What are your main reasons in helping other people?

May 7, 2012 1:39am CST
All of us probably have helped someone in some way in the past. And many of has probably finds a lot of opportunity in helping others in this present moment. Anyway, I think many people help others for many different reasons. How about you, what are your main reasons in helping others? Are you helping just to expect to return the favor in the future, or do you help without thinking of any benefits? Are you helping others because you have no other choice or do you do it with your own good initiative?
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34 responses
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
8 May 12
"Do unto others as you would have others do unto yourself." I could go into the specific reasons-why that is a good philosophy to carry (takes your mind off your own troubles, convinces others that helping you is a fruitful exercise---as it will allow you to help them and still others, enabling them all to help even-more others, and so on), but in summary, I help others (when I can without too much hurt to myself) because I would help me---were our situations reversed. That 'without too much hurt to myself' may be a bit too broad of a provision, as some people perceive "hurt" where there is/should-be none---as in 'reputation' ... someone might fear that--were she to give me the help I need--she would be seen as 'the kind of gal that helps that kind of guy' and -she would be seen as 'nothing more than that' (when we all know that 'that' is only PART of what makes her so wonderful )
• Philippines
9 May 12
The philosophy here I believe is that if you help others, it would be like helping yourself as well because by the time it would be you who may need help, your past generosity would naturally 'attract' help from other people. Anyway, talking about helping a certain gender...are you more comfortable helping someone of the same gender or of the opposite gender? When it comes to the opposite gender, wouldn't it be true that more ultirior motives are present? Like "I want to help her because maybe she would begin to like her, and we may become lovers". Anyway, I guess I mention this just to give a bit of a twist to the discussion :)
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• Philippines
10 May 12
Thanks for clearing that out mythociate! Anyway, we don't always help the opposite gender with some hidden motives like the possibility of having a relationship with them. For example, when we help girls we're not attracted at all that hidden motive won't be present. Sometimes we like girls and help them out, and it just feels good to be thanked by someone that is attractive without ever thinking of a possible relationship with her. It's funny how different our motives becomes when we deal with the opposite gender :D
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
9 May 12
No, the reason is more like 'as you help others, everyone will see that helping you enables you to help still others (so that--to them--"helping you" can be seen as "helping everyone") and also helping-you makes it more-possible that you'll help them in return' And with the opposite-gender: of course, that thought is always in my head; whether I help her or not, I'm always aware of the possibility of a relationship. And a helper is naturally more relationship-worthy than a non-helper, yeah?
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• India
8 May 12
A very good,thought provoking question with a series of arguments.I personally feel helping others,especially those who are in dire need is a must, for you feel elated for it is gratifying not only your dictates of Conscience but also God.Certainly not in return of expecting the reward. The desire for charity, tendency to help others,is the CALL OF GOD, answering your conscience. Suppose I feel compelled by a dire situation ,standing alone without any help how would I feel? Some succor is essential.Why personally I felt myself in a similar situation, and in today's world I get help from a Divine hand in many ways. I imagined many in a similar plight and time and again I consolidate this gyrating reason that I should help as much as possible.You help others,your children are blessed for ever. This protects you forever and redeems from any tricky situation. with regards S.Radhamani
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• Philippines
9 May 12
I agree with both of you because it's true that God sees all things, and he will reward people according to their works. If you do good, good things will come back to you coming from High. And also while we don't do any wrong things to our fellowmen, like not cheating them as riempie suggested then we would be given a clear conscience...a conscience free of guilt, and at least we would have attained peace of mind for doing good and avoiding evil.
• India
9 May 12
Dear riempie9 and Betterdays4Me, Thank you both so much for you have got my point of view.It is the call of Conscience and Fear of God that is very significant and this awareness is slowly dwindling in the contemporary scenario. Fear of GOD and unswerving FAITH IN HIM automatically lead on to a concern for humanity and will propel us to help others. THANK you both for your kind words of appreciation. with regards S.Radhamani
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@riempie9 (1021)
• South Africa
9 May 12
Doshima, you re so right, and I like what you say about answering your conscience. The worst thing I believe that someone can be afflicted with is being nagged all day by your conscience. Clearing the slate is important, and my mother and grandmother also used to talk a lot about what you do to other people today, your kids end up paying for it. So reward yourself. Don't damn others. Don't cheat others. The good blessings your parents have stored up for you will come as blessings to your kids.
