Online friends are pretty cool!

May 13, 2012 8:28am CST
I know there are people who are wary to make deep friendship and share private information to people they met online. But I think they're just as cool as the real friends we've made outside the internet. Tell me, did you meet your cool online friend because of a site that interests you both? Meeting people who have the same passion, hobbies, and interests as you would have a 2 steps ahead to being your real friend that to a stranger you'll meet at the road. (Well, that's the case for me). I think they're one of the few people who'll know you through the inside first than outside so I think they're really ahead of other people. Well this is only highly probable if you're honest to them as much as possible. My online friends have a different place in my heart because even if how much time I've spent with my best of friends in the real world, we still have much differences, but those I've met online pretty much understand my quirks and passion. So I really think they hold a piece of my heart that others couldn't quite grasp and had been given no time to be understood at all. I value the friends that I meet online but just like any other careful human, we've kept some details about our identity too and we're not bothered by it at all, I think that's understandable anyway. How about you? What do you think of your Internet friends, do they hold a piece of your heart too?
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17 responses
• Canada
13 May 12
Yes, I agree with you about having online friends. Hell, most of my online friends have proved to be better friends than those I know in real life! I have met a few ppl from online, some turned out to be really good friends and a few turned into lovers.. They are near or far, I met most of them!
2 people like this
• United States
13 May 12
I'm glad to hear that you have met some great people online. That most of them have proved to be closer to you than individuals you know in your personal life. It is enjoyable when we are able to make great friends and to keep in contact with one another. It adds a lot to our relationships.
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• Philippines
14 May 12
@blaqwynter Well I've never met anyone of my online friends so I can't say if they're better or in the same boat as my friends offline. But I'm really happy for you that you were able to meet them. :D I hope I'll meet mine as well someday *sigh* if only we're not from different continents, it would be so cool.
• India
13 May 12
Well, I, to be frank enough here should say that i don't have a lot of online friends, and nor do i share so many things with them. The details that i would be giving them will all be right but about what details i give them,is where i restrict. I personally feel not all could be good. There are spammers around.You also could see terrorists poofing around in and there who could just like that collect information and put blame on you. I mean having contact in Face Book and other social networking sites is all okay but i don't think revealing personal identity is a good option.Personally, That's what i feel and i never ever DO it! So be careful when you are revealing your personal identity and make sure you are safe every time. But they always have a place in my heart.. There are also people who are AS good as my real friends and even more better here, i do admit. But then,you have to understand the 'RISKY' factors too.. Right?
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
14 May 12
hi oopsitisme look at my picture on Facebook I am the grey haired lady with the quad cane, do I look dangerous to you or a terrorist or risky? I am just an 85 year old lady mylotter who is on her fifth year
• Philippines
14 May 12
Don't worry Oopsitisme, I share a lot of things to them too but I've also kept some very personal details from them. :D Thanks for your concern, but I know I'm careful enough not to let anything bad happen to me or my accounts. :D And I trust the website where I've met them, we're all artist there after all. ^^ Thanks for participating in the discussion anyway, I'm glad to hear that you make friends online and value them as well but you've never forgotten to take precautions too, and yeah, you're right! :D
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
13 May 12
I agree with you that in a lot of ways it is neat to make online friends. I don't share a lot of my private information with people online. But I do think that there are individuals that we can meet who are trustworthy. For the most part we have to be cautious but people have made really good friends online.
1 person likes this
• United States
16 May 12
Your welcome. I'm glad that you have found friends that you can trust online. After all trust in all relationships is important especially for it to be a good one. Hope that you are enjoying mylot and making more friends.
• Philippines
14 May 12
I don't share mine as well but I have friends that didn't mind sharing theirs to me. It feels great to be trusted by them actually. :D Thanks for responding anyway, have a nice day! :D
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@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
13 May 12
Of course online friends can be valuable (and cool) because they are people we converse with. All the details about our status removed can actually be helpful. How old are you, where do you work, how much money do you make, where do you live in town, how big is your apartment or house, what kind of car do you drive? Are these things really important in a friendship? In the world they might be, if it involves security but online who cares? How do you feel? What do you think about a specific thing? Now those are the things that are important.
