Psoriasis has got so bad now, injections no longer work.

@jugsjugs (12967)
May 14, 2012 8:12pm CST
Thought I would show you a photo of my skin, now this is only a small amount in the photo , as this skin disease is taking over my life, as I also have the psa to go with it.The hospital are running out of ideas in what to use, I have only creams and other pills to cope with this, as the injections are not working.
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11 responses
• India
1 Jun 12
Hello my friend jugsjugs Ji, Well, let any diseases be there, it amounts to person suffering. You may continue whatever your Doctors say, but I would suggest that to take 'NEEM' leaves bath.If you can understand Neem tree, it will cure all skin diseases. You may take sufficient leaves,boil them in sufficient amount of water and allow the water to cool or bearing temperature and take bath. Watch for favourable results. You may also contimue your tyraetment as well. May God bless You and have a great
• India
12 Jun 12
Hello my friend jugsjugs Ji, WEllI am providing you it's botanical and it's family origin, it comes from as below :- Hindi names English names Botanical names Family Neem Neem Azardirachta Indica Meliaceae You may try following link to know much more about this tree/plant/leaves and it's uses in our daily life. May God bless You and have a great
@jugsjugs (12967)
10 Jun 12
I have no idea what NEEM leaves or trees are.I think that the cream that I am using, is making my skin really sore and that this is also what is not really helping.You would think that they would have found a cure by now, but there is no cure for this.Also who would think a skin disease would also cause a joint problem that is linked.Not even the morphine is helping at the moment.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
27 May 12
Hello Jugs. I hoe you are doing better by now. I hope that your Dr have found something that will help you now. I won't say that I know what you are going through because I really don't though I do have some similar problems. I was going to tell you all my problems but I decided that you have enough of your own. I feel so lucky and that God has been so good to me. It has taken a lot of years for my arthritis t o deform my hands the way it has. When ever I go out I can tell who is in pain since I have my own. I can tell by the way they walk. When I see and learn of the pain and difficulties like yours I want to just wrap you up in a nice wool bunting and try to make you all better. Back in the middle of January I tripped in the middle of the night going to the kitchen for a drink of water and found on of the animals in the middle of the floor and I went down to the floor. I didn't hurt until the next morning. My daughter took me to the emergency room. X-rays and pain pill. A second and third time to the Er because I got a whole lot worse. bot being able to get up to go to the bathroom. Because of Rheumatoid arthritis they had a hard tike find a fracture in my tail bone. By not getting better I was sent to a rehabilitation center and I was there for a good eight weeks. I was a smoker of at least 11/2pack a day. Well since all health facilities are smoke free I had no choice but to give up those lovely little cylinders. They helped so much when I was angry or frustrated. Now I don't smoke any more. I do live with two smokers and sometimes I am temped to snitch one of theirs when they are not looking. They refuse to give me one when I ask. They also will not take me to the store to by some. I really don't want to start again so I am grateful they don't cooperate with me by giving me a cig.
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
10 Jun 12
I'm not going to ask how you are doing because I can see that your not doing real well. It would be nice if they could come up with something that would even make a person comfortable for some time. There is o cure for what I have and apparently for what you have too. It just gets so frustrating to know that there is nopw end in sight.
@jugsjugs (12967)
10 Jun 12
The dr has given me some cream which is not improving it one bit.It seems to be really sore, as well as has spread to other parts of my body.I have even asked to do trials and there are none that are suitable for me, as I have other health problems that I have.I just wish that they would find a cure and soon.I am so sorry that you also suffer with arthritis and the only way to describe the pain is excrusiating.I do feel that there should be more things for us to use or take nowadays, but it seems that there is not enough research being done.I am going to carry on with the cigs, as I know when I tried to quit last time my skin got a lot worse and I was rather short tempered.Well done on packing in the cigs.
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@AmbiePam (96380)
• United States
16 May 12
I can't imagine how hard that is to deal with. The only person I know with that is Kim Kardashian, and I don't "know" her know her. I guess a lot of people don't want to talk about it.
@jugsjugs (12967)
10 Jun 12
You are right that there are people that do not want to talk about it, as well as try to hide it from other people.I feel that after trying to hide it for years, it was a shock for people to see it.I had a few people stare at me and others that were chatting about me behind my back.One child asked me one day, did I get burnt, so all I said to her and her friends were, this is why your parents put a sun hat and sun cream on you, with that they all went back into school and put their sun hats on,lol.I hate having to live like this, as well as being in soo much pain from it, at times I do not sleep due to the discomfort, even after taking morphine I am in pain, it also hurts my joints, as it has cause psoratic arthritis.
