Relationship Comments
By K31
@keihimekawa (2009)
May 16, 2012 5:26am CST
I really don't know how others would react on some relationship comments but personally, I really dislike it when people comments something like "It's ok" or "I know how you feel". I know they meant well but sometimes, there are instances when these type of replies irritates me.
It's like, I want to reply something like "It's not OK! How can things be OK?" or "How the heck would you know how I feel? You're not in the same situation as me". Again, I know they meant well but there are times that those people who are experiencing relationship issues doesn't need advises but just an ear to listen to them.
In my opinion, people who are undergoing relationship issues just needs to let things out of their system so they can feel well. They don't need comment such as the ones mention above but simply the fact and knowledge that someone is listening to their rants and points. They doesn't need to be right all the time. They just need to release some steam. I don't usually give advises not unless the person asks me too.
I'm not in any form of relationship issue now. Just suddenly thought of it when I'm thinking of a topic to start :D What do you guys think?
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8 responses
@apoljuice1 (730)
• Philippines
17 May 12
'I know how you feel!!' LOL But seriously I do. I've learned over time that not just because someone comes crying about a relationship gone bad, or someone laments the life their in that they actually need advise. More often than not, if you try to give advice to these people, pardon the expression, but it seems to fall on deaf ears. And why. They're too caught up in how they feel, and just the mere fact that they are able to rant about something is help in itself. They will be feeling the tremendous relief to remember much of any advice that they hear. This of course is not a bad thing. Just the last week, my husband and I were having a tiff about his immaturity. It had been going on for a few days now, although I really didn't want to talk about it to anyone. I was with my officemate while I was arguing with the hubby through text. She could see that I was clearly irritated about something and coaxed me to tell her the story. I gave in because such a clear expression of irritation could not be one to be passed up. I told her the story.
Although I appreciated getting some burden off my chest, I pretty much know how to handle the situation. I wasn't really ready to worry about how to handle the situation: in fact I wanted to ignore it for the time being because it was eating up a lot of my energy. I do understand that my officemate wanted to be helpful and did not like seeing me so irritated over anything and started giving all sorts of advice. I really didn't listen much to any of it, and I would just debate with her on some points.
I also do not appreciate if people would talk about their certain dislike to my situation or talk to me about it negatively. I may rant about certain things but like you said, it's just a way of letting off steam.
@keihimekawa (2009)
• Philippines
17 May 12
You and I can totally relate to each other! I suddenly remembered the time when I was sharing my rants while wailing about my 4-year-steady-relationship-gone-with-the-wind-overnight :P I shared these with my colleagues and one of them said "It's ok..." I was so pressed and irritated that I snapped "How can breaking up be ok?!" That shut her up fast but of course, I apologized. She also apologized when she realized that it's not the right thing to say :D
Sometimes things like "It's ok" is so commonly used that people around us use it as if it's their everyday phrase :P Eventually, if one was able to release her/his steam that person will feel fine enough (well, even for a bit) to think coherently. I totally agree with your point that it's kinda useless advising people who experiences fresh issues (relationship or not) because it would fall on deaf ears. I'm not saying all people though but most would.
It's always best to let that person rant, let off some steam and even cry before you chip in your own two cents but of course, be mindful of what you would say because it might hit the wrong chord :P
@maezee (41988)
• United States
17 May 12
Hehe, I guess I sort of agree. But then again, if you are starting a discussion, you are starting a discussion - just like the name implies. People are going to put their two cents in, that's just how it is. Especially on here. I guess the best advice is if you DON'T want advice, and just want pity (?) or just want someone to hear you out, someone to vent to but not to point things out to you, maybe having a blog is a better way to go or even calling up a friend to vent to. But I do agree that it's frustrating when you are in a situation, and when you are sure that the other person is in the wrong, that when the person who responds to your discussion gives you a perspective you dont' want to hear, it might be upsetting. *shrugs*. Plus there is no way to know 100% of the circumstances behind the situation or story or problem, so it's hard, as someone who responds to discussions, to draw conclusions from what you're saying. Maybe we are just not seeing the entire picture as you are, as you're the only one who knows exactly what is going on that may have been skipped over in the discussion. Know what I mean?
I wouldn't get upset about it, is basically what I'm saying. On MyLot...We all receive responses that are totally unsolicited or not what we expected or wanted at all. I have many many times. You just ignore the ones you dislike and positively rate the ones you do.
. I have had people respond to a long, thoughtful discussion of mine by saying "I don't know" (and that's it - literally). And I have had people be extremely rude and argumentative, when I wasn't trying to pick a fight, I was just trying to gain some insight on a situation in my life. I have also received answers with advice that I thought was bad or did not intend to follow. But hey, that's just it, we are all different people with different ideas of what is wrong and what's right, and we all are entitled to speak (or rather, type) our minds.
Now, I hope this wasn't a lecture... If this is one of those discussions you intend to ignore, that's fine, I just thought I would share my point of view (like we all do in discussions).
. Happy MyLotting! Oh, and I hope you resolved whatever relationship problem you were having!

