Banning Bake Sales?! ( A rant)

United States
May 8, 2012 10:31am CST
Massachusetts is about to ban bakes sales in schools or have sweets at functions after school. . They think this will help with childhood obesity. Really? So the kids can't help bring in money by selling cupcakes? Or after a long fought baseball game a team can't have cake? Wow! But then again , they can't do what they Should do . They can't bring back recess and gym class. It isn't on the test! It won't help a child learn those important answers so they can keep their funding. But they sure can forbid sugar like it is crack!So ok. So school is a no sugar zone.I'm waiting for the time when a child is expelled for bringing in a cupcake! Do you know how much school I would have missed if all I had to do is bring a cupcake to school and I would be sent home? Your thoughts.
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14 responses
@syramoon (654)
• United States
8 May 12
When I was in high school in the Midwest, they started something like that but with soda. I don't think schools have the right to dictate a child's diet. I mean childhood obesity is a problem, but with restricting a diet, telling someone don't do this, well human nature makes us want to do it that much more. When they took the soda of the school vending machines we brought it from home, when they began to tell us we couldn't we found more creative ways to do so, and as an end result I think me and my friends actually ended up drinking more than we would have otherwise. And as for banning bake sales, I think it's ridiculous. I mean I remember having bake sales and such to help fund field trips when I was a little kid. The government whether be it state or federal always seems to be on one power trip or another.
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• United States
8 May 12
My school did that with soda they had all the soda machines filled only with water or like Gatorade and juice.
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@syramoon (654)
• United States
8 May 12
Did it work well at your school?
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• United States
8 May 12
Not really people would bring soda from home, then they started this rule in my school where you werent aloud to have anything unless it was a clear water bottle and you were only aloud to have water that didnt work well with kids in my school. They would try and hide it and some would refuse to throw out there stuff. some teachers didnt even care cause they thought it was a dumb rule.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
8 May 12
Ya, they have already been doing that here in NH. I'm just so glad that my girls are grown and I don't have to deal with it. The parents have to send in what is considered a "healthy snack" with their child or else it is confiscated and a note sent to the parents. It's all about control. People are letting the government take over their jobs as parents. It's been slowly reaching this point for years. I will say that many of the teachers don't agree with this and do let some slide. I know one teacher that every Thursday night, she comes into the store that I work and buys a small candy for each of her students. I really think the parents should all stand up on this but you know how that goes. They grumble and groan but they don't really do anything to change these things. They really should because not only does it take away from their rights as parents but it will do nothing in the way of eliminating obesity. When you deny a kid these types of snacks entirely, guess what they are going to crave? Rules may have changed but kids haven't. Most kids are going to sneak and do any and everything to get the very thing you are telling them they can't have. I remember as a kid that my brothers and I were forbidden to go anywhere near "The River". It was a daily mission of ours to see how much time we could spend at "THE RIVER" without getting caught.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
8 May 12
Wow. That is terrible. Who do they think they are in telling people what their kids should/shouldn't eat. They dont' know the kids health issues or anything like that. Maybe that supposedly less than healthy snack is the treat for the day for that kid. Maybe that is what gets the kid through the day with a good feeling..I made it good this morning, now to work it through the afternoon..or something like that. All they are doing is making it harder for the parents to get kids to eat and NOT sneak food. They are watched at home,watched at school...all they are doing is raising kids to be sneaks...good grief, what kind of civilization will we have in years down the road when the then adults were raised on sneaking and continue to do as they were raised! But yet, do they do anything when a kid needs extra help in a class or subject? No, there is no after school help or tutoring. We were told not to go near the "ravine"..a small creek that wound around a cow pasture...and like you..any chance we got to go there..we did.,..and didn't tell anyone where we were going! We send our kids to school to be educated, not to be told their parents are stupid and don't feed you right so dont listen to your parent!!!
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@AmbiePam (96659)
• United States
9 May 12
That's stupid. How about ban all sweet from snack machines or the lunch cafeteria. That's fine and fair. But for bake sales? To make money that would benefit the school? They can't celebrate a win with a sweet or two? When I was a kid my parents would bring my entire class cupcakes on my birthday for everyone. Massachusetts would not let me now? That's too much.
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@AmbiePam (96659)
• United States
9 May 12
Everyone is afraid of getting sued.
2 people like this
• United States
9 May 12
Sadly they wouldn't. It isn't just the fat concern but the allergies kids have these days.Everyone is so scared when all that is needed is communication. Have the kids tell you if they are allergic to let's say nuts and then bring sweets without nuts.
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• United States
9 May 12
And I think that is what is going to happen. A large group of parents who prefer to be able to send their kids to school with the food They choose will get together and sue the school!
