is NO Thing. That means no space, no gravity, and no energy. Leaving out everything that is something, how does something come from nothing?
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
5 May 12
All right, you've giving the definition for THING. Here's the definition for NO - not at all, not so, not any, not a. Space is an area. Gravity is a force, Energy is a force. Put No and Thing together and you get, NO space; NO gravity; NO energy; No force; NO THING (nothing) which equals NO universe.
• Canada
4 May 12
thing - noun 1.a material object without life or consciousness; an inanimate object. 2.some entity, object, or creature that is not or cannot be specifically designated or precisely described: The stick had a brass thing on it. 3.anything that is or may become an object of thought: things of the spirit. 4.things, matters; affairs: Things are going well now. 5.a fact, circumstance, or state of affairs: It is a curious thing. dictionary.com Space, is an area, of no thing. It's completely void and empty, where no thing exists. Gravity, is a force that pulls things together, but it, itself, is not a thing. Energy, is also a force that works on things, but once again, it is not a thing. Therefore, the formation of our universe, was nothing, turning into something.
• Canada
5 May 12
My point is, space, gravity, and energy, are not things, and if something is not a thing, then it is nothing. For each of these, they need interaction to become something. Gravity doesn't work, unless there is mass involved, a thing which it is pulling. Energy doesn't work unless there's a thing involved, there's nothing to hold onto it, nothing to make any involvement with. Space is just space, it's an absolute lack of anything.
• United States
5 May 12
Yes science does explain MOST things... however science does not explain EVERYthing for those few things that science cannot explain we need to have something in the way of explanation which is where "God" comes into play Why do we need science? Why cant we accept "God" as a universal explanation?
• Canada
6 May 12
But why jump to the conclusion that the "something" is God? The something can be what we consider nothing, and you don't need some all-powerful mystical force that nobody has actually seen directly to explain it. If you don't know what did it, and don't have enough interest to look into it, don't say that god did it, just say, "I Don't Know"!
• United States
6 May 12
it doesnt take science to tell that a force is greater than yourself whether you call it "God" or the "Flying Spaghetti Monster" its still there Denying its existance doesnt mean it doesnt exist.
• United States
6 May 12
everything comes from something right?
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
2 May 12
Oh yes,God does exist. God has a much higher IQ than scientists. Scientists haven't caught up yet. Still, science will discover God before religion does. There is still such a long way to go and much for people to discover. Step by step, mankind will get there. Believe it or not. You would really like God. Look around you again. Instead of looking for a reason that God exists, try to figure out what is really going on with this world. It does all add up.
@akobuday (124)
• Philippines
2 May 12
Yeah! I so agree! Stop looking. Stop wondering. Believe in God.
• Canada
2 May 12
If science can show that God exists, if they is undeniable proof of God through scientific factors to make a true theory of God, then I'll be completely behind it. However, there has never been a single shread of evidence that god does exist, and therefore, I'm an atheist.
@himzey (1321)
• India
2 May 12
I looked around.. I saw evolution.
• Philippines
2 May 12
If there's no God, who created you? The trees,mountains,oceans, falls and the whole earth? The animals who swim,walk,crawl, and fly, who would create all of them? Science will never be enough to reach God's knowledge. And people's mind was so narrow to know how great is our God, so we should give him all the honor and praise for everything he has done in our life. Maybe you can't see or even appreciate his works, but every breath you take is a blessing from him who loves you so much even if you don't believe in his existence. If you have faith, you know there is God. Even if we can't see him, you can always feel His presence. You just have to believe. God loves you so much that he gave up his Son for you to gain life :)
@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
2 May 12
@stowyk, i believe in that too.
• Canada
2 May 12
My parents created me, and their parents created them, so on and so on, to where you get to the point where we share an ansestor with chimps, then mice, then amphibians, then fish, then bacteria. Life only needed a combo of elements and environment to make the amino acids of DNA, which was bound to happen on an active planet like earth. Then, earth came from the sun, the sun came from a bigger sun, which came from the galaxy, which came from a super-cluster, which came from the big bang, which came from Nothing. Every part I just said has mounds of evidence behind it, and with every single part, there is No God Needed!
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
2 May 12
Life only needed a combo of elements and environment to make the amino acids of DNA, which was bound to happen on an active planet like earth. That`s silly, it may be your belief but so far no one proved it happened on earth.