@keihimekawa (2009)
• Philippines
17 May 12
Wait, I've read some responses such as this one so let me make this clear... I'm not referring to discussions made here in myLot. Of course if someone starts a topic in myLot, they are expecting responses and such. That's how myLot works anyway. I really don't mind the responses I get on myLot since I appreciate them all. It's nice to hear out the points and views of fellow myLotters.
What I'm referring to are "Relationship Comments" in real life. Maybe some people mistook "Relationship" as a myLot topic per se. That's not it. What I'm referring to are real relationship issues in general. It's like, I have this problem and I tell it to a friend (physically meeting that person) and this friend would start giving out quite a lot of advises and comments which I sometimes find a bit irritating.
To add, as I explained in my discussion post, I'm not saying that I am going through a problem. I just suddenly thought of it while browsing on myLot. Maybe it's my fault that I wasn't able to expound on the topic though :)
Thanks for the reply though. I appreciate it.
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
16 May 12
I know what you mean but kind of the point of being here is commenting on discussions so if you post it people are going to respond. I do however, try to refrain from telling people that I know how they feel. I might however say that I can relate, but of course nobody can 100% relate to what someone else is going through but in a lot of cases some people can at least to a point relate to a certain experience, but as to saying how someone else feels that should be avoided. Also just saying something will be OK is not helpful either. Time does however heal all wounds, but at the time that a wound is opened it is hard to believe that and we don't really want to hear it.
@keihimekawa (2009)
• Philippines
17 May 12
Again, please allow me to apologize for not expounding better on the topic but I'm not referring to myLot Relationship discussions or comments. I won't be posting a discussion here in myLot if I don't expect replies from people, right?
What I'm referring to as "comments" are physical conversations done in the presence of the person who's ranting. Like talking about a relationship issue over coffee. Things like hearing "It's ok" coming out exactly from someone's mouth.
And yeah, I do agree with your point that time heals all wounds and it's really difficult to take in positive comments when the person who's experiencing hardships is having a very negative outlook in life.
Thanks a lot for replying :) I appreciate it.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
16 May 12
You made me laugh (heheheh)
One thing that I do not like is- commenting on someone's situation.
What will I say if I am not there- unless the person ask my opinion.
Even the person ask for my opinion and advise if I haven't been there- it's not easy.
It is always easy to relate with someone's situation when it did happens to me before- or I have been there before.
I like reading status in facebook- and it amuses me when people start commenting...(lols)
@keihimekawa (2009)
• Philippines
17 May 12
FINALLY! Someone who gets my point! I was surprised when I started reading out some replies and they think I was posting that I don't like to hear comments here on myLot. I mean, the main reason why I post here on myLot was to share my thoughts and expect replies. I was like, "Huh? Where did that came from? Whatever gave them ideas that I don't like to read replies here in myLot?" Again, maybe I wasn't able to expound on what I really want to share
I feel the same way as you do! I try to restrain myself from sharing my thought when someone comes to me and tell her issues or thoughts. I'll just simply stay silent and listen to that person until he/she asks for my advise or inputs. If there are times that I can't stop myself from speaking, I'd ask his/her permission to share my thoughts and would add something like "I hope I'm not intruding" or "I hope you don't take this the wrong way" or something.
Same goes with me! I like reading status in FB and read the comments. It amuses me when one topic jumps to another one :P

@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
16 May 12
If people simple want to get it of their chest, are not asking for a reply, advice or some empathie (no matter if it's the kind you like or not, it's not said others don't like it) then they should say so.
I think this place is ment to be to start a discussion. Discussion means people talk.. not just read and ignore/don't answer. Or am I mistaken?
@keihimekawa (2009)
• Philippines
17 May 12
Are you referring to "this place" as myLot? Sorry if I wasn't able to expound on it but what I'm referring here are the times when people approach their friends (physically) and share their issues. I'm definitely not referring to discussions here in myLot. I mean, the main reason why I would start discussions here in myLot is to get replies and thoughts.
What I refer to as "comments" are the actual words that came out of a person's mouth. Like when someone complain about something, her friend would say things like "It's ok" over coffee or something. I'm trying to say that during relationship issues, there are times that people just want to let things out and just want others to listen (again, the actual listening part and not virtually via myLot).
The main purpose of this discussion is to see if there are people like me who would simply stay quiet and listen to a friend's problems or issues without saying anything like "It's gonna be fine".
Again, sorry if I wasn't able to expound my thoughts better in the main post.
@ladyhemingway (965)
• Philippines
16 May 12
This reminds me of the time when I change my relationship status from in a relationship to single and people started liking it through facebook. I find it crazy that they seem happy that I broke up with my boyfriend then. People can get weird at times, you know?
@keihimekawa (2009)
• Philippines
17 May 12
The same thing happened to me and when I saw the number of likes, I decided to delete that status and left a blank space on "relationship status". Some even started commenting "It's ok" and it kinda irked me. Lolz!
Honestly speaking, when talking about relationship issues, "It's ok" is one thing that's definitely NOT the right thing to say :P
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
17 May 12
Hi there!
Thanks God that I am not like that when a friend or anybody talks to me about their relationship status or about anything. I think in this case I am a good listener! haha Because I really just listen to their story, sometimes I smile and try to make the situation lighter but I don't give unsolicited advises coz like what you have said, I don't know what they really are going through and besides sometimes, I just don't know what to say or sometimes i feel like my presence and few gestures is already enough to make someone feel that I am with them and that I can be a "shock absorber" of their rants! 

@mayagracie (36)
• United States
18 May 12
I agree that people should not say that they know how you feel , or its ok. People may just be trying to be sympathetic to your feelings. I believe that listening is more important than commenting.