Preventing tax evasion in India, a suggestion..

@vandana7 (101452)
May 11, 2012 10:39pm CST
Let us be honest, nobody likes to pay taxes. It is hard earned money that more often than not gets spent on people who dont know what hard work is all about. As more scams surface out here, I am sure more people will review their tax position and wonder whether the minister's kin deserves that money more than their children. In this scenario, wouldnt it be wise to offer people something back for what they pay as taxes? I was thinking this. Suppose I pay taxes of 10000 INR. Five years later I should be entitled to borrow 10000 from designated bank at an interest rate that would be about two percent less than what is applicable on other borrowings. I should be eligible for this advantage for five years, effectively recovering the monies that I paid as taxes. I could forego borrowing and get a nominal increase in such concession, as and when I decide to avail it. Effectively, people would be prompted to pay taxes and accumulate this advantage instead of being pulled out of their rat holes. Business enterprises would definitely sit up because getting this advantage would matter especially in their lean patches. At least I think so. But most importantly, the governments would learn that there are nothing called free lunches. Your call..
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8 responses
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
12 May 12
Hi Vandana Well, theoretically, great idea... Practically - going by the fact that this needs to be implemented in India - a miserable idea. Reasoning: Tata Factory at Singur, Posco, Vedanta in Orissa and may be many more... Exception: Gujrat - where they are doing better than rest of india. Explanation - when ministers use common people for their own personal gains and realize that the survival of their position (ministry) they would never want the poor to become richer. Off-Discussion - Do you remember that discussion from Doctor Viji where we (me, viji and akp) were planning to start a party and make you a candidate for the Presidency! We were right, your ideas are good... and if we had control of the politics of India, thight would have been better for all
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
12 May 12
Spotted a typo - thight - should have been things
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
12 May 12
I can only wish myself good luck... as for the country... others dictate the luck! And yes, you and your thoughts are no way corrupt. Just that many of those freedom fighters only envisioned them... and failed to turn their vision into reality
• United States
12 May 12
From everything above it sounds like you're country is really corrupt. I guess support more honest people who better spend the money. There's never been a reward for paying taxes and never will be. Wars have been fought over taxes. You also need to learn that taking care of roads and utilities is important, but that asking the government to build entertainment buildings isn't what tax money is for (we do that here). It's really hard to make a change in country; and sadly, many who do make the change don't live long enough to see.
@vandana7 (101452)
• India
12 May 12
And they said democracy is better than socialism. Both are equally bad. Out here, tax payer's money goes to finance pilgrimages. Out here, tax payer's monies are sanctioned to build religious structures. Hey, we are supposed to be come we are doing this? I think we have too much population. So we should have anticipated road congestion. It is not as if Indians are dim wit. It is frustration on part of the intelligentia here. Most have given up and have accepted the corrupt routine as it could mean a whole lot of sacrifices and nobody else would be joining them unlike in freedom struggle. Nothing would be achieved so to say even after sacrificing life. I resent our politicians going abroad, and taking their entourage with them. If they are Indians, they should use Indian medical facilities. As long as even one person in India cannot go abroad for a treatment that is not available within the country, politicians have no business to be spending more for their treatment and entertainment.
@vandana7 (101452)
• India
13 May 12
Oh we are borrowing alright..and borrowing a lot, because of which our deficit is high and inflation tough to manage. But those dim wit politicians are not coming to their senses.
• United States
12 May 12
That's pretty bad, just have you're country do what we do and borrow money so there's enough to for everything.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
12 May 12
Hi Vandy! Hope Income tax people do not read your discussion and raid your house. Revenue from taxes is necessary to run the show. If there are no taxes, a Govt. can not generate money for welfare schemes and for implementing schemes relating to basic amenities and infrastructure. Govt. gives subsidy on many items and that subsidy amounts comes from taxes.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
24 May 12
@vandana7 (101452)
• India
12 May 12
I would be happy to pay those taxes if a. Sonia Gandhi didnt go abroad for her treatment - taking her caregivers and security personnel as well. b. None of the politicians went out of the country for any medical treatment that was perfectly possible in All India Institute of Medical Sciences. You cant proclaim to be patriotic after insulting your own doctors. c. Not one naya paisa is spent towards any politician's or his kith and kin's residence, security, subsidized food, electrical works, pwd works, whatever. There is a big list of such things. For starters I expect these three. :) Why should the taxpayer pay for such things? Beats me. Dont you have limits on where you can take treatment and how much. Then why similar restrictions are not there on our politicians? Why are they not accountable? Why did Pratibha Patil our first woman president get away with spending a fortune on her foreign tours. I as a taxpayer expect an account. And all these are disallowable expenditures.
