Welcoming Opposing Viewpoints

@Suebee (2013)
May 16, 2012 12:27pm CST
I've noticed a lot of discussions on here where everybody agrees with what is said in the initial topic post. I've also noticed discussions on here where there are opposing viewpoints. Personally, I welcome opposing points of view in a discussion. While it is nice to see people agreeing with your point of view and adding support in favour of the topic, it is also very interesting to see what other people have to say, how they disagree with what is being said and why they disagree. It makes for a much livelier discussion. So, this being the case, I don't understand why some people become so very ANGRY if someone has a different point of view from them. I've read lots of discussions and posts where you can literally feel the tension and negative energy flowing between people and their responses. I've seen where some become very nasty, sarcastic, insulting and even resort to name-calling. I just don't get it. It's just someone expressing their opinion, or viewpoint, which just so happens to differ from yours. Just to clarify in case someone gets the wrong idea here, I am not referring to any discussions I have started, or even responded to. I am only referring to ones that I have read. In fact I choose not to get involved in discussions that have deteriorated to that level because, as I've stated I enjoy reading the different points of view. I might even learn something!
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24 responses
• United States
16 May 12
Lots of folks here only want you to agree with them, and if they don't they take offense. I try to avoid those when I get to know which discussion starters get huffy over a differing comment. I try to be real. When I can't be real I sometimes just tell them what they want to hear or I just skip it. If I think a discussion will get deleted I will not comment.
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• United States
17 May 12
Yeah, and topics about gays, Christianity, and abortion are the most inflammatory in responses to anyone who chooses not to agree with them. I try to be respectful, even if I have to be REAL. However, if a person is so fragile that they can't handle the my truth or anyone else's truth they really only want to hear what they are looking for and condemn anyone else. I've gotten to where I will skip over things that will end up in a fight because I don't want to lose money and I don't want to be attacked.
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@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
17 May 12
Egggggsactly! It's not so much the losing money part for me. I just don't want to be attacked or pushed into a corner where I feel I have to defend my opinion or point of view. How can an opinion be wrong? It is just that, an opinion. I saw one particular discussion on here today where the person who started it made statements about how open-mind they were, yet condemned everybody who didn't agree with their point of view. Go figure. I avoided that one like the plague.
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@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
16 May 12
I guess it's true eh, that a lot of people are only looking for responses of support and agreement. Rather than post something that I don't actually believe to be true in an attempt to give them what they want to hear, I tend to skip over those discussions. A debate is one thing but a heated argument is quite another. I just don't get why some people start a discussion on a controversial topic and then write condemning responses to anyone who doesn't agree. I guess they just want to argue. Or maybe they are so insecure that they actually are in need of people to agree with them and tell them that they are right.
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@sk66rc (4250)
• United States
16 May 12
I think the world would be awfully a boring place if everybody agreed with everyone else on everything... Matter in fact, I think having different points of view is what gives us new ideas & makes progress possible...
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@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
16 May 12
Exactly!! So why all the hostility I'm seeing here on some topics?
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@Jatada (291)
• India
16 May 12
This is because they dont know how to accept the opposite viewpoints.They dont know that it will not enhance our knowledge if keep on following them to please them.They dont want to listen the truth.It is like the the group of goats following each other
@sk66rc (4250)
• United States
16 May 12
Well... I believe there are 3 types of people, ones who crave & embrace changes... Those are the ones who go out there & actively try to change the world... Then there are people who are just indifferent... People who can deal with the changes well but couldn't really care any less if there were no changes at all either... Then finally, there are those who are set in their o,d ways & refuses any new ideas or changes... I believe most do us will fit into one of those 3 types in some varying degrees... And I believe it's the last group, or at least a version of it, that gets hostile when their way of thinking is challenged, and at times, lash out... I guess I'm more of a combination of the first 2... I have beliefs & things i feel passionate about... I will let my opinion known to anyone who's willing to listen... I will actively get involved in a cause I feel strong about...but I refuse to impose my beliefs on other people nor am I willing to live my life based on other people's standards... I do believe there are huge differences between voicing my opinion & imposing my opinion... I don't expect other people to agree let alone live by my values... I don't know, I guess when more than 3 people get together, there will always be an "odd man out"...
