Doess Camels Are Really Dangerous?

@arviez (183)
May 9, 2012 9:48pm CST
Like any other animals camels can be dangerous if it is abused by a person handling them. Most arid countries they raise camels and they use this animals to help them carry heavy loads of their products, transportation, business and leisure and some of them raise camels to become our pet and some do this for food like meat and milk consumption. Camels are really lovely animals that are adapted mostly in dry lands, they are cousins of llama's, alpaca's, guanaco's and vicuna's of high Andes regions like of Peru, Bolivia and Chile. If they are abused and handle incorrectly they can spit, they can kick and bite you up just to defend their selves from wrong handling. Have you seen a camel before? Do you think you can try to eat or cook a camel meat? Does camels are really dangerous? Why we cant see any camels during winter? Share your views.
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4 responses
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
10 May 12
The only camels I have seen are in the zoo or on tv. I wouldn't eat the meat of a camel if I knew what it was. I won't eat deer meat either, but a friend of mine says she has served it to others and they can't tell the difference, so I am always afraid she is trying to trick me also. I think any animal could be dangerous if abused.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
10 May 12
Camels are only dangerous if they are neglected or abused like so many other are. Their are tame and wild Camels. I know Camels were domesticated centuries ago! As long as they are treated good they won't be an harm to a person. They won't carry aload if it is to heavy or unbalanced. They will refuse to work if it is. I have never ridden a camel but if I had the change I would!I don't think I would want to try camel meat. Camel milk,no,either! I will stick to cows milk thank you! I have seen camels at the zoo and of course on tv. Both the one hump and two hump breeds. Camels are not native to some countries but thanks to transporting them to other countries they have become so! They are qiute fasinating animals!
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
10 May 12
Maybe because camels are used to hot climate, they don't like going outside on cold days..thee is not food too. Any animal can be dangerous when not treated with respect and abuse, especially a camel which is really big..
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
10 May 12
As you well know gav, we don't have camels here in the Philippines. We only see them on the internet, tv and books. But like other animals as you said, they can be dangerous when harm is done to them. The counterpart of camel here is our carabao and horse. They are used for work and transportation. But the moment they are hurt by anyone or by their masters, they can hurt them back too. SO let's always treat them kindly . Any animal abused in that manner, will surely be dangerous.