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• Philippines
14 May 12
Hmm..yeah, I guess that's an advantage but my offline friends are not concerned with materialistic things anyway so they're just as cool. :D And I like that my online friends can always have the time to chat with me, not all of my friends outside the internet could have that time or the time to meet up with us because of the work and schedules.
@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
14 May 12
Wow, I was thinking just those thoughts. I think there are a lot of nice people out there but they are really busy for one reason or another and so you never get to meet them. Who really wants to impose on other people and it is just hard sometimes to find the right time where they have time and so do you at the same time. Send a message instead.
@factorial (977)
• Philippines
13 May 12
Yes, online friends are pretty cool! I have met five online friends and we enjoyed a lot... just eating... and chatting. We shared the same principles in life...
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• Philippines
13 May 12
Wow, now that's awesome. I've never met any of my online friends because they're living across the ocean from me, although my other online friend who's living in the same country as me have been planning to meet each other for a while now. But we're still living far apart so I think it's still kinda unlikely that we'll meet. *sigh* Yeah, most of them have the same principles in life as us. :D
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• Philippines
13 May 12
My online friends and I are thousand of kilometers away but somehow I was able to meet them because I attended a couple of seminars in the metro where they are staying.
• Philippines
14 May 12
Well at least you're living in the same country, am I right? Most of my friends are from different it's kinda impossible for me. (^^; That's really cool, I really wish I can meet them just like you. :D
@GajaGamini (1065)
• India
13 May 12
i think we make those friends only which has same interest as we have in personal and online as well. in personal life we have friends which can be completely different from us but on online world we make those friends only with whom we share same interest like favorite actress, movie etc and on that we can chat online. we have friends with same interest that is why we like online friends and as we are online that is why we feel more comfortable than face to face meet, we can flirt online easily but we in real life it would quiet hard. that makes online friends cooler than original friends. I think, on online world most of the peoples are lairs and we should not trust them. in online, we make our mind by chatting and whatever we share about each other but that person is different from what we imagine, i am experienced about it. in real world we make our mind through experiences, like if our friend does such things which normal people do not do, we make our mind as considering him mad or brave. I hope you got whatever I have mentioned about real and online friends.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
14 May 12
hi gajagamini thats too broad a statement , I am not a liar and doubt that most of my closest online friends here are liars. why should we be apt to be liars more than offline friends?thats an unkind and unfair statement about a lot of great mylot people here.
• Philippines
14 May 12
Yeah I kinda agree with Hatley, although you have some points too. If you want me to totally agree with your statement, should I start assuming that you're a liar too? It's kinda unfair right? Anyway, maybe I should have mentioned the friends you've met in a certain type of site, those buddies you'll meet in chat rooms are the most suspicious one for me because they're only there to have someone to talk to constantly, not to have real friendship at the most part. I've never made friends for the purpose of flirting or such anyway and the friends I've met online as well, so I'm pretty confident that they're as honest as they can be. And I'll also not call the people I've exchanged messages with, a friend already, it takes time before we could consider one as a real friend. The friends we have in the real world are different from us, and most of the time we've been close to them because our personality has chemistry and they're fun to be with, so I think how I met my friends online are far different to how I met them. The persons I've trusted online are people I've met in a website where you share your art not forums or chat rooms, so for me they are trustworthy. I hope someday, you'll have a friend online that you could trust and he/she to you. Thanks for responding anyway! Happy myLotting! :D
• India
15 May 12
i meant, most of the OffLINE friends are lairs and i did not mean Online. I have meet around 30 to 40 people online and i think most of them were lairs they laid about their age, area etc. and I think there is nothing wrong in it because we should not share our personal information on the internet. i watch shows like Dare2date on channel V where channel arrange a meeting on online friends and most of them were lairs and they were boasting about themselves. people who use internet just to flirt with girls or boys lie about themselves, like about their education, marital status, physics etc. I think Mylot is very different site from other site, here we discuss about things which are not personal and it is not like Facebook and Yahoo messenger where people lie and ask for cam for naughty chatting. that concludes MYLOTTERS ARE NOT LAIRS.
