She meows at me when I wash dishes

United States
May 3, 2012 7:43pm CST
Whenever I'm washing the dishes, without fail, my cat will come up next to my feet, sit down on her haunches, and MEOW and MEEEOOOOW at me like I'm being terribly neglectful of her. It doesn't matter how much time I've spent with her during the day or how recently I've fed her. Now there are other occasions where she'll meow at me like this, but never so consistently during a daily chore. Any idea why my cat does this? Does anyone else's cat do something like this?
3 responses
7 May 12
If she's anything like my cats, she just wants to join in with what's going on. She's talking to you. Talk back to her - and you'll get a good conversation going, like I do with my two puss-cats. Only other thing I can think of, if it's not conversation she wants, is that perhaps she wants a drink of water. Doew she always meow when you're doing things with water? Maybe that's your answer.
• United States
7 May 12
She doesn't always meow at me when I'm doing things with water, but it could be likely that she wants some water when I'm doing the dishes. I have talked to her when she's meowing at me, and it's very amusing. I'll try giving her a glass of water the next time she does it.
@akobuday (124)
• Philippines
4 May 12
No idea! Besides my cat will only say meow2x if she's angry, in pain, or don't want to anymore. And she only comes to my feet if she's hungry. Bad kitty...haha
1 person likes this
• United States
5 May 12
My cat will only meow at me when I have no idea what she wants. lol I'll give her food, water, toys, attention, and she'll still be meowing at me like I'm leaving something very vital out!
• United States
4 May 12
Probably just wanting attention at that time when you are so obviously focused on something else. My dog will come plop down by the dishwasher and sigh over and over again during the dishes like I am so neglectful of her! lol. Just ignore it would be my advice.
1 person likes this
• United States
5 May 12
Probably! At least that's the only explanation that really makes sense. I will ignore her while I'm doing the dishes. Maybe then she'll learn not to bother me when I have work to do.