More and More of my Coworkers are using Mylot

Pasay, Philippines
May 12, 2012 9:42am CST
Thanks mylot. You gave us here in our office and at home the opportunity to maximize time and earn extra online. One of my friends, which is Richelle also sign up here. Aileen; one of my former batchmates before are now also earning extra while answering valuable posts. It has benefit them a lot and also some of my coworkers are curious about it. I told them one of my reasons I'm doing it is to earn instead of using Facebook; posting and reposting. Here in this site we find great topics which will also help us when we are offline. Let us know how do you feel about sharing mylot to other people and how do you find it so ffar. Thanks and enjoy mylotting with us, guys!
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13 responses
• Calgary, Alberta
12 May 12
I will neve rintroduce mylot to my family, friends and coworkers because this is the perfect place for me to complain and rant againts them. This is my place to bash them. do you have your friends as refferals? anyway you can make posting alliances with them, you are friends in flesh, you know each other's interest, relating to each other's discussion would be easier.
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• Pasay, Philippines
12 May 12
Hahaha... If I have to rant I'm doing it with safety ;) But of course wouldn't it be nice to hear them rant as well about certain things? Maybe you're ranting the same thing also and it would be great to hear your sides about it and other points of view. And the heck of the referal thing works nice; it works for me ^_^-) Happy ranting; er.. Mylotting :)
• Pasay, Philippines
13 May 12
So far we're supporting each other by giving tips and advice in mylot. Alliance may work in a certain topic but that's more on motivation and situational scenarios. We hate dealing with other problems arise in our country as that tends to burn us out. Just the sweet typical post. We don't want to get into a debate either. We even joke that we have more time bonding in mylot than on the workplace itself. Irony: we are the chat support department in the company so "chatting" in mylot is the best way to go. hahaha :) Thanks for being supportive in this post and happy mylotting with us more ^_^-)
• Calgary, Alberta
13 May 12
my biggest advice, make posting alliances with them, you can also try to plan discussions with them, so you can enhance the quality of discussions each other's discussion. Your biggest advantage, you can explain your discussion in person just in case they dotn get your discussion, they can also do the same.
@MoonGypsy (4606)
• United States
12 May 12
i love being here. facebook doesn't pay, nor do you get the interaction that you do here on mylot. it's great to come to a place where people really have some thing valuable to say. in return people want to read and respond to your ideas. i love mylot and hope it never goes away.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
12 May 12
hi moongypsy is not mylot more welcoming in ways than FaceBook? I love the friendship I have been given here and although I am on FaceBook too,here is more like home to me. I too hope mylot lives on forever here hurrah for m ylot.
• Pasay, Philippines
13 May 12
Exactly. They're discouraging copy paste to aviod too much flooding of spams ^_^') LOve it here.. everyone is so real and of course we may get some unussual comments but that's normal ranther than a bot typing non-sense. Happiness ahead here and more mylotting years to come for us ^___^-)
@vastari (331)
• Ireland
12 May 12
That's great news that you've managed to recruit your coworkers. I haven't had much luck getting my friends or classmates to sign up, which is a real shame. I have managed to get a few people from across the internet to sign up to MyLot before, but none of them are active anymore. I do try and share MyLot to people, but nobody seems interested in joining up. :(
1 person likes this
• Pasay, Philippines
13 May 12
It's okay. Never get disappointed when they reject yoou for something they did'nt know what's worth. In my point of view, it is either they don't know what it is worth doing it or they're not sure how to do it (since you metion they did sing in and never used it) assist them as much as you can and try to help them out how this will works for them. Eventually they will stating to see its benefits for them. Never stop being nice and don't stop sharing more what's yet to come for them here in mylot ^___^-)
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
12 May 12
hi resy21curapika I feel much like you. I am on my fifth year here and am a very happy mylotter, elderly retired, female, and here I am accepted despite my age. I have learned to share, and care with many other my lotters from all over the world.With my keyboard and my fingers I can go to places I have only dreamed of and make friends when I could never afford financially or physically to travel very far.I have even been across the pond to England where I met a funny sweet rascally little man in a doggie suit and his lovely mom and made them my friends. I have made so many great friends and learned so much here. there is much more to mylot than just getting paid for enjoying talking to others here and sharing and caring. I love sharing my lot with you and your office friends and anyone else coming aboard. we are really friendly here at Mylot.
@fannitia (2167)
• Bulgaria
12 May 12
Hi, Hatley, I couldn't say all this in a better way. Except the fact that I'm not retired (which means a lot of work and less time for myLot ) everything you describe here is my experience with myLot. I wish you the same, resy21curapika!
