parents do you have date nights?

By C
@ShyBear88 (59347)
Sterling, Virginia
May 15, 2012 1:46pm CST
Do you and your partner now that you have kids or kids on the way do you have a routine date night every week? For me and my husband no its not every week. Its more like every few months when my husbands grandparents come back to town and want to babysit for us. My daughter is now at the age where she can spend the night here and there. It's just nice every now and then for me and my husband to get out on our own away from our daughter. As much was we enjoy having time together at home being outside of the house just the two of us is a nice change when we have a babysitter. We can't afford to pay for a babysitter so family doing it for us is nice.
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9 responses
@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
15 May 12
We don't, never had, only may split the kids so they all have once in a while a parent for her/his own. This works fine to all of us. During vacations it works like this: one day we do what the kids like, the other day what we like (plus kids).
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@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
15 May 12
Okay but what does that have to do with you and your partner getting and having a nigh alone? I don't see what spending time with each of your kids one on one has to do with a night out every now and then?
@sishy7 (27166)
• Australia
16 May 12
When we have children, we've never really thought about having date nights. Once the kids are older, though, like right now when they are all teenagers, we often find ourselves end up going out, say, for dinner with just the two of us. The children are now old enough to take care of themselves and they often prefer to stay home or go out with friends instead.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
16 May 12
Really me and my husband we didn't think about it either. We don't have like a regular set day or anything. We just know some time when my husband's grandparents are in town they are going to want our daughter for a while. So we always find something that we can do with out our daughter. Since we always have her and now with a second baby it's going to be even nicer getting away from two of them. Especially for me its a nice break for a little bit other then going to bed at night. I got to stay home by myself when I was 9 my brothers weren't allowed to at that age but they always caused trouble unlike myself I was always pretty good so my parents could go out if they wanted to or go do things with my brothers that I didn't want to do.
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@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
16 May 12
Yep, and we never really know when anyone is coming they just tell us out of the blue and then they ask are you two going to go out on date because we will watch your daughter for you. Its sweet because then they get that one on one time with just our daughter and soon as well as our son. It nice to have just to have the time to our selves outside of the house and do things that we normally can't do because we have a little one with us. It brings back that magic that we had before we had a kid waking us up at all hours of the nice. With two little ones close in age we are going to love it even more now. Grandparents I think need that time alone just as with there grand kids as the parents because you never know when they might be gone. They enjoy it and we enjoy it. Even if its just an hour its so nice to have. The one time my daughter spent the night with her great grandparents me and my husband slept in till 11am which never happens.
@sishy7 (27166)
• Australia
16 May 12
You're right, every now and then it's always nice to take a little break plus you can spend time just with your husband, the two of you alone outside the house... Those moments would feel extra special because you know they do not come often once you have children. Enjoy your day!
• United States
15 May 12
No we don't. Not to say we never go out alone without the kids but it is rare and usually an occasion such as my husbands graduation dinner, (those who won awards where invited to a dinner) and weddings or what not. We do not feel we need to go out to have quality time together. We do this when the kids go to bed. Some nights we just watch TV or something but we try not to. Usually we are crafting something together or playing cards.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
15 May 12
We do that to but you can't leave the house when your kids are sleeping. It gets old just sticking around the house maybe it's because I stay home all day with my 15 month so getting out of the house for a lone time even for just and hour is nice to have. We don't need it but at the same time our daughter needs time away from mommy and daddy when family is in town. For us we go out when we get out away from our little one we love her but still we need more then just seeing 4 walls of our house.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
16 May 12
My 15 month old is with me and my husband all of the time. My husband goes to work Monday through Friday comes home spent time with the both of us. I try to give him time alone with my daughter on the weekend while I get some more sleep. We are having a second baby now so we try to spend what little time she has as an only child before the little guy gets here. We get to go out ever few months when my husbands grandparents are back in town. They like to take the there grandkid's and greatgrandkids for a night or even a few hours to themselves to give us parents a break. It's a nice break and me and my husband get time alone outside of the house which is a nice change. We do get to spend time every night together but its much different when we go out and it's just really the two of us where we don't have to hear crying or getting interrupted by a little person. It took me a while to be okay with my daughter spending the night because she hasn't really started sleeping through the night yet and we didn't want her to be to hard on my husbands grandparents at there age of being in there 70's. Now she is big enough and doesn't really wake at nigh time anymore.
• United States
16 May 12
My husband and I have two small children, but we always try and have date nights at the least once a month to reconnect, whether we go and see a movie, have a dinner date or just go for a walk. It is important to us to have that time to reconnect. Our kids are very important to us and come first, but our relationship is maintained through those nights that feel like we are in high school. My husband is military so I go every other year without him, our date nights are very important to us. We also have a lot of family time with the kids together almost nightly when he is home. The kids also have a strict schedule for bed time which allows us a few hours together at night, when he is available.
• Pakistan
15 May 12
Well first thing is first! Its good that you have a wonderful relationship with the grandparents. they are after all members albeit older ones of your family and thus should be included in any such outting! And i think its perfectly reasonable to go out alone, get some away time for yourself1 There is a catch! Make sure your children arent neglected! Incorporate your kids more and more into your lives. That way you wont feel suffocated and they wont left out. Otherwise, shirking responsibilities become a habit and guess what its the child's turn now! His social circle has come into existence and somehow or the other you cant reach out to them!!
