its always nice to recieve a message after soooo many years.......

United States
May 8, 2012 10:56am CST
sunday i was at my grandmas and i had an old friend send me a message in facebook. we havent talked in about 6 years now. we went thro a lot of things when we were in high school and this friend and i were always there for each other when we needed someone. well we started to drift apart. we have been friends on facebook for about 2 years now but we never talked. it was so nice to hear from her and even after all the things that happened and went down between us we were able to talk like friends again and the past just didnt matter anymore. she is married and has a kid and i am married with 2 kids and we are making plans to meet up and hang out again. she use to be the one that i always got into trouble with at school but i think that she and i have matured enough that we can be friends and hang out and let our kids play i am so excited and so happy :) have you ever talked to a friend that you hadnt talked to in forever? have you ever started to hang out with them again? how did that work out for you? i am a little scared that she will take me down the wrong path again but now she has a job and everything so it is hard for me to tell if she has changed or if she is still the same person that she was and i am not looking forward to that myself if she hasnt changed because i want to keep my life the way it is and not ruin it just to be friends with someone again..... how do i know for sure if she has changed and its ok for my kids andus to hang out with them??
6 responses
@annavi23 (6522)
• Philippines
9 May 12
It is a good feeling that you have received a message from a long time friend whom you never heard of years ago. There's nothing wrong with being friends again and opening your life again to them. Though you have bad past before, it doesn't mean she will have bad intentions to you in the present time. But then, people may change, sometimes for good and sometimes for bad... Just communicate more first before hanging out with them. You are the one who knows what past you have and it may still happen even if you try not to think of it. But who knows, right? I maybe wrong on my's up to you if you will still hang out with her but then don't put too much trust...
@annavi23 (6522)
• Philippines
14 May 12
hello again,crazzydolphin! Well, how was it then? have you talked to her again? The past you had might be hard for you back then huh? So that fiance had been your husband now? I just hope they don't have feelings for each other anymore. Just don't put to much trust cause you don't know how much change she had...
• United States
9 May 12
i agree with your way of thinking. we had a long and not so good past. she even took my fiance from me one time and i hated her for that but now i am glad she did or i never would have met the man i calkl my husband. things happen for a reason in my eyes and well maybe that was the time for us to seperate and build our own lives and now it is time to come back together and be there for each other again. i will be talking to her a lot more before i decide to hang out but she seems like a whole diffrent person to me but in a good way. i will admit i will be watching her close and not putting to much trust in that because i dont want to be stabbed in the back again. thank you for the advice :)
• United States
15 May 12
we have talked a few more times but havent set up a time or a day to hang out. i am just hoping to talk to her online for a while until i am confortable meeting her. no the man that she took from me isnt my husband now. i just meant that if she hadnt taken him from me i am not sure i would have had the chance to meet the guy i am married to now. she will not get all of my trust because she did date my husband brother also and i am afraid she might try to take my husband from me now but i am hoping that she is happy with her family (which from our talks she seems very happy) and that we can be friends like we use to be.
@chan2zexy (508)
• Philippines
16 May 12
This is such a good read. =) I am happy that you and your friend are in good terms. Maybe she already changed for the better. It's so nice of you (you two) to give your friendship another chance. Maybe it's time for you to let bygones be bygones and start anew with your friendship. I hope your friendship will last a lifetime 'cause it's always nice to have friends around.
• Philippines
18 May 12
Inspiring story you have.=) You set a good example to your kids. I'm sure they admire their mom for having a good taste with friends. =)
• United States
22 May 12
awww thank you. my kids are still young right now 1 will be 3 next month and the other is 4 so i am not sure how much they admire me now lol but i hope that in the future they will and i hope they will live their lives with the examples shown to them :)
• United States
16 May 12
yes back when we were in school we were the best of friends if you ever needed to find one of us you just had to find the other lol we were always together. i have changed a lot since then so i am thinking and hoping that she has to. as everyone gets older we all change in some way and i hope that she changed for the better. i have decided to hang out a few times just me and her and then let my daughters meet her and i think my husband knows of her but he also will get to meet her. i figure this way i will have a chance to make sure that this is what needs to happend because i finally have a pretty good life and i dont want it messed up but i have realized that if i dont try i will never know and i will always wounder if she has changed. yes it is always nice to have friends and i dont have very many anymore so i hope we can look past what happened before and start again with our friendship and become closer again :) thank you for the responce :)
@hgwyneth (120)
• Philippines
8 May 12
Reuniting with friends could be one of the best memory you will treasure. Many years have passed and for sure she learned her lessons already. Teens trouble were just normal. Don't jump into conclusion yet until your reunion. Probably she's improved a lot and might bring you good friendship. Give her a chance if you found out that she hasn't changed yet, then keep yourself away from her then. As we grow, we improve and I hope she does.