• Pasay, Philippines
13 May 12
This is my forth year; I haven't posted as much in the past that's why I grew sad as I started again using mylot. But great thing here is they still give me a chance to use this and my account didn't locked up for 2 years! Hope to share more of experiences and thoughts here in mylot. Earning will just follow as long as you love what you're doing ^_^-)
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
13 May 12
thats good if many of your workmates follow you here and maybe you can make a special discussion about your office situation maybe
• Pasay, Philippines
14 May 12
HAHAHA... we're even discussing about real-life advice right now. Good thing there's no work issues so good thing we're still discussing positive posts and topics here in mylot. This is getting more interesting ^_^-)
@genevy04 (793)
• Philippines
13 May 12
Wow, it seems mylot is already trending in your office dear.. That's nice to know, because besides having more and more friends, we still get to earn extra income, and this site is really legitimate.. That's the best thing about mylot.. We get to interact with real people and we get to earn in return.. So just keep on mylotting! not just earn friends, but also earn money.. have a great day ahead!
• Pasay, Philippines
13 May 12
Thanks for being supportive. Yes, we found may great friends here in this site and also dealing with real situational posts, not just by those unwanted spams or reposting. It is about time to get real and this site gives me more than just earning. Even if we're facing computers for the whole day at work; it is nice to know that we can get interactive in real lives across the globe ^_^-) Continue doing what you love as well, friend and enjoy mylotting more here with us!
@tash01 (2030)
• Jamaica
12 May 12
That's good news,your recruiting referral.well I have tell a lot of family an friends,and most of them that it's a waste of time.but am still spreading the good news,maybe some where down the line I will get a referral some day. Mylot is a great site to share and learn about things,an communicate with people from all over the world.I like my mylot because if I have a question to ask I can ask it an get a positive respond members. I enjoy using mylot,since lately I don't have much time to spend here,but I will be back full time soon.
• Pasay, Philippines
12 May 12
Don't stop sharing the good news with them. Always think positive that it will also beneficial for them to know about these kinds of earning. I'm also sharing it through facebook and eventually they do log in and ask for how does it works online. Most of my friends are Facebook addicts and wants to post a lot of random stuff online so it works for them ^_^-) Keep on pushing towards positivity. Happy mylotting :)
@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
26 Jul 12
i have a lot of post before regarding the reactions and likes to mylot when i introduced them the site. and in the office, i actually referred about four of my colleagues. but after a few posts, they stopped. i remain the last man standing on mylot in this office.
@much2say (55120)
• Los Angeles, California
13 May 12
That's great! Just make sure you don't create any discussions about your coworkers here in case it causes any hard feelings and crazy office politics - unless of course it's a nice discussion about them - hee hee! I wish myLot was around when I was working . . . I was the only "employee" so I literally didn't have anyone to talk to besides clients or my bosses. I spend a lot of time online - and had myLot been around, I could have been "earning" with my time there. Hey, but glad you and your coworkers can take advantage and have fun!!
• Mexico
13 May 12
Hi resy curapika: Wow, I'm proud of you. I really wish I could say the same about me but in my case the persons that I have recruited in the past has ended leaving the site, simply because they don't have the time or the patience enough to care about their participations here. They were probably hoping an easy money site and that's not the way things work here. I would love if I found someone who cares about the site but it's difficult at least in my social circle. ALVARO
• Pasay, Philippines
13 May 12
Don't stop from recruiting one. The worst thing that happened in first recruit doesn't how to even post or comment and never used this site; it was my best friend. But I didn't blame her. Serves her well and I don't think she deserves this site. jokes** I didn't stop sharing this good news; I even post my link in Facebook because I'm so happy and excited to share it to everyone. And frankly; I also got nervous as well because they might think that this is a scam but if it works for you then you should be proud in sharing it. What's weird is I only told one of my coworkers and gave her my link; then turns out to be that she shared the exact same link that I have shared to her. Now I got 7 friends working in mylot all at once ^_^-) Delegation might ne the key. Hoe you would do the same as what I did and never stop sharing to gain more friends. Happy mylotting ^____^-)
@fannitia (2167)
• Bulgaria
12 May 12
Hi, resy21curapika! I'm glad that you've found referrals. I've never been lucky with this so I even don't promote my link anymore. But I'm also reluctant to share myLoy with coworkers or even friends. I feel this place as my safe haven. I want to share my thoughts without fear that people from my off line life could be hurt.
• Pasay, Philippines
13 May 12
Try to open it up to your old classmates. Trust me almost everyone is looking for this kind of opportunity. Aside from that, most of the people turns out that they're bored logging in to Facebook already unlike before. Great news is; when you get one of them trained on what to do when posting or how to do it properly; he or she themselves will be happy to share it to others ^_^-) Happy mylotting and stay cool~~!!~
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
13 May 12
I am happy to know that more and more your colleague joined mylot, and i hope they will love mylot as i do now. I haven't any referrals or no one of my colleagues joins mylot...because they are so lazy to write discussion in English. I hope they will change their mind one day...
• Philippines
13 May 12
Guy's Help me to earn money. can you!? Please and I dont know how to use Payupal. But i have an account