@annavi23 (6522)
• Philippines
13 May 12
Hello jhustinian! It's good to have online friends but then make sure that you are not sharing too much about yourself if you don't really know them too much as well. Sometimes there are people who just being friendly but then has real motives for you that you don't like. It's hard to trust nowadays, but then I am not saying that all people can fool you around. There are people who are still true to others even if we are all starngers specially when it comes to online world... I have gained friends in here who became close to me to the fact we even chat outside this site and sometimes do make voice chats as well. It's good to have friends who first know you from inside. where you learn to know more about what they are feeling and they are thinking. This way, even if you don't see each other personally, you learn to have trust in them and like them as who they really are. It's true that sometimes it's hard to tell if your friends in real life are worth to call friends cause not all can share their thoughts and their whole selves to you. not like in here, you will be able to see what kind of person they are...through their posts and emotions...
• Philippines
14 May 12
Yeah, don't worry I'm still very careful with things and I'm not really comfortable sharing private and very personal things online so I think I'm as careful as I could get. ^^ Those online friends I've mentioned are like this too anyway, and we respect each other's choices. The website where I've met them is a very trustworthy one too so I think I'm safe, we're (my online friends and I) all bound for our love for art after all.:D Yes, their words, posts and comments reflect them very much and it also feels great to catch that they really are genuine when they ask if we're alright, and they ask that too because they've sense we're sad just by reading through the lines of our posts. It's a wonderful thing to have met true and thoughtful friends such as them. :D
@annavi23 (6522)
• Philippines
14 May 12
Oh, so you both knew each other in a site where you have art being posted, is it? Means, the site does a forum site too? I wonder what site it is... Well, yes, it's good to have gained friends you knew who have same interests as you...
• Philippines
14 May 12's not actually a forum, it's more of a place where you'll build your gallery and submit your works. Finding friends in the site is just an added bonus. ^^ But there are many applications in the website so many of us are really having fun there. It's :D
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
14 May 12
I don't have many online friends. If keeping in long friendship, i prefer to meet in person. ya, you are right, they are pretty cool and you will get happy when talking with them. You can share your problems also because all is easy to talk on internet.
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
16 May 12
You are such a nice friend in friendship. I will remove his id if he did disappear and didn't chat with me for long time... (I am not good in memorizing, i may forget all his information if i haven't met that guy in person and he didn't chat with me for long time)
• Philippines
15 May 12
Yeah, that's another advantage, we people feel more free sharing our thoughts in the internet that in real life. Because those we will meet could soon be gone in our lives too, we'll feel more relieved that we told them could not be really hold against us or wouldn't be heard by our other friends because we really don't have mutual friends in real life. It's understandable that we'll keep long friendship to those we have met personally, because although we could be frequently in touch with our online friends, there's still tendency that our accounts or the site wouldn't exist anymore, or people could just leave it whenever they want to. In the contrary, our offline friends can't easily disappear in our lives. However, for me even if my online friends did disappear, I still wouldn't forget them, especially to those I've bonded(virtually) with deeply. P.S. I don't have many online friends either, I only have 4 that I trusted the most and the other are just online buddies. ^^
• India
14 May 12
I have a lot of friends which i had met both offline and online. I value each of them. I believe that friends are the treasurers created by god to help us and also love us. I don't miss any of the chamber to have a good friend. I love each and every one.