• United States
8 May 12
i guess i am just jumping to conclusions without giving her a chance. thank you for the advice i think that is what i will do. it is only fair to her and to me. i would like to see how things have changed and see if the friendship can work now because we were such good friends many years ago :)
• Philippines
9 May 12
Its nice to know that you are in contact again with your long lost friend. I too have just found my bestfriend in college days and some of my classmates in facebook. Now we are already exchanging news and catching up. They are in other country now with their own family and my bestfriend will be coming home on June and we will be seeing each other. I feel excited already while my other classmates promised to contact me when they come for a vacation. With regards your friend , i am sure she has matured and changed already especially now that she has her own family. Just wait till you see each other. Good Luck!
• United States
9 May 12
i am also excited but i have had many people make plans with me and then they never followed thro with them but i am use to that. i think i have decided to meet her by myself atleast once first because i do not want my kid around her if she is the same and she took a fiance from me a long time ago and at that point i was mad but now i am glad she did because i am happy with my husband and my life the way it is right now. she seems to have changed but that is just thro facebook chat. thank you for your comment i have had mixed feelings about meeting her and i have gone back and forth with no i wont and yes i will but i am starting to think 6 years is a long time and i really miss the old times with her so it is possible she has changed because i know i have.
@genevy04 (793)
• Philippines
9 May 12
Well before anything, I just wanna say that i'm happy for you.. Because you have been reunited with a long time friend... I know the feeling and it's very uplifting.. May I advice that you don't worry whether that friend is going to get you into trouble again.. I Believe it's just normal if she has been a trouble-maker before.. But as a person becomes mature, they also change..Just believe that a person can change for the better, and it's really up to you to know if she will be a healthy friend for you or not.. For now, just endure the reunited friendship..And instead of worrying, try being the best pal she can have..Also, be a very good influence on her..Show her how nice it is to live in the way life should be.. Good luck with your friendship and I hope for the best..
• United States
9 May 12
i have been going back and forth a lot on this dicission and i am still not sure but i like what you said about it. not only was she a trouble maker but she also took a fiance from me and at the time i was so mad at her but 6 years later i have been able to forgive her because if she hadnt done that i may have never met the man i call my husband who i love very much. ill have to watch her close but i am thinking i will give it a try. i know i have changed a lot in 6 years and i am sure she has to. thank you for the advice. i spend a lot of my time worrying about things and i forget to enjoy things and i think that is what i am doing here. i am just worried and that will make me not enjoy what we use to have. there are many old times that we can talk about and we can make new memories with our husbands and children. we dont have many friends anymore so this would be nice :)
@mikyung (2232)
• Philippines
9 May 12
That was a year ago, a met an old friend, about 10 years ago - we were high school classmates. We met in an unexpected place - in my office for she was looking for a job. By that time, there was a vacancy in the Human resources department. Luckily, she was hired to fill up the said position. And so, we have done a lot of catching up - we hanged out with some of our former classmates and friends, we visited our former teachers in our former school - It feels great to see them. Long lost friends, really, can be an instrument by which we can travel back to the old days. And I'm grateful for having friends who are helpful. I believe people can change for the better. Give your friend a chance to prove that she has changed. I think you can talk to her, direct your questions to her, if she needs help on something and also, tell your true feelings - that you are glad in meeting her again, and you are a bit scary about having the possibility of going to the same path again. Be honest. Spend time with her but be cautious enough especially that she hanged out with your kids. Good luck!
• United States
9 May 12
congrats on the finding of an old friend and them coming back into your life :) i am sure it is nice to get a friend back close to you. old friends really are the key to your past.... it has been a hard choice for me to decide because along with being a trouble maker she took my fiance from me but at that time i was young and i rushed into things so 6 years later i am able to forgive her and let it go because i am married to a great guy and i wouldnt change it for anything. i guess i will just have to watch how she interacts with him because i dont know what id do if i lost everything again like i did back in school. thank you for the great advice. i was going to just try and deal and see what happens but i like the honesty way better and if she cant respect that then it wasnt meant for us to be friends. i am a firm believer in everything happens for a reason so maybe we stopped being friends before eww ruined our lives with wrong dicissions adn now we have came together again because we are more grown and mature. i guess i will never know unless i give her a chance.....