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
8 May 12
Its a shame that all of this is banning soda etc. I can see where there is a concern but this is going a bit too far. I know here they have changed some of the laws due to people getting sick from homemade things....but not banning them. They can up with a better alternative.
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• United States
9 May 12
But they can't. To find an alternative means you have to think before over reacting!
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• United States
9 May 12
arkansas schools have already done that. not only are they not having bake sales, you can't bring in any special treats for your child's birthday or for holiday treats. they only have 2 parties for the year and only certain foods are allowed. it's one more step that government is trying to tell us how to raise our kids. i'm sorry....but I'M the one that carried that baby for nine months! I'M the one that had surgery to deliver that baby! I'M the one that had to get up in the middle of the night to feed that baby! I'M the one that had to take that baby to every dr appt! I'M the one that's there when they fall down, their hearts get broken and they don't understand when someone don't like them! I'M the one that has to provide a roof over their head, food on the table, and clothes on their back! the government wants to tell ME that I'M a bad parent! reimburse me for the cost of raising that child and you can take over the job! nope!!! can't pay me all the money in the world! i LOVE it when their eyes light up when they finally master a new skill. i LOVE it when they have a smile in their eyes when they made a good decision in their life. the government can't take that away from me!!
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• United States
9 May 12
They are trying to take over but it will backfire. In fact I see a class action suit against a school in the near future.
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• United States
8 May 12
That is awful, they shouldn't be punishing everyone just because theirs a few kids overweight. Honestly if the parents aren't worried about there weight or the doctors arent worried about maybe the schools should mind there own business theirs no way the banning this stuff is going to change their weight they will just go home and eat more of the junk because, they didn't get it at school. That's what i might anyway.
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• United States
9 May 12
In fact if I were a savvy fast food restauranteur I would set up a McDonalds Or Wendy's within walking distance of these schools. That way mom and dad could pick up their hungry child from school and eat. I know as a child , I wouldn't eat a school made lunch, I didn't drink water And would have something sweet in my homemade lunch. So with schools taking the homemade lunches away, I would just fast until after school!ps. There was a Roy Rogers within walking distance of my highschool And we had so many kids that the campus was open for lunch. So back in my day , schools were hoping you would bring your lunch or go have it out! But then again Everyone had a gym class! So we ate just as much as the kids today but we burned it off, mostly!
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• United States
9 May 12
As a little kid I went to a private school that had Plenty of land that the kids to run around. Then each public school I went to after that had a gym And P.E. or gym class! And being a tom boy , when school was out I ran around with my friends. I was chubby but not obese! It is so sad that kids can't go out a play safely theses days. Worse they rather be online than out with friends.
• United States
9 May 12
Yeah, we didnt have a restrant nearby i live in the middle of nowhere, so thats why but we all had gym class and were aloud to have what we wanted in our lunches if we packed them.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
8 May 12
That's ridiculous. Banning bake sales is going to keep kids from getting too fat? What about the junk food they feed them in the cafeteria? Genetically modified, raised on artificial fertilizer, zapped with pesticides and herbicides and insecticides... good stuff, huh? I wonder if this has less to do with their concern for children's health and more to do with controlling a tiny bit of the free market. Next thing you know they'll be requiring all bake sales to be registered (with the cost of a license) with the state.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
8 May 12
Yes, you're right. I hadn't thought of that.
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• United States
9 May 12
Don't worry, the Food Nazis will get rid of the Girl Scouts too.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
8 May 12
I had heard while back that some kid got fined for having a lemonade stand without a permit. Yet.. I bet all these Girl Scouts that stand outside grocery stores and literally barracade the door causing people not to be able to get out the door without them having to either buy cookies or tell the girls no...(those things are expensive and most are not even very good!). They are literally tossed into our face selling cookies, but I have never heard a word about them havint to get a permit or selling "fattening" cookies, or unhealthy snacks!!!
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@shaggin (74036)
• United States
9 May 12
When I saw only the title I thought maybe because of the FDA regulations they were banning bake sales because of selling food that hasent been tested by the FDA. That I could almost see but not allowing bake sales just because of obesity rates is ridiculous. My kids and I all eat sweets and not a single one of us is over weight.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
8 May 12
That is so stupid. What else can kids do to earn a little bit of money to help the school! Sell ammo?!?! Good grief, society is getting so stupid these days. And yeah, I have already heard horror stories about kids being sent to the principals office cause of something in their lunch the lunch monitor deemed "unhealthy". And the thing is.. I have looked at the school lunches where my grand daughter goes to elementary wonder she wont buy! Those lunches are gross! What little there is of them. For $1.50 for breakfast they got a toaster waffle (you know by the time it got to the table and ready to eat, the thing was cold and rock hard!) a half a banana, and celery/carrots with some ranch dressing! Lunch..I am sure those chicken nuggets they have are not real chicken meat.. and high in all the bad stuff. and those small, even a normal weight kid wouldn't be filled up enough to not be hungry in 2 hours after eating it. I even heard one school..forget where it was, had a thing where they were trying to ban brown bag kid could bring lunch from home.. they all had to buy the school lunch! What a money maker that would have been and all in the name of "eating healthy". I packed my kids healthy lunches every day and this was before the blue ice thing where they could take something and keep it cold and it was before juice bags/boxes. Yet, let's give the schools more money!!!!