• United States
20 May 12
have they tried the coal tar/UV treatment? that was the only thing that worked for my dad when it got really bad. his used to get so bad it ulcerated.
@roberten (3128)
• United States
16 May 12
Have you tried holistic remedies? I hear non-traditional/alternative medicine can sometimes help when traditional medicine has little to no effect. Somewhere there has to be relief.
@jugsjugs (12967)
10 Jun 12
I have gone to herbal places, as well as tried all manners of things that are offered on the internet from natural things to other things.I have tried all that the dr has on offer and there is nothing that works and at the moment there is nothing that the hospital are prepared to offer, as there are other health problems that are stopping me from using them.I wish the morphine would help, but at the moment it is not even taking the edge off the pain that I am in.
@albto_568 (1268)
• Costa Rica
16 May 12
Hello, I am sorry about your condition, about psoriasis, I have never had myself, but, a aunt of mine suffered of it some time back, and someone recommended her to eat fish in her diet, since it is rich in omega 3 oils, specially salmon and mackerel, I ask her, and she told me it worked for her, along the doctor´s treatment, of course, I think, and hope that this will help you too.
@jugsjugs (12967)
10 Jun 12
I tend to eat some fish in my diet, but I am not that crazy on it.I have tried various diets as well, like the gluten free diet.I am using some double base cream at the moment, as that is all the dr can offer me, as I have other meds that I take for all the other things that are wrong with me.I just feel that there should be more things that they can use to treat this, as it is a awful skin disease to have and this has also effected my joints.
@ElicBxn (63795)
• United States
15 May 12
I wish there was something they could do to help. I saw a man at Walgreens looking for help, but all the lady there could suggest was creams and getting into a psoriasis study... His wasn't any where near as bad as yours! My immune system is messed up, but happily I'm not attacking myself like that!
@jugsjugs (12967)
4 Jun 12
I have asked to do trials, but with all the other health problems that I have there do not seem to be a safe trial to go on, or even one that would accept me.I am so fed up of living like this and the skin has got a lot worse and the pain as well as the joints are crippling me, even with morphine.I even got looked at like I was contagious by some door sales person the other day, when I struggled to the door.I take anti biotics nearly all the time and they seem to be a waste of time as well.Just wish there was a cure out there, as I would not wish this on anyone.
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@celticeagle (172306)
• Boise, Idaho
16 May 12
I am very into natural rememedies. I have researched afew for you. These different herbs and oils mentioned could be added together as an ointment to put on a couple times a days. Using olive oil, fish oil, acidophilos, apple vinegar and sea salt, and Epson salts. These are some very good links with great information:
@jugsjugs (12967)
10 Jun 12
I have tried all natural things as well as ointments pills and injections and nothing has worked.I have heard loads of good things to do with a clinic in the USA called the Mayo clinic, shame I do not live in the USA.I have looked constantly on the internet for new things that are coming out, but there is nothing new that I am able to use.I have also asked to do trials, but with other health issues there is nothing that I can trial.Lets hope that they do soon find a cure, as it is unbareable to live with.
@bhanusb (5709)
• India
15 May 12
Hi jugsjugs, I have no solution but I'm sympathized for you. My common sense says your skin is dry. You should drink water as much as possible. Use antiseptic soap. You can take herbal treatment. Paste Margo leaves and rub on your skin. Then wait for half an hour and then take bath. You can try. I hope your skin will be alright.
@jugsjugs (12967)
9 Jun 12
With having so many open bits of skin, it is causing me to get infections and am constantly on antibiotics.I have been putting some cream on what the dr has given me and it has made it worse.I have a wet room now, so no bath, so I am constantly showering to stop the burning and itching feeling.I just wish that they would find a cure.
@much2say (57326)
• Los Angeles, California
15 May 12
Wow, jugsjugs. I really wish they could find a cure for it soon. My hubby suffers from it too. His are mostly on his legs and elbows - he's afraid of the little dots of it he is getting in other areas. The weather is hot and dry right now - not helping him one bit. I forgot to mention in the other post, he did try this Australian brand cream that I actually got for my daughter's eczema - and he says it worked really well (that was last year). It's kind of expensive, so we didn't get any more of it - but I think it was Grahams Natural Alternatives. They have soaps, lotions, creams - and it's supposed to be good for eczema and psoriasis. I think I'll do what I can to get more of this stuff!
@allknowing (141867)
• India
15 May 12 This is all about aloe vera which is a wonder herb treatment for skin ailments.
@jugsjugs (12967)
4 Jun 12
Hi, thank you, but I have tried that and I am sorry to say that it did not help my skin either, but thank you any way.