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• United States
16 May 12
Well, in all honesty... I don't LIKE arguing. So I tend to avoid controversial discussions or discussions where I know I'm going to have to do a lot of debating. Maybe I'm not learning anything more or learning how to argue, but I'm just not happy when I'm debating with someone and I want to have fun when I'm on mylot. I probably have gotten worked up over someone else expressing their opinion on mylot. I see that there's no reason to, and naturally people disagree and there's nothing wrong with someone else expressing their opinion... but I don't like to debate so the mere idea of a debate gets me upset. I guess I'm not as open to learning new viewpoints as most people. I like to talk about fun things and stay far away from the fighting.
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• United States
16 May 12
I guess some people think it's fun to fight. I also prefer a discussion rather than an argument, but I rarely come across a discussion with opposing viewpoints that doesn't eventually morph into an argument of some kind.
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@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
16 May 12
True, it takes a certain amount of skill to keep things under control and not let your passion for the topic outweigh your common sense or incite anger within.
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@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
16 May 12
I like to discuss BOTH fun things and a few controversial topics. However, like you, I do not like to argue. To me, arguing and discussing are two different things. I actually like discussions where people have different points of view as it makes it very interesting and promotes more responses. However, if the people taking part in the discussion are not open to others points of view, I look for a discussion where they are. And you're right, mylot is to have fun. If you don't enjoy it and all you want to do is fight, then why be on here at all?
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• United States
17 May 12
I have to disagree with you on this one - I don't want opposing opinions, because they are completely wrong as of course whatever I think is absolutely right and there could be no other way to think. Alright, so I just couldn't help myself there, especially since nobody else seemed to be disagreeing with you. No, I actually write discussions sometimes where I am looking for people with a different perspective on an issue or a different point of view than mine, because I am trying to understand why people think different ways. I want to try to see how they think and what reasons, experiences or whatever make them think the way they do, because this helps me to be more open-minded in my thinking and try to see things a different way to perhaps find some common ground with different people.
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• United States
18 May 12
Good thinking. I like it!
• United States
18 May 12
LOL! It is not often that we see ourselves the way that others see us, so you could be onto something here, Suebee. Even when I want differing opinions, though, I will still ask questions or argue (maybe "debate" would be a better choice of words) my point of view. Just because I want to understand a different side does not mean that I will change my mind or blindly agree with someone, although it is entirely possible that if they give strong enough reasons why they believe a certain way I might change my viewpoint ... or at least concede on certain points.
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
18 May 12
Yes, I've realized that the people who are the nasty, rude, close-minded and always right ones are not the type to respond to a discussion such as this one. Either that, or they don't see themselves the way others see them and they're all on here agreeing with me.
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@petersum (4522)
• United States
16 May 12
Unfortunately some people here don't want you to discuss the topic at all! It makes me wonder why they post anything. Their posts are clearly directed to one or two friends and no one else is welcome to say ANYTHING! You soon learn to recognize these hicks, and it is well advised to keep a list of such members so you can avoid them in future. I have a growing database of hicks, arguers, religious nutters, idiots, etc. Fortunately, there are a reasonable number of sane people here who do like to discuss things properly.
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@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
16 May 12
I feel the same way, in that if they don't want to discuss a topic why post anything at all? Sometimes one gets the feelings that they are posting just to try to prove to the world that their way is the only way, that their opinions are the only ones that matter and anything that anybody else thinks or says is irrelevant. And yes, I am starting to see a pattern for certain posters here and am recognizing the ones who fall into that category. Yes, it is fortunate that there are people on here who understand what mylot is about and can add to the enjoyment of the site.
