Go ahead... make the argument

United States
May 3, 2012 10:05pm CST
I cannot see moving to the Ryan budget of billions in cuts to Pell Grants, Heating assistance, Medicaid, aid to Women Infants and Children AND renewing the Bush tax cuts to those making $1 million or more yearly. Go ahead... make the argument for this public policy. Is it ALL about cutting the deficit?
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8 responses
@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
4 May 12
First of all, the Ryan budget is a BUDGET. Why I am making a big deal of that particular fact? The Federal Government doesn't have one. They haven't had one since the last year of the Bush administration. Criticize it all you want, it is still a step of head of the Senate who under Harry Reid's leadership HASN'T PASSED ONE. Democratic Senate = NO BUDGET!!! Whatever Ryan's BUDGET plan does or doesn't do, it is irrelevant at this point. When it becomes a possibility (due to Harry Reid being kicked out of the top spot in the Senate) then I will gladly debate the merits vs the disadvantages. Until then, Ryan at least put something in writing on the table and up for a vote, that is way further than whatever is in the Senate. Oh, I also suggest directly reading Ryan's budget plan at the Library of Congress in its actual text and going directly to the CBO website and researching the actual numbers specifically on his plan before you respond to any comments on this discussion. One more thing while you are on the Library of Congress website, go look at the Democratic budget proposal for the Senate. (Not the Presidential budget which was unanimously voted down.)
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• United States
4 May 12
A budget is an exposition of the priorities and public policies of those who support it. It has not effect until/unless it passes and signed into law, but it is the basis for a good, robust public debate on where the US should invest its money. That is what makes it important. Also: How many of Bush's budgets passed the Congress? None?
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 May 12
just one more reason to see that the Dems, by teaching the poor that they will always have this to fall back on was destined to hurt them in the long run. I liken it to a parent who will always bail a kid out no matter what happens, the kid never learns to fend for himself. Its cruel in the long run. I'm not heartless by any means. I was there once, needing help. But I didn't like it and I didn't depend on it being there forever. I got an education and worked long hours, for next to nothing to get away from needing help. Heck, I could use some help NOW, but turned down the extension on my unemployment...I'm working, my kids are helping and I don't need it. I'm entitled to it according to the government, but I won't take it. Are there others here who can say the same? I'm sure there are, but they're probably to busy trying to make ends meet to respond. lol
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@crossbones27 (49859)
• Mojave, California
4 May 12
I agree all this is just a plan to hit a man or woman while they are down. It does nothing to help the country as hole. I just wish some of these Republicans would just say we hate poor people. At least then I could understand their point of view. I can all ready hear their point of view, "well if people were not so lazy." My view point is this. There are many people who work there @ss off but do not get paid what their worth is. Lets make things more fair. If I hear one thing about people being paid because they are lazy then get rid of them. All this is from a private sector that is greedy and buys the government. Nether one has much credibility in my book. All this is just a slow and painful firing squad. Yes I said that controversial statement. I am done playing. Lets start calling a spade a spade here.
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• United States
7 May 12
Why is it that people think that Republicans hate poor people? The fact is that Republicans want to encourage all people to become successful. The Republican philosophy is that everyone should have the opportunity to become rich and successful themselves by working toward that goal. They also happen to believe that it's not fair for working people to have to support people that are able to work but game the system and take government money when they could work and support themselves. The sad fact is that every time a government program is created to help the truly needy, most of the money goes to people who are cheating the system. The Democrats on the other hand want to keep poor people poor. The more people they can get on the government dole, the better it is for them. They have more people taking handouts and more people to vote for Democrats. It is to the advantage of the Democrat party to keep as many people as they can totally dependent on the government. That is how you placate the masses and move the government to a socialist system of total government control. Unfortunately, all these programs of government giveaways don't help society as a whole. Just look at what's been happening in Greece. They had all sorts of handout programs that made people dependent and now they're out of money, which is the inevitable end to this type of thing. Eventually, you end up with more people taking from the government than you have paying in. Then what happens? You have riots in the streets. People need to realize one basic fact, that money from the government isn't from the government at all, it's from other people. It's from working people. All the government does is collect from one person and give it to another, after taking a cut for themselves of course. That's what they mean by "redistribution of wealth" which is the Democrat's mantra. Take from the rich and give to the poor, even if the poor could work for themselves. I'm an independent but I happen to agree with the Republican philosophy. People should be encouraged to fend for themselves instead of depending on government to support them. That old axiom, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." has a lot of meaning.