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@ryanong (9664)
• Vietnam
7 May 12
I try to help the others as i can even without any reason. I easily feel pity for them then help them only. But i think it is not nice habit because i used to help a scam person. after help him i just detect that he is scam, i was so upset with it, not because of money, because my pity is put in the wrong person.
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• Philippines
8 May 12
I'm glad to hear you're over it already, ryanong. And I guess we really need to reflect who really needs our help or not. Back to the topic of those who asks money by saying one of their relatives die, I don't give a lot to them and sometimes do give at all so maybe that's the reason why for a long time no such person comes to our house anymore with that kind of reason for their request for help. I agree with you, most if not all of them are just lying about it.
@ryanong (9664)
• Vietnam
8 May 12
Thank you. It is past then i am ok with it now. Since from that i have to think carefully they are really need my help or not then i decide to help or not. I don't want to give my help to scam people more. You do right when you don't give not much to them. I think many of them just tell lie to get a help only.
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@ryanong (9664)
• Vietnam
8 May 12
Ya, thank you for your concerning. I still want to help the others people without any condition when i can..it makes me happy.
• India
7 May 12
My mother and father doesn't give me much pocket money. The money with me is the one which I had created from my hard works. I got many scholar ship and I used to work as assistant in a shop. This is how I earned my money. I find it is quite good when you give some money to the poor. I usually give give some money at the children so that they can be freed from the hungriness. There are many people who are poor and it is not a kids fault to have such a life. So I just give them to have their education too.
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• Philippines
7 May 12
God bless your soul, my friend. Anyway, we really have a soft heart to those who are less fortunate in this world and doesn't have any means to help themselves. For me, it hurts to see a lot of sufferings from people whom I think doesn't have any choice to be in a different situation...those born with physical handicapped, victims of any kinds of injustices, born in poverty, and many other similar situations. I guess that their situation shouts for someone to help them...generous people who can make their life more bearable.
• Philippines
8 May 12
I understand how you feel, thewonderboy. I think helping is a 'heart issue' and those who have heart for others help the more. It also makes me sad when I see a lot of situations like what I mentioned...and also when you watch the news on tv, it is even worse. So my solution to this is to watch less news :)
• India
7 May 12
Some times I feel really sad see the ones who are handicapped ,this makes me to give something for them. I used many of such people. I believe I have a good heat inside me and this is the one of the reason why I am able to help others
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@victorkrish (1614)
• Malaysia
7 May 12
I think no need to have a reason in helping other people. Only we can see that we have enough ability or effort in helping others. It is very good indeed that should blossoms in everyone's heart and mind. Helping people is good habit and keep helping!! Better start now. Good Luck.
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• Philippines
7 May 12
Very good point. I think it should be a natural instinct for us to help when we see someone in need of it. This way, we don't 'reflect' the 'why' but we immediately 'act' on the 'how'. I think if everyone would be doing this, this world would be a much better place to live in. It's great to have people like you around, victorkrish :
@arlera (86)
8 May 12
hi , just yesterday an employee came to my work place and he was having some family problems,and i listened at first to what he had to say it was a very difficult situation and i tried to help him,i gave him a sum of money,hoping it would make his burden a little lighter.i felt good even though some co workers felt i should not off i gave it how can u see someone in need and not help.i cant not help its my nature to do things like this.