@vaishnavc (556)
• India
2 May 12
You said that they have proved that they have proved that big bag has proved that god is not real.I have Watched and have been fascinated by this and i have been following it.Did you know that the so called scientists say that big bang created all this out of nothing.But did you know how this big bang happened? They said that the big bang was caused when a looot of energy was compressed to a point where it couldn't any more and it exploded.This is what created the universe.And you say that there is no god.But then where do you think the energy needed for thins came from? The scientists also agree that this can be clues to the existence of some greater power.But they just can't prove that it is god.After all we are just human.Maybe in the future they will.But right now this is all we got.
• Canada
2 May 12
No, you can't prove that god is not real, just like you can't prove that the tooth fairy isn't real. What they have found, is that you don't need a god to form the universe. The idea that you're talking about is the big crunch, where the universe collapses until its tiny, then it re expands. Even that doesn't need a God, it just requires infinite time. There is absolutely nothing in science, that requires a god.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 May 12
LOL, And there is nothing that proves God was not that force or the 'singularity' that many real smart scientists say cannot be proved or disproved. Face it, it IS a matter of faith, and just because you are lacking in faith does not nullify faith.
• India
4 May 12
@Christoph Just because you can't prove that something is not real doesn't make it unreal. Well the universe is not shrinking.It is expanding.
@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
2 May 12
Hi... Logically, your statement is true... The logic, the argument behind it is impressive... No doubt about it. But buddy, we need God... Most of us, do! That is to say, all of us at one stage seek the presence of The Almighty.. the dark times full of uncertainties...so even if there's no proof, we still need God...
• Canada
3 May 12
But, if you're in a dark time that's filled with uncertainties, then why not try to shine a light on it, and try to understand what's ahead of you, rather then just relying on a presence that we have absolutely no proof of? If it's something that you just can't prove, or work around, then why not just admit that you don't know what the answer to the question is? Why do you need God, to do that?
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 May 12
If I may butt in; perhaps because he does have light to shine on it? And you are the one in the dark? Like I said above, we'll all find out someday if there is or is not a God who Created us. I have one more question for you; why does it matter to you if some believe, have faith? How does it hurt you? or take away from you? Or is it you're really asking to be convinced? somehow, by someone?
• Philippines
2 May 12
Perfectly said mr_pearl... "we still need God..."
@lampar (7584)
• United States
2 May 12
Arm with information on formation from nothing into something through the Big Bang, mankind do not require any kind of omnipotent force anymore except brilliant minds like Stephen Hawkings and Lawerence Krauss that can create universe, mulit-verse, stars and sun, galaxies and black holes on paper to explain away all the doubts and questions a simple mind possess. Cool!
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
3 May 12
Hawkings does a terrific job of explaining these things to us, but he doesn't claim to have 'created' them, does he?
@himzey (1321)
• India
4 May 12
Yeah he doesn't. But he does tell us what might have. And believe me, when its him, its never god.
@himzey (1321)
• India
3 May 12
Welcome to the party bro !!
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
3 May 12
http://www.sacred-texts.com/aor/einstein/einsci.htm That link from perhaps one of the grestest scientist of all time. Here's another on the supposed conflict between science and faith. http://www.npr.org/blogs/13.7/2012/03/01/147755696/is-there-a-conflict-between-science-and-religion
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
3 May 12
I always ask those who say God does not exist, just like those who ask me to prove He does, can you PROVE He doesn't, scientifically of course.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
5 May 12
Professing themselves to be wise, they become fools? Perhaps.