• Mojave, California
13 May 12
I only read the first line and I am going to stop you right there. The problem is in this system it is impossible for everyone to become rich. In fact it is impossible for everyone to become rich period. If everyone was rich then we all would be able to get what ever we want. If everyone had everything they ever wanted we would become a spoiled society and nothing would ever get done. I have no problem with rich people I just want people who work there @ss off to be able to enjoy there life instead of just existing to exist. I personally could give 2 sh!ts if I ever become rich, because all I want is the simple things in life the rest does nothing for me. I think there is more people out there like this than you know. So please stop telling me all the Republicans want is to make me rich because they don't.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
9 May 12
"...AND renewing the Bush tax cuts." You mean the Obama tax cust don't you? They stopped being the "Bush tax cuts" when Obama put his signiture to them.
@mensab (4200)
• Philippines
4 May 12
for all we care is for the government to cut the budget deficit urgently. the spending the government is doing is unsustainable. we need to cut otherwise another crisis is impending. everyone must shoulder the consequences according to their capacity. i support taxing more the rich and wealthy, and cutting the defense budget.
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
6 May 12
One problem of taxing t he rich is that if t hey own a company those axes are passed on to the poor in the form of higher prices. So raising taxes on the rich will really only hurt the poor.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 May 12
The amount that would be gotten from taxing the rich is miniscule compared to what we owe and only serves to weaken the economy further by preventing investment into the economy. It is class envy being used to further divide us. Since when do Americans ENVY those who have succeeded? When we are sold on a socialist bill of goods to sell our God given rights to the highest bidder?
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@sirnose (2436)
• United States
4 May 12
The Paul Ryan budget sucks “it gives to the rich and takes from the poor. “ I don’t see how any working or poor person could support such a heartless bill. I was just reading and editorial about the Paul Ryan budget and even the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops have condemned this inhuman bill, and have urge the President and congressional leaders to protect programs for hungry and poor people in their decisions surrounding the deficit and debt. Now, who said that the Republican Party wasn’t for big business and the greedy rich? That’s right! They always saying that if we give the rich tax breaks this in turn will create jobs. Where have the Bush tax cut created a job. The Paul Ryan Budget is and evil instrument that will have every working class and poor person standing in the soup line instead of the unemployment line “Rememeber Ronald Reagan government cheese line.”
• United States
4 May 12
Have you actually read Paul Ryan's bill sirnose on the Library of Congress website? Then have you gone to the CBO to get the number estimates on the bill costs and have you compared them to the current spending on the programs being pointed out? Or you just okay taking a blog's word that is likely a very inaccurate assessment and skewed viewpoint on what someone thinks may or may not be in the bill because they read someone else blog on the topic? That being said, any type of budget cuts aren't going to be pretty. You will get more unemployed people and people will get less services as a result. It is a fact that has to be faced, if there is any hope of the Government grabbing back control of spending.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
5 May 12
Look at what is happening in Europe right now, in Greece especially. Austarity measures brought on riots. Perhaps that is why our troops are being trained in crowd control? And being asked to wear UN insignias?
@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
4 May 12
I do not see it taking anything from the poor that is rightly theirs, and it doesn't give anything to the rich that they did not have in the first place. I think you will find most working people support this, and they are tired of giving to the people who do not work. They want the rich to invest their money into companies and to create jobs.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 May 12
My question is; what part of BROKE do you all not understand? If the liberals had had some restraint in the past, maybe we could have managed to keep on helping those TRULY in need. Now, everyone is going to suffer because we HAVE NO MONEY and cannot keep printing it and expecting China to wait for us to repay our the money they've invested in our debt. My aunt and mother had a saying, you cannot get blood out of a turnip. Liberals have bled America dry. And they've found a way to keep it going by monetizing the debt, but by doing that, they have sold Americans to China lock, stock, and barrel.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
5 May 12
Republicans didn't control the entire government when Bush left office. In fact, democrats controlled both houses. If you want to know what it was before democrats got control of both the house and senate, the answer is $248 billion. Not only that, the deficit was SHRINKING until democrats took over. http://www.cbpp.org/cms/index.cfm?fa=view&id=790 http://www.coneofsilence.info/img/blogs/deficit%287-11-07%29.gif
• United States
5 May 12
Deb, need we all remind you of all of the spending that happened the last time Republicans controlled the entire government? How big was the national deficit when Bush took office, and how large was it when he left?
