How many of us like Jehova's witness?

May 3, 2012 10:44am CST
They show up in many houses around the world, When i was little my mother never listened to them, even if she did she gave them very little time. For me, i dont handle rejection very well so anytime i see them i always give them some of my time, people say they are very annoying and they dislike them, i want to know if you feel the same way towards them, things you dont like they do that they should improve on and maybe the world would accept them more posititvely in their homes...Thanks
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8 responses
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
3 May 12
I am a teacher and at a village school I had a Jehova Witness girl in my class. She was intelligent and was a fluent reader. Many assembles and stories were not suitable for her. She had to sit these out and read a book during those times. Her little brother joined the school and his teacher didn't know how to keep him occupied during these times. Their mom was an American lady living in England. When I was a teenager the Jehova Witness tried to give me copies of the watch tower magazine. They told me it would be great to help me with my studies. They are not so popular for going door to door in that kind of way. I think they are normal and likeable people. I am not a religious person but I am tolerant of all religions.
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@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
3 May 12
One of my best friends is one. She never tries to talk me over though we talk a lot about all kinds of things even spend holidays partly together with our kids. Kind of J witness she is, is completely different from what I mostly find on my doorstep, or shall I say.. the foot between my front door? Lately I told her I met a nice couple, just told them I am not interested, plus my opinon. Told my friend about that too. She said once as a kid she went with someone at the doors, that guy was putting his foot between the door as well. According to her it's not the way and she felt very embarrashed, also said there are extreme believers between the witnesses as in any other relgion is the case.
3 May 12
Yes some times they can be something else, And yes some of them are really not into it, I mean they don't want to allienate the beautiful friends around them. That's why most times they keep their opinions to themselves .
4 May 12
What do you mean buy a ground on a mountain to be saved? I don't think I have ever heard of that before.
• Netherlands
3 May 12
I remember from years ago I only met the kind who were rather fanatic (good thing I know the bible way better as they do, bad thing I had a hard time to get rid of them since they kept returning with someone else thinking that person would beat me). At that time I only met people who joined after something happend in their lives they could not deal with.. so the j witness was kind of saviour ringing at their frontdoor. Must say I haven't seen them for years after that (also have to admit got a paper at my frontdoor I am not interested in changing my religion). I am not into religion at all, also not in finding paradise (heard that phrase of them so many times at my doorstep), I don't want to buy a piece of ground on a certain mountain so I will be saved at the moment the world will end either. I am sure there are fanatics in all kind of religions, not my type of person. My friend and I are close, interesting is her husband never visits the meetings from the moment on they got married and her kids are free to choose to be or believe what they want. I think if it comes to religion it should be that way. You have to make a choice yourself, as an adult, and go for it. If not better let it be. Also.. years ago it was not allowed for many j witnesses to have contacts with people of an other religion. I never hear that anymore, or perhaps it depends on the country where you live?
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
5 May 12
Personally I will usually ignore most of them when they are out in there little groups as most of them never want to take time to consider what you might have to say even if you try asking them questions, or tell them you are not interested because you belong to a church. From time to time though you can find some who are interesting to talk with and can relate with. Too me, they are usually less annoying then a Mormon missionary.
6 May 12
Missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church)—widely known as Mormon missionaries—are volunteer representatives of the LDS Church who engage variously in proselytizing, church service, and humanitarian aid. Mormon missionaries may serve on a full- or part-time basis depending on the assignment, and are organized geographically into missions. Is this what you are talking about? OMG I hope I never get to meet them on my doorstep!!!
@morgandrake (2136)
• United States
4 May 12
I have no problems with the Jehovah Witnesses. Normally, they just drop off a flyer for one of their gatherings, and rapidly exit my yard. It is the Mormons that I have issues with. The Mormons want to stand there and talk no matter how many times I tell them that I need to get back to my writing, and they do not believe that I am perfectly happy worshipping a goddess.
4 May 12
There are ways to deal with them, don't tell them you want to get back to their writing,just tell them you can talk for 5 mins so they should pls say what they have to say(in a polite manner) , trust me in 5 mins they would be out of your hair, that's if you do not argue with them on any matter.
@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
4 May 12
They can be quite annoying but then again who am i to really judge them. I just let them be and stay away as much as i can, i just do not like to interact more as i might have hurtful words to say. Those here do come knocking at doors, preaching and sometimes they will caught you at the wrong place and at the wrong time.
4 May 12
I understand, hate those times but there's nothing I can do about it because I really don't like being rude to people, rather I like being a smart a3ss so I clevery buy my way out of their preaching without giving them the impression that I want them out of my hair asap, other times which are good times I just let them be. Thanks for the response
@coldnpale (555)
• Greece
3 May 12
We have quite a few of Jehova's witnesses here as well. They usually go around houses or they try to stop people on the streets, preaching about their cult and trying to sell books to you. I really don't like their ways, because, in my country at least, it looks like they are trying to steal people from the orthodox christianity religion (it's greece's primary religion), and turn them into jehova's witnesses. Fact is, if someone is interested to join them, he will search for them, no need to chase people around, trying to persuade them. If every religion-cult was working like this, then every day for the whole day we would have to deal with representers from every religion.
4 May 12
I don't think they are a cult. But I remember back in the days they try to tell you that your religion in not ok even if you are a christain and that's the worst thing I have ever heard from a christains mouth, I'm sure that why people didn't listen to them a lot in the past
@smacksman (6053)
3 May 12
They are fanatics and any fanatics can be a pain. But I am civil to them and thank them for calling but I don't get into a religious discussion with them as they know the bible far better than I do. As was said above, it is good to show them tolerance so that they can be tolerent of others.
3 May 12
Fanatics can be Well you never can tell for sure they know the bible better than you, sometimes their interpretation of it gets me thinking and suprised, I really don't know what they learn in church, anways its good to give them some time, at least they are spreading the good news
@syramoon (654)
• United States
3 May 12
The reason I don't like them is I'm paranoid, and have anxiety disorder. People I don't know knocking on my door always makes me uneasy, whether or not they're religious men seeking converts or a new neighbor wanting to borrow a cup of sugar. I mean think of how a psychopath of a serial killer could pose as one of them and kill someone. Also while I am very tolerant, I dislike anyone trying to convert me to any religion. I don't go around trying to get them to agree with me, so I would like them very much if they would quit knocking on my door at 8 in the morning, waking me up, making my have panic attacks, while trying to tell me about what they believe and what I should believe. I'm never rude to them, as I respect them as people, but my reply is usually a no thanks, not interested.
4 May 12
Very funny, I may just understand your pain,serial killer? LOLL don't worry most of it happens in the movies and not in the real world, its all good, just try to give them little time ok