Things I Just Don't Get
By betsyraeduke
@betsyraeduke (2669)
United States
May 2, 2012 5:54pm CST
There are all types of people in the world. I get that. Not only are there all types of people in the world, but there are a lot of them, billions in fact. I get that too. Now out of all these billions of people, there are a huge variety of interests as far as preferred hobbies and activities. Tastes very vastly. An activity that one person considers fun, might bore another person to tears. And that's okay. As the old saying goes, different strokes for different folks. Nothing wrong with that, and I get that too.
But there are some activities, that are enjoyed by some people, that, I'm sorry I just don't get it. Don't get me wrong, I am not picking on or downing anyone for any activity that they may enjoy. It's just that I really don't get how anyone could enjoy certain activities.
For example: Golf. Not miniature golf. Miniature golf, I get. In miniature golf, you don't just try to sink the ball into holes in the ground, but you also maneuver it through an interesting little obstacle course of sorts. IMO, with miniature golf, it is the cute little wind mills, clowns, loop-de-loops, etc, that make the game interesting and fun. But Golf, ordinary, regular old 18 hole golf played on a big green field. I don't get it, how can anyone enjoy that? Really. You hit this little ball with a club and try to sink it into a hole, and this is done on a boring, uninteresting course. I understand that it takes a certain amount of skill to hit the ball where it needs to go. And I know that with many golf courses that the landscape changes throughout the course varying between hills and flat land, etc. But still, its' a boring, vasts course with basically nothing interesting to even look at and all you do over and over again is try to hit a ball into a hole. Boring. I don't get it.
Also fishing. This sport also seems to be enjoyed by many. I dare say it is far more popular than golf. Men and women, boys and girls, alike all seem to enjoy fishing. Especially men because while I have meant many women and children who do not enjoy fishing, I can count on one hand the number of men I have meant who do not like it. In fairness, I do get fishing more than golf. I mean I can see how a person might get a thrill when they actually have a fish on the line and it puts up a good fight.... But for the most part, I don't get fishing either. I don't get how so many people can enjoy sitting at the river bank, lake edge, or in a boat, whatever, for hours and hours, fishing, and find it enjoyable. Because mostly fishing, is a lot of sitting around, holding a stick in your hands (yes I know it's called a fishing pole) and waiting. Waiting and waiting and waiting for something to bite, for who knows how long, while the mosquitoes feast on you. .... I don't get it. Boring!...
But enough of what I don't get, how about you? Do you enjoy golf or fishing? Why or why not? And what don't you get and why?
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10 responses
@KrazyKlingon (5005)
• United States
3 May 12
A lot of things, it seems, we won't get until we try it. I'm sort of in the same boat with you about golf, & it is probably because there is a lot more that I don't know about it than what i do know. All I know is don't get hit in the head by a flying golf ball. As a matter of fact, don't get hit by a flying golf ball.
Fishing, I tried once, but didn't do very well. However, if you enjoy seafood, & you are good at it, you get to enjoy a nice lunch, dinner, or even both.
I'm thinking that part of the fun in it is that you need to play golf or go fishing to actually develop your skills in them. I actually never got the thrill of playing some of the games on the internet, until I actually tried them. Now one can almost call me a game addict.
@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
3 May 12
I have played golf a few times, though not many I admit. I was extremely bored the entire time.
Fishing I have done a lot of times. As a kid, during the summer months, I went fishing with my parents at least 3 to 4 days out of the week, every week. I wasn't given a choice about it. I never liked it. It bored me to tears and I was almost always covered in mosquito bites from head to toe!
Later in life, as every guy I have ever gone out with seemed to enjoy fishing, I did go fishing a few times with some of them. I didn't enjoy it any more during those times then I did as a kid. The mosquitoes bother me to much and aside from that, it's just to much of just sitting around in one spot and endlessly waiting for me.
I don't mind that others enjoy fishing, I just don't get why they do. lol.
@KrazyKlingon (5005)
• United States
5 May 12
Sometimes, past experiences helps in shaping your opinion of a certain activity or sport. I'm thinking that it is a possibility that your parents dragging you out to go fishing sure didn't help make you like fishing any better. With the price of fish at the supermarket, & believe that's why people go fishing - not REALLY for the enjoyment of the sport.
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
3 May 12
Well, there are things that I don't get that are considered sport and in fact they are involving animals in which they act stupid. For example the running of the bull. These men who run for their life while this angry bull is chasing them is beyond ridiculous. They are only asking for it to be maimed or killed. Then there are hobbies that people don't know when to stop or they hog it all from others in their household such as TV watching. I think 4-5 hours after work is rather much to be watching such as TV until the time you sleep. I'm sure there are more things but these come to mind first and foremost. I don't like golf wither by the way and fishing hasn't really been something I have been interested. The last time I was given a pole to use for fishing was when I was a kid and I ended up catching lots of fish, more than my male cousin. It was funny.