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 May 12
I will concede, after a bit of reflection, that the Republicans have over spent as well. But do you even realize that by admitting that, I've said that there is NO ONE to trust anymore? And what that means to me and you as Americans? The elite of the WORLD who have trillons at their disposal have manipulated governments into selling the soul of their citizens and will soon pounce on us common folk that still have faith in what is right, no....its not about left vs. right or conservative vs. liberal anymore. It has been reduced to us vs. them. And our prospects don't look good, do they? so go on railing against Bush or Reagan or even Obama and Clinton, it will do no good. Sorry, that's just where my head is at today. Forgive me my sarcasm.
@millertime (1394)
• United States
7 May 12
I don't agree with everything that is in the Ryan budget, but one thing is clear. Some government programs need to be cut. We have far too many people dependent on government handouts and government giveaways DO NOT help society. They will lead to the downfall of any society. Just look at what is happening in Greece for example. The Ryan budget is not the answer but we need to revamp a lot of government programs. They just don't make sense. Tax cuts? Why don't we just go to a flat tax and eliminate the need for cuts or tax brackets or the IRS entirely? Or lets just eliminate the income tax altogether and switch to taxing the other end with a federal sales tax. That way, you encourage making money and saving and investing, instead of punishing people for making money by taking it from them as soon as they make it. Let's take a look at Social Security. It was originally designed to provide for people that had no means of support when they retired from the workforce. It was designed to provide enough for basic needs so people wouldn't be out in the cold when they could no longer support themselves. Security for people that had no other means of support. Now it's a full blown government giveaway program and it needs to be changed. I know a guy who will be getting over $7000 per month from his retirement and when he reaches 65, he will get over $3000 per month from Social Security. He also has an investment program which will have over a half million dollars in it for his golden years and that doesn't even take into account what his wife will get from her retirement and HER Social Security. Why does a guy who gets over $85,000 per year from his retirement program plus his investment program and his wife's retirement and investment program even need or deserve Social Security? By the way, he works for a government agency and his wife works in the public school system, so guess who is funding the retirement, the investment programs and the Social Security for these two needy people? You and I and every other taxpayer, that's who. Social Security is a prime example of a program that was designed to provide for the needy and has become a huge, bloated government handout to everyone. Government programs all end up this way. They end up giving money to people who don't really NEED it or don't deserve it. They get it simply because they can. They become dependent on it and then they feel that they deserve it. The government owes it to them. Eventually, all the government giveaway programs will fail because they end up with too many people taking from them and not enough people to pay into them and it's because they can't eliminate the ones that are simply gaming the system for free government money. I will guarantee you that all of the programs you mention are rife with abuse and cheaters that are taking money that don't deserve it or need it. We as a society should help people that truly are in need, but these programs on the federal level are NOT the way to do it. The federal government is too far removed from the people. They can't properly oversee the program to prevent abuse. It needs to be on a more local level or something where it's a more manageable size and scope.
@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
4 May 12
I suggest everyone need to really look at Ryan budget instead of just listening to the left's explanation of. Everything I have read is what the left is saying and I do not believe a lot of it. I need to study the budget closer and see what is actually is. I do know that we are spending multiple of trillions of dollars over what we are taking in. This has to stop or the country will totally be destroyed. Ask Greece, Spain and Portugal. At least the are small enough that the banks were able to absorb their debt. We are big enough there is no one to bail us out. We have to get a budget and balance it out. I have not seen a budget from the left for over 3 years now, just spend spend spend.