be honest do you really like face book and why , ?
By laken02
@laken02 (3065)
United States
May 2, 2012 7:10pm CST
please be honest , i dont care either way, but i will tell you straight up i dont like facebook and i will tell you why, when me and my hubby were having problems he would get on his facebook and look for what he calls freinds and what i call girls he knew.. and he even told me when we thought we were thur, that he liked certain girls on there and now there still on his facebook to this day, but he never talks to them anymore.. but seems like every day there is a new girl asking him to befriend him and even some of his x girlfriends has added him and are asking him how he's doing and all that.. he says they ask him to be freinds i said you did not have to accept.. so as we are doing better in our relationship , i still cant get past the facebook issues and fact that he has to get on every day.. and i wish facebook never existed .. i mean when we were seperated so to speak i added alot of my x's as well to my facebook., and i know how easy it would be to get with someone from facebook.. but now i hate facebook and hardly ever get on.. and i never talk to my x's either.. makes me wish it would just disappear.. but its hard to say anything to my hubby for having one when even my x father in law has one and just last week my aunt made her one what has the world come to..
life was so much better before facebook.. :*(
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16 responses
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
3 May 12
I like facebook, and use it all the time. I get to see, almost daily, new pics of my oldest daughter (1500 miles away) and her little boy. Both of my daughters have facebook, and most of my friends on our fire department have it. So it is also a great way to get a message out to all of them about a meeting or whatever. You stated that you also have ex's on your facebook (but hardly ever get on there) so, what is the difference. Unless he is making plans to meet up with any of them. Them asking how he is doing....maybe they are just wondering, as a friend. Like I say, I love having facebook to stay in touch with friends that live in other states.
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@laken02 (3065)
• United States
3 May 12
well thnaks for replying, i know your right and i have no reason to be mad espically at my hubby as he has done nothing and he has told me he has never cheated ever.. so i should be grateful but that is something i need to work on i guess.. i do have a few freinds from back home that are on my faceboook and i can talk to them anytime i want.. but not alot of my family members that im close to have one.. i guess where me and hubby are still not where we need to be, i lets it get the best of me.. and blame facebook.. but i still wish it did not exist and i know that s bad.. but im my case as well my oldest daughter will get on her facebook and she will post all bad things and use bad language and it embarresses ,me even if she is on her own.. and i have read alot of other people too that dont care what they post.. but i respect your opinion and im glad you have facebook to see your family.. and that it works great for you.. take care and have fun always...
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@celticeagle (172519)
• Boise, Idaho
6 May 12
I have been on Facebook for several years now. I have heard every story know to the human psyche. I am on Facebook everyday and I have never had a problem. Ofcourse I don't have a man in my life either. Why would a man that is married need to have a lot of women on his friend's list? If he is happy with you? Facebook didn't do anything to you. Your husband did! And if it wasn't Facebook it would just be some other site. I would face up to the facts.

@celticeagle (172519)
• Boise, Idaho
6 May 12
But I am just saying that the same thing could be happening on any other social networking site. I enjoy Facebook because my BFF's family and I finally got her to go online and she and I can chat on there. She lives afew states away from me and we can get on there and chat, poke or whatever. So I have a positive experience where yours is negative. And I bet if you tried you could keep his attention away from Facebook for as long as you wanted. 

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@laken02 (3065)
• United States
6 May 12
well , for one me and my hubby were almost seperated at one time and im not blaming face book at all that was before he had a facebook and now that we are trying to work things out, its not that i dont really trust him as much as i know how other women are and how they can cause trouble.. so no its not facebooks fault if he does something which he has not.. but for me facebook just makes it to easy to get hooked up with an old girlfreind or boyfreind... and i dont see it as a fun sight i see it as a sight that takes up time i have with my hubby and if he ever wanted someone else he would have no problem getting hooked up thanks to facebook
so its not that i blame facebook i just wish it never existed ever..that's just my opinion.. i seldom get on and i feel life would still exist without faceboook as
well.. im a privater person and i dont sahre my thougths with the world like i have seen so many others do on facebook and i just feel its stupid.. but to each his own opinion right.. if it works for you great.. and for the record my husband has not done anything.. so the only fact i will face is that i still hate facebook
and have better things to do with my time.. take care :)
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@laken02 (3065)
• United States
6 May 12
hi, he uses it to wind down when he gets home from work, his family is on there and the all send jokes and my hubby love to lol.. sometime he will be lol and the he will show me what he's lol about and it something funny, but he has not doen anything bad on there, im just in fear that ond day he might find someone else and i love this guy and we have been together for almost 11 years.. and if i see where a old gf has posted on his site more then once..i get a little bit jealous and upset..its something i need to work on.. im glad that you are able to connect with your friends and family.. have a great day :)
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@laken02 (3065)
• United States
5 May 12
i guess your right there, and maybe if my family that im close to had one it would be different.. but right now i seldom get on facebook as i dont have the time either i spend my time doing other things more important to me, like hoouse work, getting sleep after work , doming mylot for more money, i have a quota daily ,
and cooking and working, and watching tv sometimes and i have ot have my hour on my front porch enjoying the weather, i use that time to relax after a long day, hubby usues facebook to relax so.. im ok with that..
