Gay Marriage! Thoughts on It!

United States
May 10, 2012 3:35pm CST
With the recent controversy over Amendment One passing in North Carolina I am interested in seeing what everyone's thoughts and opinions are on the subject. How does everyone feel about President Obama's support for gay marriage. I personally feel that a person cannot choose who they love and am in support of the issue. Would love to know your feelings and thoughts, lets be civil and intelligent in this topic.
3 responses
@ShyBear88 (59304)
• Sterling, Virginia
11 May 12
I think its great that Obama is supporting gay marriages and gay rights. He is the first president to do so and I think he is making a lot of people happy with that part in the gay community. I'm not gay but I'm all for it. We don't choice to be straight or gay or even bi for that matter. We can't help who we fall in love with and who we are meant to be with. If that person makes you happy no has rights to tell you can't be with them and you can't marry them.
• United States
11 May 12
I agree. Its about time that a president has spoken for this issue. I feel that it is shameful that something so trivial has so many people stirred up. I applaud the courage of president Obama and Vice President Biden when it comes to speaking up on this issue.
@ShyBear88 (59304)
• Sterling, Virginia
12 May 12
I agree with you they both have done a good job in certain areas and this is one of them. I have many gay friends that in the future might want to get married so I think that is great.
@factorial (977)
• Philippines
11 May 12
God only created two genders the male and female. Marriage is only possible between a man and a woman period.
• United States
11 May 12
God also created homosexuality and even though the bible has clear feelings on homosexuality is it fair to govern a modern society by biblical standards? The bible clearly states many other things that are wrong that are simple things that we do every day but the government has no say over that. Divorce is a sin in the bible as well but it has not been outlawed by the government? Why does the government have the right to tell people who they can love?
• Philippines
21 May 12
No where in the Bible that God created homosexuality... Please read genesis...
• United States
12 May 12
I think that it is up to a person to choose who they want to love, and it is ok as long as the other person loves them as well and is an appropriate age. Even though my religion is against homosexuality, I personally understand not everyone follows the same religion that I do. I also do not think its anyone else's business to judge or criticize someone else's love life as long as the person is not hurting the other person in the relationship. I don't understand why people think that they have the right to tell other people how to live! Are their lives so boring that they have to concentrate on other people's lives?
• United States
16 May 12
I do not think that it comes so much from being bored, but from a lack of education. Some people the only book they have read is the bible and think that it is the only way. The problem I have with the bible is that it can be interpreted so many different ways that people only use it to suit and benefit them. What I do not understand is that the churches wanted seperation of church and state so that the government could not have a say in what goes on in the church. So why does the church have to be so involved in the government? I think if people would stop focusing on what is going on in other peoples homes they would be much happier in their own lives.