• Philippines
9 May 12
It's your own prerogative whether you want to be generous or not. Sometimes having a willing ear is already a great help in such situations. Well, if you are capable of giving financial aid, why not? I think everyone is free to do what he or she feels is right. Anyway to add something to it, I believe it's true that every good deeds are seen in heaven and God will reward you accordingly :)
@riempie9 (1021)
• South Africa
8 May 12
I don't expect any return, yet somehow when I need someone or need something fixed help is always there. I do it because I feel good about it, and yes I do have an ulterior motive as I want to score kudos with God. I have my faults and my opinions but the one thing I don't want is to make people feel uncomfortable. So if you just keep that in mind you automatically find yourself always wanting to help. After all, what is sharing information? Already two people on this site have helped me as I had questions about Parkinson's and they set my mind at ease. Isn't that what this whole exercise is about? As stated in one of my other articles, this is not for reward but for feeling good about myself. God knows I have enough infractions not to incur any more.
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• Philippines
8 May 12
When you said that you help others without expecting something in return and when you are in need of some help, help is always there for you...I can think of only one word, and that is the law of 'karma'...what you give out will sooner or later be give back to you. You also mentioned about sharing information, and we can really see that mylot is such a good place to give help and look for it. I too have a lot of questions in mind that are answered convincingly by many mylot members...and I do hope I also help others, because that is also my intentions whenever there is an opportunity to share my opinions or if asked, give some advice. :) Anyway, I like what you said about 'scoring kudos with God'. Isn't that what's most important? in my opinion that is the most important of all, because you can sometimes get disappointed with people because they are not perfect like yourself, but with God it would be a different story. When we find favor with God, I guess every area of your life would be taken good care of :)
• Philippines
9 May 12
In that case, I would rather be cautious using that world at least for awhile as I might offend other religions. Religion is really a sensitive topic and I respect all religions. I'm glad to hear you are able to overcome a lot in your own experiences, riempie and I hope you will soon get over the remaining personal stuffs as well. I want to finish by saying I do have my faults as well and have done things in the past that I wish I have never done at all. Well, I know there is time for hurting and there is also time for healing...
@riempie9 (1021)
• South Africa
8 May 12
You and I think the same. You will notice the scoring kudos part was written last as I don't want people to think I'm preaching. There is a thing as being too self righteous which appears arrogant in Islam. When I was young I was very arrogant, and luckily I nipped it in time. It is definitely karma. And right now as I am writing I feel a rush of love for God. I have my faults, and one of them is a big one. I want to write as much as I can to say sorry to God. Thanks for your letter.
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
8 May 12
I help others because it is the right thing to do. It is why we are put on this earth. I also like to treat people the way I like to be treated, that is do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This does not mean I expect something in return. I know God is my judge and He will bless me for the good that I do. I am not going to stand by and watch an elderly lady struggle to reach a heavy item on the top shelf in the grocery store. To walk by such a scene is selfish, unkind and just plain wrong. I may not have money to give someone in need, but I can lend a helping hand.
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• Philippines
9 May 12
Maybe to give more example to the biblical saying "do unto others...", it's simply putting yourself in another's shoes and ask "If I am the one in his/her position, how would I like to be treated?" And the answer of course would be the right path of action. So with your example of an elderly lady, if I imagine I'm the elderly lady, of course I would like someone to help me reach the heavy item on the top shelf in the grocery store...and then by "reverse transformation", you then become that person to help her with it. Anyway my term reverse transformation somehow reminds me of the transformers :D :D :D
@derek_a (10873)
8 May 12
In my work as a therapist, it has been my job to help other people improve the quality of their life. I chose this career because people always seemed to be asking me for help in one way or another, and when my help and support has made a difference for them, it was very satisfying and enjoyable. I think most of us would experience satisfaction at supporting others.. _Derek
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• Philippines
9 May 12
I think that is why therapists and doctors alike are highly respected by people, because their work is to serve by making other people get into a better state of health. Anyway, it's good to hear that there are still a lot of therapists who do their work mainly for helping others and not simply to make money. My respect goes for you, Derek. Yes, it really feels good when you feel that what you are doing will make God smile. It would really be great if you will have a lot of opportunity to help many, and in this way you will be storing riches in the afterlife :D
@riempie9 (1021)
• South Africa
8 May 12
It feels good when you embrace God. I don't know how some people can do without God. Helping others is a big thing in God's book, but not if you talk about it. I don't mean in this little discussion, but broadly. We are all writers and we are all here to share info. It is definitely not for the money. I would get more begging on the street. I am addicted, and for once, it is a good addiction. Have a super day.