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
3 May 12
Laken02, At first I never like facebook, during our national election here back in 2010, i participated in our fan page, where my pictures were violated by some one whom i thought was a senior member of a candidate supporter. after that i've seen so many trash talking and debates. Then, i just use it for connecting with my family and friends and some people i know in mylot. I started to like it though when i started playing an online game there, which has consumed my time for months. finally, i had the courage to let it go and back to mylot again

@laken02 (3065)
• United States
3 May 12
well see that is alot of why my hubby likes to get online, one he loves to look at funny pics people post , and alot of his family has facebooks but mine dont ..
and he loves to play there games on facebook .. alot of times i will sit next to him and see what he is doing on there so long and he will be playing games he really likes the one where you have to find the hidden treasure.. i suck at it though lol i try to help him but he always finds it before me lol.. take care
@Devilova (5392)
• Indonesia
3 May 12
What game you have played in there Letran?
What game He play Laken?
Did you know that most of facebook game have millions addict players?
For example texas holdem poker, farmville, mafiawars, cityville, etc.
Because of them, I got so much friends.
And they could help me make more money by become my referrals or affiliates.
Just take a look at the good side.
@starsailover (7829)
• Mexico
6 May 12
Hi laken: I don't see your point. I love facebook and I have never problems like this because I know what to publish and what to upload. I am also cautious when adding friends. I think that you don't have to blame Facebook, if someone use Facebook to do something he/she later regret is his/her fault not Facebook's.
In my experience, Facebook has got me close to friends I haven't seen in years and it's a nice tool. I have been on the site for years and I've never hada a problem with it.
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@laken02 (3065)
• United States
6 May 12
well everyone has there own opinion of facebook some like it some do not im just one who would rather do without it .. it takes up alot of my hubby's time when he gets home and gets online even if he is just playing games i am limited to my bedtime and dont get to see him alot at night and he would rahter be on facebook talkking to old friends or playing games.. then talk with me.. and i feel before facebook we all were ok and we would be ok if there were no facebook as well..
so for me just my opinion im not a facebook fan and never will be. sorry but im glad it has worked for you and my hubby and dont mind your opinion as well.. have fun")
@jureathome (5361)
• Philippines
4 May 12
I'm sure people have different views about Facebook, and how it affects their lives everyday. I keep Facebook usage just to what it should be - a social network. I don't have too many friends, and I also don't accept random friend requests. It's my only way online to reach out to friends and see updates of what they're up to. It's like talking to everyone all at the same time, and finding out how they are.
I'm glad I haven't ran in to problems like you had. My husband is not fond of facebook, at all. So, I made a joint account for both of us, and only common friends are on it.
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@laken02 (3065)
• United States
5 May 12
my friend has her facebook like that in her and her hubby's name and they share it i think that is what all married couple shpuld do, except i know why my hubby wont do that, becasue i am a very jealous person and if someone did say something to him on there he is afraid of waht i would say back.. and embarress him so we will probably never have one together.. i could delete mine and not even care. but he likes his to do wehn he gets home from work to wind down and he plays games.. and chats with his family on there.. so i just need to learn to trust him :)
@jureathome (5361)
• Philippines
5 May 12
Yes, show him that you trust him and most likely he will try to live up to that expectation you have of him.
@GardenGerty (162783)
• United States
3 May 12
I do not care for facebook, but I do have a page. I do not play the games, etc. Family tree keeps trying to make me be related to people I do not even know. If my family members were active there it would be different, but they are not, and I am not.
@laken02 (3065)
• United States
5 May 12
i never play facebook games either but hubby does, he likes the one where you try to find hidden objects, alot of his family have a facebook as well .. but mine do not.. so i seldom waste my time getting on facebook as it has nothing to offer me.. and im not a big fan..
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
7 May 12
I have seen Facebook as a huge invasion of privacy. Now I see I was so correct. With Facebook, Both of you can spy on one another! It is so sad. Call me cynical but Facebook or no Facebook if a spouse wants to cheat , they will. If a simple argument makes a spouse seek compny of others it is a bad sign.
