smoking cigarettes

United States
May 3, 2012 4:15pm CST
Ok I know people smoke cigarettes but I am at a loss to why even after all the things that are wrong with them... I understand not stopping after smoking 10, 20 or 30 years but what about all of the young people that start smoking now? My father and my grandfather both died from lung cancer, that smoking was part of the cause, my mom had a heart attack *she is still alive thank god* she still smokes my father stopped smoking the day he found out he had lung cancer.. It did not help him live any longer I think he lived 3 months after we found out. It will be 7 years in July. I was 16 when he passed away my kids never got to meet there granddad. He was 46 years old when he died. To me I do not understand why people would start smoking after everything that we know about cigarettes now. My cousin is 3 years younger then me and as soon as she turned 18 she went out and bought cigarettes. I was talking to my mom about it she will be 50 this year and she was saying how when she was growing up it was "cool" to smoke because kids seen there parents and all other adults smoking. My sisters boyfriend had a magazine from the 50's and there is a camels cigarette ad on there and it says how smoking makes you look a feel good that everyone should try the new cleaner cigarettes. Okay just another thing that makes me mad why do people start smoking now a days?
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4 responses
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
4 May 12
I hate smoking and really don't like smoke. However, my boyfriend is a smoker..then i have to live with it... I try don't be around him when he smokes. he told me that he will give up it, but i think he lies about it. Honestly, smoking is very terrible, i really hate it.
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
5 May 12
Hope my boyfriend can understand like you...He knows i hate smoking but sometime he still smoke in front of me...
• United States
4 May 12
i started because it was a stress release that little bit of time that you get to yourself is a nice little vacation from life
@vaishnavc (556)
• India
4 May 12
Smoking is just like any other thing.You get addicted to it.And once you get addicted to it,its not so easy for you to let go.I am one such addicted person.I know that it is really harmful to your health.My father had a heart attack because of it.But lucky for us,He is still alive. Even so i can't really quit smoking.I have tried quitting.I would stop for a few days at a time,then i would start up again.
@vertu007 (683)
• Romania
4 May 12
Because they think it's cool. To breath the smoke out. To make little circles out if it. It also makes a good conversation starter. I'm not a smoker but I admit I tried it. I don't like the smell the taste and I don't agree with people who smoke but I understand that it's just a way to feel cooler. It's kind of for weak people on the social side. People that need to feel a little bada** if you ask me. No offense to those who smoke.