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• Philippines
14 May 12
Yeah, they are treasures indeed. :D
@victorkrish (1614)
• Malaysia
14 May 12
Sometime we can learn something from them chat and passing time. They just from different places and might from other country. We just have a conversation through internet sitting down and chat with such a stranger, spent a time. I think it is a good experiences that teach something. Some of them are good enough can be continue keep in touch even meet until end. hmm
• Philippines
15 May 12
Yes we could really learn things from them especially when they're from a country different from you, they could sometimes enlighten and share us their experiences with their tradition and cultures. :D
@superbadx (484)
• Malaysia
14 May 12
Well, i don't know. For me online friends are just online friends. Since i have never met any of my online friends. Like facebook friends, i sometimes met them but i just don't hang out and stuff like that because even in facebook we are just "friends" but not actually speak with each other.
• Philippines
15 May 12
Well I haven't met any of my friends too. We see things in different view and I totally understand that, maybe I value my online friends that much 'coz I've already spent reasonable time talking to them online and we have both shared a piece of our heart to each other. I also have friends who are online friends too. ^^ Those are the people I would usually exchange words with but they're not as significant as the online friends I'm referring to in the discussion. :D
• China
14 May 12
I have some online friends, some of them are in same city with me, others are far away from me. Sometimes, we swim, chat and drink together, we are give happy to each other; I like my online friends.
• Philippines
14 May 12
Gaaah...that's so flippin' awesome...I've never had any online friends that are just near me! The nearest one is several cities away from me and we've never met each other, but we're planning to attend a convention and meet up there.
13 May 12
The site tumblr has to be the best way of making online freinds especially those who share the same interests :)
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• Philippines
14 May 12
I still prefer the friends I've met in deviantART so I think I wouldn't switch to another site anytime soon. At least, I'll know they'll understand me and could catch my quirks into art. ^^ I'm satisfied with it, I actually don't have a tumblr account even if almost everyone has already one. I have had enough account in different sites, I can only manage much. ^^ Thanks for your response anyway, although I would have appreciate it more if you shared your experience or views on having them. That's the purpose of the discussion after all. ^^
@Desmesne (42)
• United States
14 May 12
Agree that it's easier to find people of the same interests but there are some friends online that I don't want to be friends with outside of the internet for something like 90% of interaction is body posture
• Philippines
14 May 12
I understand that too, I'm also not comfortable meeting them as well especially those from foreign countries. ^^ But I think I'll manage it soon but I still can't remove the feeling that I might not be able to actually hold a conversation with them when we'll ever meet in person. ^^
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
13 May 12
I've met so many cool people here on Mylot and it's true, some you just can't help but feel close to. If you are on here a lot then after a while you do feel as if you actually do know the person. It's pretty cool actually. Whats really cool is that although we are from all over the world and have diverse lifestyles etc, underneath it all, we are all just human beings. Love your wiggly little ears by the way!
• Philippines
14 May 12
I haven't met anyone here on myLot that I could already say I'm friends with, maybe in time, I'm just a new here after all. Yes, that's what's really fascinating in friends online because although we're across the ocean, have different cultures and such, we're still able to worm our way to the other's heart and them to us. :D Thank you, but that's hands. It's like what we do when we scare kids away...something like..Wooooo!...^(O.O)^
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
14 May 12
hi jhustinian I do so agree with you. I really treasure my online friends and when they leave or just disappear I am just as unhappy as I would be if my offline best friend just up and left. there is one here whom a lot of people miss and we all wonder is she okay , HWG where is she, any way I really care about all my online friends here and they hold apiece of my heart too..If anyone knows what happened to HardWorkingirl please let us know. I do care.
• Philippines
14 May 12
Awww...*hug* I understand that feeling, I too have a lost an online friend. And I really miss her, although she told our other friend she'll be back, it's been months and she still hadn't visited her profile and I haven't heard of her. I hope they're okay, and yes we may be just online friends but we do care and love them.
@messi3336 (213)
• India
13 May 12
ya,online friends are cool .i share every thing to them
• Philippines
14 May 12
Woah..that's pretty brave of you, I know my online friends are cool and all, but we respect each other's privacy so we don't share everything to each other.