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• United States
9 May 12
I think it is going to backfire. Some kid who is like me, a person who won't eat the school lunch Or drink water, is going to be taken to the hospital for dehydration. And the parents will sue because , they sent Johnny to school with a lunch he would eat with a drink he would drink but it was taken away. I know if they took the lunch away from a child of mine , I would sue the school for the price of that lunch! Or I would set up a bring a cupcake to class day.Could you see the officials having to get rid of about 1500 cupcakes during class?
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
9 May 12
hi sarahruthbeth I think the state has no business telling people what to eat or drink. sure educate people on eating right but do not presume to take over whats a parent's job. the few treats in schools like bake sales does not really hurt anyone.Parents can learn healthier ways of eating but do it on their own, states have no right to mess with how people cook and eat.The state needs to butt out as its doing more harm then good. If people cannot have what they love they will get it anyway and this makes things much worse.
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• United States
9 May 12
Exactly! Some kids will just not eat until evening! Or they will sneak food in. either way they won't eat the " healthy " food they want them to!
• United States
9 May 12
When I was thin, I ate like a pig but never got fat because I was physically active. Since I've become less active, I've gained weight even though I eat less. I agree with you, schools need to bring back recess and gym classes.
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• United States
9 May 12
Schools are taking out gym and recess? I just graduated high school last year and we had gym class everyday, had to run the mile all 4 years. I didnt like that part i was such a slow runner.
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@AmbiePam (96659)
• United States
9 May 12
It's a law in our state that we have to have PE classes. And boy did I hate them.
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• United States
9 May 12
Many schools are getting rid of gym class!
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@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
9 May 12
i think there are many ways to prevent obesity.. not bake sales, i like bake sales, it let the child learn baking, marketing, business... maybe they could modify recipes that have less sugar!
1 person likes this
• United States
9 May 12
Less sugar, gluten free, no nuts! Perfect!
• United States
9 May 12
That is horrible. As an education major it is important that children have a balaced schedule between academics and play. Children need play in order to get the necessary energy in order to learn. The schools do not have enough money as it is and to cut out fundraisers such as a bakesale is rediculous. What are they going to cut next, school buses and make the children who live far from home walk home. I hate when thing go bad that the schools have to cut out programs that are necessary such as music, art and gym.
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• United States
9 May 12
That's the whole point, they don't see music, art , Or gym as necessary. they are not covered in the test each child must pass so the schools gets their federal funding!
• Ireland
8 May 12
That's a ridiculous notion... Back in my day (here we go) - parents raised kids, parents knew how to feed kids and parents knew how to run around with them, there wasn't so much childhood obesity around then! Parents were parents then! These days parents are TVs, Game Consoles and the local fast food take away cooks are the household chefs. Parents are getting lazy and are forgetting the fundamental elements of a healthy diet and upbringing in general. It's come to a point where someone has to step in and do something, but I don't think that banning bake sales is the answer! Some one needs to slap the parents up-side the head. In our primary school - no sweets, cakes, crisps or fizzy drinks etc. for your school lunch/snack, but that was the end of the rule. The rest was focused on educating children about healthy eating. There's only so much a school can or should do.
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• United States
9 May 12
So in your school , I wouldn't eat. When I was in elementary school, our Primary school, I took in a sandwich with chips/crisps and a sweet. I didn't drink soda I had soda. So two thirds of my lunch would be banned. Well That wouldn't make me change what I ate, it would just make me fast until after school! Are you sure the parents today were ever taught the " fundamental elements of a healthy diet and upbringing"? I not. The parents of the kids today are of the generation of the new two working parent homes as norm. frozen dinners were it because mom couldn't be home to cook , she Had to work. So now they are the hard working parents and they may or may not know All the basics but even if they do, they are working and can't cook Every meal! I think it is not the diet but the lack of exercise. Back in my day, I would get home from school, do homework , if I had any , and then I went out to play. That meant running jumping and climbing trees. I was blessed with a mom who could stay at home but I still didn't eat veggies. but We didn't do fast food that often. But my mom could make a mean hamburger and we had then Every Saturday night. Was I obese? no! But the kids today Can't go out and play, too dangerous. It is sad.
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