@much2say (57365)
• Los Angeles, California
3 May 12
I actually do like Facebook. I don't have time to sit and chat on the phone nor write a bunch of emails to keep in touch with everyone . . . so it's my one stop place to communicate with everyone. I've only used it for people I actually know in person . . . so it's been pretty cool reconnecting with folks from the past - as well as getting the daily scoop from my friends who are around anyhow. It's a neat "tool". But I don't use it for meeting people nor making new friends - not interested.
However, I can see how other people would use it to meet people and make new friends, so surely that opens up a whole 'nother can of worms. Trust issues can easily be crossed, too easily.
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@laken02 (3065)
• United States
5 May 12
i agree, totaly with you, i guess you have to take the good with the bad, and facebook is a good source to keep in touch with family and friends. and if it was used just for that and not for people to try and use it as a dating site and i agree that a couple needs to have trust in the relationship as well but my deal was we were on the verge of speerating. and are still not were we need to be now so i worry that some gilr he used to date will come in and tear down what we do have i guess im just a very jealous person but i am gonna just use my weapn against it lol and that is prayer and put my marriage in Gods hands and not worry so much and know he is coming home to me :)
@Tamosree1993 (1525)
• India
6 May 12
Hello friend,
I don't like facebook site. It is a booring site. I hate this site.
Have a nice day.
@AwesomeGuy250 (334)
• United States
3 May 12
I have to say I am getting rather tired of facebook. I have thought about deleting mine off and on. The new timeline feature is just a utter mess. I mean, come on, it's so crappy. Why force it on people? It just dosen't make sense. Facebook is going downhill. It should go back to its old interface, if it wants to redeem itself, in my opinion.
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@laken02 (3065)
• United States
5 May 12
i dont think anyone likes the new timeline, and in with you , i feel it sucks and they messed up when the did this, they had a good thing and needed to leave it alone.. i would not care to delete mine at all.. would not bother me in the least
as i hardly ever use it. i wish hubby felt the same way :(
@geen1234 (111)
• Philippines
3 May 12
i like facebook, same as mylot, it is a social networking, the only difference is, in here, you can earn if you participte in discussion, while on fb, only participation with friends, no earnings. I have few friends in facebook, i do not accept friends that i do not know. well, some couples having argument about fb, because of too many friends, sometimes, you can find a date in fb.
@laken02 (3065)
• United States
5 May 12
yeah facebook makes it very easy to find a date thru there site,almost too easy,
i have alot of friends on there but i was stupid an added anyone that ask me and so
now there is alot of people on there i dont even know :( i do wish i had only added frineds now as i could care less what those people i dont know do.. i just
wish i had never introdeced my hubby to facebook
@enaira0531 (16)
• Philippines
3 May 12
Maybe someday I'm quitting Facebook for good. All you have said here are right. I also experienced those things in the past. But I have a plenty of reasons to give up this site totally. Ever since I have a smartphone I always see the posts of my friends, not too close friends, former classmates, relatives and my family. I'm becoming bored about this site. I think social networking sites removed the real essence of communication. Instead of meeting them we'd rather choose to keep in touch with them through chatting. Or visit their profile to see what happens to their life. Technology makes people useless and I find that too awful. I wish everyone would realize that.
@laken02 (3065)
• United States
5 May 12
i agree totaly with what you said.. and to be honest it would not hurt my feelingds none of one day facebook goes out and no longer exists i do think they messed up by adding the new timeline feature as i think every one hates it and im hoping that maybe that will be there downfall and take them out.. i really would not mind a bit.. or of something else better comes along and takes facebooks place.. but something totalt different and unexpected that is not so much like facebook at all..
@srikanth777ias (326)
• India
6 May 12
facebook is the best place to connect with people and to promotr bussiness.
and mainly this site is so much useful for time pass. by playing games, watching news . and every thing which is possible to do so
@Devilova (5392)
• Indonesia
3 May 12
I become a facebookers since 4-5 year ago, and my first account got about 4950 plus friends.
Most of them I got from facebook games, which is mafiawars.
For me, when a relationship has a great pillar.Nothing may ruins it, even the facebook.
Social networking was a great tools to speak out to the world.
Look what happen to couple of country in the middle east!
@riempie9 (1021)
• South Africa
6 May 12
I'm not a great lover either of Facebook, but I like the idea that it keeps people in touch. I'm addicted to writing and FB gives me a short fix. Also it is better to write and peruse it and have a little break than to be out doing something much worse. The problem here is not Facebook, but your fear that your husband will somehow be snatched away. It is up to your husband. Does he? We can't blame women when they respond. It is a device after all to meet people. Let him have his amusement. If he stays on FB for six hours, well, that is something else.