Another lunchtime review.

@uath13 (8192)
United States
May 3, 2012 10:06am CST
Yep, it's that time again, another lunch review. Now just so people don't think I'm always negative & criticizing let me start on a good note. I had lunch Monday at Ko's Pizza & Gyros of Lebenon & one again can not say a bad word about it, mostly because I was too busy shoving handfulls of stromboli in my mouth. What little was left over almost caused a fight at the house as to who would get to eat it. That guy is a cooking GOD! Now on to yesterdays lunch. I got off early & was told to pick up the groceries. With Wendys being close that's the place I chose to visit. Since it had been a good while since I'd had one of their burgers ( I usually go for the spicy chicken items on their menu ) I decided to give one a try. I ordered a 1/2 Lb. baconator combo & sat down to eat it. I sunk my teeth into that first bite...& promptly drowned in all the sauce they'd put on it. Ketchup, mustard, mayonase & whatever else was mixed into that mess went squirting out the sides & everywhere. I couldn't tell if I was eating Wendys or a Hardies burger ( yes I'm calling them out for doing the same thing too ). Seriously if I wanted to taste nothing but condoments I'd make a shake out of them. I don't want to drown in them trying to eat my burger. Come on guys, bun, meat, bacon, cheese, tomato, bun How hard a concept is that? I don't need a whole bottle of Heinz 57 , Miricle Whip & whatever else glooped all over the top! When Hardies first came out with their new menu the burgers were good but I don't even know what they taste like any longer since they started squirting everything on it. Now I find Wendys is doing the same thing... Wendys add is "Where's the beef?". I have to ask the same question since I can't find it under all that junk.
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2 responses
@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
3 May 12
This must be something particular to your area. We had Wendy's today and I do not remember much in the way of condiments. Of course we did not get baconators either. Hubby prefers Wendy's burgers over all around here.
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
4 May 12
Maybe we should send the employees up your way for training then?
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@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
4 May 12
At the very least the shift managers need to be trained so that they can get the crew trained right. It is interesting. Our Wendy's makes a habit of hiring people who are mentally challenged and they often make excellent employees. They are proud of doing a good job.
• United States
3 May 12
The quality of fast food restaurants seem to be getting poorer as the years go on. More grease, less care of getting orders right, and just simply sloppiness all around. If I get fast food I order it plain anymore(without any condiments), go home and put on my own. That way I can have just as much as I want. If you can't go home, asked for packaged mayo, ketchup, and mustard so you can apply your own.
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
4 May 12
Next time I'm telling them " You know all that stuff you squirt on there...Don't!"