@vandana7 (101452)
• India
20 May 12
Looks like Pranab Mukherjee read this post.. so he wants to cut down on foreign trips of officials and ministers -
• Australia
12 May 12
Vandana, in the world as I see it, what they get back for their taxes is infrastructure, hospitals, emergency services, pensions, welfare when needed, and so forth. Armies too, unfortunately, but I don't suppose we can seriously consider not having them. And most of those who receive help in the way of welfare have contributed their taxes while working and will so again when they get another job. Or is it so different in your part of the world? Lash
@vandana7 (101452)
• India
12 May 12
I agree on that. Government gets five years to use that money - and it does not carry any interest at that point of time. Even after five years, it is not repaying those monies. Instead, it is passing back the monies without interest over a period of 5 years. Only if the taxpayer chooses to defer utilization of the benefit does he, she, or it become entitled to a nominal interest - only on the part that is deferred. Therefore, if I defer utilizing the interest advantage in the first year, it would fetch me 2.07 percent discount on prevailing interest rate in the following year. If I go one more year later to avail the amount it will be 2.15 percent discount and so on. Effectively, this keeps pace with the inflation rate within the country. Government would be forced to cut down many of its expenses with such projected liabilities. As things stand we have many licenses that do not make sense. Government would still have funds with it from the current year's taxes. It is up to the government to use it in a way that benefits everybody. If road taxes need to be enhanced, they should be. If subsidies have to be removed. They should be. Time people learnt to pay for what they are receiving as well. No blue eyed babies.
• Australia
12 May 12
I didn't understand a word of that, so obviously our respective tax systems are entirely different. Which means I don't understand the original post because of the cultural differences. And there I was thinking I knew a bit about India because I specialised in India to some extent during my Anthropology degree course. Ah well, perhaps it's a good thing they wouldn't let a sick old man do his PhD field work in Kerala . Lash
@vandana7 (101452)
• India
12 May 12
Actually, I am not too good at expressing myself. :) On the face of it - its not easy to identify that I failed to express myself. I have bouts of laziness while communicating so to say. So I eat away words and thoughts and end up confusing others. Sorry..and you are welcome to come and stay at our place for your PhD work but I am not in Kerala. :)
@bhanusb (5709)
• India
14 May 12
Hi vandana, government needs money to run the country. The taxes collected from the people is an important source to face the expenditure of the government. General people specially the service holders have no scope to hide their income. So they pay taxes properly. You rightly said the honest tax payers should get some incentives or rewards. The businessmen,industrialists, doctors, lawyers and some other professionals have the scope to hide their proper income and they don't pay taxes properly. Practically job holders are over taxed and the professionals are taking advantage of paying less amount of taxes. The government should make a balance regarding tax collection.
@bhanusb (5709)
• India
21 May 12
Thanks for your enriched discussion and comments. How the salaried people can get rid from the tax hunters ? Is there any way ? I expect more discussion from you on this topic. Thank you again.
@vandana7 (101452)
• India
21 May 12
Personal income tax is absolutely unnecessary. That is because some people can hide income, others cant. We cant penalize a person who cant hide his income. That is so unfair. Instead, we offer incentives to people for paying monies by cheque or through bank accounts. That exposes all these middlemen who do not reveal the accounts correctly.
@vandana7 (101452)
• India
20 May 12
You bet.. salaried people suffer it from all angles.. If they are working for a small business, their bosses exploit them, and government does not make it mandatory for such businesses to have a PF account. Effectively they've to find ways and means to save for their retirement, without government's help! EFFECTIVELY GOVERNMENT LOOKS THE OTHER WAY IN CASE OF PEOPLE WHO NEED ITS HELP THE MOST!!! Even where PF rules apply, government officials accept bribes and let the business owners avoid relevant provisions. Effectively, the employee is still not sure what the future holds for him or her. Again he or she needs to find alternate ways like rental incomes to make the two ends meet. Added to his or her woes are expensive professional services, be they those of medical professionals, or others. Things that he or she has to pay partly or wholly in cash. Lastly, when the employee reaches the taxable income level, tax authorities hound him or her. How unfair!!!! Think of a case where a person who has parents who are alive, a mentally retarded sibling and two children. Even if the wife is working such responsibilities are tough to manage!!! Tax laws cannot be applied uniformly. In fact, such cases make it necessary to remove personal income tax. When there is no equal treatment then how is personal income tax justified? In contrast a lower class person earns 20000 or so per month on his bhajiya stall. He does not pay one naya paisa tax and works only for half a day and is his own boss. To top it all, government considers him poor because he does not disclose his income. So government allots homes to him. I am not against poor. That is not the issue. But I am against some people being favored while others who are struggling or who struggled being ignored. This is sad because country comes up because of the contribution of such folks.
@fannekhan (783)
• India
26 May 12
I think you should be iwriting more. But you do have a point.
@vandana7 (101452)
• India
1 Jun 12
Oh gr8..nice to see you around...long time since I fought with you..isn't it? lol I hate it when you concede so
@thanks1961 (7033)
• India
12 May 12
Hi, Hrre each and everybody is looting each other as much they can, this is the simpler answer for all. Might is power and govt try to kill the way they like and how nicely you can loot others are appreciated. This is throuh my mobile and talk to u on Mo nday.
• Italy
12 May 12
In italy it does not work as you, event if the situation, it the same here, unlike you do not even give the banks more loans.