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
3 May 12
I agree. I don't like golf or fishing. I have never really played golf, though, to be fair, so maybe I just don't understand it. It seems like there's a lot more time spent going to the next hole than there is actually playing time. It doesn't really have much variance either. No personality or way to put your own style into it.
As far as fishing, well, I used to fish when I was a kid, but I don't eat fish, so I'd just feel wasteful and bad for messing with them. The good part about fishing though, is that you get to spend time outdoors in the middle of nature, and sometimes you get to be on a boat. Doing it alone can be peaceful and sharing it with good company can be fun.
Something I don't really get is sports. I mean, I understand playing them, and I can even understand why it could be fun to go to some games, depending on the sport, but I don't get why people watch it on tv and why many get so hyped up and obsessed about it. Talking about all the players and all that. It seems really dull and I think some people do it just to fit in.
Other things I don't get are people obsessing over celebrities' lives and watching reality shows. In a lot of them, the people aren't even doing anything interesting. I am much more interesting than the Kardashians.
@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
3 May 12
I agree. I don't understand why people enjoy watching sports on tv either. Like you said, I understand how playing the sport could be fun and I get going to the game as often, the atmosphere alone at such an event is just fun, but watching on tv, blah.
I also agree about those reality shows. I can't understand what people see in those. Hell, technically, it's not even "reality" as it's so obvious that so many of the so called disputes on such shows are staged. 

@Laurelle11 (409)
• Australia
3 May 12
I get what you are saying and I agree with you about golf and fishing, I think they are boring but to those who like it, I would think that they find them relaxing, maybe people like them because they both require near silence, so you don't get kids screaming and running around. I don't get how people can sit a watch football on TV, I would much rather watch a game live. Have a good day.
@Kojigirl (188)
3 May 12
Golf is an excellent way to ruin a good walk in the country. Fishing is great if I really want fish for dinner. I don't. I used to go fishing, but I lived in Florida then, and it was out the back door. Golf, I have never quite got my head around it. Seems a silly way to spend a lot of time and money.
@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
3 May 12

@Rtlsnk316 (1197)
• Mexico
3 May 12
I don't enjoy golf or fishing either, but I do understand what the point of those activities is, regardless if I find them boring as a rock, there is a whole lot of people who either practice or follow the sport(?)
I guess it's just a matter of personal view and opinion, some people just find mini golf boring as well (I don't)
@laken02 (3065)
• United States
3 May 12
im like you on the golf, i never got it, but i do enjoy minature golf quite a bit and that is one family thing we do togheter.. but i could not see myself ever being a golfer, but my aunt and uncle actualy love to go golfing itis there sport and thing they do.. just like hubby loves to fish and hunt.. i dont get the hunting part but hubby says it relaxes him being in the woods all day even if he dont get a deer.. and i can in derstand that , and that is how i see fishing, as a relaxing sport i dont go very often but hubby loves it and so did my grandparents they could stay all day on the boat or river bank and loved every minute.. but i like tennis and love to play it.. but hubby willl say he hates it and can not see what i get out of hitting and chasing a big yellow ball.. but it relaxes me and i know when i get done playing i have a great workout from it.. and i just love playing tennis.. like some tv shows me and hubby disagree about he likes vampire and so does my daughter so i dont like them but if im bored i will watch them and not say anything.. like i let him have his fishing and hunting and he lets me do my thing tennis or whatever... what i dont get it the craze over facebook.. i hate it ...but hubby and millions of other dont.. just not my cup of tea lol
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
3 May 12
Golf, personally boring to me, but I get why people enjoy it and enjoy watching it. I'll tell you this much right now, I really don't think golf should be classified as a sport myself. It just doesn't seem like something athletic. It does take a certain amount of skill, I'll give you that, because I could never do it, but I will never play it, so the point is moot.
Fishing, I used to fish, and it was fun, but it could be also a pain. I think that it was more about getting out for the day, just to break up the drullness of life. But, really when you think about it, I would rather watch paint dry then watch people fish. And its another one that I am loathe to call it a sport. Skill is required yes, but to me fishing is not a sport. One day, I will comply a list of sports that shouldn't be called sports.
@musicluv4life (1867)
• United States
3 May 12
I agree with you on the golf its a snooze fest. However i love fishing but part of thats cause i grew up fishing but, even now i just recently started to get back into it, I like it because its relaxing and if you use a spinner you keep realing your not just sitting and waiting i do get a little board of waiting sometimes but, its fun when there biteing and i love being outside its relaxing to me thats why i like fishing.