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• United States
17 May 12
*wonders how many times "PurpleAlabaster" is on that list and under which categories*
@petersum (4522)
• United States
17 May 12
Actually there aren't any purples there. And the most purple of all is back to the lamb, so - let's think... Yes, definitely should be there under "fun"!
@Jatada (291)
• India
16 May 12
Everyone dont have same thinking as you so the opposite are also their.But opposite viewpoints help us to enhance our knowledge.So we should welcome the opposite viewpoints.If everyone has same viewpoint then their is no knowledge.So we should accept them
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
16 May 12
I totally agree.
@adforme (2114)
17 May 12
I see mylotters as my fellow mylotters. We are all a part of the mylot community. I believe in the freedom of allowing one to agree to disagree. Some discussions are not always coming from a view that is always agreeable with my opinion. I disagree with people I know from time to time. It is not always comfortable, but it is better to know how someone truly feels. Feelings are fluid, they are subject to change. Sometimes these changes result from experiences or acquiring a better understanding of something. When expressing an opinion, I believe one should be respectful and open-minded to the opinions of others. We really can learn from one another.
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@adforme (2114)
17 May 12
We agree he he he.
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
17 May 12
The key words here being respectful and open-minded. I totally agree. You have also made a good point in that feelings are fluid and subject to change.
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
17 May 12
@Porcospino (31365)
• Denmark
17 May 12
When I start a discussion where everyone agrees with me I think: "Hmm, I probably didn't pick a very good topic, if everyone agrees there is nothing left to discuss" I always hope that part of the responses will agree with me and the other half will disagree, so that we can see the topic from both sides. It is nice to hear from people who share my opinion or people who have experienced some of the same things as me because they understand me and we have something in common, but it is also nice to hear from people who disagree. They introduce me to a different perspective and I am able to learn something new.
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@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
18 May 12
For sure. It's always good to hear that someone out there shares your same opinions and ideas but also nice to hear some other points of view as well. I just don't like it when people resort to being nasty or name-calling. It's really not called for.
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• United States
17 May 12
Well, I used to just be myself when I responded to discussions, and it seemed that I didn't to so well doing that. I had lots of negative ratings because of it. I had to learn to kind of be wimpy or maybe that's not it. I had to learn to write what I think about the discussion, but reply very carefully and word my response so that I would do my very best not to show that I thought their way of thinking was crazy or silly or rediculous. I had to start adding to my response, things like, 'so I can see why you would look at it that way'. 'Hope to talk to you later'. 'You start great discussions'. 'Looking forward to the next'. Cause I guess I can be a little overbearing sometimes, so I try not to be by just wording my responses differently than I would by being myself.
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@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
18 May 12
Sometimes a little tact goes a long way! I think it's an acquired skill, to be able to word something so that no one takes offence, especially if the person you are aiming your reply at is overly sensitive.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
16 May 12
We cannot avoid opposing comments. I do not mind negative or opposing comments- that is normal since each of us has different views. No matter how we post a good topic and think it won't create any debate, still, there are comments that always oppose to what we think is right. I just ignore those comments as long as there is no word lashing or rude words being used. If that is the case, I just leave the box blank and report for deletion. I sometimes post opposing comments, but I never use rude words.
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@sirnose (2436)
• United States
16 May 12
You have noticed a lot of discussions on here where everybody agrees with what is said in the initial topic post. Because when your views differ from that person's discussion sometimes your star rating has a tendency to suffer from your differing point of view. I have Experience this on a lot of occasions where my star rating would drop becuase several respondent didn't like what I had said.
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@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
16 May 12
I post my point of view and yes, it sometimes differs from that of other responses or the person who started the discussion. I read all the comments first though so that I can determine the tone of the discussion. If I see that people jump on anyone with an opposing viewpoint with insulting responses, then I don't bother to post at all. I just move on to another discussion where the people are more open to all points of view, whether the same or different.
