Does Philippines Should Banned Chinese Products?

@arviez (183)
May 16, 2012 10:40pm CST
With all the issues that surrounds that Scarborough shoal the Philippines is having a realization if they are going to banned the Chinese products. There are so many groups of Filipino protesters around the world are showing their anger to Chinese government for having a ways in claiming that Philippines properties which is the Scarborough shoal. My side would be that it should not be banned cause I believe that every problem if they are settled in a table with coffee can be fixed and resolve but if this is done this manner it will lead to much more complicated problems in the coming days. China and Philippines should settle this issue soon. What do you think guys? Share your views.
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5 responses
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
18 May 12
Hmmm.. It's easy to say so however it's difficult to follow-through. If we'd ban Chinese products altogether, what products would be left? Most, if not all, come from China anyway. Have you noticed all your stuff at home? They're all "made in China". Have a great MyLot experience ahead!
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
17 May 12
I do not follow much about this issue,however I agree that in every problem there is a solution. In regards with China products- actually, we can always banned their products not because of this present issue. But, I wonder why our government supports China products instead of promoting a close door policy. Our own products are even reliable and durable than those products from China. Okay...not to mention the gadgets which are really cheap- but not durable as well. Sorry- but I never patronize China products especially when it comes to appliances/gadgets. Maybe for small things that I can't even remember aside from hairclips. Let's pray for the peace in our country and other countries as well.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
17 May 12
On the first place, gav, banning Chinese products would create greater animosity between the two countries. We fully know that that there are a lot of Chinese people here in the Philippines, and they have thriving business as well. Banning Chinese products would surely affect them, because doing so might lead them to feel the animosity for them too, being Chinese. What we really need is diplomacy. The government should really think on how it should be done.
@zarasoc (110)
• Philippines
17 May 12
I think the thought of banning Chinese products is due to the news about the cancelled reservations of lots of Chinese to the Philippines, as well as the shipment of Banana from the Philippines they refuse to accept. Hard to think that those happened and it was not related to the issue. But still I agree that better both parties are not thinking and doing such things to make the issue worse and settle it on a peaceful way.
• Philippines
17 May 12
To be honest, I don't really have a clear view about this. Maybe because, I fear that if the Philippines does something too significant to bother China, it may end up to our own disadvantage. It's an ambitious thought to fight and stand for what is ours, at the end of the day do we really have the means to fight for it elsewhere should the situation call for us to do so? It's really sad to think about the fact that we lack the capability to defend our country where in fact we have been known us courageous men and women, who even fought on behalf of other nations before.