• Canada
15 May 12
The reason I help other people is that I am naturally kind and generous person. I like to do deeds that make a difference in people's lives, no matter how small. When I help another person, I am not thinking about the benefits but every time I do help someone, I gain from it. Giving of ourselves makes us better people and we have the comfort in knowing that we are helping humankind. Those benefits can't be measured.
• Philippines
15 May 12
I'm sure you're going to be an ideal friend to have because you think so much what you can give to others and because of your kindness. I see your point that when you give, it makes you a better person and this reminds me of a popular friendship saying "I'm a better person because of you" so we can also say "I'm a better person because I give without asking for return."
@savypat (20216)
• United States
8 May 12
I help because I can, there is no other reason, I expect nothing in return except the knowledge that what goes around comes around and sooner or later I will need someone to help me.
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• Philippines
9 May 12
Yes, the law of karma is at work again in your example, savypat. I guess this law is universal. I just wonder, is the word "karma" an indian word? If not, where did this word originate from? If someone knows, then maybe a lot of us can learn something new :D
• Philippines
9 May 12
I'm almost sure it didn't come from the word "karma sutra"..lol.
@alottodo (3056)
• Australia
8 May 12
I just help people because is in me to do so that is the way I Am I was brought up that way by my parents...I never ask for any thing in return when I give I give freely and I can go to sleep at night knowing that I have done something good.
• Philippines
9 May 12
When helping becomes second nature to you, then I think it really becomes a part of your system. So I think for many people, there really is no reason for helping others...it's simply a natural urge or instinct, and people who feels for others simply cannot ignore those approaching them without giving some kind of help. As alottodo says "that is the way I am" or it's just a part of me to help others. For me, that is quite a commendable state to be in.
• United States
9 May 12
Hi. For me, its a pretty simple reason--just the right thing to do and if I am able to be of effective help--do it.
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• Philippines
10 May 12
I think that is having a spirit of service for your fellowmen which is always commended. I remember when I was very young and studying as an elementary student, and being a member of a boyscout we have the them "boyscouts are always ready to help at all times". When we grow older, we can have similar attitude of service for our fellowmen and we see them in our soldiers, in the government, in the church and in many other types of institution and organizations. I believe the world needs a lot more of men and women with a heart to service.
@syramoon (654)
• United States
9 May 12
I help others for several reasons. One is I've been in the situation more than once where the kindness of another has literally saved my life. And I do believe in what goes around comes around, and the pay it forward mentality. I also hold the belief that the deity I believe in will provide my needs, if I'm willing to take the initiative to get those things, otherwise we have to answer the door if opportunity knocks, but with that in mind my needs will be met so I can help provide for others. Also, even if it is a naive point of view, if everyone would help just a little, give just a little everyone would have enough. I also believe that we are all interconnected and what happens to one of us, in some ways happen to all of us.
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• Philippines
9 May 12
When others help us, we feel gratitude to that person and because of that we usually wanted to imitate that person and do likewise when others are in a similar fate. It is consoling and a bit scary to know that we are somehow interconnected with each other. But I agree with this, and usually like in a chain we need to strengthen the "weakest link" so that the whole chain won't break. I remember the song with these lyrics "come young citizens of the world...we are one, we are one"...
• United States
8 May 12
I help people when i can because, i know what its like going through hard times. People should have the best life they can and if i can help give them a little less stress i will do so. its all for them its not for me, i hate hearing people say they are helping someone but, its only to benefit themselves, its just not right.