@himzey (1321)
• India
8 May 12
My purpose of getting in this discussion is to check how logically I can think and express my views. I'm not as good as others out there but I can definitely try. Guyz take my arguments as fun and not personally. If you found rudeness and arrogance in my tone then please forgive me, I apologise for it. So lets take the discussion further... I believe its invalid to drag scientific arguments in this discussion cause you can't prove or disprove something unless and until you get a chance to observe how it works. What is there in religious texts can be both valid and invalid based on the standards of the topic being discussed but when it comes to God, most of them provide a circular logic and if you search for an answer for this universe and its existence you get an excuse- "god". As my "friend" Stephen Hawking() says- "So long as the universe had a beginning, we could suppose it had a creator. But if the universe is really completely self-contained, having no boundary or edge, it would have neither beginning nor end: it would simply be. What place, then, for a creator?" Part of what I would like to point out is the origin of the concept of god and religion. But what I'm interested in is taking the idea of God out of the life of an individual (yep.. wiping out the concept completely) and observe what changes he encounters; if he realises his own self-sustainability. An individual's actions are not limited to his life but rather their effects spread in all directions, enveloping everyone we may or may not be physically in contact with. That this world and their life is made of random events happening all around. That what he thanks god for might be some echo or a reaction of a random event triggered by his own actions or the actions of some other person. I know it would be like world going upside down for him, but if he puts aside what he is indoctrinated to do and try to question God's authority, his work and his morality, then only he'll come to understand the point atheists and agnostics are trying to make. Then only he'll reach the platform where he may argue his beliefs logically. In such an argument, rather than excerpting directly from the religious scripts its first necessary to clarify the points to be held as its base. Its important for an argument that the people arguing are ready to step into the opponents' shoes. If not they may continue to advocate what they have been taught to and the debate will go on forever.
@himzey (1321)
• India
8 May 12
Hi mantis Universe bubble ? That's the first time I'm hearing this theory. Can you let me know more about it, maybe a link or something to read..
@himzey (1321)
• India
8 May 12
Kidding... but still pass on the link to this one.. ok..
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
8 May 12
but the universe bubble that were are in to has an edge and boundary, and still currently expanding until its maximum expansion, then later it will contract the same with the rest of the billion universe bubble out there, and outside the surrounding universe bubbles are God is just watching, controlling everything...
@ryanong (9664)
• Vietnam
2 May 12
God exist in us through a religion. If we believe that God is real and he is real, if we don't believe that he isn't real then he isn't real. I don't have a religion, then in the beginning time i don't know God exists or not. But when i got a problem, i got sadness, my friend often told me that God will blesses me, then with the time i think he may exists somewhere...
• Canada
3 May 12
You could say the same thing about a container of milk, that the milk blesses you when you have a problem or sadness, and over time, you will feel that the milk is truly working it's magic. Here's something better to look on when you have problems, though... friends, family, people who care for you, people who are right around you... those are much better to be going to in times of need, then God, or a bottle of milk.
• India
2 May 12
Yes having something to believe in really helps us get over our problems.The belief in god can also help you a lot.It can help you find peace.
@ryanong (9664)
• Vietnam
3 May 12
Thanks Vaishnavc. I do believe that he will help me to get over the problem and i hope he will bless me.
@else22 (4317)
• India
2 May 12
God is the eternal law that runs this universe.Nobody knows how this universe was created.The big bang is just a theory.You may call it a hypothesis that is yet to be proved.I wonder why we human beings have become so much dependent on science.There are many things that science has not been able to prove.For me,God cannot be proved.He is beyond any proof.He is a feeling,a faith.He can only be felt,not proved.He is the eternal law of karma.You can attain Him only if you believe in Him.Believe in Him and see for yourself.
• Canada
3 May 12
Do you realize what science has done for you? If you're wondering at all, then just look around, and tell me anything that's around, that isn't thanks to science. Even if you're looking outside at the beautiful mountains or sky, if it wasn't for science, you wouldn't be looking out a window, and the view would be blocked from overgrowth, and you'd be fending for your own life from the zillions of things that can kill us in the wild. It's thanks to science and technology that we have everything around us, so tell me, how could we not be dependent on this? If we weren't life would be far more deadly and dangerous.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 May 12
Stephen Hawking is a brilliant man. no doubt. I like to read his work and learn from it. I have to take his word though that he is telling me the truth. He knows more than I so I trust him to do right by me. Tesla, he did invent AC btw...also a very intelligent man. I read of his work too. I can agree, his work is more practical and usefull. So, both being VERY intelligent, how do you explain they've come to two very different conclusions? Faith maybe? One had it, one didn't? YOu don't and I say so what. I do and you say so what. Neither of us can prove anything by the other. YOu go on your way, I go mine. We'll both find out someday. Trouble is, IF I'm right you've made a horrible mistake. IF you are right, I've lost nothing.
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
3 May 12
But a lot of the science we have today was made by religious people.Some like Tesla even told us that a creator exists and sometimes even that their knowledge was a result in their belief in God.So why should i believe a guy like Stephen Hawking who invented nothing useful for me and not believe a guy like Tesla who gave me the alternative current,(probably ) the radio and a lot of other things ?