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
16 May 12
And that is exactly the point I am trying to make here. Just because you have a different point of view does not mean that your star rating should drop or you should receive a negative rating from someone. Don't those people understand that there are as many viewpoints as there are people and that maybe, just maybe they might learn something?
@oldchem1 (8132)
17 May 12
If everyone agreed on everything it wouldn't be a discussion. When you get opposing views it makes for much better and lively discussions. I remember one post I responded to several months ago about women drivers that became VERY lively - bit oh my ,it was SUCH fun!! But perhaps I should disagree with you to make a lively debate
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@oldchem1 (8132)
18 May 12
Oh yes I do agree with you there. I have seen some really nasty and distasteful comments made to other members at times; but a bit of friendly banter is a good thing - it also helps with the old bank balance too when you are able to 'talk' to members on a subject for longer.
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
19 May 12
For sure. The days that I've made the most money here on mylot are the days where I might only respond to one or two discussions but those one or two become long conversations!
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
18 May 12
I've had a few discussions where I have shared an opposing viewpoint that I quite enjoyed as well. And that's exactly what I'm here for. I just avoid the ones where nasty comments start to fly.
@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
17 May 12
It is a shame when a discussion gets to that point but it is also human nature. Some people just cannot handle being wrong. But when they get to the point of calling names I think it is time to remove the discussion completely. Like you said, everyone has the right to their opinions, but to get to name calling is totally off the hook. We are not here to fight. I also like reading different points of view because I always an curious about what other people think of things.
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@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
21 May 12
I hear you on that and I agree. But look at it this way, as long as the majority shares their opinion without arguments, then it is all good. I ignore the people who think they are right and that is that. I have dealt with many people who just do not listen to reason and will not listen as well as they just don't understand. So I just don't bother. We are here to have fun, so just keep doing what you're doing.
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
18 May 12
Well it is human nature for some but not all. I have run into many people on here who can share their different opinions and points of view without being nasty. You're right, some people just can't handle being wrong. I find that there are even some people who, when they realize they are wrong, keep arguing their point anyway.
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@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
21 May 12
For sure. And it's getting now so that I recognize certain people that have a tendency to be like those described and I just stay away from any of their discussions.
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@lifes97 (884)
• United Arab Emirates
17 May 12
yea right i agree, its nice to see and hear many view points so you learn and join the other people the way they think and thats give you chance for learning from them or they could also use the opportunity to learn from you, because people can see one thing in different way.
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@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
18 May 12
Ideally, that's the way it should work and I think, for the most part does. There are only a few on here that resort to name-calling, rudeness and nastiness and that sorta spoils the enjoyment one gets from the site. I just try to avoid those types.
• United States
17 May 12
I know what you mean i think some people get mad because, they are the type of people who always have to be right. But, if they are like that i dont think they should be starting discussions the whole point of discussions is to see other peoples views and opinions.
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• United States
17 May 12
Yeah i agree with you on that one.
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
17 May 12
I think most of us on here have encountered those people that always have to be right. I think that eventually it will catch up with them as no one will participate in their discussions except those that agree with them. If everyone agrees, it becomes a boring discussion and eventually even those that agree will figure that out and quit responding.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
17 May 12
Not only in these forums where we are just in discussion with our virtual friends, this happens in real life too. I cannot understand why people need to start a conversation if all they want to hear is their own voices.I normally don't like to interact with such people and if it happens in real life I get slightly guarded.
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@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
18 May 12
I know people like that in real life as well. To me, I don't have to be right and if the other person gets all upset and insists on being right, it's like, yeah, whatever. I refuse to argue with someone who is not capable of being open-minded.