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
15 May 12
It's great grandparents for my daughter. I don't have a good relationship with them I don't like them so much but they do good job with taking care of little ones and we never ask them to do anything they always offer or force us to give the little one to them. If you read above you will see that we don't got out that often at all. I said once a every few months that means one time in maybe 3 months that we will go out on a date night just the two of us. Other wise our daughter is with one or both of us all of the time. I don't need to be told what to do as a parent for my child. She is fine and with baby number two on the way we are looking forward to my birthday just being the two of us a nice break from two babies and our crazy life. this question was about you and your parent not about me and my parent and what we feel is right for you family?
• Pakistan
16 May 12
Ok somehow you seem to have gotten the wrong idea! I was talking generally not specifically about you! Its wonderful that you have grandparents who take such an interest in their grandchild's life! I didn't even comment on your parenting skills!! You yourself said you rarely go out and this time that you were you were concerned about your child too! Its clearly evident your good! So am not taking a digg! Cheers! Well i guess i need a child to experience what its like so will take a rain check in a couple of years time.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
16 May 12
When you use the world you that not yourself or other. When your referring to people in general you use the word other people or parents the world you can be interrupted are yourself in the first person or the person that is reading it. Of course I have grandparents I don't see mine by my husband see his all of the time or more like my daughter see one set of great grandparents all of the time every few months. They live in two different states so they go back and forth around all of us. Got to be kind of careful when wording things because when other read it they will see it differently then what your putting it as. If your going to talk about yourself then I is better or my family is better or in my parenting we do this. Grammar its a b!tch these days.
• Valdosta, Georgia
4 Jun 12
My husband and I have a date night once a month usually. Its nice that my parents live around the block and watch the kids for us. We have 3 children so we could not afford a babysitter thats for sure. And we can enjoy our time more because its people we trust 100% woth our kids. I think its really important to have them so you can remember why you fell in love to begin with and to remember your still a couple, not just mommy and daddy. It helps to keep the marriage strong. I think its healthy for any relationship. I am glad my parents feel its important for us too. They never had it and they wish they would have.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
4 Jun 12
We don't get to go every month. For me and my husband we go out ever 3 months normally its as soon as family is in town which they don't mind they actually like it when we just say hey here you got have our kid will be back in a few hours this what to do and where you reach us at. We only have a my husband grandparents that live in town for half of the year and the other half they live in a different state helping out other family. So it evens out. They get one on one time with our kids and me and my husband get a much need break for a little bit and get some time alone with out having a little kid with us.
@nikki3 (172)
• United States
3 Jun 12
No, I never have a date night.. It is kind of hard to have a date night when you have three children and they are all really young and you have no one to watch them. I do not care.. I am a family kinda girl and I enjoy going on family outings more than anything
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
4 Jun 12
I enjoy family time to but getting out with just your partner is nice. We can't afford a babysitter either but we have family that will watch our daughter and will watch our son when he is born so we can got out and be just the two of us. We spend every night and day with our daughter its a nice change to just get out of the house with our having a little one clinging to you or crying about something.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
15 May 12
we never really did when our girls were younger. my hubby didn't think it was necessary. he left me all the time at night with the kids and went out to church things or soccer stuff. i left him about 6 years ago and then we reconcilled. he will do now stuff that i want to do and though our girls are older teens, we do actually go out once in awhile. he is much easier to get along with and pretty much did a 360 behaviour change to win me back.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
15 May 12
If I where you I would have gotten mad and stop doing things around the house because to me that is unfair. At least my husband asks but he never goes out and does things he comes home to me and my daughter especially now with a second one on the way I might kill if he left me alone all day and night with a toddler. He would be sleeping on the sofa for sure. I don't expect us to go out every night which we never do we go out once ever 3 months and it might be dinner and a movie or just dinner. It's nice for it to be the two of use with no baby around and especially since his grandparents are getting older and they want what time they have left alone with our little one and they do a good job and she normally has fun with them when we aren't not around.
@youless (112839)
• Guangzhou, China
16 May 12
After we have our child, we hardly go out together. Usually we will bring our son with us. As I will feel guilty to leave him alone with my grand parents. He may also feel disappointed if he is not with us. Perhaps when our child grows up, then he will not be interested in being with us. So at that time we will have our dating time:) I love China
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
16 May 12
After you had kids you hardly had time for each other? That is pretty normal for a lot of parents. I have never felt guilty leaving my kids with family at all. We take our daughter every were we go as well me and my husband. Or one of us will take her with us instead depending on what we have to do. I tell new parents as soon as you can break the ties from each other. Even though your kid might be a baby the sooner you get out alone the better it is for the all of you. Your helping your kid with anxiety they will not go through spearing from you as strongly as other kids that don't get way with there parents at a younger age. They might cry a for a minute or two but as soon as your gone they stop all kids do it. That can lead in to adult hood not breaking way a little bit sooner then later on down the road. I've left my daughter with family for a few hours at first for the first 12 months of her life. Now I can leave her alone with them all night long and she will not cry or give family a hard time because she is now use to it and knows we will be back.
@chicgale (2982)
• Philippines
16 May 12
Me and my husband do it once every two weeks when my mom comes over to babysit.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
16 May 12
that is very nice of her to do. We go out ever few months just the two of us. We don't have anyone that is in town all of the time to take my daughter earlier then every 3 months. But it's nice we normally bring her over to there house with a few toys. They all have a blast together.