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• Philippines
8 May 12
I agree that we should help others out of genuine sympathy for them. So in this case, the reason for helping others is simply because you feel for them and it hurts you to see them in that particular situation they are in. I think the world needs a lot more people like this :)
• United States
8 May 12
Thank you, i agree.
@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
8 May 12
Nothing special in my mind whenever i will help someone. It is an instinct that if can help i will help but if i can't i have nothing do about it. But as much i can will with nothing in return.
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• Philippines
8 May 12
I think helping others without expecting anything in return is the right way to help. Anyway, it is often true that those who help other people the most would find help easily and quickly whenever they need it. Thanks for sharing your opinions, lynboobsy11.
@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
8 May 12
do you need a reason to help? it is simple for me, i help because i want to help, no other reason. I am not expecting something in return, there is just that great feeling that you feel when you are able to help someone in dire need.
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• Philippines
8 May 12
yes thanks for sharing that jazel_juan. I do hope you will be able to help more people along the way. It's really nice to be more on the giving side. Good day!
• United States
8 May 12
I try to help others when I can like for food or clothes, I donate sometimes but depends on who and if it is a real. I want to do it because of wanting to and a feeling of knowing of what it is like to want. I have been there and done that. I see alot of scams but I also see of alot of hunger and those who are in need of things. when I see it I try to help if I am able . I do it also because once people stop careing for themself and each other the world will get worst off and it is sad that it has gotten that way in some places now. most of all I pray for those in need and try to have them to ask the main sorce for needs "God" and it conforts them and sends someone to get them started over again and sends someone their way. I do know it is to give love is more important and that is a something everyone needs and it cost nothing to give everyone can afford. When it money problems if I can help and it is a source of really needing I will try because I want to.
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• Philippines
9 May 12
I think this is why oftentimes it would be better to donate in popular charitable organizations where you won't have this nagging doubts of 'what if my help won't get to those respective people who really needs help and they keep my money into their own pockets?' I agree that a lot of discernment is needed in knowing who is pretending to need help and who are really in need of it. As time goes on, I think experience teaches us to have better discernment so we are able to help those who deserve to be helped and somehow avoid helping those who are just trying to trick us. You seem like a really generous guy, goldenteardrops and I have a feeling you're quite blessed too in many ways. May you have more good 'karma' to come :)
@sswallace21 (1824)
• United States
8 May 12
I don't like to see others suffer whether it's physically or financilly. I like to see people happy, do to the help you've provided to them. I don't expect physical labor returned to me. However, financial help I would like back when they are back on their feet. I believe people put themselves into a financial bind by living above their means. If they know the money needs to be returned, I would hope this would teach them a little responsibility. I've found though, I don't receive the money back. I guess my theory is wrong. Best Wishes!!
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• Philippines
9 May 12
I also don't like to see other people suffer in any way. You mentioned about people are sometimes to blame concerning their financial difficulties because of mismanagement of the money they earn, and this is true in many cases. I think the help these people need is to let them realize their money mismanagement, because usually these people are 'able people' who has a work and an income, so they just needed to make use of their income in a wiser way. Those who are born poor and who live in poor countries are the ones who needed the world's attention most. In this case, I think the rich countries should help the poor countries more...I know they are helping already, but maybe they can help even more.
• Philippines
7 May 12
The reason for helping other people is that because you feel sorry,pity for them.They are attracted to you and you are willing to give and even little.I do that like give them cloths,and etc..food
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• Philippines
8 May 12
This only shows that people are not only physical beings, but they also have a heart and soul that can't bear to see others suffer without an effort of helping them. So I think that helping others is also a 'human instinct' given by the creator.
@douiya (66)
• Indonesia
8 May 12
I don't have a special reason in helping people, but after the help is done and the people feel happy, i feel happy too.. do maybe the main reason why i help people is to get an happiness
• Philippines
8 May 12
I guess one of the things that makes a person feel really good is when we make others feel better about their situation. There must be something about the generous person that makes us feel that they are happy people. It's as if there is a certain solid rule that says "Be generous...then be happy." :D