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
17 May 12
I too love discussions with differing points of view. I learn a lot from them! I can't see why if a person disagrees with someone else that they have to get nasty about the disagreement. It's the nastiness, name calling, sarcasm and rudeness that carries from a simple discussion to the brink of war. You look at the number of people who have been seriously hurt or even killed for their point of view... it shouldn't be happening!!! I cringe when I see discussions on the Lot that have deteriorated to the point of sarcasm, name calling and negativity. I don't even want to read those kind of discussions let alone get involved with one. If you enter into a discussion realizing that you may learn something new, you will really benefit from the discussion. One of the best discussions I entered into recently netted me the benefit of a new way to control ants in my kitchen. I have cats and dogs so I don't want to use pesticides (plus I was exposed to them at a job I had and now have horrible reactions to them) around the animals. I learned that ants don't like cinnamon! My counters are cinnamon lined and the house smells like pie or cinnamon rolls but I don't have ants and the house does smell wonderful. In my view point, a discussion is just that. It is the opportunity to share ideas, beliefs and experiences. It is to help out your fellow MyLotters with problems whether they are personal or with computers, animals, plumbing or whatever. It is the chance to learn something new, to make friends (I just got a call from one of my MyLot friends who has been concerned about my newly discovered heart problem) and to support each other while making a little extra money. It also is the chance to learn to accept differing opinions with grace and respect rather than resort to name calling and hatred. I can't understand the ugliness with some of the discussions and will step away from the discussions and go onward to others. I don't take that kind of stress well, and will avoid it even more now with my physical problem. I will say that the greatest thing about the Lot is that I have had the honor of making many new friends, including Suebee!
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@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
17 May 12
Ah Loverbear, I'm glad that you consider me to be a friend. I'm like you, I'm here to learn, share ideas and put in my two cents worth (literally) on discussions that interest me. Even though I've only been on here for a total of 4 weeks now, I am indeed learning, especially from people from different parts of the world who have different cultures than myself. I'm also learning, and very quickly I might add, which discussions to avoid.
• Philippines
17 May 12
Hello Suebee! I like it when others express their opinions or their points of view even if they are totally different from mine. Besides, with different points of view, we get to learn a lot. However, when they get nasty or sarcastic, I do not think that I would be able to take that. We can always share our opinions without having to be impolite.
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@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
18 May 12
Agreed. If someone replies and I feel that their tone is nasty I'll make one very polite response. If their next reply is also nasty, then I just move on.
@allknowing (142679)
• India
17 May 12
There is not much of syndicating here now but I have had a bitter experience just because I had opposed something that this group was not in favour of.I had to literally fight single handed. And this cost me a star! When most do not know that an opposing point should not get a negative rating it is this that dissuades users from wanting to debate an issue. After all most come here to earn and if opposing an issue generates negative ratings why bother? But now the environment is conducive to making one's point as I do not find any group attacks! Go ahead Suebee have a blast. I am ready!
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@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
17 May 12
Hahaha. You are ready, in fact we both are, however it seems that we agree on most issues.
@fannitia (2167)
• Bulgaria
16 May 12
Hi, Suebee, as we see your discussion also attracts people with the same opinion . Maybe there are people who disagree with you or with other myLotters who have responded here. But why they don't participate? Maybe some people think that you should avoid a conversation if you can't be in unison with the participants. These people will get angry if you express a different opinion and will see you as an intruder. I have the same strategy as you - I try to stay away from discussions of this type. But it's good indeed to exchange different viewpoints. You can learn new things and it's more funny.
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@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
17 May 12
Yes, different viewpoints is what keeps the discussion alive and interesting. Maybe people who have responded here all agree because those that don't agree haven't responded because they don't recognize themselves as always having to be right or as being narrow-minded. And when you think about it, why would they?
@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
17 May 12
I think the latter part of what you wrote Suebee in starting this discussion suggests why some people take the safe route and not disagree. Conflict is not something many people want and that is understandable. Tension can occur and often that tension does exist before a person even turns on their computer. I’ve noticed tension like anger can also be passed around from person to person like a plaque and it builds up over time. Just an observation.
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@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
18 May 12
Yes, I agree. I avoid discussions where I can feel the tension. I'm here to enjoy myself, not to get into arguing and fighting, especially when I feel that everyone is entitled to their own opinion.